Thrak Farelle

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Thrak Farelle last won the day on August 12 2016

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About Thrak Farelle

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    Jedi Apprentice
  • Birthday 07/04/1994

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    Wait, besides Star Wars?

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  1. It's great to see things working out here so positively! Looking forward to giving it a try my next playthrough (which will probably be after the summer, no way can I fit a proper KotOR playthrough in my life before then!) A Future Pilot has my happy permission to include my Droid Feat Gain Fix in the K1 Unofficial Patch
  2. Already works as intended in TSL Sorry for the super long wait, 2017 was a real tough year for me and I'm only just starting to engage with Modding again!
  3. Have to say, that's always bugged me, though I think whether it's considered a bug, oversight, or just part of the game will vary depending on opinion, so if it was me, I'd do it as a separate mod, but that's just my two cents! With regards to the mod, currently discussing with A Future Pilot over PM, will update this thread with my permission once that point has been reached!
  4. Oh wow, just came back on to see this. I know it was only a small mod but I'm humbled to get even a nomination/vote, nevermind a BIC award. Thank you so much to everyone for making this such an amazing community, and I'm sorry my activity is so intermittent, these are turning out to be some very unpredictable, all over the place years irl. I do try my best! Also completely forgot to mention (brain fart), congrats to everyone, there have indeed been some amazing mods this year! My most recent playthroughs (still not finished) had both of Sithspecter's and Kexikus' mods on the list, and I've been very impressed with them. I haven't experienced the others personally, but they're certainly now on my list for the next playthroughs! Edit: This is probably me being blind (I never had the best sense of direction for navigating deadlystream), but is there somewhere we can see nominations and votes? I'd be very interested to take a look at mods on the list.
  5. Very good idea! This will definitely be downloaded in time for my next playthrough!
  6. Although I have no problem whatsoever with 1 star ratings as long as they're honest, it would be really helpful if you could have left a quick review explaining what the problem is so I can work on it and improve the mod, thanks
  7. Sorry, been very busy lately, had a Birthday then was at Star Wars Celebration last weekend, I'm still excited now after that!!! Yeah,to expand a bit to you guys, that's exactly where I was trying to approach it from, the original mod creator did a fantastic job, just that dialogue inside the match wasn't really for me, I felt it broke up the momentum of the duel, like for me once you're in the ring you leave the debating with yourself about morality behind, at that point it's kill or be killed, so I wanted to offer up another option for those who would prefer it like I did, though like I say, the original mod was a great piece of work, not criticizing it, just saying it wasn't for me and I thought it might not have been for some other people, you know P.S. As a lifetime Sonic fan, I have to say I love that profile pic!
  8. To be perfectly honest, I found the other user quite harsh from my position, but everyone has their own opinion. I will say after going over both posts again and realizing how tired, hot and agitated I was at the time, I admit I went overboard in my post, and will be editing it accordingly, but I still stand by how I found the other user's post. I've now edited the original post to be hopefully more polite and restrained while still standing by how I found the other user's post from my posision.
  9. T3-M4 has far less feats to choose from than HK-47, HK's supposed to be like the Soldier class, high feats, low skills, while T3 is the opposite, personally I think that's made quite clear in the game, though everyone will interpret things differently. It's also an issue that I have seen posts about for some time on KotOR communities online as a whole. Besides, if you don't like the change, don't download it, but personally I find your post more along the lines of complaining about my mod being made rather than constructive criticism to improve it. My original post before editing was overly harsh, but respectfully, I don't think I'm the only one that needs to edit in the interest of politeness with how personally I find your post to come across. Constructive criticism is more than welcome, but to me, yours does not come across in a constructive way.
  10. File Name: Bendak Bounty Non Dark Side Option File Submitter: Thrak Farelle File Submitted: 09 Jun 2016 File Category: Mods K1R Compatible: Yes Anyone else out there like me, who was always annoyed that even when going after Bendak for the right reasons with a LS character, there was no way to finish the quest without getting DS points? Especially when you could go and kill Selven for the bounty without netting any? Well, be annoyed no more! This is a small mod that gives you a second approach to the duel. Your character can either be proceeding with the attitude of will happily kill for credits, would have done the death match anyway and the bounty is just some extra cash, which will still net you DS points, or they can proceed with a more LS attitude, of knowing the government put a bounty on Bendak for a good reason, knowing he needs to be stopped, and although they're not thrilled going into an illegal death match that got him his bounty in the first place is the only way to do it, Bendak's leaving them no other choice. The latter approach will not net you LS points, as like with Selven in vanilla, I still didn't think going for a kill for a bounty was quite LS point material, but that approach will not net you DS points either, allowing you to finish the quest without being forced into a DS shift. The dialogue with Bendak hasn't been changed at all, as that dialogue was always more functional than story anyway, and your character has the chance to express their attitude toward the situation in dialogue with Ajuur. The key line is the one that is the point of no return for starting the duel, the options being not ready, the original ready option expanded with a slightly more killing for credit happy attitude which will trigger a DS gain, and the new option which states there being no other choice, which will not get DS points. There is another opportunity both before the fight earlier in the dialogue and after the fight to express how your character feels about the situation. These were more quickly thought up, spur of the moment kind of lines, so if anyone has any suggestions about specific dialogue that would sound better, or for changing Bendak's dialogue too, I'm taking them Fully K1R compatible, afaik this dlg file was never modified, on the offchance it was, that was the version used as a base, so like always, install after K1R. To install just shove the dlg file into Override, to uninstall just take it out again. Click here to download this file
  11. Version 1.0


    Anyone else out there like me, who was always annoyed that even when going after Bendak for the right reasons with a LS character, there was no way to finish the quest without getting DS points? Especially when you could go and kill Selven for the bounty without netting any? Well, be annoyed no more! This is a small mod that gives you a second approach to the duel. Your character can either be proceeding with the attitude of will happily kill for credits, would have done the death match anyway and the bounty is just some extra cash, which will still net you DS points, or they can proceed with a more LS attitude, of knowing the government put a bounty on Bendak for a good reason, knowing he needs to be stopped, and although they're not thrilled going into an illegal death match that got him his bounty in the first place is the only way to do it, Bendak's leaving them no other choice. The latter approach will not net you LS points, as like with Selven in vanilla, I still didn't think going for a kill for a bounty was quite LS point material, but that approach will not net you DS points either, allowing you to finish the quest without being forced into a DS shift. The dialogue with Bendak hasn't been changed at all, as that dialogue was always more functional than story anyway, and your character has the chance to express their attitude toward the situation in dialogue with Ajuur. The key line is the one that is the point of no return for starting the duel, the options being not ready, the original ready option expanded with a slightly more killing for credit happy attitude which will trigger a DS gain, and the new option which states there being no other choice, which will not get DS points. There is another opportunity both before the fight earlier in the dialogue and after the fight to express how your character feels about the situation. These were more quickly thought up, spur of the moment kind of lines, so if anyone has any suggestions about specific dialogue that would sound better, or for changing Bendak's dialogue too, I'm taking them Fully K1R compatible, afaik this dlg file was never modified, on the offchance it was, that was the version used as a base, so like always, install after K1R. To install just shove the dlg file into Override, to uninstall just take it out again.