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Everything posted by ancient46

  1. The Wide Screen Gaming forum reports that the game fails to run properly at the 1280 x 720 resolution of your laptop.
  2. Personally I wouldn't want a lightsaber with that vindictive old sith hag's cooties on it.
  3. On my first time through the factory I shut down both lines and blew up the terminals and the remote got smoked. The second time I downloaded the 47 to the 51 line, shut down the 50 line and found a lot of 51s in the main control room. Goto got smoked. The third time I did as before but I blew up the terminal in the 51 room. I did the 50 side and also blew up the terminal. I went to the main room and there were no units there. I shut down the factory and left. The 51s showed up and smoked Goto. So there are three different ways to deal with the factory with two outcomes for GOTO. So the best outcome for me is to blow up the lines, shut down the factory and blow GOTO to bits.
  4. ancient46

    HK Factory

    I am using only mods listed in the compatibility thread, and only a few. I do not use the USM. The only gameplay mods I use are EZswoop and No Lightsaber Quest. I have reached the manufacturing area of the HK factory and I entered the first room. I am faced with a multitude of units shooting at me. I retreat back up the corridor to repair and shield up. When I start back down the units are shooting at me through the walls. I battled most of the units in that room without ever going back inside it. Hk units have the ability to see each other through walls and fire blaster bolts through them? I am thinking I found a very minor bug here that could be fixed in the next release.
  5. Right now I have to sit through the entire turret scene without attempting to shoot. I always let the 23 Sith board the ship for the fun and experience had by killing them. The turret gets you next to nothing so it is not really useful. Also for people like me who can't play from a first person perspective without instant nausea, skipping them would be a nice addition. The mod does need fixing since it created an infinite loop, breaking the game for many players, including me. The one time it did not loop and reported 23 Sith had boarded, not one was found for another game breaker.
  6. I asked my beagle Shiloh, a Star Wars Expert, to show me Master Vash's saber color. I placed colored stakes in the back yard and he lifted his leg at pink one. He lifted at the green stake when asked what Luke Skywalker's one should be for Episode 6. For a definitive answer however, Zbyl2 should consult him to make sure.
  7. Telos Czerka Office, Light Side: If you do not visit the office before the B-4 D4 Mainframe Quest the cut scene with the criminals leaving plays. B-4 D4 gets the dialog that the Exile would have if he went to Czerka first. Should he know they are wanted beings?
  8. For the old and dexterity challenged players like me, there exists an ez swoop mod. It widens the pads and makes the solid objects illusions. Basically all you have to do is hit the shifts to win. It is also a great mod for those of us with DIMS (Doom Induced Motion Sickness). Game sequences that involve fast moving first person views make me want to barf, which makes the game not fun. This mod made the game fun again.