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Where the Wookiees At *TSL*



In TSL, there are no wookiees, except for a single angry Wookiee...


I'm fairly certain if you have that infamous NPC Overhaul you may run into a few more, but there are no important wookiee characters.
In K1, there's an entire planet of them.


I'm not suggesting porting Kashyyyk to TSL, but it would be interesting to see wookiees show up as a sidequest or potential companion interaction.
For instance, if you had Hanharr mabye you'd run across some wookiees on Nar Shaddaa, either free them or sell them into slavery.
This would allow character development of the PC for LS or DS points, it would highlight Hanharr's disregard for his people, and it would allow the PC an influence opportunity, more XP, and if you had Mira vice versa, though Mira has actual voiced lines, while Hanharr has alien VO.


The location could be changed, but Nar Shaddaa seems the most believable location.


Hanharr and wookiees are prime real estate for modding since they use Alien VOs and are not very prominent in TSL.


Wookiees could show up as slaves of Czerka on Telos, and need to be freed, or captured and sold to the Exchange or G0T0.


Additionally, a Big Z could easily make a cameo and have a hostile interaction with Hanharr resulting in the death of Big Z, or Hanharr for that matter...


Not sure if i'll ever do this, but if I did work on a content driven lore expansion mod, wookiees would be included.


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Wookie NPCs are in the game, just unused. As Hanhar has the Wookie VO it wouldn't be hard to give a Wookie NPC the same VO and make it a legitimate mod.

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I'm not sure Wookiees on Nar Shaddaa would  be a good idea. The convo with Mira indicates that Wookiees are generally unknown and that Hanharr is something of a unique specimen (as a species, not just that he is a psycho). The player can even indicate they have never heard of the species. Maybe you could have a couple on Citadel Station, helping the Ithorians out. That would be doubly beneficial, as you could easily splice in references to them in the Ithorian dialogue without worrying about VO. Anywhere else though strikes me as similarly out of place as Nar Shaddaa.

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14 hours ago, N-DReW25 said:

Wookie NPCs are in the game, just unused. As Hanhar has the Wookie VO it wouldn't be hard to give a Wookie NPC the same VO and make it a legitimate mod.

Yeah ikr! That's my point, would be cool to see. I figured I'd make a blog post as a note to self and/or to share the idea with the community. 


13 hours ago, DarthParametric said:

I'm not sure Wookiees on Nar Shaddaa would  be a good idea. The convo with Mira indicates that Wookiees are generally unknown and that Hanharr is something of a unique specimen (as a species, not just that he is a psycho). The player can even indicate they have never heard of the species. Maybe you could have a couple on Citadel Station, helping the Ithorians out. That would be doubly beneficial, as you could easily splice in references to them in the Ithorian dialogue without worrying about VO. Anywhere else though strikes me as similarly out of place as Nar Shaddaa.

Mmm that's a really good point. However, Canderous in K1 did mention that the Mandalorians knew of Kashyyyk and even thought about invading it as a challenge, because of the raw strength wookiees had, but decided against it. Nar Shaddaa was a refugee center, but say Revan didn't disrupt the Slave Trade on Kashyyyk then perhaps the Exchange would use Nar Shaddaa as blackmarket. I was thinking more of slaves in cages for Nar Shaddaa than simply just living there. Having the wookiees show up on Telos is an excellent idea as well, both as part of black market or as helpers to the Ithorians to restore the surface of Telos. 

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It would make sense that the Ithorians would scout Kkashyyyk for deadly wildlife as part of their restoration scheme, so you could work them into Telos based on that. Even if they didn't take anything, they would at least encounter the Wookiees and maybe encourage some to come help.


If you wanted to go the slave route, something involving the Trandoshans is an obvious choice, given they are the Wookiee's next door neighbours and long time mortal enemies. You could maybe extend the Red Eclipse quest. Perhaps in the LS version you could raid a base to free their captives, including Wookiees. That might provide clues to other RE cells you could shut down on other planets. In the DS you could visit there and maybe access a shop, get some bounty quests to capture more slaves for them elsewhere.

