You are probably going to wind up disappointed if you expect characters to reliably perform scripted animations during combat. For starters you cannot play arbitrary animations in K1 using PlayAnimation/ActionPlayAnimation. Only TSL can do that. In K1 you are limited to a small pool of anims predefined in nwscript.nns like ANIMATION_LOOPING_DANCE, ANIMATION_FIREFORGET_SALUTE, etc.
There is the CutsceneAttack function, which, as the name suggests, is designed for choreographing cutscene fights. That does let you specify attack animations, but I have no idea if that will even work outside of a cutscene.
void CutsceneAttack(object oTarget, int nAnimation, int nAttackResult, int nDamage);
It also lets you specify whether the attack is a hit or miss, and what the damage is. I suppose you could experiment and see what it does when fired during a regular combat round. I'm not sure if anyone has done that before. There may be a problem with the target not responding with the appropriate animation, assuming it works at all, so they might also need to be forcibly scripted in the same manner.