Doctor Evil

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Posts posted by Doctor Evil

  1. 15 hours ago, Kexikus said:

    That's exactly what TSLPatcher is for. There are just some mods where the creator decided to not use TSLPatchers full features and instead of modifying a module file just drops it into the modules folder and that's what's creating the compability issues.

    hmm, well i'm noticing modules being skipped or overwritten in every instance which leads me to believe it's not working properly for me, however if this is the case then that makes sense. Thank you

  2. You of course mean Oola, Jabba's Twi'lek dancer who is eaten by the Rancor.


    RIP rancor fodder, you will never be forgotten


    Btw, any thoughts on who that hooded figure is kneeling before that tank? I highly doubt it's Vader, and who the hell would the Emperor bow to?

    • Like 1

  3. Dunno why you guys ain't liking this trailer, my only issue was the cringe-worthy line "I Rebel".... It's almost like they brought good ol' George back to write the screenplay.


    Other than that this trailer looked pretty darn sweet.


    I'm probably going to take some crap for this, but I'm 45 yrs old and cranky,,,,,.another young female heroine lead? C'mon

    I firmly believe in the empowerment of women. They should receive equal pay for equal work. I believe they are capable of succeeding in the highest offices in our political, economic, and scientific arenas. I believe this messed up world will only get better as women become more influential in world affairs.


    to be fair, the first six movies all had male leads and only one female of note.

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  4. I swear, if malachor turns out to be just a "Saturday morning cartoon villain" type of deal, I'll be pissed. Maybe they'll throw in a reference to Kotor... Or find a skeleton of kreia or something (I know that would make zero sense, but, you know, I try.)

    Or perhaps her lightsaber would make more sense... Lol idk


    If you haven't even seen it then why the hell are you browsing this thread which is full of spoilers? No offense, but that kind of kills it.


    I will tell you that the episode is fantastic.


    Were we told exactly who that voice was? It was Asajj Ventress' VA but that'd make no sense...


    Well, I don't think the voice was Traya that's for sure, because the rule of two wasn't practiced until Bane came around and Revan was the only one before him to ever practice it as well. The temple heavily relied on the rule of two, and the weapon itself seems to crude for someone like Kreia


    My theory is that it might be someone like Darth Zannah if Rebels wants to borrow from old EU, but who knows.


  5. Aren't Malachor and Malachor V two different planets (or systems)?


    That's also a plausible theory, considering that systems generally have more than one planet. I'm sure that Malachor V, given that it was the fifth planet, could have had sister planets that would have been occupied by the sith.


    So, as for that owl we saw at the end again, Filoni keeps saying it means something and it is a big thing.... methinks it could be more than a symbol :V

  6. Yep. I'm officially angry again. They went and did what I was praying they wouldn't do. Who was the idiot that had the bright idea to change Malachor? They need an angry letter!-let me tell you. So they swap out Malachor V for this? There really going to change what might have been the most philosophical and thought provoking era that was in Star Wars? Was this really necessary? Why couldn't they just implement what was already there and just work around it? Malachor just got turned into another dumb Disney Sith super weapon planet? (The Revanist's struggle to fight the Mandalorian's wars was kicked to the curb for this? Kreia's teaching about the force? Was all that for naught? Was it all just changed to be in some PG TV show? This cannot be happening. What else are they going to steal form the EU? All that crap about "creative freedom”. All there doing is rehashing everything and making it worse in the process. True I do not know anything about this new Malachor .Or what event took place there. (It looks like Malachor meet's Valley of the Jedi if you ask me). Perhaps I’m jumping the gun here. However it just irks me to see an already underrepresented game and story. Get changed into something else, losing all meaning behind it that the original creators had in mind. I wonder how Obsidian fells about this if they even are paying attention at this point. Am I over reacting here? Or am I justified in saying this? Is my Love for Knights of the old republic 2 getting in the way of seeing the big picture like so many say in these situations? Don't get me wrong Rebels isn't bad I just don't think something as dark and as serious should be watered down and re-written just because some new group of people for whatever reason want to. (There are multiple Malachor's the one we are most familiar with was the fifth one given its name. I other if this was one of the other one's)


    Whine, whine, whine. You realize what Ahsoka said was an interpretation right? KOTOR wasn't even canon anymore, but let's assume it is.


    Second of all it's not "stealing" rather re-using when the material is still theirs to use, and EU was 75% crap anyway. Take the salt out of your mouth and look.


    Remember, the events of KOTOR were THOUSANDS OF YEARS AGO. Doubt they'd have all the details, hell, only those that were there in LOTR knew well about what happened when they first took down Sauron. It's perfectly reasonable that there was more to Malachor than just Trayus Academy


    Instead of jumping to conclusions how about take a breath, watch it again, and then take a look.


    I'll put a full in-depth post on this episode later.


    Hate to say I told you so, filoni is great at dumbing down the eu

    Yet he managed to fix the Clone Wars which was left to crap thanks to the prequels


    I for one was hoping for something a little more Malachor like, instead we get an op maul who should have died twice now do what ashoka couldn't and Vader looked like a joke, not one main character is bloody dead


    Because someone absolutely needs to die in order to satisfy your definition of a good season finale.


    Update Posted Yesterday, 12:49 PM [EST]

    Oh my god, that episode was an absolute masterpiece, if I wasn't sold before the ending, I am now.


