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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/02/2020 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    I noticed I had a half-finished Vader ANH hilt from a few years back. I think I probably used that as the basis of the Anakin AOTC hilt, but then never got around to finishing it. So I put together a texture for it. Available as a unique and vanilla red hilt replacement. I think oldflash already has a Vader hilt in his movie hilts pack, but from memory it was the ROTJ version which I dislike (it was a Graflex bastardised to look kind of like an MPP). K1 - https://www.darthparametric.com/files/kotor/k1/[K1]_Darth_Vader_ANH_Saber.7z TSL - https://www.darthparametric.com/files/kotor/tsl/[TSL]_Darth_Vader_ANH_Saber.7z And since I mentioned it and I don't recall whether it was posted publicly or not, the said Anakin AOTC hilt: K1 - https://www.darthparametric.com/files/kotor/k1/[K1]_Anakin_AOTC_Saber.7z TSL - https://www.darthparametric.com/files/kotor/tsl/[TSL]_Anakin_AOTC_Saber.7z
  2. 1 point
    I did just that. Tweaked th column some more. It's only that one particular direction where I have a lot of smoke and that's the direction of the Industrial Zone. As you can see in the video below, there's much less smoke in the other directions and I might even reduce it further for the other modules.
  3. 1 point
    I think it's a nice addition there. My only criticism may be to the number of such smoke pillars in the sky. I'd rather see fewer of them and with much more distance between them than it currently is.
  4. 1 point
    Thanks for the reply guys. Upon checking the skybox again after a good night of sleep I agree with you. The static smoke doesn't work. However, I found a way to get animated smoke instead: Particles Below you can see a video demonstration with the vanilla particle smoke in the foreground and both the old static smoke on the skybox in the background and the new animated background smoke. I'll tweak the particle settings some more and remove the static smoke of course but I think this is already going in a very nice direction. You can also see the changed fog color that blends much better with the skybox now (Look for that round building in the middle of the screen and compare it to the screenshot in my last post.)
  5. 1 point
    Hmmm. if it's not animated, it might stand out a bit. I may be an outlier on this so let's hear more opinions.