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  1. 1 point

    Version 1.1.0


    Have you ever wished that the Star Forge Robes were more like the jedi robes you have been wearing throughout the game? This mod will replace the standard Star Forge Robes with the gold robes that are seen being worn by some of the jedi around the enclave and in cutscenes. Custom icon included! Solid black versions will replace Revan's Robes. Installation: Run The TSL Patcher. Bugs: Because the default Star Forge/Revan Robes use the male texture for both male and female PCs, the TSL Patcher fixes this by giving the female PC her own texture. However this will not work if you use a female PC mod with a custom body model. I have included the files for the female PC in this case, just copy them into your Override folder after you run the patcher. They will only be usable by the PC and female companions (you can still put them on males, they will just look odd). Credits: -BioWare for the best SW game ever. -Kainzorus Prime for kindly letting me use his jedi robes. -Effix for being awesome and writing the TSL Patcher! ^-^ Terms of Use: Please do not claim this mod as your own, or upload to any other site! Otherwise you may use this mod in any of your files with credit. Everyone likes to be recognized for their hard work. ^-^ If you have any questions, message me on DeadlyStream or email evenstar74@hotmail.com. Enjoy! ❤️
  2. 1 point
    View File KOTOR Widescreen Fade Fix When fading, a portion of the screen fades out of sync with the rest of the screen while using widescreen resolutions. This is a simple fix to solve that issue. To use: 1. Download 2. Move the file from the folder that corresponds to your display resolution into your override folder. Submitter Doiinko Submitted 12/02/2020 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  3. 1 point

    Version 1.0.2


    When fading, a portion of the screen fades out of sync with the rest of the screen while using widescreen resolutions. This is a simple fix to solve that issue. To use: 1. Download 2. Move the file from the folder that corresponds to your display resolution into your override folder.
  4. 1 point

    Version 1.1.0


    Brings a version of TSL’s richer companion interactions to K1. Grants character specific benefits after finishing their sidequests. Description: I am a big believer that story and gameplay should effect each other as much as possible. In TSL that is fulfilled by lots of real benefits for engaging with party members. The same should be true for K1...but the features just aren't there. The bones for what we see in TSL exists as the upgrade system for HK-47, so that is the foundation I built this on. This mod works by leveling up companions and equipping custom items to their hidden inventory slot when you finish their relevant quest or dialog. The goal is to provide some unique incentive for fully experiencing each character's storyline. The specific triggers for each rewards are below (potential spoilers): Each party member, besides Bastila, will receive the following bonuses (Mod/Story Spoilers): Some quests can end in more than one way, in those cases rewards will be granted (or not) in a way that makes sense for the character. If you are not seeing a reward (Level up + bonus) after finishing a quest, you should after having a follow-up discussion with them. For some, K1's difficulty can already feel low. While I have done my best to keep these bonuses balanced, completing these quests will increase the overall power of your party. Because of this, I'd recommend a mod that increases the overall difficulty, such as Zulkain's Impossible Difficulty Restored. Compatibility (updated 3/4/2022): Known Bugs (updated 3/4/2022): Permissions: Please do not redistribute this mod on another platform without my permission, unless I cannot be reached for 3 months time. Anyone is free to use any of the content of this mod in whatever projects/mods they want as long as they credit me where appropriate. Credits: Darksaber UTI/Model/Texture – Jcarter426 Big thanks to Thor110 for directing me to his video tutorial on Kotor modding! Additional gratitude for DarthParametric as they talked through issues Huge thanks to ebmar for helping me clean up my change.ini for TSLpatcher JC & Sdub for helping me figure out Xor’s real .dlg file StellarExile & N-Drew25 for taking a look at my mod before release Blue for their Kotor Scripting Tool Fred Tetra for KotOR Tool tk102 for their DLGEditor Stoffe & Fair Strides - TSLPatcher (Original Credits for JC's Darksaber for K1) DeNCS – JdNoa & Dashus ERFEdit – stoffe, with updates by Fair Strides NWMax – Joco KOTORMax & MDLEdit – bead-v NWNSSCOMP – Torlack, stoffe, & tk102 Saber – Andrew Kramer & VideoCopilot.net tga2tpc – ndix UR
  5. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    This is a mod to shorten the collar of Bastila's clothes. I think it makes her look less stuffy and more relaxed. 🙂 When used in conjunction with a 'Bastila Clothes for PC' mod, this will prevent the neck clipping which is sometimes seen when using a custom head/body. Installation: Copy the desired files into your Override folder. Bugs: This mod isn't compatible with any other mods that change the default clothes for the female PC or Bastila. I did my best to line up the vertices but there may be the occasional slip. Credits: -BioWare for the best SW game ever. -Fred Tetra for KotorTool. -Modified in Blender. Terms of Use: Please do not claim this mod as your own, or upload to any other site! Otherwise you may use this mod in any of your files with credit. Everyone likes to be recognized for their hard work. ^-^
  6. 1 point
    Side effects of a Death Stick laced with Kessel Spice may include: * Loss of apatite * Sleepiness * Double irises * Lack of energy