Doctor Evil

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Posts posted by Doctor Evil

  1. I think it's the Rakata Prime world, the film said Luke went looking for the first Jedi temple, and while it wasn't a Jedi world it was the site of an ancient empire and probably a place to start looking. It's also an unknown region of space and the only map there seems to come in pieces.


    I think that's false since Han Solo he actually doesn't know why he left and is probably scratching for reasons, the real reason of why Luke went missing will definitely be revealed come 2017.


    Speaking of which, did anyone else notice or think that maybe Han and Luke weren't on the best of terms given of how Han reacted when he heard Luke mentioned? It almost sounded grudgingly when he said it, as if he took issue with Luke completely disappearing, or maybe he blamed Luke for Ben's fall to the dark side.

  2. Hey TheDarkChocolateJedi,  what can we do to trigger the interest to Lucasarts so they would decide to start the project for Star Wars The Force Unleashed 3 next year? 


    Hate to burst your bubble bud, but you do realize LucasArts was dissolved right?

    • Like 1

  3. Besides, TFU had an amazingly powerful jedi who can pull down star destroyers, I mean seriously, then you come along and replace him with a bratty street rat (Ezra). Honestly, 'tis the truth.


    So that's all that makes TFU good? Having a demi-god Jedi doesn't make something good if it's not done right, and it wasn't. TFU 1 was ok but then TFU 2 became hilariously dumb. If anything, it ruined the OT because basically anything Luke does makes him look pathetic compared to Galen.


    TBH the video may be cringe-worthy, but that doesn't mean everything they did was so. All that needed to happen was a shake-up on top and the company could have gone on just fine, would have rather'd that than disney handing the keys to EA

  4. Yeah, whoop, in 1982.

    Nothing really with the legendary adventure games, not when most modern Star Wars games where made there.

    Bill Gates owns Microsoft too, but still mostly leaves the work to the directors in charge. Being an owner doesn't automatically mean dictatorship rule.


    Still makes the big calls since he OWNS the franchise.


    Being an owner means you do actually have a huge say in what goes on because you have the money invested, it's why NFL teams do what the owners tell them to do because they are OWNED by the owners. Business 101

  5. Very well, I shall stop posting here... I can see constructive criticism is unwelcome... enjoy your positivity thread where any kind of objection to TFA being awesome being crushed out of existance.


    I would have expected better on these boards, guess not.


    We accept constructive criticism, but you've said the same thing over and over and many of us provided counter-points which you and several others failed to respond to most of the time. Instead of engaging in an actual debate you decided to send some OOC insults my way, and then of course things just got heated from that end on a lot of people. It's a topic that needs some rest before it's brought up again. Just look at what you're talking about. Rather than joining in on our current discussion on whether TFA canonizes KOTOR, you're dragging it back to your "oh woe is me the superweapon is bad" Come on dude.


    I'm all for debating on what is a "flaw" in your opinion, but I actually want it to be a debate rather than just a complain session which it turned out to be.


    As much as the Old Republic era is one of my favorites. It will only manifest itself in the new established canon as influence. The same way Jacen Solo has and to a lesser degree the Sun Crusher.

    To a point yes, but there's no reason they can't officially canonize it, if anything they can just state that "Revan disappeared after destroying the star forge" hinting that while kotor I and II may be canon, TOR never was (and make a lot of people happy that way)


    I was very much pleased with the The Force Awakens. My biggest gripes with it were that there was no mourning or "aftershock" of the New Republic capital system being destroyed. There was a scene in ANH for Alderaan but not for an entire Solar System? Would have been a couple of minutes of footage for that. They also should have shown some scenes of Poe Dameron getting off of Jakku or escaping the crashed Tie Fighter. All you would have to do is see one trailer to know that he did not die. Again a minute or so of footage.

