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  1. 5 points
    Just yesterday I noticed some chatter and Wizard, the author of KotORModSync and a co-author working on the Holocron Toolset found some more missing level files from a Sleheyron level. The model files are the following. crossgob.mdl/mdx hal01gob.mdl/mdx hal02gob.mdl/mdx hal03gob.mdl/mdx hal04gob.mdl/mdx So I took it upon myself to try and reconstruct it, the results are far from adequate but I haven't put that much time into it yet. This is the level viewed in Blender. This is the interior of the level viewed in Blender. And here are some shots of it in-game. No lightmaps! I'm blind! aahhhhhhhh Poorly made lightmaps! I'm going blind! ahhhhhhh Though I didn't do any setup for baking the lightmaps, I just baked them as they were so that's probably why they turned out awful, I also did not familiarise myself with the proper procedure when baking them so the files were huge. None of the games doors fit the hallways unfortunately! Which is a shame. The minimap turned out even worse. But again, I just threw it together quickly to see what it all looked like in-game. Now I just have to figure out what to do with it. Thor110
  2. 3 points
    Merging Levels So I got distracted while fixing some holes in the level geometry for Manaan and realised some of the games levels could be easily combined into one. Currently I am not sure what I plan to do with this but these are the three levels I have put together. Endar Spire This actually needed a little editing to get it to fit properly, but it was very close to being perfect when imported to begin with. Taris Sewers This level also needed a little editing but it was easy enough to line up both halves of the level. Manaan - East & West Central These two levels are in exactly the right position when imported, however the joining room needed editing quite a bit to make everything work and look right. I have Manaan and the Endar Spire working in-game, I am just having a little bit of trouble getting one of the roomlinks to work on the Endar Spire and I have only just put together the Taris Sewers level. While I am no sure how many levels could be fit together like this, there are quite a lot for which it just wouldn't work. To think, all I set out to do in the first place was add in the missing room to Manaan's Hotel... Thor110
  3. 1 point
    Originally I cribbed this list from the internet to assist me when I was making my Loading Screen Mods for TSL. However, after I made the Replacement Loading Screens for KotOR2: Add-On Pack for those new areas, I wound up adding those warp codes to my own list. I was recently asked about Brotherhood of Shadow warp codes on Discord recently - yes, I know it's a different game - and it reminded me of my TSL Warp Code list. So now I post it here. If you find errors, please let me know. If you have codes from other mods that I may have overlooked (or haven't been released at time of writing), please let me know and I'll add them with attribution. Special thanks to @Leilukinand @JCarter426 for their assistance on KotOR Reddit Discord in working out how to find the Warp Codes more easily using Holocron Toolset. KOTOR II Warp Codes Enter these codes after "warp " in the console to be instantly transported to the listed area. The area code is not case-sensitive; i.e. 101per, 101Per, and 101PER all work. (Remember that the console is invisible in TSL.) Code Area 001EBO Prologue - Ebon Hawk Interior 002EBO Prologue - Ebon Hawk Exterior Hull 003EBO Ebon Hawk - Interior 004EBO Ebon Hawk - Interior - Red Eclipse Slayer Invasion [1] 005EBO Ebon Hawk - Escape from Peragus [2] 006EBO Ebon Hawk - Interior [10] 007EBO Ebon Hawk - Interior [12] 101PER Peragus - Administration Level 102PER Peragus - Mining Tunnels 103PER Peragus - Fuel Depot 104PER Peragus - Asteroid Exterior 105PER Peragus - Dormitories 106PER Peragus - Hangar Bay 107PER Peragus - Turret Minigame [2] 151HAR Harbinger - Command Deck 152HAR Harbinger - Crew Quarters 