It's me again. The mod roundup has most definitely served its purpose this time. It tipped me off that I never got around to updating the K2 version of a mod that I updated for K1 in January. The work was nearly all done and I was just too lazy to take new screenshots at the time. So good job, mod roundup.
Robe Adjustmnet – Fixed an issue that made the training cutscene wonky if you skipped through dialogue too quickly.
Jedi Tailor – While testing a while back, the Tailor's shop spawned inside a Jawa. So I tried to fix that for this update, but because it's a random occurrence I'm not sure if it actually worked. Also fixed another bug in the Tailor's dialogue.
Fashion Line I: Cloaked Jedi Robes / Cloaked Jedi Robes & Supermodel Port – Redid all textures. Higher resolution and ideally higher quality.
Lightsaber Visual Effects for K1 and K2 – Added new options for blue and green lightsabers and converted all texture files to superior TPC format.
New Mods
Player Soundset Restoration – Restores the player's voice to K2 so you say random stuff when performing actions like you do in K1.
Romance Enhancement: Biromantic Bastila – Allows a female player character to romance Bastila.
Something Completely Different
I have two somethings this time. I suspect certain individuals might be experiencing an increase in productivity on account of having more extra time than usual for certain reasons.
First, @VarsityPuppet has finally gotten around to announcing the winners of the 2018 Mod of the Year awards. I hadn't realized that my Cloaked Jedi Robes had won for one category, so thanks to whomever voted for that. VP has also promised to get the 2019 competition running soon.
Second, @AmanoJyaku has been working on a new script decompiler to address some issues with DeNCS. If successful, it will be a boon to modding as there are many scripts that cause DeNCS to choke up, preventing us from fixing bugs in them or otherwise improving their performance. We ran into several such unfortunate cases during Community Patch development, and there are also many scripts in K2 still running the bugged original random loot code even though TSLRCM fixes some of those bugs because the scripts without source code couldn't be recompiled. Any progress on that front could help make those fixes and other mods possible.
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