G0-T0 Overhaul v1.2

   (8 reviews)

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About This File

You must have TSLRCM 1.8.4 installed BEFORE this mod!
You also should use a save from before you go to Nar Shaddaa.
G0-T0 Overhaul V1.2


Author: Darth Sapiens (dr.nordgren@ymail.com)
Name: G0T0 Overhaul


1. Description:
This mod does what it says - overhauls G0-T0 to be more interesting, adding melee capabilities and a brand new model. This mod also includes a few new items, creatable at the workbench (with a high enough repair skill) and also they come with g0-t0.
Hopefully this mod is balanced (it's my first mod, so I'm still learning the ropes).


2. Install:
(It is highly recommended that you update your game to version 2.10 (the 1.0b update) before installing this mod.)
Run "Install G0T0 Overhaul.exe".
Note: a new folder named "backup" will be created during the installation within the folder the installer was run from. If you plan on uninstalling this mod, this folder and the files therein must not be deleted as they are used during the uninstall process.
Note from Fair Strides:
Not all of the options need to be done. All of them have descriptions to help you choose.
For a quick bit of info, "required" ones are options 1, 2, 8, and 9. You will also need Option 4 OR Option 6, depending on whether you have the NPC Overhaul mod by Kainzorus Prime installed, so please read those descriptions and pick the right option!
Options 3, 5, and 7 are entirely optional and in keeping with Darth Sapiens's original layout.


3. Uninstall: dont bug me about this, ever XD
Backups of any files that have been altered were made during installation and placed in a folder called "backup" within the folder the installer was run from.
-1. Replace the modified ones with the originals
-2. Delete the g0t0 folder inside your override
-3. Replace the sound files and delete the .mp3's added


4. Bugs:
There are no known issues that will develop as a result of installing this mod properly.
Other than a small currently unfixable animation problem... :(


6. Distribution Notes:
If i ever disappear, you can (unless specified otherwise) reupload to any site as long as credit is given and the readme is unaltered. If I'm gone try to contact me before you release a new mod based on mine. If you can't get a hold of me, then carry on; just give me and my co-modders credit.


7. Thanks:
Deadman - model tweaking and rigging
neomarz1 - his work inspired me to mod, and he allowed me to use parts of his work.
Sith Holocron - critiscism (good stuff though)
Fair Strides - 1.2 overhaul and patching
and my beta testers - Jaden Korr and Nsinger998
and my 1.2 beta testers - Fair Strides, djh269, and Malkior!

What's New in Version v1.2   See changelog


  • 1.2 -- Complete re-make of the installer, offering more options and taking a very different approach at implementing the mod.
  • 1.1 -- Fixed game-breaking bug at Malachor's Remote cutscene, as well as modifying several other appearances in cutscenes.
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I'm glad it's finally released! Will try it in my next playthrough.

It's great that you included alternate cape textures, I think I'll use the cream-ish one (but why the original dark-grey with red paintings is not included? I think some people might actually like it)

The only thing I don't really like is his head texture - I more liked the original bright-red visor. But it's no problem, I have that texture backuped ;) Or I can edit the new one ;) Or do some other crazy things :P

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i just removed the one bug that didnt want to be fixed, lol i was hard to trigger it. but that was the only bug at the time, so its gone, YAY!

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Very impressive, I've been waiting for this one. I will have to play through the whole game to give a proper review, but it looks fantastic regardless. I don't think my idea of G0-T0 will be quite the same after this mod.

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I'm not sure if this was intended or not, but none of the GO-TO droids on the ship were changed, not even in the scene with the meeting aboard the ship; in fact, that part was bugged where I couldn't advance any farther.


For the default cape, you might set the decal to 2, instead of 1.


I thought that the textures had too much black, which IMO obscures any detail you might wish to present.


You might want to adjust the model again: the left hand is a good 4 inches from the shockstaff, and the droid specials(eg flamethrower) spout from the hip...


I'll send you a "fixed" version if you want, that allows you to proceed with the game, and/or makes the rest of the droids change as well(because GO-TO is trying to pass himself off as another droid, not a grand mega-mind; he'll not want to single himself out as the leader.)


You asked for input...let me know about sending over the fix, and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

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I actually intended for the other droids to not change because G0-T0 had said he modified himself to be more intimidating. The original droids were identical and i saw no difference. As for the textures, I'm going to update them shortly, weird on my play-through and my beta testers play-through there was no game stopping bugs. PM me more details please, i can't fix the arms being off (that's what deadman told me.) For the hip thing, I have a fixed model (thought i had included it) so I'll update it. Thank you for your input as it helps refine my mod :D

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How about I just send you the archive? Then you just have to take out the edits to the row Party_NPC_GOTO, and take out the other droid .uti files.

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Hmm getting this when using the "901 cutscene"


 • Patch operation started 10/13/2015 9:33:40 PM...
 • Error: No RowIndex/RowLabel identifier for row to modify found at top of modifier list! Unable to apply modifier "appearance_row_ds_g0t0_0".
 • Updated 2DA file G:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Knights of the Old Republic II\override\appearance.2da.
 • Modifying GFF format files...
 • Error: Invalid file version. Loaded file is not in GFF V3.2 format! (GFF-1)


Do I even need to do this or is it fine with the main thing? Im updating from 1.0 btw

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Hmm getting this when using the "901 cutscene"


 • Patch operation started 10/13/2015 9:33:40 PM...

 • Error: No RowIndex/RowLabel identifier for row to modify found at top of modifier list! Unable to apply modifier "appearance_row_ds_g0t0_0".

 • Updated 2DA file G:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Knights of the Old Republic II\override\appearance.2da.

 • Modifying GFF format files...

 • Error: Invalid file version. Loaded file is not in GFF V3.2 format! (GFF-1)


Do I even need to do this or is it fine with the main thing? Im updating from 1.0 btw


Im also getting this error message and also for the yacht scene as well, im using the NPC overhaul option as i have it installed, i have no idea what to do, to my knowledge ive installed the main files properly, any assistance would be most helpful and appreciated.  

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For those that aren't aware, the installer's fixed and I haven't gotten any reports of any more issues so far.

you are the best!

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is this compatible with 1.8.5 tslrcm?

Yes! If it requires TSLRCM 1.8.4 then all future versions after that are guaranteed to work. Enjoy the mod! ;)

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I like a lot but I'm not sure if it breaks the "innocent" looks of the original G0-T0 showed. The first time I've seen him I thought in Darth Vader and no in a simple "transmitter of orders" from his "owner".

Anyway, I think it's the first time that I take him with me in mission. Usually I always left the "Fat One" in the ship.

Good and nice work

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