153HAR Harbinger - Engine Deck 154HAR Harbinger - Command Deck (used for cutscenes) 201TEL Citadel Station - Dock Module 202TEL Citadel Station - Entertainment 203TEL Citadel Station - Residential 082 East 204TEL Citadel Station - Residential 082 West 205TEL Citadel Station - Cutscene with Carth Onasi [3] 207TEL Citadel Station - Cantina 208TEL Citadel Station - Bumani Exchange Corp. 209TEL Citadel Station - Czerka Offices 211TEL Citadel Station - Swoop Track [4] 220TEL Citadel Station - Suburban 221TEL Citadel Station - Suburban 222TEL Citadel Station - Entertainment Module 081 231TEL Telos - Restoration Zone [5] 232TEL Telos - Underground Base 233TEL Telos - Czerka Site 261TEL Telos - Polar Plateau 262TEL Telos - Secret Academy 301NAR Nar Shadaa - Refugee Landing Pad 302NAR Nar Shadaa - Refugee Quad 303NAR Nar Shadaa - Docks 304NAR Nar Shadaa - Jekk'Jekk Tarr 305NAR Nar Shadaa - Jekk'Jekk Tarr Tunnels 306NAR Nar Shadaa - Entertainment Promenade 351NAR Nar Shadaa - Goto's Yacht 352NAR Nar Shadaa - Goto Cutscene [6] 371NAR Nar Shadaa - Swoop Track [4] 401DXN Dxun - Jungle Landing 402DXN Dxun - Jungle 403DXN Dxun - Mandalorian Ruins 404DXN Dxun - Mandalorian Cache 410DXN Dxun - Jungle Tomb 411DXN Dxun - Sith Tomb 421DXN Dxun - Turret Minigame [2] 501OND Onderon - Iziz Spaceport 502OND Onderon - Iziz Merchant Quarter 503OND Onderon - Iziz Cantina 504OND Onderon - Sky Ramp 505OND Onderon - Turret Minigame [2] 506OND Onderon - Royal Palace 510OND Onderon - Swoop Track [4] 511OND Onderon - Iziz Merchant Quarter Invasion [7] 512OND Onderon - Iziz Western Square 601DAN Dantooine - Khoonda Plains 602DAN Dantooine - Khoonda 603DAN Dantooine - Khoonda Plains Cutscenes [8] 604DAN Dantooine - Crystal Cave 605DAN Dantooine - Enclave Courtyard 610DAN Dantooine - Enclave Sublevel 650DAN Dantooine - Rebuilt Jedi Enclave 701KOR Korriban - Valley of the Dark Lords 702KOR Korriban - Sith Academy 710KOR Korriban - Shyrack Cave 711KOR Korriban - Secret Tomb 851NIH Ravager - Command Deck 852NIH Ravager - Bridge 853NIH Ravager - Nihilus/Visas Cutscene 901MAL Malachor V - Surface 902MAL Malachor V - Depths 903MAL Malachor V - Trayus Academy 904MAL Malachor V - Trayus Core 905MAL Malachor V - Trayus Crescent 906MAL Malachor V - Trayus Proving Grounds 907MAL Malachor V - Kreia/Sion Cutscene 952COR Coruscant - Jedi Temple 953COR Coruscant - Jedi Temple Council Chambers 954COR Coruscant - Jedi Temple Landing Pad 950COR Ebon Hawk - Escape From Telos Cutscene [9] New areas added by mods Code Area TSLRCM (information kindly provided by Leilukin) 012EBO Ebon Hawk - Interior - Cutscene of the Red Eclipse boarding 235TEL Telos Orbital Shuttle 298TEL Telos - Military Base Sub-Level (HK Factory) 299TEL Telos - HK Manufacturing Plant 307NAR Nar Shaddaa - Entertainment Promenade - Zhug Brothers' cutscenes 350NAR Nar Shaddaa - Refugee Landing Pad - For the sequence where Atton, Bao-Dur and possibly a 3rd party member fight through the area 908MAL Malachor V - Trayus Academy - Handmaiden vs. Visas cutscene 909MAL Malachor V - Trayus Academy - Atton vs. Disciple cutscene, Atton vs. Sion fight and cutscene Curse of the Sith 100CDN Curse of the Sith Azgath N'Dul's Tomb 712KOR Korriban - Azgath N'Dul's Tomb 713KOR Korriban - Tomb Antechamber [TSL] Lost Modules Pack (info provided by InSidious in his mod description) 000test Empty, box-shaped room. The camera clips through the walls, like it does in most custom modules. 000trl Small, empty area with a foggy floor. Perhaps has something to do with the main menu, when completed by a character with the Sith Lord prestige class? 