Party Conversations on Ebon Hawk 1.3

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About This File

KOTOR features several conversations between party members which occur as you explore the various planets.  Unfortunately, it is easy to miss some of them if you rarely use certain combinations of characters, such as Carth with Canderous or Bastila with Jolee.  This mod moves these conversations to the Ebon Hawk and the Taris apartment hideout similar to KOTOR 2, guaranteeing that you can see nearly every conversation in a single playthrough.  Conversations which directly refer to Taris are set to take place while you are still there, while the remaining conversations will occur in semi-random order up until (or possibly slightly after) the Leviathan sequence.  Aside from the change in location, I have also made some slight edits to the conversations themselves, mainly relating to the timing of character animations.

By default, conversations will also still occur on the various planets like in the vanilla game.  They will only occur at the Ebon Hawk/hideout as required to catch you up on any that you may have missed.  I have also provided an option to make the conversations happen only at the Ebon Hawk/hideout, never out on the planets.

Thank you for downloading, and I hope you enjoy this mod!


Run INSTALL.exe and select either the standard version or the KOTOR 1 Community Patch compatible version.  If you would like the conversations to take place only at the Ebon Hawk/hideout, run INSTALL.exe again and select "OPTION:  Ebon Hawk/Hideout Only".  If you have other mods installed, it is normal to see warnings that ebo_m12aa.mod and/or tar_m02af.mod already exist and have been skipped.

This mod is compatible with the KOTOR 1 Community Patch (K1CP) and incorporates its fixes to k_pebn_pophawk.ncs.  It has not been tested with the KOTOR 1 Restoration (K1R), but in theory it should be compatible.  It is not compatible with any mods that edit k_pebn_pophawk.ncs or banter.dlg.

For best results, install this mod after K1CP, K1R, or any other mods that make significant edits to the Ebon Hawk interior or to the Taris apartment hideout.

NWNSSCOMP by Torlack and tk102
DeNCS by JdNoa and Dashus
K-GFF by tk102
DLGEditor by tk102
TSL Patcher by stoffe and Fair Strides
ERFEdit by stoffe and Fair Strides
Kotor Tool by Fred Tetra

This mod includes fixes to k_pebn_pophawk.nss which were developed by the K1CP team.

This mod was inspired by the following mod request thread on Deadly Stream: Thanks to everyone who participated in the original thread for their discussion, which provided a major source of inspiration.

1.0   - Initial Release
1.1   - Revised installation process and options
         - Revised the walk scripts in the Mission/Bastila conversation so that they do not need to be compiled during installation
         - Adjusted the camera angles the Mission/Bastila conversation
         - Adjusted the conditions for determining when conversations play before and after the Leviathan sequence
         - Added an extended fade to hide the party fading out and reappearing when entering the Ebon Hawk or Taris apartment
         - Revised implementation of edits to tar02_bastvision.dlg to reduce incompatibilities with other mods that edit the same file
           (i.e. K1CP 1.10).
         - Cleaned up and clarified comments in the script source files
1.2   - Added additional conditions to the Taris apartment entry script to prevent a rare issue where the vanilla conversation after
           "rescuing" Bastila did not occur.  Thanks to PoopaPapaPalpatine for reporting the issue and testing the fix.
1.2.1 - Added additional conditions to the Ebon Hawk entry script to prevent a rare issue where the cutscenes before landing
            on Dantooine for the first time did not occur and the game softlocked.  Thanks to CapitaineSpoque for reporting the issue and
            testing the fix.
1.3 - Adjusted camera angles and walk timing for the Mission/Bastila conversation on the Ebon Hawk to improve camera behavior.

This modification is provided as-is and is not supported by Disney, Lucasarts, or Bioware.  Use at your own risk.  The author shall not be held responsible for damage to your game installation, computer, or saved games resulting from the use of this mod.

This mod shall not be reposted, in whole or in part, on any sites other than Deadly Stream without the author's permission.  Assets from this mod shall not be redistributed in other modifications without the author's permission.

What's New in Version 1.3   See changelog


Adjusted camera angles and walk timing for the Mission/Bastila conversation on the Ebon Hawk to improve camera behavior.

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I was just about to mention how I requested this years ago, and then I read the mod page and see the link to my old thread.


Here is my live reaction to seeing my old idea brought to life!


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6 hours ago, N-DReW25 said:

I was just about to mention how I requested this years ago, and then I read the mod page and see the link to my old thread.


