Bao-Dur's Charged Armor 1.0

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Considering the fact that TSL doesn't allow Bao-Dur to wear robes as a Jedi, and to add insult to injury, dies fairly quickly in a fight, hehehe... I decided to at least give him something decent to wear. As a Jedi, or a "not-so-great" techy fighter, this armor should at least even the odds...






Knowing Bao was vital to the war effort & a gifted man of science, moreso than battle... General commissioned Bao to construct himself some armor capable of withstanding the heat & pressure of both Malachor V and the atrocities of war itself.


Bao knew in order to fashion armor capable of withstanding heavy attacks it would have to be significantly powered. The problem was, there wasn't readily available, nor renewable, sources of power on the field of battle. It was then he realized a more significant value to his remote.


With ingenuity and a handful of luck, Bao was able to synch one of the remote's power subsytem generators to "transmit" or radiate a small, unique frequency power field.

Specialized plates on Bao's armor collect this radiation, process it and runs it through microscopic amplifiers arrayed throughout the armor.

The processed energy is then used to power the armor's functions and generate micro repulsor fields to withstand numerous forms of attack.

Just one of the many tiny secrets why Bao-Dur is hardly ever seen without his remote close by...


A "bonus" side-effect of the armor's construction is it's ability to "soak" a limited amount of enemy fire & process it much in the same manner as the remote's power field.


It is rumored that Bao-Dur studied the works of another gifted engineer & Jedi, Segan Wyndh. Though unconfirmed, Bao may have implemented some of Segan's designs and "unconventional" methods...


** This armor will allow the usage of Force Powers & accept "Heavy Armor" upgrades **






- Restricted to Bao-Dur

- Base AC 8

- +2 Defense, for a total of AC 10

- Max Dexterity Bonus +8

- Damage Reduction, +5 Soak 30

- Damage Resistance, Universal 30/-

- Improved Saving Throws, All +2

- Immunity, Critical Hits

- Accepts Heavy Armor Upgrades

- Allows usage of Force Powers



*- This mod incorporates stoffe -mkb-'s TSL Patcher program, so I assume it's compatible with TSLRCM.

  • Light Side Points 1

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Says TSLRCM compatible, however when I get to the first cache and go through the conversation with Bao-dur, the game crashes.  Doesn't work.

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Correction:  I reinstalled TSLRCM and then this mod, and it didn't crash. Something must have occurred during initial installation that didn't work right.  Working now!  Cheers!

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Having trouble getting this to work, the file opens in Wordpad and gives me a bunch of gibberish symbols. I put it in my override folder but it didn't work.

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If you're having problems with this, such as crashing when Bao-dur tries to put the armor on, it's because your game has an issue with "bao_armor.uti".


1. Install the mod and then using Kotor Tool, open 'baseitems.2da' and make a note of the 'Row Label' for the charged armor (last in list after installing). The row is 109 in the original .uti file in the mods 'tslpatchdata' folder. If it doesn't match, then that's your problem and you need to edit the .uti file.

2. Using a GFF editor (not Kotor Tool - doesn't seem to like it) open 'bao_armor.uti' in your Override folder and change 109 to whatever number you noted previously. Make sure the number is changed and then save overwrite.


It should work now.


I thought the TSLpatcher had facilities to accommodate these sorts of issues, but then again I don't know much about the patcher. Hope someone fixes this.


Anyway. Hope this helps someone :)

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Well.. I found the problem.. and it's really simple!


If you can do a fresh install of this mod and return 'baseitems.2da' to how it was prior to installing this mod (from the backup folder), then read on. If not, and you've installed other mods that change 'baseitems.2da' and it will be too much hassle, then follow the instructions I wrote previously.


What the problem is, is that the patcher tries to install 'bao_armor.uti' twice and gets an error and skips the .uti alteration. What you need to is actually very easy. Assuming this mod is completely removed from your override folder and the 'baseitems.2da' has no reference to the charged armor, then do the following:


1/ Unpack the mod and go into the 'tslpatchdata' folder.

2/ Open 'changes.ini'

3/ Scroll down and find the section '[install_folder0]'.

4/ Find the line 'File3=bao_armor.uti' and delete it completely.

5/ Renumber the next two lines to file 3 and 4 e.g.'File3=231bdur.dlg' and 'File4=equip_bcarmor.ncs'.

6/ That's it, you're done. Save 'changes.ini'.


Install the mod. Now the patcher should install 'bao_armor.uti' and alter it to match the row number in 'baseitems.2da'.


A single line caused so much hassle. Oh well.


Good luck.

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Well.. I found the problem.. and it's really simple!


If you can do a fresh install of this mod and return 'baseitems.2da' to how it was prior to installing this mod (from the backup folder), then read on. If not, and you've installed other mods that change 'baseitems.2da' and it will be too much hassle, then follow the instructions I wrote previously.


