KotOR 1 & 2 Texture Analysis
So, after noticing this mod I decided to have a look around and see if there are any other textures in the game that got smaller in the second game and I came across a few oddities as well.
It seems some actually textures are smaller in the first game and larger in the second game, while some are larger in the first game and smaller in the second.
Thanks to @Malkior for making a start on this and discovering some of the textures that got smaller in TSL.
The fact that Manaan has a bunch of OLD textures was pointed out by @N-DReW25
Early Access Release
This includes all the textures and bump maps I have found so far.
I also removed the alpha layer from the Hutt textures which was causing the transparency in Malkior's release.
I felt like all of this was worth documenting as it appears I will have to go through and compare every texture in both games.
Switch Anomalies
As pointed out by @N-DReW25 there are some anomalies with the Switch version of the game worth making note of.
Textures To Remake - ( COMPLETE )
What I have discovered so far manually by chance.
I get the feeling that going through this will have to be a group effort, there's no way I can compare all of the textures in both games myself, I have automated the majority of the work but the remaining files in "Not-In-Both.7z" need to be compared manually or piped through an AI model if possible.
Textures That Have Bump Maps But Don't Use Them
It seems these textures actually have bump maps which are not assigned to them in the associated .txi file, I have set up .txi files for them.
When I am finished looking through all the textures and comparing everything I will release a mod that updates everything accordingly.
Textures Meant For The Original Xbox
File Analyses Comparison Results - ( COMPLETE )
This is a complete analysis and comparison of all files in both games swpc_tex_tpa.erf packages.
KotOR1 : 3285 Files
KotOR2 : 3275 Files
It does not however take into account things such as the following.
Textures that might exist throughout either game at different resolutions and with different filenames.
In order to determine if any textures exist at different resolutions, the following lists of files must be compared manually or piped through an AI if possible.
Files From K1 Not In K2 ( 1757 Files )
Files From K2 Not In K1 ( 1780 Files )
Files That Are Identical But Have Different Filenames ( COMPLETE ) - [ Left is K1 - Right is K2 ] - [ K1 : 231 Files] - [K2 : 206 Files ]
The following lists of files couldn't be converted to TGA with Xoreos Tools, but could be extracted as TGA using KotOR Tool.
As far as I can tell all that exists that is of interest amongst these lists is an old incomplete version of "LMA_tech01"
Files From K1 That Couldn't Be Converted To TGA And Don't Exist In K2 ( 6 Files )
Files From K2 That Couldn't Be Converted To TGA And Don't Exist In K1 ( 8 Files )
Files That Are Identical In Both Games That Couldn't Be Converted To TGA ( 3 Files )
As for determining if any textures exist in either game at larger resolutions than one another, I think that has to be inspected manually using the same lists, or possibly could be handed off to an AI model.
Files That Are NOT Identical But Exist In Both Games - ( COMPLETE ) - [ 145 Files ]
These 145 files are some of those that will need inspecting and comparing manually.
Files That Are Identical In Both Games - ( COMPLETE ) - [ 1225 Files ]
Files Not Included.
Files From K1 Not In K2 - ( COMPLETE ) - [ 1757 Files ]
"Not-In-Both.7z" at the bottom of the post.
Files From K2 Not In K1 - ( COMPLETE ) - [ 1780 Files ]
"Not-In-Both.7z" at the bottom of the post.
Files From K1 That Couldn't Be Converted To TGA And Don't Exist In K2 - ( COMPLETE ) - [ 6 Files ]
Files From K2 That Couldn't Be Converted To TGA And Don't Exist In K1 - ( COMPLETE ) - [ 8 Files ]
Files That Are Identical In Both Games That Couldn't Be Converted To TGA - ( COMPLETE ) - [ 3 Files ]
That's everything, now between us all we just need to look through the files that aren't in both games to see if any textures exist at different resolutions like I and others have pointed out that don't use the same filename.
NOTE : I accidentally left "M37aa_02_a0004d.tga" in "K1-Not-In-K2" just delete that one file, saves me reuploading 265mbs.
I found it as I have "Identical" folders for both games, this is also how I found the Extra TXI files listed below.
K1 has some TXI files K2 does not, as does K2 which are included below.
I believe that covers everything, but let me know if you spot anything I missed!
I have been using this information to improve my main project, I just used the lists I generated to automatically remove the tga/txi files from both the main and port projects for Expanded Galaxy and replace them with the original compressed .tpc files, as well as remove any files that already existed in the second games files.
This resulted in an overall reduction of 231mb's file size for the overall project split between the main and port.
I am also using these lists to track down the textures that exist in the second game but have a different filename than they did in the first game which should reduce the file size even further, but to do that, I first have to update all the references in the model files to use the names of the texture in the second game.
While going through the texture files of both games in-depth I have come across some interesting oddities, such as textures that are a larger resolution, textures that have bump maps which aren't used and many bump maps which could be applied to textures in the second game that use re-colours of textures from the first game.
Will be releasing a mod that includes these files at some point.