Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted August 3, 2015 This is more of random discussion thread with no heavy ulterior motive here. In your opinion, if someone was to create Coruscant Landing and Take off Videos for deathdisco's Jedi Temple Mod, how do you imagine they would be set up visually? What would happen in the video? Finally, what KOTOR2 music would you imagine playing behind the action and sound effects? (If you don't know the song titles, feel free to link to the song you'd use from the KOTOR2 soundtrack with one of song videos from this playlist in your response.) I'm interested to see where this goes. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
milestails 264 Posted August 5, 2015 Well, this brings up a separate but related issue I've always had with the Coruscant mod itself.... The skybox could use some improvement so that it actually looks like the planet we know from the films and other media. Once that is done, then movies can take shape based on the new and improved skybox. Because right now, it seems like it's just a daytime version of the uninspiring vanilla Nar Shadaa skybox. EDIT: Let's use the TOR Cinematic Trailer "Deceived" as a reference for Coruscant's look in the Old Republic era in which KotOR 2 takes place: EDIT 2: Also, let's look at HK-42's Jedi Temple Expansion as a reference, specifically the loadscreens:;97510 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kexikus 998 Posted August 5, 2015 Well, this brings up a separate but related issue I've always had with the Coruscant mod itself.... The skybox could use some improvement so that it actually looks like the planet we know from the films and other media. Once that is done, then movies can take shape based on the new and improved skybox. Because right now, it seems like it's just a daytime version of the uninspiring vanilla Nar Shadaa skybox. Well, I plan to do a high quality skybox pack for TSL some day and that would also include new Coruscant skyboxes for the vanilla scenes there as well as the Jedi Temple mod Otherwise, I think that the landing video should start with the Ebon Hawk flying towards the planet (as all of them do), then maybe one shot where she's in lower orbit already so that you can see Coruscant from space in all it's glory^^. And finally a cool establishing shot of the Jedi Temple and maybe have the Ebon Hawk fly around it once before landing. And if I could choose music completely free for that I'd go with a slow but still epic and kinda sad version of the force theme. By the way, I was actually thinking about this exact topic yesterday shortly before you started this thread xD Edit: One thing to consider however is the way the Jedi Temple itself would look like. In the TOR cinematics it looks just the same as in the movies, while (judging from the loading screens milestails postet) it looks more like in the KotOR comics in the Jedi Temple mod or at least very different. So that would have to be decided. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Malkior 477 Posted August 5, 2015 I agree with Kexikus about Coruscant needing a good establishing shot during the Ebon Hawk landing scene. However, I was thinking more along the lines of first having the typical flying toward the planet that we've all seen before, except in the second scene, showing either from the Hawk's perspective or a static shot of the Jedi Temple framed against the rest of the Coruscant skyline (With it in the middle of the shot as you typically see in the Prequels). The final scene where the Hawk is actually approaching the landing pad would probably be a mostly static shot looking toward the skyline as the Hawk lands. For musical choice, I was thinking something with a lot of bombast and brass, so similar to M4-78 (The original mix) or the part of Darth Nihilus' music where the brass section really starts to heat up. (Sorry it's kind of vague, but I can't really describe a piece of music too aptly) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted August 5, 2015 Edit: One thing to consider however is the way the Jedi Temple itself would look like. In the TOR cinematics it looks just the same as in the movies Do you mean something like this? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kexikus 998 Posted August 5, 2015 Do you mean something like this? Yeah, that's exactly what I meant. The problem is that it doesn't look like this in the Jedi Temple Mod (I think^^). Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted August 5, 2015 It does not look like that in the Jedi Temple mod. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
