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Everything posted by DarthParametric

  1. It already uses patched TSLRCM dialog.tlk and 2DAs, so there's no compatibility problem using the approach I specified (hence why I specified it). Per the OP's Reddit post - https://www.reddit.com/r/kotor/comments/4637jl/kotor_2_how_would_you_go_about_turning_a_workshop/ - the mod in question can be located here: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=489204257 http://www.nexusmods.com/kotor2/mods/57 The author is TamerBill.
  2. Based on the mods listed in your Reddit post (you should link them here btw), it looks like the Steam version has an additional 10 or so rows it is adding to dialog.tlk, above the 36 ones the Nexus version adds. It also looks like the scripts have changed. I decompiled them and had a look, and it seems like the shared ones are pretty much the same, but obviously the compiled ones have hardcoded values for 2DA references while the Nexus version uses memory tokens. It would be a pain in the ass to try and rejig those for a TSLPatcher install. If the author won't update to the Nexus, the most logical approach is to start from a fresh install with TSLRCM from the Workshop, subscribe to the mod in question on the Workshop, back up a copy of its Workshop folder somewhere then unsubscribe from it. Copy and paste the contents of it over the top of TSLRCM's Workshop folder. Then do all your other manual/TSLPatcher mod installs over the top of that.
  3. Same thing. Open the UTI in KOTOR Tool, go the Properties tab, select/highlight the row you want to get rid of, hit the delete key. Save out the UTI. If you want to add in a new additional property, double click the little asterisk and it will pop up the property selection window the same as when editing an existing row.
  4. In KOTOR Tool. Open the UTI, go to the Properties tab, double click on the Defense Bonus property, in the new window that pops up, make the changes I described above, click the Update button, then save it. Here's a UTI I edited for you, if you want to try testing it in-game: http://dpmods.wheb.org/files/kotor/misc/g_a_class4004.uti
  5. Ah yeah, the base item is defense 4. You could try editing the Defense Bonus property and changing the type to "Decreased DB", set the sub-type to "DB Armor", and the value to "Penalty -1".
  6. Just edit the UTI (g_a_class4004.uti) in KOTOR Tool. In the Properties tab, edit the Defense Bonus property and change the value from 2 to 3. Save it out to a file.
  7. This should really be in the (newly minted) requests sub-forum. Perhaps a mod can move it. I guess someone did. I decided to take a crack at it. Got the basic shape roughed out, sans the little squiggly bits at the bottom of the metal emitter shroud: I'm not too sure yet how the emitter will go with the blade planes. I might have made it a bit too narrow. Will have to test it I guess.
  8. I think the Revenge of Revan mod managed it, didn't they? Presumably they managed to compile a new model with a replacement character. Perhaps Logan23 or redrob41 could chime in with some specifics. The mod has its own sub-forum here. Maybe you could ask in the "Ask the Developer of Revenge of Revan....a Question" thread. http://deadlystream.com/forum/forum/5-revenge-of-revan/
  9. DarthParametric


