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Everything posted by zbyl2

  1. Sure, I'll PM you sometime soon. Probably after I finish whole thing. Yeah, I totally get it, I know how much changes dialogs get when making storyline mod and I imagine voice actors go insane if you sent them new lines every time you change something. Yup, I know you don't have access to studio or anything and it's not all that easy to find willing voice actors with really good mics. Still, in the very beginning, there's huge difference between droid's and Drayen's VO quality, and since one dialog starts immediately after another, it's really noticeable. Don't think there's anything you can do about it, though. Can't you just check Min1HP in assassin's utc? Fair enough, I guess. Though it would be better if only some lines were unskippable, not whole convos. I suggest you check out how it was done in TSL's council scene (950COR). OK, sounds good. I'll post some more stuff after I play a bit more. It has? I don't see it in download section nor did I get PM about it being submitted, and I always do (might be because the Doctor did some cool stuff to get such a big mod up though).
  2. Some people seem to complain about wait time before download, makes me wonder why I didn't have to wait at all. Anyway, I played RoR for a bit and it's been moderatly enjoyable so far ; ) Some random comments I made during my play, no spoilers: * Lots of nice, high quality new faces. Really liked them, great kudos to Redrob - I'd probably go insane if I tried to get so many of them. * Didn't like opening cutscene. Crawl and CG things were fine, but the semi-ingame cutscene was worse, to be honest. I agree it would be better as in-game cutscene, but if it's not possible then nevermind. It really needs voice acting though; reason this scene seems to be so long (it goes on forever) is lack of VOs. I usually had to wait at least few seconds between when I read a line and when it went on to another one; lip movement stopping halfway trough the line didn't help either. * There are a lot of NPCs I can't interact with; all of them should at least have one random line when I click them, as in KotORs. It was especially irritating with droid in training room; he told me I could ask him questions if I had any, but then I couldn't talk to him again. * There was some line before Master Drayen's convo with some dots in it. Blank line would have been much better. * Love lightsaber hilts! * Training with remote was pretty cool, although it would be better if we could perhaps train with more than one, or even do some "level of difficulty" thing, which we'd choose trough dialog, and remote would be stronger/weaker depending on what we choose; just random idea. * Dialogs themselves were fine so far. Noticed some spelling issues (most noticeable would be sentences not starting with capital letter as they should, on numerous occasions). * Voice overs; from what I've heard so far - droid at the beginning had really good voice, though acting could be better; Master Drayen and the black guy from Jedi Council's VOs were worse, though (fault of worse mic, probably). I guess I can get used to it eventually. Also, some VOs (I think it was Correlian soldier just outside landing pad - he had first few lines voiced) should be louder, because I couldn't hear a thing he was saying. * My lightsaber kept getting deactivated during fight in Jedi Temple. I guess you might want to fix that. * No unskippable conversations, please? At least until you get voice overs. Same problem as with opening cutscene, wait between reading line and next line is annoying. * I like new music. Honestly, I didn't expect that many new tracks - it's really good so far! * Any chance to get Council members sitting? I don't know how many aliens have sitting animation, so I don't know if it wouldn't make things worse, though. * Man, those skins are really amazing. * Music in BIK movie, when flying to Correlia. The music changes were quite awkward, made whole thing look bad. Good music is really important, especially in sequences like this. I'll go more into that after I play whole thing. * The guy in Sith's uniform on Correlia was great. His reaction to "you're saying this to all your customers" made me laugh - great use of animation. There's one more thing I'd like to note but that would require me to go into spoilers; you asked not to do that here, so I'll PM it... eventually.
  3. I'm downloading. No idea when I'll play it, but I'll be sure to give some feedbacks when I do.
  4. Month and half since last progress report; not too long, considering gap between first and second reports was something around... half a year? Anyway! Progress... The most major thing that happened since last report is probably fact that we've got dialogs more or less finished for both Archons and Kaah Ohtok. They're in game, with camera angles and such done for the most part, altough Kaah's encounter still needs to be scripted for the most part. Other than that, I just today finished populating Environmental Zone with plot-related stuff. The module still seems kinda empty though, so we'll have to figure out what to do with some empty areas; but that's after I do all neccessary scripting in this zone. Plus there was some tweaking and bug fixing done here and there, nothing all that interesting though. Since I always give percentage after each progress report, I'll say 60% main plot done. Possibly more. That's all for today. I know it's less than usual, and there's less pics than usual, but you'll get short video later this month instead Until next time! I should get back to work...
