Blog #35 - Portrait Pictures

Sith Holocron


I've turned most of the major characters' lines for K1 and TSL into Mp3. I'm weird that way. I'm also anal retentive which means I have to track tag those MP3s. And I have to have decent album art for the track tag.


Why not turn that obsessive nature into a positive?


Hence me working on my own little portrait package. HairlessWookiee over at Reddit has been kind enough to provide some high quality shots of the TSL NPCs for me. A few at time right now. I thought I'd show off what I've done in the form of animated GIFs.


Handmaiden (Hood Up)


Handmaiden (Hood Down)


Visas Marr




Now obviously it's only three frames with transitions I made to fade between them, but they aren't that hideous!

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Looking pretty cool! The dark side transitions of the companions have always intrigued me. Mira's especially, since it's difficult to be light enough to get her and then dark enough to fully corrupt her

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And here's Bao-Dur.


If you have questions or comments about these GIFs, ask them here. Do not ask about them in my other non-GIF related threads. (Thanks!)

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After a few PMs, I finally deciphered what Domino was talking about. I guess he really likes my GIFs and that's about it. LOL

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If HairlessWookiee (on Reddit) is nice enough to export the heads like he did for TSL, you might find out. However, I don't want to be too pushy. If I had really, really simplified instructions and didn't need Photoshop, I might even attempt it myself. (I dont know how to use GMax and the like either.)

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You seem to change avatars more often than I change pants.


Looking at the girlies there, I am again reminded of how much better their 1st/intermediate DS transition faces look (sans veins). I wonder if I should make some sort of emo/goth girl mod.

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I thought about that but I thought desaturation of the background worked a little better with the corruption angle.

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In the evil Atris model I used, I dislike the head gear but like the rest of the robe. I wonder what the model might look like with her normal head replacing the wicked queen head (but retaining the darker lipstick.)



In addition, don't the eyes and lips seem to change between the models?

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This is excellent! I wonder what backgrounds you would use for the K1 party.


I've tried to have the portraits either match near where I've originally found them (as seen in most of them) or where (I feel) their natural place is (see Atton). KotOR1 portraits would likely follow the same pattern, if I can get someone to extract the heads for me.


Decided to see what DP's concept would look like with the background so I made one quickly.


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Disciple's always had the creepiest "uglification" in my opinion. Cool Atris transition too with her Darth Traya appearance


And as much as I like the evil Kreia hybrid thing.... looks a bit too much of a departure in my opinion. The gem/necklace thing from the original model would certainly set it apart

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I always thought that Atton had the creepiest Dark Side transition. Disciple looks creepy, ya, but Atton looks ever more hideous.


As for Atris merged with Kreia/Traya's robe, I actually think the idea is pretty good. Imagine Atris turning around to reveal herself for the first time in the robe revealing who she is, then imagine seeing the back of the exact same robe with Kreia's face instead, revealing the real Darth Traya. I like it. :)

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In addition, don't the eyes and lips seem to change between the models?

Yeah it's not just a retexture, it's basically a different face. The mesh has undergone some changes in the DS version, adding in additional polys, the vert positions for the nose/mouth/chin are altered quite significantly, and the UV map is completely different.

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Not sure that I'll bother doing animations of the droids or Mandalore as they wouldn't have dark side corruption to show. Although, I suppose I could go from Mandalore with and without helmet if I had both heads.

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In the evil Atris model I used, I dislike the head gear but like the rest of the robe. I wonder what the model might look like with her normal head replacing the wicked queen head (but retaining the darker lipstick.)

It would take a bit of reworking. The "Sleeping Beauty" body doesn't even come close to having the proper neckline.



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This one is a little different.  I decided to use the character as rendered in the game rather than using an extracted head. I used a slightly altered version of Darth Sapiens' HD T3-M4 skin for this.

There's only nine frames in a loop so the animation is a little jerky.

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Easily some of the best TSL Portraits I've seen so far. I've always used J7's TSL concept portraits.


Are these going to be released as a pack?

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