    Well I will say that there wasn't much time for them to "grieve" since the First Order arrived on their doorstep soon after, but I agree it would have been nice for a bit of gathering on that. As for poe, I think that choice was for dramatic choice as giving the audience a red herring, and adding some flashback scenes later on wouldn't exactly have worked on their re-union since it was about to focus on destroying Starkiller


    But besides those two minor flaws I loved it. I love the new cast of heroes and especially the villains. I did want to see more Luke and Snoke though as those are gonna be the two big power players but that was just something I wanted.

    Did anyone else notice Mark Hamil is still fat?


    Admin: Next time I have to remove profanity from this thread, I'm locking it and providing bans to the offenders. Re-read the site rules.

  6. Great work, but honestly this lightsaber would make more sense replacing that generic sith light saber we get at the end of Korriban, making it more than just another lightsaber, don't you agree? Just a minor note there, nothing editing a UTP wouldn't fix.


    Do you plan to make a Kotor 2 version as well? I can definitely say my evil Exile would love to use this mofo in slicing jedi

    • Like 1

  7. But if KotOR is canon, then TOR probably is as well :(


    RIP Revan and Exile, you used to be cool.


    not necessarily... If luke gives background to rakata prime and says how Revan disappeared after destroying the Star Forge (doubt if he will unless Revan is slated to appear in the new movies, but we can hope), then that means no more TOR. They can pick and choose what is canon here

  8. yea I doubt that as EA are going on about SWBF being the highest selling SW game in history for first week sales. What they forget to mention is that several other SW games broke records for first week sales and overall sales in their time (Kotor was huge considering the fact it was only released on the OG Xbox at first in a market where the PS2 just straight out dominated), this game sold an estimated 2.5 million copies first week altogether if it was lucky.


    They apparently already have another SWBF game in the works (believe it or not)


    Really? Have they posted official figures on their sales? If they really were selling that many copies, then they would post the figures right on their page.


    See, they made a mistake in letting people play the beta, because that really settled in many people's minds that the game was garbage. That's why I think the game flopped initially

  9. Unfortunately, the lesson they might take away from this is Star Wars games don't sell and stop making them completely.




    Except for Disney Infinity of course.


    Hardly, if the movie has been selling a ton, then games should sell a ton, I think the sales figures for Kotor were figuratively high for its day, so Disney should figure that EA screwed up rather than there isn't a market for star wars games

  10. "They were worried that a Multiplayer title only wouldn't sell"

    If only they applied that same one to then newer Battlefront.


    Disney will soon learn that they erred in letting EA handle SW games......... I hope


    the sales I hear sucked for it, only 3-4 million up to this point. That's a failure for a AAA game.


    I don't even know if I'd buy it if the price went down to $10, because that's still money going to EA

  11. Figures if I wrote down for the 4th(!) time why I hate the superweapon in TFA, Dr Evil just goes, again I might add, "you just hate superweapons, brah" rather than actually reading it.




    I read your post, it was basically the same thing you've been saying over and over, I snipped it because it was a bit much to put in the quote. You keep saying how I didn't read your post yet the ironic thing is you never read any of my points in my previous posts and just continued on the same sad tirade without bothering to address what I said. For somebody who's supposed to be setting an example to others, you're not doing a very good job. I'm trying to pull away from the discussion that got extremely heated, but you're basically stuck in it and continuing to add personal attacks against me.


    Like I said, I get you didn't like it, but for crying out loud if you're going to complain, please set up another topic. The majority of us would like to talk about something else other than something that had over 5 pages of people gutting after each other


    Except the Starkiller base was mentioned very early in the movie. Hux mentions something about a weapon being ready. Can't remember which scene though, I'd have to watch it for a third time. But it is mentioned a few times before it is actually shown. It's hard to catch though because Hux is hardly the most interesting character and whenever he spoke I just sort of replaced it with "blah blah First Order, blah blah, New Republic"


    If you're weary of super weapons, that's fine, but I guess I wouldn't say they pulled it out of their asses in the third act. Is it a bit abrupt? Maybe. Is the presence of a super weapon established though? Yes.