What the problem is, is that the patcher tries to install 'bao_armor.uti' twice and gets an error and skips the .uti alteration. What you need to is actually very easy. Assuming this mod is completely removed from your override folder and the 'baseitems.2da' has no reference to the charged armor, then do the following:


1/ Unpack the mod and go into the 'tslpatchdata' folder.

2/ Open 'changes.ini'

3/ Scroll down and find the section '[install_folder0]'.

4/ Find the line 'File3=bao_armor.uti' and delete it completely.

5/ Renumber the next two lines to file 3 and 4 e.g.'File3=231bdur.dlg' and 'File4=equip_bcarmor.ncs'.

6/ That's it, you're done. Save 'changes.ini'.


Install the mod. Now the patcher should install 'bao_armor.uti' and alter it to match the row number in 'baseitems.2da'.


A single line caused so much hassle. Oh well.


Good luck.

What is the armor called in the baseitems.2da folder? I don't see anything that would make sense like "bao_armor"

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What is the armor called in the baseitems.2da folder? I don't see anything that would make sense like "bao_armor"


It's called "Bao_Charged_Armor" and should be at the end of the list after installing.

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Impressive, and I'd like to see a Dark Side Version with red lighting similar to Effixian's Red Electromesh robes.

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No matter what I do, I cannot find a working GFF editor tool download or tutorial. Not only that, whatever I CAN download, I just cannot get to work. This mod is causing my game to crash and I am in serious need of some help with it. Is there any way someone could just send me a fixed version of this?

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There is indeed an issue with this mod and TSLRCM (or in general). Samustus' fix seemed to do the trick for me! (Thanks for that)

It does require some text editing but it's only deleting a line and changing some numbers. Follow the instructions and then the mod works like a charm - a very nice armor for Bao-Dur (and I would say balanced, especially for higher difficulties). It would be wise if someone updates this link with a corrected text file or uploads a fix/fixed version. 

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Really looks pretty, pretty nice, the stats are good and DO NOT RESTRICT the Force Powers.


(I cannot edit my last post)

The readme is wrong. Says "When you approach your 1st cache, Bao initiates a dialogue". Well, IT'S NOT THE FIRST CACHE (in fact, the first is located just behind the crashed shuttle) and the armor dialog starts when you find the second.

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@Samustusi did the line change and it still didnt work i dont know ow to do the gff editor or know what the kotor mod tool is  so is there a more simpler way to do this or can i add the item in to skip the whole dialog by ks3 editor

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On 9/28/2019 at 4:26 AM, Decayedwrath said:

@Samustusi did the line change and it still didnt work i dont know ow to do the gff editor or know what the kotor mod tool is  so is there a more simpler way to do this or can i add the item in to skip the whole dialog by ks3 editor

Sorry for the late reply. Haven't been around.

For those having probs with the dialog, you can remove the dialog entirely when installing the armor and add the armor manually using the editor.

Follow my previous instructions, except this time there are different line changes.


Under the Header "[install_folder0]",

Delete/Change the lines to look like the following (only three lines under the Header):


Save and install.


All this does now is add the armor to the games' item list. There is no dialog and no autoequip. Once the mod is installed you have to add it manually to BaoDur using a save game editor.


Hope this helps.

Edited by Samustus

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On 1/27/2020 at 2:20 PM, Samustus said:

Sorry for the late reply. Haven't been around.

For those having probs with the dialog, you can remove the dialog entirely when installing the armor and add the armor manually using the editor.

Follow my previous instructions, except this time there are different line changes.


Under the Header "[install_folder0]",

Delete/Change the lines to look like the following (only three lines under the Header):


Save and install.


All this does now is add the armor to the games' item list. There is no dialog and no autoequip. Once the mod is installed you have to add it manually to BaoDur using a save game editor.


Hope this helps.

Okay so I did all this and now my game boots up and all that, but he doesn't have the armor equipped. I put in on him via KSE, but in-game he's naked. No matter how many times I do it. Did I mess something up? or am I missing a step?

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On 2/8/2020 at 5:46 AM, Scarecrow Man said:

Okay so I did all this and now my game boots up and all that, but he doesn't have the armor equipped. I put in on him via KSE, but in-game he's naked. No matter how many times I do it. Did I mess something up? or am I missing a step?

Did you resolve this?

All I can suggest is to check that 'ia_class7_087.tga', 'PMBF87.tga', 'PMBF87.txi' and the UTI file are in your override folder. Also make sure that Bao-Dur is part of your group, save the game, and THEN edit the save file. Editing/changing NPC stats and gear when they are outside your current group will require changing a different section in the editor.

If it's still not working, try my personal version attached. NOTE: The attached version has dialog removed and will require an editor to give it to Bao-Dur.

Bao-Dur's Charged Armor Fixed - Editor Version.7z

Edited by Samustus

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