    SpartanG087: How about this one? http://www.gamefront.com/files/5533293/Revan_Mask_for_both_KOTOR_and_TSL
  10. Not necessarily. Some mods still in circulation pre-date the existence of TSLPatcher.
  11. http://www.gamefront.com/files/13259422/PC_Republic__2_0_ http://www.gamefront.com/files/10883020/Republic_Helmet http://www.gamefront.com/files/13325868/K1_Republic_Admiral_Uniforms_mod http://www.gamefront.com/files/10724822/Republic_Armour http://www.gamefront.com/files/12903189/Republic_Clothing http://www.gamefront.com/files/10623576/Party_Republic_Officers
  12. That doesn't look like a retexture, it looks like a custom model. It looks a bit Mass Effect-ish to me. I was going to say it might be one of InyriForge's, but I can't see anything that looks like that.
  13. I can make some (not all), but I'd need some specifics. I don't really have enough imagination to come up with designs by myself.
  14. You should start by reading the TSLPatcher manual. Changes for 2DA files are fairly straightforward. It lists the 2DAs it edits under [2DAList], then for each 2DA it will list the rows it adds or edits. For a given row, it will have COLUMN_NAME=CELL_VALUE. Any columns without a specific entry have a null value (i.e. ****). Anywhere you see a token like 2DAMEMORY1, that is a value that is stored/used at runtime. For example when adding rows to a 2DA you will often see 2DAMEMORY1=RowIndex, which is telling TSLPatcher to store the row index number in memory. This will then be called later for use in another file, like a different 2DA or a UTI file. A common example is adding a new row to heads.2da, storing that row index as a token, then adding a new row to appearance.2da and entering that token into the head column. This is a core element of how TSLPatcher achieves mod compatibility.
  15. I think you can add it to baseitems.2da and that will allow you to create texture variants. Like so - http://www.lucasforums.com/showpost.php?p=2397938&postcount=9
  16. While it is inadvisable to install that mod after already having landed on Nar Shaddaa, it's just a collection of scripts and dialogue files. It seems highly unlikely to cause graphical glitches. I would suggest you have other problems going on.
  17. From the point of view of not having to add new placeables to the world, one bench is less hassle assuming the interface can be altered, although my preference is not to screw with vanilla stuff more than you need to.
  18. I see no reason why changing the model shouldn't be possible, if that's what you mean. Or you could always just retexture it.
  19. DarthParametric


    I imagine the snippets while the shuttle is crashing on Telos. Personally I think that is something that should have stayed on the cutting room floor. The shuttle interior looks weird and inappropriate for the actual vehicle, and the conversations constantly cutting in between the pre-rendered videos just unnecessarily fragments and drags the whole segment out.
  20. Ah, so I would guess that is probably the same problem DeNCS has then.
  21. Nice, especially given that it handles DA and DA2 scripts (as far as I am aware there have never been any publicly available decompilers for those). Any plans to turn into a human-readable script format for simple peons like myself? So for example instead of this: ; 85 bytes, 12 instructions ; Engine types: ; E0: Effect ; E1: Event ; E2: Location ; E3: Talent _start: 0000000D 1E 00 00000008 JSR main 00000013 20 00 RETN -------- -------------------------- --- main: ; void main() 00000015 04 05 str CONSTS "" 00000019 04 05 str CONSTS "" 0000001D 04 05 str CONSTS "" 00000021 04 05 str CONSTS "" 00000025 04 05 str CONSTS "" 00000029 04 05 str CONSTS "05r" 00000030 04 05 str CONSTS "lev40_wpconfa" 00000041 04 05 str CONSTS "lev_m40ac" 0000004E 05 00 01FD 08 ACTION StartNewModule 8 00000053 20 00 RETN -------- -------------------------- --- you get this: void main() { StartNewModule("lev_m40ac", "lev40_wpconfa", "05r", "", "", "", "", ""); } We already have DeNCS which does this for most K1/TSL scripts, but there are some it fails on.
  22. Look over at Lucasforums. People were asking Stoffe for the source code so a version without the dialog.tlk version could be compiled. It has been almost a year since then though, so I assume nothing has come of it as yet. http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=149285&page=8 You could try sending Stoffe a PM. Her profile suggests she was still active just a couple of days ago. Just enquire if releasing the source code is a possibility, or transferring it to someone like Fair Strides.
  23. Yeah the rounding is normal, regardless of version. Other 3D apps do it as well.
  24. You need to edit the UTI for the item and change the appearance. Remember that as I said previously, body models are shared. So if you replaced body type J then the Revan and Starforge robes will also use the Bandon model. You do not want to try and replace the standard robes model, as there is only one in K1. Unless you want every single Jedi running around in Bandon's outfit. Additionally, Bandon's model is male, so I'm not sure I'd be using it for female PCs.
  25. If you are editing appearance.2da the model and texture entries should both be N_DarthBand. The columns are modelj and texj. You'll need to do it for every row of P_MAL_X_XXX_XX, unless you know which specific body you are using.