Here is my live reaction to seeing my old idea brought to life!

Glad to be of service, I hope you like what I’ve come up with!  I came across your request thread and thought, “I could do something with this…”  Maybe a few years late to the party, but I made it in the end.

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Thanks for this. Despite it being 2023, I'm newish to this game and on my second playthrough. Surprising to see how much content I missed, but this mod is making up for it. Cheers. 

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However, I do have one question. Is this compatible with Restored Content for K1CP? Thanks for adding, since the companion convos add quite a bit to KOTOR.

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2 hours ago, Mearn-Tahl said:

However, I do have one question. Is this compatible with Restored Content for K1CP?

I haven't tested it, but I'm not seeing any files that would conflict, so I think they should be fine together.

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24 minutes ago, WildKarrde said:

I haven't tested it, but I'm not seeing any files that would conflict, so I think they should be fine together.

Thank you again, its looks great so wanted to check before next playthrough. 😀

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Hey, I have a problem with conversation with Carth. The second talk with him (about Bastilla being imprisoned) ends like this:



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17 hours ago, Inraviel said:

Hey, I have a problem with conversation with Carth. The second talk with him (about Bastilla being imprisoned) ends like this:

Very strange.  Just to confirm, this happened during the conversation when Carth teases Bastila about losing her lightsaber, correct?  I wasn’t able to reproduce the issue on my end, so I’m not sure what might be causing it.  Does it still happen if you delete banter.dlg from override?  That file only contains a few minor tweaks, and the Ebon Hawk/Apartment versions of the conversations are in separate DLG files, so you can safely delete it without breaking the rest of the mod.  Are you using any other mods that might affect the party banter dialog?

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It is the second ever conversation with him (to "know him better"),  only explored the upper parts of Taris, not even lower city. It might be somehow related to the mod changing Carth from 'Soldier' to 'Pilot'.

These are two mods that may be changing something:


I first tried talking to him in the hideout, but the result was the same.

Edited by Inraviel

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17 hours ago, Inraviel said:

It is the second ever conversation with him (to "know him better"),  only explored the upper parts of Taris, not even lower city. It might be somehow related to the mod changing Carth from 'Soldier' to 'Pilot'.

Got it.  I don't edit any of the files related to Carth's individual conversation series (they should all be part of k_hcar_dialog.dlg), so I don't think my mod is causing the issue.  The mods you linked for making Carth a pilot don't seem to edit any DLG or NCS files either, so I don't think they would be causing it either.  I'm not sure what else to suggest except maybe see if you have any mods that edit k_hcar_dialog.dlg, or possibly even dialog.tlk.

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16 hours ago, WildKarrde said:

Got it.  I don't edit any of the files related to Carth's individual conversation series (they should all be part of k_hcar_dialog.dlg), so I don't think my mod is causing the issue.  The mods you linked for making Carth a pilot don't seem to edit any DLG or NCS files either, so I don't think they would be causing it either.  I'm not sure what else to suggest except maybe see if you have any mods that edit k_hcar_dialog.dlg, or possibly even dialog.tlk.

Ok, thanks for helping me. I'll try to figure it out and inform you if I find it.

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Hey, I checked the Overdrive folder and found all individual k_h****_dialog.dlg files there, but no corresponding mod to these files. Instead, I found multiple dialog.tlk backup files in many mods, but not in the Override folder. This is very weird. Below, I attached a screenshot from the folder:


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On 3/1/2025 at 7:54 PM, Inraviel said:

Hey, I checked the Overdrive folder and found all individual k_h****_dialog.dlg files there, but no corresponding mod to these files. Instead, I found multiple dialog.tlk backup files in many mods, but not in the Override folder.

dialog.tlk is located in swkotor, not Override. If you still have the installation logs, you should be able to see which mods patched the files you are looking for, something like:

Appending strings to TLK file "[...]steamapps\common\swkotor\dialog.tlk"

Added new field to GFF file k_hcar_dialog.dlg...

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Reasonably certain this mod isn't working for me.

I just saw 2 convos between Mission and Zaalbar by halfway through the game.

Running around with various combos still triggers them - I just got Carth v Jolee asking about the war while walking outside.

I'm using the community modbuild.

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11 hours ago, martixy said:

Reasonably certain this mod isn't working for me.

I just saw 2 convos between Mission and Zaalbar by halfway through the game.