    I would say in terms of plot though, destroying the Starkiller base was not the main focus: saving Rey was. The Resistance flying around in their X-wings trying to blow up a thing happened mostly in the background while Finn, Rey, Han and Chewie were doing other things, and the focus remained on them. The Resistance probably only got less than a minute of screentime at a time (I'm talking when attacking the Starkiller base).


    I'd like to point out that this movie doesn't do the majority of its storytelling in exposition but rather in visuals, and from the visuals I got the story was great. I managed to figure out a lot of stuff in the movie just fine, and this post is pretty damn accurate right here


    2) Originally, I thought Rey acquiring Anakin/Luke's light saber and suddenly gaining wicked lightsaber skills was not great. After second viewing, she isn't really fighting Kylo Ren all that well, until she gets her "Force Nirvana" moment and lands a few skilled blows on him. This part is settled for me now.


    To be fair, the title of the movie is "The Force Awakens", and it's said the force has a will of it's own, so perhaps she let her instincts take over and the "force" guided her. I think the answers to this will come in the next movie, I don't think the writers would have left it just like this.

  12. -snip-


    We get it, you don't like the superweapon plot. Sorry that it was enough to ruin your experience, but please stop. We're not discussing it anymore because it has come to the point of people about to throw knives at each other. So unless you have something else to talk about other than what YOU think is a ginormous issue, I'd ask you please refrain from doing so because we've had enough of going off at each other. If you want to complain about it, please make another topic to do so.


    Can't believe I have to say this to an admin


    Yeah, I've been hearing things that Chewie is mad at Leia for some reason, though maybe it's just a fan theory. I'd have to watch again to confirm. Certainly an interesting idea, I hope there's some sort of beef between them.


    Hey man, it's the bro-code. When your bro's girl ditched your bro, take the side of the bro

  13. I actually thought the death scene brought Han's character full circle. We see him start out in episode IV without really a care in the world, and he's now transformed into this figure who's ready to sacrifice himself so that he may have a chance of bringing his son back. That scene alone made Han's evolution as a character beautiful. It's also the anti-thesis of the Darth Vader-Luke on Bespin scene where Vader is trying to take Luke with him to the dark side, tempting him, where Ren mentions he is tempted by the Light side and this is his big choice.


    The last scene is up for debate, we still don't know if Luke actually knows her, I think it might be nice if they absolutely know nothing about each other what-so-ever, but we'll find out 2 years

  14. Whaaaat? His mishaps in the Droid Factory in Episode II were hilarious though!!!


    TBQH Episode II i've kind of wanted to forget, thus it's mostly remembered in bouts of alcohol, but I do remember laughing at that segmet. I


    BB-8 with that scene on the thumbs up though got me, it was great,


    Comedy in this movie overall was well executed, but then they had the MCU guys to help em out

  15. K bud, keep on telling yourself that while you keep editing your post with what I said later as you think it's so clever, I'm not gonna engage you in a flame war, but feel free to keep raging because I said something about EU that made you mad


    AAANNYYYWAYYY I'm gonna bring this baby back to what it's meant to be about: Episode VII


    Gotta say, one of the best scenes in the movie was Poe Dameron taking out all those Tie Fighters like nobody's business. If anything, he could give Luke a run for his money.

  16. And I suppose I am exaggerating this too huh?


    You are, this is my last comment to you to defend my integrity


    I was referring to post ROTJ EU, which at the time I believed EU regarded anything after ROTJ, while I TOLD YOU but let's totally forget about that.


    Excuse me, by EU I meant everything after Return of the Jedi EU, since that's what I assumed EU generally referred to. While I said borrows heavily, I meant in terms of how it was borrowed rather than how much as borrowed, but borrows nonetheless. I'll try to be more clear next time.


    Thanks for proving me right, and as for TOR I meant the Old Republic, not KOTOR or II, please actually try reading.


    Hopefully you will eventually return to discussing the topic at hand, until then I'm not gonna bother respond to what I see is somebody upset because their comic books no longer are canon and thus are trashing the new material because of it. Can't believe you got that offended because I don't care for it