3 Screenshots

About This File

Making its DeadlyStream debut while my other mod ideas are still cooking, but here's a simple change to spice up your KotOR immersion.

This mod does two things, three at most.

1. Changes Jagi's appearance to a reskinned PMHB03--I tried to give a scarred/burned texture to the head to imply that Jagi did not survive Altheri unscathed.

1.5. Puts Jagi in Mandalorian Battle Armor--he wasn't at Malachor, which means he wasn't there when Revan committed cultural genocide.

2. Changes the appearance and soundset of Jagi's two thugs from Rodians to Mandalorian Warriors--he said he sent the call out to the surviving clans, so why shouldn't he bring them along?

What's New in Version 1.3   See changelog


Touched up Jagi's scarring.

Added two separate installation options:

The Vanilla Edition makes the appearance changes but nothing else.

The Make Mandalore Great Again Edition makes the appearance changes AND boosts both Jagi and his warriors to make the confrontation a fight worthy of Mandalorians.

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Would love to get it working properly, as I want the "Mandalore-worthy" option, but I keep getting this error message:


• Error: Unable to find a column matching the label NewRowLabel in D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\swkotor\override\appearance.2da! (2DA-8)


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"he wasn't at Malachor, which means he wasn't there when Revan committed cultural genocide"
True, but unlike the nameless Mandalorians you run into who are said to have fled the fighting before they got their butts kicked, Jagi was sent on a potentially-suicidal diversionary attack and presumed KIA. It's entirely possible (and indeed, likely) that his armor was FUBAR after Altheri.

"he said he sent the call out to the surviving clans, so why shouldn't he bring them along?"
I think you missed the point. Jagi also said he'd be there alone, that it would be single combat - so why should he bring two thugs along at all? He was lying. And if he lied about that, odds are good he also lied about telling the surviving clans about the battle in order to goad Canderous into coming. And even if he did tell them, why should they be party to his dishonorable attack?

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