999dia Very large, flat plane, with walkmesh and lighting. Perhaps a test? M4-78 Enhancement Project 703KOR Korriban cutscene #1 for M4-78 version 1.5 705KOR Korriban cutscene #2 for M4-78 version 1.5 801DRO M4-78 - Landing Pad 802DRO M4-78 - Central Zone 803DRO M4-78 - Environmental Zone 804DRO M4-78 - Industrial Zone 805DRO M4-78 - M4-78 Archon Chamber 806DRO M4-78 - Archon I Chamber (ES-05) 807DRO M4-78 - Archon II Chamber (IS-24) 808DRO M4-78 – Central Zone (irradiated) 809DRO M4-78 - Industrial Zone (irradiated) 810DRO M4-78 - Industrial Zone - Design & Testing 811DRO M4-78 - Industrial Zone - Research & Development Coruscant Jedi Temple 952COR Coruscant - Jedi Temple 953COR Coruscant - Jedi Temple Council Chambers 954COR Coruscant - Jedi Temple Landing Pad Korriban Expansion 740KOR Valley Floor 741KOR Poxus Awakens Herrco [Cutscene] 743KOR Tomb of Darth Doom III 745KOR Poxus' Academy 746KOR Poxus' Sanctuary 747KOR Shuttle Area 748KOR Sith Ruins 749KOR Thulsa Gaul’s Outer Sanctum 750KOR Thulsa Gaul’s Inner Sanctum 910DAG Tomb of Ezer Arden Extended Enclave (information from Leilukin) 020EBO Ebon Hawk [11] Cathalan 451CAT Keralt High Level 452CAT Keralt Middle Level 453CAT Keralt Entertainment Level 454CAT Keralt Lower Level 455CAT Warrior Base 456CAT Wyvern Dragon’s Base 457CAT Eastern Dark Lands 458CAT Mattersan District 459CAT Western Dark Lands 460CAT Outsider’s Enclave 461CAT The Crypts 462CAT Keralt Sector 51 ORIGINAL NOTES: [1] Warping into this area will leave you without companions. Not a good thing unless you just want to test your toughness. [2] Warping into a turret minigame may cause the game to hang when the minigame is complete. [3] Warping into this area does nothing except trigger a cutscene on Citadel Station with Carth Onasi. You then travel to Malachor V. [4] You can warp into a swoop track and race. Afterwards, you'll find yourself in front of the track manager; however, your race time won't be recorded. Use this for practicing swoop racing without paying any money. [5] Warping into the Telos Restoration Zone prior to having entered it normally will cause the game to hang in the cutscene and your only option is to ALT-F4 to force the game to close. [6] You'll see a plot-exposition cutscene that normally occurs the first time you travel to Nar Shadaa and then end up on the Refugee Landing Pad. [7] This is the Iziz Merchant Quarter after you have landed your Mandalorian War Basilisk in the middle of the street. [8] This is actually an amusing area to visit. This is the area used to show cutscenes when you are helping/sabotaging the defense against the mercenaries. There's a computer console that allows you to play all the mini-movies and you can wander around and see how the developers set up the movies. [9] This is the scene aboard Ebon Hawk after you leave Atris' Secret Academy the first time. NEW NOTES: [10] As per Leilukin: 006EBO is used for the cutscene on the Ebon Hawk after the Rebuilt Jedi Enclave (which includes dialogue with Atton and Visas/Disciple) [11] As per Leilukin: the Extended Enclave mod also adds a custom module for the Ebon Hawk, 020EBO for the cutscene of the Ebon Hawk crew after the Exile's "death". [12] As per Leilukin: 007EBO is used for the cutscene on the Ebon Hawk after Goto's Yacht, which includes dialogue with Mira/Hanharr, Atton and G0-T0
  4. 1 point
    Trying to add multiple additional player armor models in KOTOR and TSL almost always results in a mod conflict due to the limited number or body model slots/columns in appearance.2da and the game not recognizing new columns added to the table. Few mods, such as Jedi Hermit Robes by DarthParametric add new robes as disguises, but from what I’ve seen this method is not popular, because it requires creating .uti file and additional line in appearance.2da for each possible player/party member head - armor - texture combination. Most of the released ‘new custom armor’ mods for TSL replace models in the same body slots: the unused slot J (Revan / Star Forge Robes) and the underused slot K (Armored Flight Suit). Replacing the model in slot K means cutting out some of the content planned by the developers (namely Armored Flight Suit types of armor). Moreover, Kainzorus Prime’s Peragus Mining Gear mod uses Armored Flight Suit model from slot K for Miner Uniform and it looks more fitting and authentic than vanilla version. And for most people slot J is reserved for Jedi Journeyman Robes (Luke