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  1. 1 point

    Version 1.1.7


    =KotOR 1 Twi'lek Male NPC Diversity= A KNIGHTS OF THE OLD REPUBLIC MODIFICATION AUTHOR: Leilukin FILE NAME: K1 Twi'lek Male NPC Diversity.7z LATEST VERSION: 1.1.7 CONTACT: E-mail to contact@leilukin.com, or message to Leilukin on Deadly Stream 1. DESCRIPTION: In vanilla KotOR 1, Twi'lek NPCs have a very limited variety of designs. This mod aim to diversify the appearances of Twi'lek male NPCs, by giving the named Twi'lek male NPCs different looks instead of the generic NPC looks to set them apart. The Twi'lek male NPCs affected by this mod include: Larrim, a merchant in the South Apartments of the Taris Upper City Uriah, a Pazaak card seller in Javyar's Cantina Bib Surool in Javyar's Cantina Matrik in the Lower City East Apartment on Taris Crattis Yurkal, a merchant in the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine Deesra Luur Jada, a Jedi Knight in the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine Kandon Ark in the Black Vulkar Base on Taris Karal Kaar, a merchant in the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine Lur Arka Sulas in the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine Bolook at the Dantooine grove Nico Senvi, a swoop racer on Tatooine Ganda Kaitoova, a swoop race fan on Tatooine Senni Vek, messenger of the GenoHaradan quest line Vek in the swoop registration on Manaan Ziagrom, messenger of Mika Dorin's premium store The unique appearances of these NPCs are created by utilizing the assets from Ashton Scorpius' Better Twi'lek Male Heads for K1 Enhancement Pack modder's resource, which is based on the Twi'lek NPC assets from SpaceAlex's K1 Enhancement Pack, which has been released as a modder's resource. Ashton Scorpius' K1 Better Twi'lek Male Heads mod is not required for this mod to work, but I recommend installing Ashton's mod alongside this mod for visual consistency between the Twi'lek male NPC heads. For the best experience with this mod, it is recommended to load a save before visiting Taris for the first time. 2. INSTALLATION: Extract the K1 Twi'lek Male NPC Diversity.7z archive you downloaded to anywhere you like, as long as it is not within the KotOR directory. Run Install.exe, point the installer to your KotOR directory, where swkotor.exe is located, and let the installer do its job. I also provide upscaled head textures for the Twi'lek male NPCs as an optional installation. After installing the main part of this mod, go to the "Optional - Upscaled Textures" folder, drop the files into the Override folder in your KotOR directory and overwrite files when prompted. If you prefer the Twi'lek men's "blubber" necks in the vanilla game, or you choose to install Option B of Ashton Scorpius' K1 Better Twi'lek Male Heads, after installing the main part of this mod, go to the "Optional - Original Necks" folder, drop the files into the Override folder in your directory and overwrite files when prompted. When you install this mod, two new folders named "backup" and “uninstall” will be created by the installer in the same folder as the installer. Do not delete the folders or any of the files within the folder if you are planning on uninstalling this mod. If you also want to use N-DReW25's Restored Content for K1CP (RC-K1CP) and/or Senni Vek Mod, you need to run Install.exe again, select either “RC-K1CP/Senni Vek Restoration Compatibility” OR "Senni Vek's Ambush Compatibility" installation option, depending on which version of Senni Vek Mod you installed, and point the installer to the directory of your KotOR game. Make sure you have installed the “Main Installation” component of the mod before installing this compatibility patch. 3. UNINSTALLATION: Run Install.exe and select your KotOR directory where you installed this mod. From the “Tools” dropdown menu, select “Uninstall Mod / Restore Backup”, then confirm to uninstall the mod. If you have also installed one of the compatibility patches for N-DReW25's Restored Content for K1CP or Senni Vek Mod, the installer will uninstall the patch first. After uninstalling the patch, you need to select Yes to delete the most recent backup folder, then select “Uninstall Mod / Restore Backup” from the dropdown menu again to uninstall the main part of my mod. 4. KNOWN ISSUES: None currently known. If you find any bugs or problems, please let me know. 5. MOD COMPATIBILITY: This mod is not compatible with any other mods that modify or change the heads of the Twi'lek male NPCs affected by this mod (see the Description section above for a full list of the NPCs). This mod does not replace any vanilla Twi'lek textures and models, so this mod is compatible with mods that retexture or remodel vanilla Twi'leks. If you are using KotOR 1 Community Patch (K1CP), you need to install this mod after K1CP. If you are using KotOR 1 Restoration (K1R), you need to install this mod after K1R. If you are using N-DReW25's Restored Content for K1CP (RC-K1CP) and/or Senni Vek Mod, this mod has included a compatibility patch. Follow the instructions in the "Installation" section above to install this patch. 6. PERMISSION: Since this mod utilizes assets from Ashton Scorpius' Better Twi'lek Male Heads for K1EP modder's resource, per Ashton's terms in the modder's resource, do not use assets from this mod without receiving Ashton's permission first. 7. CREDITS: SpaceAlex for the K1 Enhancement Pack modder's resource Ashton Scorpius for creating the Better Twi'lek Male Heads for K1EP modder's resource and giving me the permission to use it N-DReW25 for giving me the permission to make a compatibility patch for Senni Vek Mod and Restored Content for K1CP Cortisol for Holocron Toolset bead-v for MDLedit ndix UR for tga2tpc and tpcview Cortisol and th3w1zard1 for HoloPatcher THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE THIS FILE AT YOUR OWN RISK AND NEITHER THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES NOR THE AUTHOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  2. 1 point