  5. If by "canon" you mean things found in game files, then answer would be... kind of. Some main characters (Archons, Master Vash and another one) were all found in game files. Their dialog is also based on what was left in game files, although hugely expanded as there wasn't all that much lines for them in dialog.tlk. Plot is also loosely based on what was found in game (radiation quest, search for Master Vash, Environmental Zone locked down at first...).
  6. "If I were the Force, I'd be flowing inside you, baby." I'm so using this line if I ever happen to meet some nice Star Wars fangirl. Who came up with it, anyway? Seriously though, it's sad to hear it's "on halt", but it's good you at least said that, instead of pretending you're working while you aren't. I will patiently wait until you resume work, as it's one of very few mods I'm still really looking forward to. If the rest of mod is as good as part of it I played all this time ago - and I'm sure it is - wait will be worth it, no matter how long. The last screenshoot is very intriguing. I wonder what and where that is... please don't answer that, I want to find out myself
  7. No all lip sync are broken - we only change them in modules 101PER, 301NAR, 303NAR, 602DAN, 605DAN, 610DAN and 650DAN, and it will installs English lip sync for these modules into all versions because we needed to fix/add lip syncing for whatever reason; for example, 303NAR lip files are modified to add Fassa's lip syncing, 610DAN for Kaevee etc. It could be actually fixed, so that mod files with lip sync would be installed for English version only, while the others languages would get just some updated stuff in override (updated stuff meaning Kaeeve's lips etc). You actually surprised me with this thread. When I was making installer, I didn't really expect other languages would have custom lip syncing, to be honest. I don't think I've ever seen Polish translation with custom lip syncing (but then again, I haven't played anything with my native translation in a long time). Well, the files look the same but they are modified. It's impossible to see difference in lip files without opening them in proper editor.
  8. OK people, lets celebrate because Industrial Zone is now oficially DONE! Well, "done" maybe isn't the best word. Playable. Yes, "playable" is more like it - there are still things to tweak, and side-quests to add in the future. I know, it's been a long time since last progress report. Way longer than it should have, to be honest. Progress been slow for numerous reason, lack of time being just one of them - but things should speed up now, hopefully. It will be worth the wait though, I promise! Now, I've been talking about progress, and posting screenshots and such, but it recently occurred to me we haven't posted much info on what a mod is going to be about. Most of you know, but any newcomers might be confused. So lets talk about some of the important things on the planet: STORY Story was always the strong point of KotOR games, and so we're trying to get story on M4-78 just as strong. Now, as lot of you know already, basic premise is: go to mysterious droid's world called M4-78 and a find Jedi Master Lonna Vash. Droids arrived on this world many years ago and begun to prepare this world for colonization, awaiting the arrival of their "colonists" - the Sith. However, shortly before Exile's arrival to the planet, whole colony is flooded with deadly radiation, killing off all - or at least, most of - organics on the planet. Who released the radiation? Is Master Vash still alive? And why did a Jedi Master come to this planet in the first place? Well, you'll have to find out for yourselves when the mod comes out. Another important thing is a choice. Do you like to talk your way trough problems, whenever possible? You can. Or would you prefer to kill everything on your way? Sure you can. Which leads into another thing I always love in games... CHOICES & CONSEQUENCES Well, the so called C&C. That's probably the greatest things about Industrial Zone, and one of the reason it's taken so long to get it work - so many variables, it's easy to get lost in that stuff. There is a lot of dialogs, a lot of choices, and your choices will actually have impact on a planet. Droids will react differently to you depending on what you do, things will be different around the planet depending on options you choose. For example, there's this droid you can intimidate into helping you. Did you kill every droid possible since you've arrived on planet? He sure will be scared. Did you help everyone you met? Won't be so easy to scare droids now. It's just one of many examples on how droids will react differently to you depending on your choices. Replaying the planet twice won't be enough to see everything there is! RE-SKINS Enough about story, lets talk about characters skins. Well, there's not really much to talk about, other than fact you'll be seeing some new skins around. Not much of those done yet, but some we have are pretty good - especially those few done by Redrob COMPATIBILITY And another thing people like to ask about a lot - compatibility with other mods. I can say it surely will be 100% compatible with TSLRCM, and we'll of course try to make it compatible with as many other popular mods as possible. If you asked about percentage, I'd say... 49% of main plot working in-game - doesn't count side-quests nor VOs. Yup, that's about half planet done, up until meeting with first Archon. And I think that's about it for now. As I said, Industrial Zone is playable. I'll do some tweaking of the zone for the rest of week, then send stuff to Hassat and move onto the Environmental Zone myself. And once Hassat is done with dialog tweaking, we will probably start looking for voice actors - more info to come! As always, feel free to ask any question, or just post anything at all just to keep us going!
  9. There have been screenshots (posted by Stoney) around our social group on lucasforums for quite a while now. I'm surprised you haven't seen them, Sith Holocron! I love the skyboxes by the way. I know I've said that before, but they're still awesome. No problem, I will. Thanks!
  10. It should answer SH's question about skybox Another good news, there will be an actual "progress report #2" posted within next few days.
  11. I don't know, it may be *hint hint*
  12. Here's a new one, because I've done a LOT of work on mod today and I feel like posting something. It's from a cutscene I've just finished scripting - it's quite important scene (plot-wise), so, as I don't want to spoil it for you, I won't say what it is about - but, as always, feel free to speculate! : )
  13. Actually, unless I'm looking at wrong droid, this model isn't even in first KotOR... it's only in TSL, and it's unused in vanilla. And it's way bigger than Rakatan droids. And no, I won't say what it is
  14. 99% sure there will be one, but that's something to do much, much later. As both SH and Hassat said, can't do a good trailer without VOs.
  15. All models are from game files, though some were unused in vanilla game and a lot were retextured ; ) Oh, was talking about droid models, obviously. There are, however, some new placeables Stoney made - they're even on screenshots : )
  16. Some new screenshots, so you have something to talk about ; ) Obviously, I won't show you the best things until release - and trust me when I say there's some really awesome stuff on the planet : ) Well anyway, until the progress report #2, I guess.
  17. Yeah, me too Seriously though, I don't really have as much time as I'd like, so I can either spend what little time I have on writing a progress report or scripting stuff into game. I chose scripting. Section I'm working on right now requires really lot of work - details to come! That being said, I'll post some new screenshots fairly soon. No big progress report until whole 803DRO is done and working, though.
  18. It will be possible to make it compatible with no-english versions using language converter tool (people were using this a lot for TSLRCM 1.4[beta], back when it was first released, long before the translation). The dialogs would still appear in english, though. It's too early to say if it will be possible to translate everything, since there's really lot of text on a planet, and it's just too much work for me to export it all for others to make translations. However, if someone was to export and translate dlgs and tlk files on their own, and then put it back in game, I would be willing to release it as a "patch".
  19. Actually, I kind of enjoy reading how people talk about such small details as lightsaber colors and since it's a "progress report thread", I guess people can talk about pretty much anything mod-related they want to. Of course should anyone feel a need to start new thread for lightsaber discussion we're fine with it, it's always good to see forum grow : )
  20. Now, that's unusual question, but I guess I can answer it. Vash got a blue one, and I believe her Padawan's saber is yellow.
  21. zbyl2

    Ebon Hawk

    No idea what's that for, but looks EPIC!
  22. From what I recall there was compatibility patch made by Stoney for original M4-78 mod, which I believe will still work for M4-78EP. No it won't. Most of content on M4-78 were created by our team so you can't really call this planet "restoration", even though main plot points and modules were, in fact, salvaged from game's dialog files.
  23. File Name: Restored K1 BIK movies File Submitter: zbyl2 File Submitted: 27 Jan 2011 File Category: Mods This mod adds three BIK movies cut from final release back into the game, nothing big. Restored movies are: 07_3 and 07_4 - Ebon Hawk escaping Sith's fighters. One is pleyd when you escape Taris, another when you arrive to the Star Forge. 05_9 - just before Carth talks to Admiral Dodoona, this movie with Ebon Hawk approaching the Star Forge is played. Click here to download this file