ROTJ Outfit) mod by Stormie97 or numerous Darth Revan Armor retextures. Therefore, I wanted to find a way to use other body slots to increase the number of armor mods players can install. Slot L Slot M The same approach can be used for Slot J and Slot B, although in slot B case some scripts, where party wear clothes, will need to be edited. Also, there is an issue with slot B: when Handmaiden wears disguise set to Slot B, her head and body will always use Light Side texture, regardless of her alignment. This is likely due to the way her appearance is set up in appearance.2da, but quickly changing values in her row didn’t help. What about KOTOR? My idea is to have a parent mod (not sure how to name it, ‘Underused armors as Disguises’ ?) that turns Dancer Outfit and optionally Armored Flight Suits and slot J armors into disguises (as described above) and then set of mods-companions that add new armor to these slots. For example, mysteriously absent from TSL Bioware’s KotOR robes or their cloaked versions to slot L and Jedi tunics based on Sith Assassins costumes to slot K. With all groundwork done in the parent mod, all that would be required from modders to make a compatible version is Rename custom armor texture and model files (including ‘model base’ and ‘anim root’ of the model) to the names specified by the parent mod, Create .uti files with descriptions and characteristics of custom armor items, If necessary, set a new baseitem type for custom armors, Preferably, to spawn the armor somewhere so that users don't have to use cheats to get it. The downside of this approach is that new heads will need compatibility patches to work with the mod. I’d like to hear thoughts about this idea, its potential, problems that weren’t addressed and what could be improved. TSL - Underused armors L and K as disguises v.a1.7z
  5. 1 point
    Originally, I cribbed the original form of this list from the internet. However, after I made the The TSL Warp Code List, I knew I would have to make a list for the KotOR1 warp codes. I already had the BOS:SR codes but realized that the list would be compiled much faster with the community’s help. This list and the TSL list, are living lists: if new codes are found (or introduced by way of new mods), they can be added. As with the TSL list, new codes will be attributed in the main post. If you find errors, please let me know. KOTOR I Warp Codes Enter these codes after "warp " in the console to be instantly transported to the listed area. The area code is not case-sensitive; i.e. 101per, 101Per, and 101PER all work. (Remember that unlike the console in TSL, the console is visible in KotOR1) Code Area Endar Spire end_m01aa Command Module end_m01ab Starboard Section Taris tar_m02aa South Apartments tar_m02ab Upper City North tar_m02ac Upper City South tar_m02ad North Apartments tar_m02ae Upper City Cantina tar_m02af Hideout tar_m03aa Lower City tar_m03ab Lower City Apartments tar_m03ad Lower City Apartments tar_m03ae Javyar's Cantina tar_m03af Swoop Platform tar_m04aa Undercity tar_m05aa Lower Sewers tar_m05ab Upper Sewers tar_m08aa Davik's Estate tar_m09aa Sith Base tar_m09ab Sith Base tar_m10aa Black Vulkar Base tar_m10ab Black Vulkar Base (unused game area) tar_m10ac Black Vulkar Base tar_m11aa Hidden Bek Base tar_m11ab Hidden Bek Base Dantooine danm13 Jedi Enclave danm14aa Courtyard danm14ab Matale Grounds danm14ac Grove danm14ad Sandral Grounds danm14ae Crystal Caves danm15 Ruins danm16 Sandral Estate Tatooine tat_m17aa Anchorhead tat_m17ab Docking Bay tat_m17ac Droid Shop tat_m17ad Hunting Lodge tat_m17ae Swoop Registration tat_m17af Cantina tat_m17ag Czerka Office tat_m18aa Dune Sea tat_m18ab Sand People Territory tat_m18ac Eastern Dune Sea tat_m20aa Sand People Enclave \ m19aa Tatooine Temple m45mg Some kind of early Tatooine swoop racing area? Kashyyyk kas_m22aa Czerka Landing Port kas_m22ab The Great Walkway kas_m23aa Village of Rwookrrorro kas_m23ab Worrwill's Home kas_m23ac Worrroznor's Home kas_m23ad Chieftain's Hall kas_m24aa