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File Comments posted by Mephiles550

  1. If anyone is curious, this mod will NOT be compatible with the Manaan Overhaul mod by Jorak Uln for reasons that DP already described, unless you're willing to go through and delete all the specific files relating for the Overhaul's Kolto tank, you will get a glitchy mess in the med room if you use both.


    Technically the Kotor Overhaul mod is also not compatible, but a five minute copy+paste/replace with ERFEdit can fix that.

  2. High Quality Blasters

       52,057    33

    Additional textures are not needed, trust me. Most of the guns just re-use the same textures from Kotor and the ones with TSL-unique textures, of which none come to mind, can just share some other textures instead. That won't be a problem.


    Motivation-wise, I understand fully. I've been playing more Kotor than TSL. I'm indifferent to the situation because I already set up my TSL to have all blasters replaced with custom models (ToastyFresh & some other models here) but I'm just asking because I know for sure that some would be interested.


    By the way, my favorite designs are the Blaster Cannon and the Genoharaden blaster. :)

  3. High Quality Blasters

       52,057    33

    This is a fantastic model pack! It feels like they came right from The Old Republic.


    If it wouldn't be too much to ask though, do you think you could port this pack over to TSL? Trust me, I know how much of a pain in the ass it would be to do that with the additional weapon types and file changes. I had to make my own modifications using ToastyFresh's Weapon Overhaul TSL beta and I had to convert and edit a good number of models. I'm asking because TSL especially feels really devoid of high quality blaster models. 

    • Like 1
  4. Companions' Robes

       4,079    14

    I haven't downloaded either this mod or the Unmasked mod yet, but I think the latter of the two mods is required because it'll allow the robe model to show on Visas as opposed to her regular attire that she always wears in the default game.

  5. Sithspecter's Boba Fett

       1,394    4

    I love this mod, although I can see what Prime is talking about. The Fett model looks somewhat similar to Mars Marshalls Boba Fett model. I'm likely wrong, but that's a noticeable coincidence. 

    Great mod. I'll probably give it to Sherruk or some other Mandalorian in the game. :)