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Everything posted by Kexikus

  1. Since this mod only adds .utc files to your override folder that aren't even used by TSL, I can hardly imagine it having any effect (positive or negative) on your game. But you can uninstall it anyway, simply because it won't do anything^^
  2. I might repeat myself, but that looks amazing xD About placing them ingame: I'll just post the random idea I had when I read your post, not knowing if it's possible at all^^ The idea is to place 3d buildings all around the walkable module and behind those the 2d building texture and even further away the skybox. That would add even more depth to the cityscape than any background texture ever could. But as I said, I don't even know if that's possible, so I'll leave it up to you but I wouldn't mind a combined "Taris Backdrop Improvement" release that includes more 3d buildings as well as new background textures
  3. Looks awesome as always^^ One thing I'd recommend trying however and that is decreasing the contrast of the sand texture (both indoors and outdoors). I think that lighting up the darker parts of the texture could make them look even better.
  4. Considering that TSL's handbook is just way better than everything that's called handbook today, that says quite a bit about KotORs quality^^ Just checked and I couldn't find anything in the Steam version.
  5. That looks amazing And I don't think it's too wide.
  6. One thing you could try is deleting the intro movie files. To do so go to your kotor installation folder, then to "movies" and rename the files biologo.bik, leclogo.bik and legal.bik to something like biologo_orig.bik, leclogo_orig.bik and legal_orig.bik (doesn't really matter as long as you rename them but can still use them as a backup). Even if that fixes the start problems, you might still get crashes after cutscenes while playing. If that's the case, rightclick swkotor.ini and under Compability check "Disable Visual Designs" and "Desktop [something]" (can't tell you what they're called exactly since I'm not using an English Windows version^^) and if you still get crashes after cutscenes, you'll probably have to disable movies :/ But all that might not even be the problem you're experiencing, so yeah, more information would be quite useful.
  7. It seems like my last picture caused some confusion, so let me clear that up. The green grass of the module itself is NOT part of this mod, but comes from "Green Grass for Dantooine" and since I use that mod, I also made a skybox with grass colours matching the ones in this mod. But this will only be an optional download for those who also use the green grass mod. The main download will include a Dantooine skybox with orange/brown grass as seen in vanilla. The vanilla version is simply not done yet, meaning that I can only show the green version.
  8. Do you mean the grass seen in the skybox or all of the grass?
  9. Since you also seem to be fixing vanilla bugs in K1R, I was wondering if the following two are going to be fixed. 1. In vanilla there is no way to get Sandpeople Clothing except for attacking the ones guarding the entry to their territory, where as in the XBox version of the game, you also get the clothing from those random ambushers. I made a fix for that, so I don't really need this one to be included in K1R, but I was wondering anyway, especially since it's different compared to the XBox version. 2. As you probably know, it's possible to kill the giant shark on Manaan but still not get banished from the planet. Now, if you have any sidequests that were not finished before, the quest givers refuse to talk to you, making it impossible to complete the quest. But at the same time, the quest will forever stay in your quest log. My solution would be to simply end those quests when they quest givers refuse to talk to you and actually I thought about making this mod myself, but thought I'd still ask if you want to include something like that. And thanks for your great work, can't wait to play version 1.0
  10. I did indeed find the time to finish the Dantooine skybox (or the green version at least). I might still darken the sun a bit, since it's still really, really bright, but everything else is done. And to celebrate this step towards a finished product, here's a screenshot for you
  11. I like the direction this is going The grass and the academy look great. But I think the tree leaves should be smaller. I can't say why but they feel too big to me. The vines could also use a little more variety. And the window reflections look wrong and also a bit weird since they are the same for every single window. I don't know how much you can do about this, but right now they just don't fit there.
  12. Some variety would definetly be great. If you need some more inspiration for different building designs, I'd recommend this concept: I don't know what it is exactly, you plan to do, but I thought I'd just post this picture^^ Also, I'll try to finish the Dantooine skybox this weekend (if I find some time between my Witcher sessions xD) and possibly start the Unknown World. We'll see...
  13. Awesome Taris looks great already in this unfinished state. The contrast between the clean Upper City and the dark and dirty Lower City just gives so much more atmosphere to the whole planet. Can't wait to have the finished pack in my Override^^
  14. Thanks for looking into that. And yes, I can use as many .obj files as I want. More would also be better for additional variety when randomly placing the models, but as long as it's only a few buildings in one file, like in the screenshot you posted yesterday, it's perfect.
  15. The tutorial section is basically a must have, especially since there are no other places with that many of them (or atleast, I know of none). There is of course other stuff but those should really be backed up.
  16. White Windows with a touch of yellow would probably ne best. Again just as they are seen above^^ Edit: I have no idea how much work it'd be but a second model with only a single house to fill gaps would be really useful, so I thought I'd ask you ir you want to make one^^
  17. Amazing Thank you very much already. About the windows: Couldn't you just use a simple texture that's not actually transparent but looks like windows? Just like the one seen on the right of my last screenshot. And if I might add a small request: Would it be possible to remove that platform leading to nowhere? I'm just asking since the random placement of the buildings in the final scene could lead to quite a few walkways just hanging there in the end^^
  18. I didn't really care about any proportions when making that test. I only wanted to know whether or not I can use Terragen to create that texture. But once I make the real one, I'll keep in mind what you said. Although it could be a little difficult, since it's only one texture used several times (4 times or so in the picture above). And no problem. I'm in no hurry, since progress on Taris has basically stopped anyway :/ If you could do that, it'd be amazing The formats Terragen can use would be .tgo or .obj. Let me know if you'll indeed try this and if I can help in any way.
  19. Try checking all the compability settings for swkotor.exe. I fixed my frequent crashes after cutscenes by checking "deactivate visual designs", so it might work for you too.
  20. I could use some help And here's why: Yesterday I did a quick test to see if rendering the buildings in Terragen could work. And it does, as seen in this picture: The colours are obviously wrong and some of the buildings are cut off in the middle, but fixing that is no big deal. There is however a bigger problem: Those bulidings don't look Tarisian at all... and that's where I could use some help. If anyone knows of any free models that look like Tarisian buildings, let me know. Or if anyone wants to make like 2 or 3 different buildings for me to use, that'd be great too. And if not, I'll have to find some other solution
  21. There is only one skybox for Taris in vanilla KotOR and I tried to copy it's sun position.
  22. I agree with you on that one, but I might still have to use them, simply because the "millenium city" model has a really weird shape with lots of free space that I might need to fill somehow. I'll have to see what I end up with.
  23. I won't replace any 3d buildings^^ The 2d bulidings will be replaced with something I render in Terragen and edit in Photoshop, hoping to get something useful. For that render I'll use one or both of those models: The second one I also used for the skybox shown in my last post.
  24. I present to you: Taris (or atleast a low quality test of only the skybox texture itself^^) The interesting part is of course the background. It's a bit hard to see due to the 2d bulidings in front of it, so here's one of the textures itself for you to see the beauty of Taris' skyline In vanilla, there are no bulidings on the skybox texture itself, only two layers of 2d buildings in front of it. But I decided that I'd like to have more depth for the cityscape so I added bulidings to the sky. And I will also replace the original 2d buildings.
  25. That line wont be visible in the final Version. What you see in the screenshots above are only low quality tests to see if the skybox looks good in-game.