Upper Shadowlands kas_m25aa Lower Shadowlands m25ab Part of Kashyyyk, the level that was cut (Enhanced Restoration of the Shadowlands?) Manaan manm26aa Ahto West manm26ab Ahto East manm26ac West Central manm26ad Docking Bay manm26ae East Central manm27aa Sith Base manm28aa Hrakert Station manm28ab Sea Floor manm28ac Kolto Control manm28ad Hrakert Rift Korriban korr_m33aa Dreshdae korr_m33ab Sith Academy Entrance korr_m34aa Shyrack Caves korr_m35aa Sith Academy Entrance korr_m36aa Valley of Dark Lords korr_m37aa Tomb of Ajunta Pall korr_m38aa Tomb of Marka Ragnos korr_m38ab Tomb of Tulak Hord korr_m39aa Tomb of Naga Sadow m21aa Evidently a cut Czerka depot (probably reused in BOS:SR which has its own code below) Leviathan lev_m40aa Prison Block lev_m40ab Command Deck lev_m40ac Hangar lev_m40ad Bridge Yavin Station liv_m99aa Yavin Station Ebon Hawk ebo_m12aa Bridge ebo_m12ab Ebon Hawk (Turret Minigame) [info provided by DarthParametric] ebo_m40ad Ebon Hawk (Post-Leviathan) [info provided by DarthParametric] ebo_m41aa Ebon Hawk (Post-Lehon Crash) [info provided by DarthParametric] ebo_m46ab Mystery Box Unknown World unk_m41aa Central Beach unk_m41ab South Beach unk_m41ac North Beach unk_m41ad Temple Exterior unk_m42aa Elder Settlement unk_m43aa Rakatan Settlement unk_m44aa Temple Main Floor unk_m44ab Temple Catacombs Star Forge sta_m45aa Deck 1 sta_m45ab Deck 2 sta_m45ac Deck 3 sta_m45ad Deck 4 Swoop Track Modules (info provided by DarthParametric) tar_m03mg Taris Swoop Minigame tat_m17mg Tatooine Swoop Minigame manm26mg Manaan Swoop Minigame Stunt Modules [Cutscenes in the game] (info provided by DarthParametric) STUNT_00 Stunt Ebon Hawk (Vision Sequences) STUNT_03a Stunt Leviathan Bridge (Destroy Taris Cutscene) STUNT_06 Stunt Leviathan Bridge (Resume the bombardment Cutscene) STUNT_07 Stunt Ebon Hawk (Taris Escape Cutscene) STUNT_12 Stunt Leviathan Bridge (Calo Nord Cutscene) STUNT_14 Stunt Leviathan Bridge (Darth Bandon Cutscene) STUNT_16 Stunt Ebon Hawk (Interdicted By Leviathan Cutscene) STUNT_18 Stunt Rakatan Temple (Bastila Torture Cutscene) STUNT_19 Stunt Star Forge (Jawless Malak Cutscene) STUNT_31b Stunt Lehon Temple (Revelation Cutscene) STUNT_34 Stunt Ebon Hawk (Star Forge Arrival) STUNT_35 Stunt Ebon Hawk (Crash On Lehon Cutscene) STUNT_42 Stunt Ebon Hawk (LS Dodonna Holocall Cutscene) STUNT_44 Stunt Ebon Hawk (DS Dodonna Holocall Cutscene) STUNT_50a Stunt Dodonna Flagship (Break In Formation Cutscene) STUNT_51a Stunt Dodonna Flagship (Bastila Against Us Cutscene) STUNT_54a Stunt Dodonna Flagship (Republic Forces Pull Back Cutscene) STUNT_55a Stunt Lehon Temple (Dark Side Ending) STUNT_56a Stunt Dodonna Flagship (Star Forge Destroyed Cutscene) STUNT_57 Stunt Lehon Temple (Light Side Ending) New areas added by mods Code Area K1R (info provided by Fair Strides) tar_m10ab Vulkar Base restored level (between main floor and garage) k1r_paztourney The Pazaak Tournament on Manaan stunt_56b This seems to be an end-game cutscene, possibly a duplicate of the Good ending for some restored content Brotherhood of Shadows: Solomon’s Revenge bos_bridge Mandalore's Capital Ship Bridge bos_canyon Korriban Wastes Canyon bos_circle Dreshdae Civilian Quarters bos_czerka Czerka Mining Facility (Main Level) bos_czerka2 Czerka Mining Facility (Castigation Level) bos_czerka3 Czerka Mining Facility (Residential Level) bos_czerka4 Czerka Mining Facility (Maintenance Level) bos_digsite Dreshdae Dig Site bos_ebovis Ebon Hawk (Shadow Vision) bos_msp1 Mandalore's Capital Ship (Docking Bay) bos_msp2 Mandalore's Capital Ship (Crew Quarters) bos_msp3 Mandalore's Capital Ship (Bridge Entrance) bos_orion Orion Crew Deck (Shadow Flashback) bos_orion2 Orion Starboard Section (Shadow Flashback) bos_pit Empty White Box Prison (???) bos_rep2 Formidable (Shadow Vision) bos_sewers Dreshdae Sewers bos_sincan Canyon (Akirakon Sin Flashback) bos_sintem Temple Exterior (Akirakon Sin Flashback) bos_sintem2 Temple Summit (Akirakon Sin Flashback) bos_stage1 Dantooine Council Chamber (Akirakon