Have any conversations happened at the Ebon Hawk/Taris Apartment, or have you only had them while running around? If you’re getting any of them at the Hawk, then the main scripts are triggering like they should, although I can’t think why you would see so few conversations.  By the time you leave Dantooine to go looking for Star Maps, you definitely should have seen:

  • Mission ask Carth about how Taris compares to other planets
  • Carth tease Bastila about losing her lightsaber when she was captured by the Black Vulkars
  • Zaalbar tell Mission about biting a chunk out of a Gamorrean’s arm
  • Canderous antagonizing Bastila by calling her a “spoiled Jedi princess”

At least one of those probably would have happened right after the Apartment conversations after rescuing Bastila.  Are you using any mods aside from K1CP which edit k_pebn_pophawk.ncs?

11 hours ago, martixy said:

Running around with various combos still triggers them - I just got Carth v Jolee asking about the war while walking outside.

Is it possible that you’re just too good at triggering them outside and there aren’t any left to see back at the Hawk?  I’m guessing that probably isn’t the issue, but I thought I’d still ask to rule it out.


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9 hours ago, WildKarrde said:

Have any conversations happened at the Ebon Hawk/Taris Apartment, or have you only had them while running around? If you’re getting any of them at the Hawk, then the main scripts are triggering like they should, although I can’t think why you would see so few conversations.  By the time you leave Dantooine to go looking for Star Maps, you definitely should have seen:

I was being unclear, sorry. But I meant on Ebon Hawk I only saw the 2 convos between Mission and Zaalbaar and no others.

TBH I don't remember if I ever saw convos on Taris.

And I have triggered only very few convos outside, so there should be lots for to be heard on the Hawk.

On top of the mod build, I only have 1 mod that adds a custom armor, so I promise nothing else would have touched this mod's files.

I am a technical person and I have the modding tools set up, I am willing to help debug, since I was really excited about playing with this mod. You can also find me on the kotor discord under the same name if you want faster comms.

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2 hours ago, martixy said:

I meant on Ebon Hawk I only saw the 2 convos between Mission and Zaalbaar and no others.

Got it, thanks for clarifying.  The fact that you’ve at least had some conversations on the Ebon Hawk is a good sign.  Would you mind please providing the following information:

  • Does your version of tar_02af.mod contain a copy of wk_basvis_next.ncs?
  • Which Star Maps have you found so far?
  • If you open your saved game with the KOTOR SaveGame Editor, under Globals --> Booleans, what are the values of G_Banter1 through G_Banter11?  (If you have just found a Star Map, please return to the Ebon Hawk, let any conversations play out, and save your game before checking.)
  • Under Globals --> Numerics, what is the value of K_STAR_MAP?

If you’re curious, here’s roughly how the scripting code determines if it should play a conversation when entering the Hawk:


There are 11 total conversations between party members.  When the player enters the Ebon Hawk, the game counts up how many conversations have played so far (tracked in the global booleans listed above), and it compares that to a target number based on how many Star Maps have been found so far.  If the number played is less than the target, then it plays random conversations until the target number is met.  The targets are:

  • On Taris – 3 conversations (usually governed by which party members are available)
  • 1 Star Map (i.e. just finished Dantooine) – 4
  • 2 Star Maps – 6
  • 3 Star Maps – 8
  • 4 Star Maps (pre-Leviathan) – 10

This count doesn’t include the second conversation between Mission and Carth (the one where they apologize for getting upset with each other) because that one is triggered solely by whether Mission and Carth have had their first conversation.

All of this means that if you have already passed the target number while running around on planets, then you won’t see any conversations on the Hawk until you find more Star Maps.  Basically I'm looking to confirm whether there is a bug or if maybe the code is just acting as designed.



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Ah! I understand now!

Frankly I expected more than 11 banters. But under the conditions you outlined, it seems the mod is working correctly.

I am working on the 4th Star Map right now and I have 9 out of 11 banters procced. I suppose the 2 convos I triggered were just enough to bring me up to the expected number, and since I never took Mission/Zaalbaar out together, those were quite likely to be the ones I would never see outside the Hawk.

I guess this is just a case of my misaligned expectations.

Thank you for the responses and I apologize for wasting your time.

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3 hours ago, martixy said:

Thank you for the responses and I apologize for wasting your time.

No worries, all good.  Glad to hear it seems to be working after all.

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