milestails 264 Posted August 5, 2015 Ah yeah I forgot about that model. Really impressive if it could be incorporated into a mod somehow. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted August 5, 2015 Maybe they're moving out of the old building and into the new one. Slap some construction cranes and some guys in hard hats around it and you're golden. I kid, I kid. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Inawordyes 0 Posted August 5, 2015 Very, very strictly in my own opinion, while the Coruscant mod is awesome for what it is, it'd be nice to be able to integrate it into the game in a better way than, to an extent, just another Yavin Station. That being said, in the context of this thread, I'd say that the Ebon Hawk shouldn't be landing right at the Jedi Temple. The reason being that the Jedi are all but gone at this point, I don't know how the republic feels about that, but I doubt they'd let just anybody dock at the temple itself, much less an Exiled Jedi that they have no way to be sure isn't coming to the deserted temple with ill intent. Nah, I think it should go deeper than that, because, you see, there is a (former) member of the High Council on Coruscant: Dorjander Kace. Long story short, he was a member of the High Council prior to the outbreak of the Mandalorian Wars, but chose to side with the Mandalorians against the Republic, believing that if the Jedi acted as guides to a victorious Mandalorian Empire, the galaxy as a whole would be better off than under the Republic's rule. He established the Mandalorian Knights, but his defection caused him to be stripped of his position and later he and his Jedi compatriots were charged with crimes against the Republic. This event happened 2 year prior to the end of the Mandalorian Wars, and 9 years prior to the timeframe of TSL. I can see some interesting interactions between him and Mandalore, him and the rest of the Council, and possiblyadding more to Coruscant involving perhaps an assassination attempt in the Senate (wow so original) that happens to coincide with either the Player/Exile or someone else breaking Dorjander out of prison. I don't know how much thematic sense that makes, but it's an idea nonetheless that would help to make it feel more a part of the game. The temple itself could perhaps end up being something that the player is granted access to after they prove themselves to the Republic in some way (perhaps by stopping the assassination, or whatever major event the world holds), and I can see it dilapidated and such with the comics design, with hints later on that the temple would be rebuilt to more resemble the TOR-Prequels design. But anyways, yeah, I see the landing/take-off videos being more like the opening sequence of AotC and the loading screens linked above, with it on a platform (based from the Telos Snow Piller, if you want to reuse modules in a creative way assuming you only had the platform itself a la Episode II). Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarthVarkor 384 Posted August 5, 2015 This is more of random discussion thread with no heavy ulterior motive here. In your opinion, if someone was to create Coruscant Landing and Take off Videos for deathdisco's Jedi Temple Mod, how do you imagine they would be set up visually? What would happen in the video? Finally, what KOTOR2 music would you imagine playing behind the action and sound effects? (If you don't know the song titles, feel free to link to the song you'd use from the KOTOR2 soundtrack with one of song videos from this playlist in your response.) I'm interested to see where this goes. In terms of music for the cutscene, I would have to say either this soundtrack: or this one:, preferably the segment from 1:30-1:45, depending on the length of the cutscene. As for the actual cutscene, I think the idea of a landing pad like everyone else is suggesting works best, as like someone said earlier, I doubt the Republic would let any random person dock outside the Jedi Temple. Question: Would the music in the cutscene have to be from KOTOR 2's soundtrack? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VarsityPuppet 1,086 Posted August 5, 2015 Question: Would the music in the cutscene have to be from KOTOR 2's soundtrack? Presumably if you could find free-to-use, royalty-free music (there are places) that fits with the mood of the game, that'd be fair game. As far as what I'd like to see with the video, I'd like to see an establishing shot of the Jedi Temple + surrounding buildings, and then have the Ebon Hawk zoom into frame and become very small as it continues on flying to the Jedi Temple. Then cut to a scene of the landing pad, and have the Ebon Hawk land on it. Boom Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarthVarkor 384 Posted August 5, 2015 Presumably if you could find free-to-use, royalty-free music (there are places) that fits with the mood of the game, that'd be fair game. As far as what I'd like to see with the video, I'd like to see an establishing shot of the Jedi Temple + surrounding buildings, and then have the Ebon Hawk zoom into frame and become very small as it continues on flying to the Jedi Temple. Then cut to a scene of the landing pad, and have the Ebon Hawk land on it. Boom What about other soundtracks from various Star Wars films and games? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VarsityPuppet 1,086 Posted August 6, 2015 What about other soundtracks from various Star Wars films and games? No, probably not as that falls under porting technically. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted August 6, 2015 No, probably not as that falls under porting technically.This. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarthVarkor 384 Posted August 6, 2015 This.Hmm, that sucks, seeing as there's a plethora of soundtracks from the Star Wars films and the EU, well in that case I'd have to say either of the two tracks I linked imo, I can't think there'd be any royalty free Star Wars sounding music out there. Oh and speaking of the skyboxes for the mod, while this doesn't affect the exterior Nar Shaddaa landing pad area, for inside the Council chambers itself, I downloaded a neat mod that changed it from a dull background of a landing pad to a backdrop of Coruscant itself with all the buildings. I can't remember the exact name of the mod though :S I used it in my first KOTOR 2 Machinima film, see here: Perhaps this background change could be fully incorporated into the mod somehow? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rece 63 Posted August 9, 2015 I'd really like to see the music: (Into The Past) for the landing and then (The Secret Academy) for the take off! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarthVarkor 384 Posted August 10, 2015 Managed to find that mod I was on about: I think it makes Coruscant a lot better. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Constar 23 Posted August 10, 2015 Ah yeah I forgot about that model. Really impressive if it could be incorporated into a mod somehow. Hm maybe as a really big placeable Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Domino5555 119 Posted August 11, 2015 Say we do a remake of the Coruscant Jedi Temple mod, would there be any spots for voice acting? Managed to find that mod I was on about: I think it makes Coruscant a lot better. Darth Varkor, what about the background of Coruscant outside the Temple? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarthVarkor 384 Posted August 15, 2015 Darth Varkor, what about the background of Coruscant outside the Temple? Oh I don't think it covers the backgrounds outside :S I wouldn't know what to suggest for that as modding really isn't my forte. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted September 26, 2015 Perhaps I wasn't completely forthcoming about the reasons I created this thread. I was hoping that some folks would take it upon themselves on expanding DD's mod. For starters - after getting permission - hopefully placing the levels in the mod into SithSpecter's Jedi Temple building. You'd need new loading screens, new textures (as the textures that SS used were from K1 so you'd have to make new ones to have the temple in TSL), landing and take off videos, voice-overs, and some additional missions because - let's be honest - folks are going to want to explore at least party of the city. There are also room that aren't in there - the Room of a Thousand Fountains that Kreia mentions? All of those areas we've seen in the ruins of the SWTOR temple? As long as I'm rambling, what about these as well?Perhaps you can request HK-42's permission to include his Jedi Temple Expansion 3.0 mod to whatever you are doing. It'll add Coruscant to the Galaxy Map complete with a rotating planet. Of course, you might want to change out some of the loading screens to reflect the new areas that Sithspecter did but it seems a worthy addition. I'm also not sure if the location that the mod places Coruscant is the canon location but that too you could always alter.I haven't played with the First National Bank of Coruscant mod by Darth HK-3000 but this also seems somewhat interesting as well. Of course, why not actually finally be able to see the office for Czerka that the female employee mentioned in the Czerka office on Tatooine in the first game? And of course, it would be closed. (Ha!)Having a model of the Senate building way off in the distance wouldn't be an awful idea either. Of course if you could get permission to use any of these, that would be epic!Update as of 30APR2016: Links to mods in this post no longer lead to GameFront but to a different site you can get them from. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Malkior 477 Posted September 26, 2015 I would be more than enthusiastic to at least contribute story details, or in the future, do some texturing.. I have come up with several ideas from my recent playthrough on how to really "spruce up" the place and to make it a part of the story arc in a most natural way. (SH, the Vash texture is still a work in progress, but no breakthrough look just yet... Frankly I suck at painting hair quite a bit ATM..) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Damned 20 Posted September 26, 2015 All I would want is landing / take-off BIK movies to be consistent with other planets. From the limited research I did, it sounds like the mod is similar to the Yavin IV Space Station level. Just a small little off-shoot where you can earn cool and powerful items for your characters. Am I correct in that assumption? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rece 63 Posted September 26, 2015 I like SH's idea of doing new textures and stuff for the mod. I think that's a great idea, and possibly collaborating with others to kind of combine their ideas to expand Coruscant I even more. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites