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Mephiles550 last won the day on April 18 2023

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  1. Decided to try Reshade on Kotor for the first time... this hurts my eyes and it feels like the antialiasing was completely turned off (it's set to 8x). Ya... not seeing the big deal.

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    2. Malkior


      Seems fair.

      I've recently found a shader that alters the in-game colors based on the gamma on the screen, so you can control how dimmer scenes look (Such bringing out more blue colors and increasing contrast during Peragus) and brighten the game significantly during daytime outdoor scenes such as Dantooine and Onderon.

      Reshade itself has a lot of potential, but not a lot of people want to use it for much more than radically altered colors and freakish bloom.

    3. Mephiles550


      I remember watching an animation several years ago where it joked about the only way to really improve graphics nowadays is to just amp up the bloom/godrays/what have you to ridiculous levels. The protagonist's eyes eventually burst into flames lol

      Relevant even in old games

    4. Malkior


      No doubt. :D It's ironic how people still don't know what makes modern games look good. (Hint: It's not the stupid bloom..)


      An addendum:

      To make bloom work properly, you have to adjust the sensitivity of the bloom so that only specific lightsources cause bloom (or don't) and then adjust the amount of bloom accordingly. This way, you can set your game to have no bloom until a bright light hits the in-game "camera", or you can set it to always have a very faint bloom on all light sources if you prefer.

      What I've seen from most presets are ridiculously high sensitivity and unreasonably bright bloom. (Mixed with a lot of darkening and contrast to compensate; which just makes it worse IMO)

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