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Everything posted by ancient46

  1. When a black screen appears the first thing to try is to Alt Tab out of the game and go back to it. Especially if you have as AMD graphics card and have the latest driver. My game became almost unplayable when I upgraded the driver.
  2. ancient46

    Black Screens

    It is most definitly the latest Cataltst drivers that caused it. I reinstalled the previous driver and it was cured.
  3. Download the Revo Uninstaller free version and use it on the game. Choose the last option and it will search for the leftover files and registry entries. Delete entries for the game and try a new install it might fix the problem. There are several files and registry entries left behind by the game uninstall. I used Revo when I recently made a clean install for 1.8.3
  4. The game uninstaller gives you the option to keep your saves. It will leave it intact and you can use the saves after a fresh install. My saves were made with all the mods I use installed. I had a crash, so I played the unmodded game first and continued to play through the crash point after adding the mods one at a time. I had no problems, the save worked every time.
  5. I mean the white noise that plays almost constantly. An example of this is the constant background noise on the Ebon Hawk. It is way too loud for me.
  6. What the ancient hates is the ambient noise sound that plays almost every where, It is way to loud and soon becomes annoying for me. None of wav players I have will play the game files, so I can't as yet reduce the volume.
  7. This happens to me occasionally. Switching to another character, the Exile will follow and I regain movement control. I won't swear to it but I think it happens sometimes when I try to move before the end battle music ends. I can't really tell since it hardly ever happens.
  8. There are also the HQ movies and sounds released by Lucas Arts available on Filefront. The bik player will adjust the movie to the games resolution automatically. To take advantage you have to have the game patched to your monitor's native resolution. See for how to do this.
  9. ancient46

    Black Screens

    Well I have had the game since it was released and I have never had this problem before until I reinstalled the game for 1.8.3 The game does not crash It just gives me a black screen when the game when the game becomes playable. However I found an easy fix. When the black screen appears I just press alt+Tab, go back to the game and begin play. This also works when the game black screens when playing a cut scene. I have never had this problem before and have had the same hardware for a few years now, The only thing I can think of is a glitch in the latest AMD Catalyst drivers I got through Windows Update. So if you are black screening without a crash, give it a try,
  10. I do not have any mods that are not in the compatible thread installed. I have encountered some problems in the kinrath cave. I lose the ability to move the Exile after combat. It happens a lot if I try to have him move before the end combat music plays which seems to lag in the cave. I can switch to another character and the Exile follows. He will also run to the next combat but I cannot move him after. F4, F5 fixes the problem so it is only an annoyance. There is no discernable lag outside the cave, only inside.
  11. I requested this mod a long time ago and I am pleased to see it come to pass. Many thanks to Mandalore! However I would argue that offing a spy should be a light side act. Convo Option 3 made me think of Inigo Montoya.
  12. ancient46

    TSL Galaxy Map Fix

    I think this will happen if M 4-78 EP is installed after your mod.
  13. I have a daughter twice your age, and the ancient one is an active 66. I enlisted in the Navy after 2 years in college with an associate degree in electronics, before I got drafted by the army. I then spent 35 years as an industrial construction electrician before retiring. Being home all the time was boring so I took a job selling electronics items to people who don't know what they really need, three days a week. I was hooked on gaming when someone at work gave me a 9" floppy disc containing the Adventure game (most will know this as Zork) The computer was a DEC PDP 11 with a teletype interface at work (The personal computer was a few years away). I found out several years later that I have D.I.M.S. and can not play fps games without motion sickness.So I am an avid adventure and strategy gamer as a result. I plan to enjoying being retired and do some traveling, especially to Belgium to visit my daughter. I would like to take my wife of 40 years to some of the places the Navy took me so many years ago.
  14. How Does Visas get to Dantooine? When HK wakes up after being zapped by T3 why doesn't HK retaliate? Why are we too late in Freedon Nadd's tomb? What did the Sith find and since they are dead why does it matter? They weren't carrying much. Why don't Handmaiden's sisters find out Atris lied to them about her? Why is it so easy for Visas to get aboard the Hawk? Why is Atton on Peragus? How do the companions get off Malachor V to continue the lives Kreia described? Does Kreia "Force Teleport" Handmaiden to Telos and herself to Trayus Academy?
  15. I used the Rad video tools File Info to get the size. Most of the files are that size. Looking at a larger sample the are some files with different sizes. Some are as small as 640 x 252 so the game engine must be doing something. What it is I do not know offhand.
  16. I would be glad to become a Premium member but alas the Memberships are out of stock.I would appreciate knowing when they become available again.

  17. You have to have the sonic sensor and speak to HK 47 about it. You then have to have 3 encounters with the HK 50s. Keep an eye on the journal , it will update.
  18. I always take Visas to lead the mission to retrieve her Man. By this time she has Destroy Droid and Force Storm. I use all the characters at random, except Handmaiden and Kriea who never get upgraded and always stay on the Hawk when I am given the choice not to take them.
  19. ancient46


    Being too old to teach new tricks to, I would dearly love someone to develop a TSLRCM compatible mod that would allow the Exile to kill off the Republic spy Disciple for DS points. As a male exile. Disciple is a throwaway with no plot elements.
  20. My daughter had done some voice acting before she went to university. If you have ever played the Thief 2 mods you might have heard her. One thing that is cheap easy and effective is a pop filter. This reduces the impact of the voice's pressure wave hitting the microphone. She didn't have $20 to spend on one so I made it for her. It cost an hour's work and $0 to build. It is not pretty but it was effective. All you need is a metal coat hanger, discarded pantyhose, and a pair of pliers. Shape two hoops at each end of the disassembled coat hanger. Bend one hoop 90 degrees and stretch a leg of the pantyhose over the other. If you know someone with sewing skills they can neaten this up. Stick the screen on your computer desk in front of your mike.
  21. I had no trouble with finding it in Firefox. Try this address in your browser.
  22. A huge improvement to the game would be a Mod that allows the male Exile to kill Disciple for spying on him. Killing him off for a DS point would have no effect on the male's game, since Disciple never shows up again. If you do not enter the room in the ruins until after you leave, you never even meet him. However you still get the "Disciple phones home" cut scene and he disappears forever. As a darksider spies and annoying people should be killable, a living Disciple does not make sense for the Dark Side personna.
  23. I don't see any reason for the whole lightsaber quest I use the No Lightsaber Quest along with the Coruscant Mods. After I am free to go where I want I head to Coruscant for equipment. Dantooine for Visas, Nar Shaddaa for Mira and Telos Quest , Dxun for fun, and Korriban. I go back to Nar Shaddaa as soon as I can make Mira a Jedi.
  24. Looks like I have some more playing to do. I only went through it those three times. Fortunately I have a save just before HK-47 enters the manufacturing area.If I can reach back almost 50 years, I might find the high school math to figure out exactly how many endings are possible. However, for some reason my memories of the 60's are a little fuzzy. Well, maybe more than a little.
  25. If your video does not support the 640 x 480 resolution it will show up in a small portion of your screen. If your screen or video driver supports scaling you could select scale image to full panel size. Since the actual bik files are 1600 x 680 I am nit sure what to do to convert them to a size that will play on your computer or if it would be possible in the game engine.