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2 hours ago, DarthParametric said:

It would make sense that the Ithorians would scout Kkashyyyk for deadly wildlife as part of their restoration scheme, so you could work them into Telos based on that. Even if they didn't take anything, they would at least encounter the Wookiees and maybe encourage some to come help.


If you wanted to go the slave route, something involving the Trandoshans is an obvious choice, given they are the Wookiee's next door neighbours and long time mortal enemies. You could maybe extend the Red Eclipse quest. Perhaps in the LS version you could raid a base to free their captives, including Wookiees. That might provide clues to other RE cells you could shut down on other planets. In the DS you could visit there and maybe access a shop, get some bounty quests to capture more slaves for them elsewhere.

Woah, that is a very good idea. It would require probably 2 additional modules for us to pull that off. Or could we reuse one of Nar Shaddaa's modules for a Red Eclipse area? Still how would you organize the manhunt? Urban manhunt for wookiees? 


The Telos idea seems very doable, though I'm not sure how much you could add. Would it just be a cameo appearance? Or would they show up on the surface of Telos with Bao'dur?

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Yeah I'd think the Telos thing would be minor. I was thinking purely on the station. One or two Wookiee NPCs with dialogue, then a few non-interactive flavour NPCs dotted around the place, "talking" to Ithorians, etc. That would be a nice way to ease yourself into things, shouldn't prove too challenging.


The Red Eclipse thing, I'd suggest you could put a new level transition in one of the empty rooms that TSLRCM opens up. Maybe make it hidden, with either a guard you have to fight (LS) or talk to (DS) to reveal/access it. You could go for the old standby of a door hidden behind a cupboard or something. Then that would go to some other module, yeah. It wouldn't need to be anything too elaborate, probably just one or two rooms to start off with (you could always expand it later). The easiest option would probably be to just reuse part of the existing landing pad module, like Tien's shop or the swoop area. Add some different props, maybe change the lighting or textures, whatever is fairly simple. I'm not sure if that would actually require two modules - you should be able to script whether they are hostile or not. But if that was necessary, you'd still only need the one set of level models.


As far as actual hunts, I'm not entirely sure how that would work, as that sort of thing is way outside my ballpark. I guess dot some new NPCs around planets and then have the usual fight -> talk thing, where once they are down to 1hp or whatever you go into dialogue and through that put a shock collar on them. Kind of like what they have done in recent Fallouts. Tell them to report to a Trando named XYZ at the spaceport or their collar will incapacitate them/blow up. It wouldn't necessarily need to be all Wookiee targets, could be Twi'leks for dancers, etc.


Edit: Oh, yeah I forgot the RE bases/outposts on other planets bit. I guess that would require an additional 2nd module at least, possibly even a unique one per-planet if you wanted to get fancy. Although how many other places could they realistically appear? Korriban is out, as is Dxun. Onderon seems unlikely given the blockade. Dantooine is mostly poor farmers.

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20 hours ago, jc2 said:

I was thinking more of slaves in cages for Nar Shaddaa than simply just living there. Having the wookiees show up on Telos is an excellent idea as well, both as part of black market or as helpers to the Ithorians to restore the surface of Telos. 

15 hours ago, DarthParametric said:

If you wanted to go the slave route, something involving the Trandoshans is an obvious choice, given they are the Wookiee's next door neighbours and long time mortal enemies. You could maybe extend the Red Eclipse quest. Perhaps in the LS version you could raid a base to free their captives, including Wookiees. That might provide clues to other RE cells you could shut down on other planets. In the DS you could visit there and maybe access a shop, get some bounty quests to capture more slaves for them elsewhere.

Something like this was actually part of the plan for my Telos Expansion mod from ten years ago that never got finished. Sadly, a hard drive failure wiped all progress, and then I gave up on it.

I don't recall any specific details on it, but according to my notes it was some sort of extension to either a new smuggling quest or the existing one with Samhan, and one aspect of it was breaking a Trandoshan out of prison, if you were siding with the slavers.

I remember I also wanted to add a Selkath for much the same reason. The content's all there and it's something of a mystery as to why it didn't get used. On the other hand, Obisidan did make use of a lot of stuff from K1 that was hidden in the files, like the Chadra-Fan.

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