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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/06/2024 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    It's problematic. For one, it would be a male only item since there is no female version. Furthermore, there's 2 3D robe models (Jedi and Master) for players/party members, you can't really* have only one item use another model. * You can use the Revan/Starforge robe model "slot" to use a new 3D model, but you can then only use one mod that does that. You also need to fix Atton's entries for this "slot" (columns in appearance.2da) because he doesn't have any values there, which causes a crash if he tries to equip the item. All in all, tricky business.
  2. 1 point

    Version 1.0.3


    -------------------------------------------- Knights of the Old Republic - The Sith Lords -------------------------------------------- TITLE: Sith Head AUTHOR: Blackrock ------------ INSTALLATION ------------ Unzip and move all files to Override folder. ----------- DESCRIPTION ----------- This mod is a replacement head for pmhh01 with portraits. Enjoy ------------ UNINSTALLING ------------ Remove from the Override folder pmhh01.mdl, pmhh01.mdx, PMHH01.tpc, PMHH01d1.tpc, PMHH01d2.tpc, PO_PMHH01.tpc, po_PMHH01d1.tpc and po_PMHH01d2.tpc.
  3. 1 point
    Great mod! Good for new players who don't want the story being interrupted by the party being killed in combat, and also for 'powergamers' who need a new challenge for their perfectly built characters.