About This File
The swords, axes, and stun batons in Vanilla TSL aren't the most prettiest things you could look at in the game. I have decided to
make a texture enhancement for the swords since Snigaroo put a request for a skin to do something like this on the mod build request
thread for TSL. I also wanted to make this eventually, so why not do it now? The vanilla TSL swords have been upscaled to 2048 x 2048
from 64 x 64. I then used KotorBlender and GIMP to make the swords look better. Likewise for the axes and the stun batons.
Person-who-wouldn't-wish-to-be-credited also provided an alternate stun baton texture for the 004 stun baton in a discussion with him, and button textures I
used on the stun batons and swords. The alternate stun baton texture has a wood and leather appearance.
I haven't changed the animated "zappy" texture on the stun batons, nor have I changed the third stun baton texture, since none of
the stun batons in the game use it.
Screenshots are provided in the "Screeshots" folder.
1. Extract the .zip
2. Copy all of the .tpc files from "override"
3. Paste them into the override folder in the TSL directory
4. *Optionally* Copy w_Stunbaton_004.tpc from Alternate 4th Stun Baton folder and copy that into the override folder in your TSL
directory, overwrite when prompted.
Person-who-wouldn't-wish-to-be-credited for the button and Alternate 4th Stun Baton Texture
Kotor Tool
Use of Mod:
Do not upload to any other file hosting sites without my permission (like NexusMods, GameBanana, Steam Workshop. etc.)
You can re-use one of these textures in your own mod, as long as you have my permission.
What's New in Version 1.1.0 See changelog
Added "plastic' texture on the Vibroswords, Double Vibroswords, and Vibroblades.
With version 1.1.0:
- Download