Boss Trial 1) bos_stage2 Mandalore's Capital Ship Bridge (Akirakon Boss Trial 2) bos_stage3 Revan's Flagship Bridge (Akirakon Boss Trial 3) bos_stage4 Lehon Temple Summit (Akirakon Boss Trial 4) bos_stage5 Korriban Temple Summit (Akirakon Final Cutscene) bos_taris The Battle of Taris (Shadow Flashback) bos_tem0 Korriban Ancient Cave bos_tem1 Temple of Shadow (Long Hallway) bos_tem2 Temple of Shadow (Solomon Encounter/ Holding Cells) bos_tem3 Temple of Shadow (Inner Chamber) bos_tem3b Temple of Shadow (Inner Chamber Post-Battle Cutscene) bos_tem4 Temple of Shadow (Hallways) bos_tem5 Temple of Shadow (Chasm Bridge) bos_tunnels Mining Tunnels bos_wastes Korriban Wastes (Desert) bos_wastes2 Korriban Wastes bos_wastes4 Korriban Wastes (Cave Exterior) A Crashed Republic Cruiser on a Nameless World (info provided by Leilukin) unk_m41ae Unknown World - Cruiser Command Deck unk_m41af Unknown World - Cruiser Starboard Section unk_m41ag Unknown World - Cruiser Crew Quarters unk_m41ah Unknown World - Cruiser Engine Deck unk_m41ai Unknown World - Cruiser Submerged Section unk_m41aj Unknown World - Revan's Quarters Lost Modules Pack (info provided by InSidious in his mod description) m19aa The original Tatooine temple, in which you had to retrieve the information from the Star Map inside a Sarlacc's maw. m21aa Evidently a Czerka depot, possibly on Korriban. m25ab Part of Kashyyyk, possibly the level of the Shadowlands that was cut? m45mg Some kind of early Tatooine swoop racing area? m47aa ? Used for a cutscene that no longer appears in-game? PLCaa Some kind of basic area functionality test, at a guess. MQATester Darkkender thought this was possibly for Quality Assurance, and it would seem likely that it was either for this, or E3. JC's Romance Enhancement: Dark Sacrifice for K1 stunt_sacrifice Stunt Star Forge - Deck 1 (Cutscene for the alternate Dark Side Ending for Carth's romance) Agent Xim's Crystal Cave korr_m34ab Crystal Cave Seamhainn and DarthJebus05’s Enhanced Restoration of the Shadowlands kas_m25aa Lower Shadowlands kas_m25ab Lower Shadowlands Yavin IV Planet Mod by MotOR Squad + Master Zionosis Yav_99 Yavin Sector A Yav_98 Yavin Sector B Yav_97 Yavin Sector C Yav_96 Yavin Sector D Yav_95 Yavin Sector E Yav_94 Yavin Sector F Yav_90 Yavin Sector J Deathdisco’s Tomb of Exar Kun ekun Tomb of Exar Kun Mods I know that we need warp codes for (this list will need to be expanded on as well, of course): KotOR 1 Restoration (K1R) by Fair Strides and ZM90 (and a crew of thousands, I'm sure) Redhawke’s ORD Mandell mod (I've lined this one out as it uses the same names as the original locations that RedHawke cloned for the mod. In order to stop the confusion, I've left it off the list intentionally)
  6. 1 point
    Hello, it's been a while since the beginning of the year, but I finally finished the machinima I was working on and I just wanted to share it here. I spent 3+ years on this since I first started it soon after the covid hit the world. Obviously I didn't work every single month on it but still it took way longer than expected. It's a second part to another machinima I did back on summer 2015 when I first started modding Kotor. Since then I learned a lot about the game and really put to use the best that the new tools can offer. So I really have to thank the community for that. Here's the link: Texts are in Spanish but I added English subtitles where necessary. If you wanna see the first part you can go to the same channel or watch it here: I really hope you can enjoy this, even if the story makes no sense lol. I plan on moving on to another projects, so I won't be doing Kotor modding for a time (not that I was already too active or anything anyway lol). I'm still going to visit this site regularly and try to help some people if they have questions, maybe even create some little mods that I have on the request list. I still have to look on MotionBuilder and stuff to maybe make animations easier. One day I will come back and create those Selkath animations. Cheers!