    That ending track has to be one of the most powerful tunes I've ever heard, and boy does it fit the scene. I am slightly bummed that Kanan didn't die, but I think I know why they didn't kill him yet... So that they play the tug of war between him and Maul further.


    The fight between Ahsoka and Anakin was also quite awesome, and him almost coming back to the light was also great. (AAAAND SHE'S NOT DEAD). I wonder what Ahsoka will find left in that temple.


    Finally... Darth Maul never changes and thank god that's great. IMO him mentoring Ezra was some of the best Star Wars moments I've seen, true Dark Side Corruption coming up.


    As for Malachor, I'm OK with it being this way. It's ambiguous, it's not saying what really happened there, and it's perfectly understandable that the Sith had more hidden on that damn abomination than just Trayus Academy.

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  7. I don't think we'll see any old EU characters in the following movies unless Disney has a good reason to do so. Given how Rakata Prime is now canon, I'd say Revan may be brought in somewhere, and Benicio I am now leaning strongly towards he will be Thrawn.


    Let's hope it's better than IV... sorry, I mean VII.


    Yes, I definitely hope it's better than Joseph Campbell... I mean IV.

  8. The vanilla Imperial March by itself would definitely be overkill, but some of the more ominous arrangements could work (ie, the sting right after the "I am your father" line). 


    I know, I just think that alignment points aren't worthy of a stinger song, bit too much substance for a part of the game that you end up achieving quite often

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  9. Dang, I agree with Dr. Evil? This truly is an unique day.


    Hey, just because we didn't agree on one topic doesn't mean we can't on others. I just am a vicious debater, that's all :P.


    I actually did some modding work for a remake of Classic Doom onto Unreal 3 some years back with a group of people and it didn't produce anything simply because we all had other crap to deal with, and that's exactly what I expect to happen with this one. Barely a handful of projects with this kind of aspiration from fans EVER become reality, and when they do it is significantly down the road.


    And given what I've seen, it looks more like Mass Effect in Star Wars

  10. So I just noticed that the last two episodes of this season are titled "Twilight of the Apprentice"


    Now, naturally we'd assume that Ahsoka gets offed right there in those episodes, but I think that's too obvious.


    What's probably going to happen is KANAN dies and Ezra begins to embrace the dark side, thus turning to Maul for guidance without the knowledge of Ahsoka. I think that would be brilliant

  11. I think it's rather EA we have to blame. Considering the disaster that was Battlefront, there's not much hope for future Star Wars games, especially in terms of content.


    Oh that was my point all along, ever since Mass Effect 1, Bioware's game quality has gone down significantly and steadily, and EA is to blame.

  12. This thing isn't going to produce anything in the near future. By the time it does, far superior game engines will be available. Case and point, Black Mesa. (their devs confuse me though, since they seem keen to release MP content when their f***ing singleplayer isn't complete yet. Who played Half Life for multi-anyway)


    However, I'd rather a remake be in the hands of fans rather than Bioware since Bioware doesn't know how to make a good game/RPG anymore, plus with EA over their heads its bound to be "streamlined".

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  13. why


    Ok I was semi-drunk when posting that, but I'll probably enjoy the film regardless if they manage to maintain the quality.


    I just had a gut feeling that Benicio would either be an older Ezra or maybe Thrawn, who knows, I think Disney would like to capitalize on that character's popularity.

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  14. I just re-watched the trailer... is it just me, or did I catch a glimpse of The Maw after that scene with that hooded figure?


    I can send you a PM later on if you want? I cant wait for Vader to chop Ashokas head off though, They have made Vader a complete boss in this series. That clocked figure could certainly be Snoke, he looks very similar to him (just without all that disfigurement, maybe he gets disfigured by someone in this series, Like Sidious or Vader), and here I thought the grand inquisitor could have been Snoke, but that theory could be out the window if that was Snoke their... Looks great either way 


    EDIT: I just noticed Mazz was in the trailer aswell, now we know why they held off on the second half of this season as it looks like their could have been some semi spoilers in it for TFA


    Nah, found a good site though it's not HD, so I'll settle for DVRing. If you got a better option though for sure pm me and I'll check it out :D


    Didn't catch Maz in the trailer, could you point out where you saw it?


    Freeze-frame reveals Darth Maul tattoos...


    Are we seriously not done with him yet? Maybe this time they'll remember to give him a personality...


    On this plus side, more Rebels should be just what I need to wash the aftertaste of TFA from my mouth.


    Just re-watched it and you're exactly right, his facial structure is reminiscent of him as well...


    (can we not discuss whether we liked TFA or not in this thread though, because then the same thing that happened there will happen here >_<)


    "There's always a bit of truth in Legends" 

    As in "Star Wars Legends" aka the previous EU that went into the bin?


    I'm now seriously considering that they'll bring parts of KotOR into the current canon! Not everything, mind you, but I can see the character Darth Revan being referred to or something.


    A man can dream...


    Well with Rakata Prime being canon now, those ships looking mighty like hammerheads, it looks like they are prepping for that. Tieing Revan into the main canon would be fantastic in my opinion, but also for the franchise because Revan is an immensely popular character.


    And they can absolutely do a selective canon here, by virtue rendering the horrific TOR non-canon

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