Doctor Evil

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Posts posted by Doctor Evil

  1. Lot of Texture Mods, doubt that affects it other than TSLRCM and M4-78


    VP Handsister fix

    Peragus Tweak

    Bao-Dur Jedi Robes

    Weapon Model Overhaul and Blaster Pistol Enhancement

    2k Sion, T3M4, and Nihilus

    Achilles TSLRCM Robes

    Party XP bug fix

    TOR HK droids

    Sion Force Power


    Not much else that would affect the specific module, maybe the party xp bug fix is affecting it?

  2. The problem is that it's not Battlefront, It shouldn't even have the title on it. I got extremely bored after a couple hours of playing it because it felt so vanilla and lackidasical. Still, I liked some bits. Here is what I liked about it


    • Graphics - They looked incredibly real, top notch work
    • Sound Effects - Right down to little blips, DICE really deserves praise for nailing this to the wall
    • Rechargeable blasters - It's star wars and it makes sense honestly, a reloading system would have worked as well but I'm not all up in arms about it

    What I don't like


    • Vehicle power ups - This is the worst decision made by DICE, to make that using a vehicle involves running up to a holo disc and pressing 4, while trying to avoid fire. This completely takes away from the game because lots of players are instead hunting for these tokens rather than actually playing the objectives. I won't even discuss how bad the vehicle controls are, the T-47s are completely useless (and the empire should not have fighter support on Hoth).
    • Matchmaking - Taking away the choice of the players on where they want to go has always been bad. In CoD you often get lobbies that are hosted by Russians or somebody with a god awful connection. I have no clue why they can't allow us to choose our own servers
    • Partner - Apparently DICE thought that people playing this game only have 1 friend, what the hell happend to the squad system back in the BF2 Days?
    • Hero System - How BF2 had it was perfect, it made sure that the hero would go to good use. Now anyone can get it, and who-ever plays the hero is generally an 8 year old who does not know what he is doing. Also, same reason as above
    • the Card system - My god this HUD idea is horrendous, it makes it look like a texas hold-em game in star wars. My biggest gripe is the fact that a sniper rifle is a freaking power up, a weapon... as a power up... yeah.
    • Spawn system - This could have been the easiest of BF2's features to include, but instead DICE opted to roll with the typical FPS spawn system. Static spawns have been proven to work time and again, while this kind of mobile spawn system encourages spawn trapping, spawn killing, etc. It's complete garbage
    • Equip system - Only one weapon? Please, this is just awful. Any shooter gives the player at least two weapons to play with, one primary and a secondary
    • Lack of a Class system - I'm fine with the idea of customizing your set up, but getting rid of the class system entirely is dumb. Now there are no specific roles for characters
    • And last but not least (and most obvious), no campaign, space battles, or Galactic Conquest
    • Oh, and the $50 season pass announced BEFORE the release, when the game is still buggy as crap and will likely be a BF4 repeat launch. How insulting

    I will say I have always been opposed to DLC as it is used now. DLC should be (bethesda does this right) just expansion packs as they were 10 years ago that have little or nothing to do with the main plot. DLC, especially PAID dlc, for multiplayer games is even worse when it splits the player base into two, the haves and the have nots for maps, effectively killing the community. Halo specifically does not do paid DLC maps because of this effect, and that's one of the reasons why Halo is incredibly successful. Plus, I have a feeling this DLC for battlefront is just content that got the axe from the main game to be sold as DLC


    The minute EA was announced to develop Star Wars games, I died a little inside. Disney so far has made good decisions, not so much in letting EA ruin Star Wars gaming. I might buy it when the price goes down.

    • Like 2

  3. Well I tested it last night, and it still hasn't made a difference. GOTO still just stands there and the cutscene ends after the hologram fades. I think this is an NCS/NSS problem, and yet I didn't see a file for it in that folder...

  4. Yeah, exact same issue.


    And that still didn't make a difference :(


    EDIT: wait it did, just edited the wrong changes file.


    however, on the second window it still says appearance.2da while I think it's referring to GOTO's gff file and I still get the same issue

    • Patch operation started 10/13/2015 10:36:01 PM... • Updated 2DA file G:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Knights of the Old Republic II\override\appearance.2da. • Modifying GFF format files... • Error: Invalid file version. Loaded file is not in GFF V3.2 format! (GFF-1)

    So could I just edit the MOD file and replace the gff in there with this one in ERF edit instead of using tslpatcher for it?

  5. Posted 09 October 2015 - 02:32 PM
    Yeah I have my quicksave set before the remote touches the console, and if that doesn't work I got my other save which is right before the exile marches into the academy
    Posted 14 October 2015 - 12:36 AM
    Hmm getting this when using the "901 cutscene" install option


    • Patch operation started 10/13/2015 9:33:40 PM...
    • Error: No RowIndex/RowLabel identifier for row to modify found at top of modifier list! Unable to apply modifier "appearance_row_ds_g0t0_0".
    • Updated 2DA file G:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Knights of the Old Republic II\override\appearance.2da.
    • Modifying GFF format files...
    • Error: Invalid file version. Loaded file is not in GFF V3.2 format! (GFF-1)


    Do I even need to do this or is it fine with the main thing? I'm updating from 1.0 by the way.

  6. Wow no post in here for quite a while.


    Huuuuuge bug with this mod. After the remote finds the 4th terminal on malachor and bao-dur's recording plays, nothing happens afterwards. I still control the remote, and as such found GOTO standing there doing nothing. I can't even get him to fire the script.