Sith Assassins With Lightsabers 1.2.1

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About This File

2 mods were released a long time ago, doing some part of what this mod does. These 2 mods being Shem's Sith Assassin's with Lightsabers and Hassat Hunter's Sith troops to Sith Assassins. Although these 2 mods are fine, there were a few issues/complications. Both of these mods are listed to install on the TSL Community Mod Build, but having both installed leads to some consistency issues. The changed assassins on the Ebon Hawk won't have lightsabers like Shem's mod does to them on the Harbinger. Additionally, Shem's mod had some of the Lightsabers drop premature to the player getting their own lightsaber, allowing you to get multiple of them for you and your party. While that's not despicable, it is a bit annoying for players who want to have a consistent and story accurate playthrough. This mod combine's the features of the 2 mentioned mods, while making it consistent.

This mod is split up into 2 mandatory install parts and 1 optional install. First, extract the .zip download. Run the Holopatcher.exe and select the first part install option, installing to your TSL directory. Once that is completed (rename "Backup" to "backup1", in case you want to uninstall the mod.) Go to the drop down menu where the first part install option is and select the second part, and run the Holopatcher again. Once that one is completed, you have the mod installed. Optionally, if you want the Assassins to be debuffed for the Ebon Hawk Raid. (rename the current "backup" folder to "backup2" in case you want to uninstall alter.) select the Optional third install in the drop down menu and install that. Boom, now you're done.

Note: You can install the first part alone and the mod will be fine, but the second part installs for the turret sequence on peragus. If you'd like the immersion and consistency, install both parts.

Open up "backup1" and copy the .mod file to the modules folder, overwriting it when prompted. Delete all the .utc filed in the game's override folder that match the .utc files in the backup2 folder.
Open up "backup2" and copy the .mod file into there to the modules folder, overwriting when prompted.
Open "backup" if you installed the optional third install, and copy the .mod to the modules folder, overwriting.

Don't worry if you have Shem's and Hassat's mods installed first, this mod will overwrite what they do.

Holocron Toolset - Cortisol
Holopatcher - Cortisol
TSLPatcher - Stoffe (used in the previous versions)
Snigaroo for testing help.
Shem and Hassat for making the original mods, that this mod replicates.

You can use parts of the mods in your own, as long as there is proper credit. Don't re-upload this mod anywhere without any changes done, if I want somewhere, I'll put it there. DO NOT reupload to the steam workshop.

None known at the time. Report if any are encountered.

What's New in Version 1.2.1   See changelog


- Fixed an issue where the Sith Assassins didn't have their Lightsabers
- Needed Shem's original mod to fully function with the Lightsabers, updated to now be independent.

Thanks to the user who brought this to my attention.

- Now uses Holopatcher instead of TSLPatcher for convenience
- Exchanged the weapons the Assassins use on the EH to be the same prop the Assassins use on the Harbinger
- Added a optional install intended for Mobile if you didn't get any kills in the turret minigame.

- Potentially solved an XP bug in the turret section
- HOPEFULLY Fixed the error for OptionPart3 when launching Holopatcher

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Once that is completed (rename "Backup" to "backup1", in case you want to uninstall the mod.)

I don't think this part is not necessary, as holopatcher creates different timestampted directories in the backup folder for each run (at least the most recent version does).

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In the tslpatchdata folder, edit the namespaces file to remove the "Namespace3=OptionPart3" line, then save it. The installer will work after that.

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19 hours ago, Shalashaskka said:

In the tslpatchdata folder, edit the namespaces file to remove the "Namespace3=OptionPart3" line, then save it. The installer will work after that.

I thought I fixed the bug in the namespaces.ini, but I'll take a look again.

On 3/17/2025 at 4:05 PM, martixy said:

I don't think this part is not necessary, as holopatcher creates different timestampted directories in the backup folder for each run (at least the most recent version does).

Originally I used TSLPatcher which wouldn't do this from what I thought, and I wasn't entirely sure what Holopatcher did for backups either. Good to know

18 minutes ago, Lewok2007 said:

I thought I fixed the bug in the namespaces.ini, but I'll take a look again.

I uploaded a new version a little bit ago that fixed some XP issues but I guess when I made those changes I didn't use the most up to date version. (that is with the namespaces.ini issue) Sorry for the difficulties. If you have downloaded the mod previously, download the new version and that should work.

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