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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/16/2025 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Re: Onderon Uniform Reformation I'm not one for texturing clothing. It's not a strength of mine. However I do like doing detail work and I noticed something on the Onderon Officer's uniform texture which gave me a little inspiration. It's the logo in the red circle which I've attached. That logo? That I think I could work on. So I remade the patch. And then I made two buttons (one in gold for officers and one in silver/pewter for the enlisted) for the leather container that looks like it's on the uniform belt. For the patch or the buttons, I don't require attribution so use them if they may be helpful.
  2. 1 point
    Thanks for pointing them out, I have added the ambient & diffuse fix to my list. I could see that the Twi'lek male (twilek_m.mdl) & Corran Falt (n_correnfalth.mdl) had the issue, but the Sith Officer head (sith_off.mdl) looked correct already. Also, the twilek_m02.mdl, twilek_m03.mdl, n_komadh.mdl, n_xorh.mdl, & n_zharh.mdl models in TSL have the correct settings, but are not used in-game. By default the TSL heads.2da file uses twilek_m for all male Twi'leks, and just swaps the alttexture column. So in the meantime, editing the heads.2da file can solve the issues as well. I will still eventually fix the model though, because I can't just let things go 😝
  3. 1 point
    Maybe something is wrong with your .wok files? I was working on a Coruscant project a while ago (but it was left in beta state), and if I remember correctly had to delete objects with tags 'corcrate' and 'box1'. Try .wok files from this archive.952cor walls.7z Also, what is the endgoal of your project? I can help you with setting up map for 953cor module and some other things.
  4. 1 point
    Wasn't Mical a teenager at this point and/or had left the order already during the Mandalorian Wars because the Exile left?
  5. 1 point
    I love it! And I second this 👆 I could probably do a passable Mical impression if that's a character you wanted to include.
  6. 1 point
    Do you plan on turning this into a mod? It looks great! I'd recommend having Atris or someone like that appear inside to complete the look since it's where the archives and relics are
  7. 1 point
    @Kreia: You're evil for showing the food and not sharing! @Deadman: Nice! Given the mixed opinions I've been trying to avoid hearing, I was expecting a crying face...