    Hello all, This is an idea I had many years ago (I think I even made a thread here about it), but I never got very far. It crossed my mind recently so I decided to take another crack at it since it's a character's story I feel low-key passionate about. When the player is down in the Undercity of Taris, they can run into Rukil, the old proclaimer of something called the Promised Land. He has you go search for his missing apprentice, a young woman named Malya. In the game, you find a generic (old man) corpse with Malya's journal, and you tell Rukil she died. The end. Or not. The Promised Land concept is interesting enough, but the fact that Rukil has an apprentice (with a name), who seems to be an open-minded, hopeful, and brave young woman of all things seems like a huge missed opportunity to me. Maybe she's force sensitive. Maybe she has a unique perspective the other characters don't have, based on her unique upbringing. It's especially tragic for my player character, who doesn't really have the hots for Bastila and would be much more interested in someone who's not such a normie. So, Malya lives on, developing quietly in the back of my mind. So I've started work on it again. STORY: The new story is, basically, that while searching for the Promised Land, Malya left her journal on an old corpse in the Undercity when had to run and hide from Rakghouls and then Gamorrean slave hunters. She got captured by Gamorreans, and sold to the exchange. Shortly before the player character arrives at Davik's estate, Malya attempted to escape but was caught and thrown in the torture chamber. She is then rescued by the player character, and the grateful Malya joins him after learning that the other Outcasts are long gone on their journey to the Promised Land. The party then escapes Taris and goes to Dantooine, where Malya succumbs to her usual habits and explores every part of the Jedi enclave she can. While the player character is in training, Malya steals a Jedi holocron, and starts learning about the Jedi, Sith, and various Force philosophies. Once the quest for the Star Forge begins, the player character learns of Malya's Force experiments and has the option to train her as his own apprentice. Instead of becoming a traditional Jedi, however, Malya forms her own philosophy combining the teachings of Rukil and what she has learned since. One of her protests to the usual events of the game's story is on Kashyyyk, where she denounces a violent Wookiee uprising against Czerka, instead advocating for a more moderate agenda. As she harbors feelings for the player character, she dislikes Bastila, and by extension distrusts the Jedi. This is amplified after the Leviathan incident and subsequent revelation. Near the end, Malya declares her wish that the player character neither be subservient to the Jedi nor the Dark Side, and instead submit to nothing but Truth itself and become a fully realized individual, and says that this can be done by saving his old friend Malak from the Dark Side. MOD GOAL: Recruitment mod that adds Malya to the party, replacing Juhani. She serves as an alternative love interest to Bastila for male PCs. She can be trained as a Force user by the player character. She is to be fully voiced (I have directed voice actors before so I'm not worried about this - I'm more worried about lip synching because I have no idea how to do it). She is to chime in on the story like other party members do. Further down the road, if I get good enough at modding or have help, I'd like to have more story stuff like in the above summary. WHAT I'VE DONE SO FAR: -In Davik's estate, Malya can be found in the torture chamber (replacing Hudrow). When you rescue her, she gives you the Ebon Hawk security codes and joins your party after you escape Taris. This is implemented and works. However, there are a few problems I have to work out. -Her appearance is subject to change, but right now I have a reskinned albino version of TSL's PFHA06. After she escapes Davik's estate and changes out of the dirty old Outcast clothes, she has a hooded outfit which was made by removing the face from the darkjedif model (I might publish that bit on this website separately as a modder's resource or small mod). I made a prototype skin for the clothing, and I'll make cooler variants in the future. CURRENT PROBLEMS AS OF POSTING THIS: -I don't have any voiced lines yet, so Malya has been speaking Twilek. Sometimes her mouth doesn't move and I don't know why. Edit: Now I know why. -Although Malya has a unique entry in appearance.2da, I don't know how to access the new entry with the UTC editor. The dropdown menu only shows vanilla appearances to choose from, so that's why the Malya in Davik's estate looks like her old friend Shaleena the Outcast girl. Edit: Fixed! Thanks, Effix. -I hardly know how to do anything! Lol. So, if any of that sounds interesting, or if you have any comments or suggestions, or want to help in any way, or just want to say hi, I welcome your words. It had been so long I had forgotten the details; I had a post about this back in 2016: However, it's super old so I guess ignore it. Here are some images:
  3. 1 point
    Wow, well she LOOKS awesome, and I love the story idea! Would totally play this when finished.
  4. 1 point
    It's because they are 2048x1024. TGA2TPC is currently broken for non-square textures.