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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/28/2019 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Nice work. I'd probably pad the length a bit to space out the swills a bit. @Alvar007 I exported the one I was working on as an FBX if that helps you look at it in Blender or wherever. Although that version I tried to merge in the pelvis/leg movement from one of the idle anims, which resulted in some foot sliding. K1_Standing_Drinker_Stunt_Model_Edit.7z
  2. 2 points
    Ok so I took a look at this since I was already playing with IK constraints to see if I could create an animation with them but unfortunately it doesn't work. I don't know if I messed up something in the proccess but it doesn't recognize any movements, even though the trimesh rig is clearly animated and the keyframes are there. So I just created the animation manually: I also used the TSL drink prop and the empty hand from the same game, so that I could have the drink in the left hand. Let me know if you want it.
  3. 1 point
    Hello! Is there a human male / female drinking animation available for KotOR? I seem to remember only the sitting one for Rodians...
  4. 1 point
    This compiles, but you'll need to edit the placeholder StrRefs to their proper values. k_pkor_pillar01.nss
  5. 1 point
    View File JC's Player Soundset Restoration for K2 Summary In Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, the player, like all party members, would occasionally say things during combat and when performing other actions. In the second game, however, the player is mute. This mod restores the player soundset for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords. The critical files needed for the original player soundset to function were actually always there, but they were in various states of disuse. This mod fixes them up and restores the player's voice. There are different soundsets for male and female players and they are the same ones as in the first game. Installation Run Player_Soundset_Restoration.exe. Uninstallation Remove the installed files. Compatibility This mod must be installed before any mods that patch soundset.2da. This mod does not use TSLPatcher to patch soundset.2da; it uses a hard 2DA install because the exact line numbers are necessary for the player soundset to work. It feels dirty, but I have to do it. Credits KOTOR Tool – Fred Tetra TSLPatcher – stoffe, with updates by Fair Strides SSF Editor– stoffe Permissions Mod JC's Player Soundset Restoration for K2 Mod Author JCarter426 Game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords Attribution Preference "Player Soundset Restoration by JCarter426" or "uses JC's Player Soundset Restoration" or some other reasonable phrasing. This mod is released under the following licenses: Attribution Only License Attribution Only License (AOL) * You've got mods! * The creator of this mod has authorized the contents of this mod for public use. Other modders are free to use and edit materials from this mod and include them in other mods. This license applies to everyone equally and no further explicit permission from the original mod creator is required, provided the terms of this license are followed. The user must provide clear attribution for the source and creator(s) of these materials, following the specified attribution preference. The file that contains this attribution must be included along with all the other mod contents. (For example, crediting the original mod creator in your mod's description on a website, but not in any file someone would actually download, would be a violation.) The user must include any additional credits as indicated. This license applies only for the use of these materials in other mods (i.e. a form of software accessed within a video game). This license does not grant the user unlimited power to distribute these contents, edited or unedited, even if attribution is granted. These materials are being offered to encourage the creation of new mods that alter the game experience. (For example, distributing these materials as a mod resource on another website, or uploading the entirety of the mod as a "new" mod without really changing anything, would not be in the spirit of this license.) Where appropriate, it would be nice to provide a link to the original mod and/ or tag the original mod creator. However, this is not mandated. This is just a polite suggestion. Disclaimers WHOEVER STEPS ON THIS WILL GET A NASTY SHOCK. THAT HURT, I BET! I'M THE LAST THING YOU'LL EVER SEE. SILENT AND DEADLY. Donations If you enjoy my mods and would like to show your support in a monetary manner, you may do so via PayPal with this donation link. For various legal and ethical reasons, this is entirely optional and is not a requirement to downloading or using any of my mods. I also do not create specific mods for hire. I make mods as a hobby and will most likely do so regardless of any donations or lack thereof, but modding does take up a lot of my time and every bit helps. Submitter JCarter426 Submitted 12/28/2019 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  6. 1 point
    Ah, custom string tokens, I forgot about those. You could try using the GetStringByStrRef function: // 239: Get a string from the talk table using nStrRef. string GetStringByStrRef(int nStrRef); So the amended script would look something like: case 13: string1 = GetStringByStrRef(123456); break; You'd presumably want to use TSLPatcher to add the new strings via an append.tlk and then have it dynamically inject the StrRefs into the script source via memory tokens and compile it during the install. The TSLPatcher manual covers all this. It's actually odd that they didn't do something like that themselves, since the game was multilingual from the start (that's the entire point of the TLK setup).
  7. 1 point
    Apparently Rey healed it when she healed his stab wound. To be fair, it kinda makes sense (and by "makes sense" I mean "it makes sense in a trilogy where nothing makes sense".)
  8. 1 point
    How time flies . . . SWTOR has existed for 8 years. So anyway, there's the usual nonsense happening around the anniversary, which I will quote below (emphasis mine). Eight Year Anniversary Date: December 17, 2019 - January 7, 2020 (BEGINS AND ENDS AT 4:00 AM PST / 12:00PM GMT) Requirement: Levels 10+ We are happy to celebrate out 8th anniversary on December 20th! To mark this milestone, a special “Anniversary Personnel” vendor can be found on the fleet with new Class Ship Stronghold Decorations. All previous anniversary rewards will also be available during this limited time as well. Alongside this, both the Coruscant and Dromund Kaas Strongholds will be available for only eight credits each! I have a Stronghold (SH) myself - it's a Nar Shaddaa SH and I have gotten the thing up to 100%. However, I have many decorations and I could probably easily deck out a second SH. I was wondering which one I should get for the 8 credits - a Coruscant SH or a Dromund Kaas SH?
  9. 1 point