ttlan 18 Posted July 2, 2011 Here's what should be found in the cargo security Here is the inventory left behind, at the end of the prologue, after the use of some items.This is what is to quarantine in the secure cargo hold.This include all what was in/on T3-M4 and 3C-FD : This to conform to OE intention:77517 : "...a lot of cargo from the Jedi's freighter is being stored in the secure cargo hold until we can pass it through the quarantine checks." 1 Droid Shock Arm - Bras électrique pour droïde (d_t3m4_01)2 Field Survival Pistol - Pistolets de survie (w_blaste_03)3 MedPac - Trousses de soins (g_i_medeqpmnt01)2 Frag Mine, Minor - Mines à fragmentation faibles (g_i_trapkit004)2 Security Tunneler - Programmes de sécurité (g_i_secspike01)13 Parts - Pièces détachées (k_repair_part)2 Computer Spike - Programmes d'intrusion, ordinateur (k_computer_spike)1 Broken Item - Objet détruit (brokenitem)1 Droid Impact Armor mk.I - Armure anti-impact T1 (d_armor_01)1 Droid Flame Thrower - Lance-flammes pour droïdes (d_device_03)1 Utility Droid - Droïde utilitaire (3C-FD) Mines from the Proton Missile. As the narrator says : 125726 : If you run out of mines, you can return to the Proton Missile and collect another.125708 : If you run out of mines, you can return to the Proton Missile outside the Ebon Hawk and collect another. Using an auto-repair technology, the proton missile is able to give you a mine every 3 seconds. So the inventory left behind, on board, may contain hundreds of Frag Mine, Minor. This enables you to get chemicals or, simply, mines. Some other stuff (lottery) Computer spikes confiscated from the Peragus staff (not coming from EH). This to conform to OE intention:77518/77519 : "And as requested, all the programming spikes the security officers wanted confiscated have been stored there as well to prevent further system compromises. The secure cargo hold should be safe enough - if anybody wants to break into it, they'd have to blow it open with explosives." TTLan Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ttlan 18 Posted July 3, 2011 You know, you can just give the bodies to Zherron and claim the will for yourself. And the "bounty" isn't all that plentiful... although a Lightsaber is always useful . Yes, I know, but in a DS walkthrough. And the loot has nothing to see with the one given by Zherron to Daraala. What's the legacy that you have hijacked? (DS) If you have not yet faced Visas, there is in this lot, the last piece that you missed (transmitter or focusing lens for lightsaber) to make your first lightsaber and one or two other items. If the other parts do not suit you, change the legacy (redo the scene). If you have found elsewhere the last item that you lack to make your first lightsaber (if you chose to go on board the Ebon Hawk before arriving here and have already faced Visas), the legacy has a second lightsaber and something else, like 2000 credits). If the lightsaber do not suit you (short, long, double), change the legacy (redo the scene). [*]What's the legacy given by Zherron to Daraala (LS) Seven exemples of legacy that Zherron gives to Daraala. All what is underlined in blue come from the legacy. Other items are from the first inventory of Daraala. So anybody can see that, in addition to be a LS walktrough, this is a far better choice. If the legacy given to Daraala do not suit you, change the legacy (redo the scene). TTLan Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted July 3, 2011 You still don't get it, do you Both on the EH items, and Daraala... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest ADG12311990 Posted July 3, 2011 If there's so much wrong with the game, then why do you play it? I mean really why do you play it? All you do is post what you think is wrong and it should be this way and you can't understand how/why this happens--unless you simply enjoy fussing and kvetching more than anyone else and/or want to draw to attention to yourself by saying "look what I found because I'm so smart" it seems to me a game which wasn't rushed to store shelves quite possibly having fewer bugs might bring you some comfort as well as some gaming enjoyment... I have to agree with staticjoe, ttlan. I'll admit, some of your posts did make sense. But, the majority of your posts are mostly just nitpicks about the game. And that's what it is... A GAME. No game is ever perfect, especially not the vanilla KotOR 2. But, TSLRCM can't fix every little problem you see. like the misspellings in the title crawl. You should (hopefully know) that some things tend to be lost in translation. I'll admit, I get annoyed at some inconsistencies in TSL... but, it's just a game, you don't need to make "a mountain out of a molehill." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Working Class Hero 12 Posted July 3, 2011 I have to agree with staticjoe, ttlan. I'll admit, some of your posts did make sense. But, the majority of your posts are mostly just nitpicks about the game. And that's what it is... A GAME. No game is ever perfect, especially not the vanilla KotOR 2. But, TSLRCM can't fix every little problem you see. like the misspellings in the title crawl. You should (hopefully know) that some things tend to be lost in translation. I'll admit, I get annoyed at some inconsistencies in TSL... but, it's just a game, you don't need to make "a mountain out of a molehill." You do know that this is mostly a modding forum, yes? While I don't agree with all of ttlan's conclusions, I certainly appreciate the staggering amount of time SHe has spent researching the game files and giving me some greater understanding of the game. (and some modding ideas) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ttlan 18 Posted July 3, 2011 You still don't get it, do you Both on the EH items, and Daraala... Yes. With 1.7, EH inventory is lost. With 1.7, the major consequence of the LS walkthrough about corpses of the dead salvagers is lost. I have to agree with staticjoe, ttlan. I'll admit, some of your posts did make sense. But, the majority of your posts are mostly just nitpicks about the game. And that's what it is... A GAME. No game is ever perfect, especially not the vanilla KotOR 2. But, TSLRCM can't fix every little problem you see. like the misspellings in the title crawl. The TSLRCM team request that we provide feedback about Kotor 2 and TSLRCM and that's what I do, nothing else. We must all tell. Perhaps one thing that seems to be a mountain is solved by simply moving a comma by HH. Maybe one thing that seems innocuous is a tangled mess of complicated scripts. This is at the team to decide. It is not at us to decide that a particular thing should be ignored and that it is not even necessary to talk about. There are deleted scenes to restore - that is the heart of TSLRCM and I do not pretend to say anything in this field. There are problems with the original version of Kotor 2, more or less important. Here, we have a duty to provide information to the team and tell them everything we see. They do what they want. But if nobody says anything, there is no chance for it to be corrected one day, if the time to do so and the game engine allow it. And I also understand that it is so much more comfortable to never see appearing a lists of issues. There are problems of interpretation of the intentions of OE. We may have, each on our own, a different reading. It is good to discuss it. Generally, such matters are discuss on private sub-forums, reserved for some (administrators, moderators, advanced users ...). That's how I work on my own forums. This avoids tiring controversies. There are wishes. It's quite something else but we can talk of them in the TSLRCM forum as long as it is not obviously a demand for the development of a large MOD. For example, I consider that the "modules" are not areas of a planet lined with barbed wire and high walls. I consider as a screenplay bug the fact that, every time I return to an external area, animals of a planete that have hostiles beasts did not, again, invaded the area that I cleaned. Think at Dxun! And another wish would be that, after the game, we have the opportunity to endlessly walk all around every modules and continue indefinitely to fight against the local wildlife. And then there are the problems introduced by TSLRCM, because nobody is perfect and no programming is error-free. I hope it is considered our duty to point out these things, especially when it comes to a perverse effect or a regression. There is no animosity in what I say. Only the desire to approach perfection (which is not of this world) because I love this game and the subtle approach of Obsidian. The disappearance of the inventory of the EH is a typical example of a problem with TSLRCM which goes against the intentions of OE. The loss of one of the consequences of an LS option, with Daraala, is a typical example of regression (loss of one phase of the game, and loss of fun and play time). And because it's a game I love and with whom I play a lot, I mention those things. And I am speaking to those who know how to do. As a general rule, I only matter, on this forum, of Kotor 2 (the game, his mind, his behavior with and without TSLRCM) and not at all of technical problems (installation under Vista and Seven etc.. ..) wich is of the competence of other forums where I intervene. Sincerely TTLan Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ttlan 18 Posted July 3, 2011 TTLan revealed Given what is happening here and what is being said, I think I need a little talk, explain and justify my position. There is something I have not mentioned here and of which I have very few talked about on SWTOR. This explains my "perfectionist" position : I am outraged by the position in which Bioware talk, with contempt, openly, of Kotor 2, as something without any significance in the chronology of the Old Republic. In Kotor 1, you just break an artifact, that's all. It's very well done, beautifully done, but that's all. I consider Kotor 2 as a key in the Old Republic and as one of the greatest game of all time. A top character, female, which is rare in Star Wars, eradicates herself, totally, the Jedi Order and the actual Sith Order. Totally! (I do not speak of true Sith - a hidden old Order unknown of the Republic at that time). No one has ever done that and will never do that, either before Kreia, or after. In this sense, I consider her more powerful than Palpatine, Darth Bane, Nihilus, Revan of course etc.. ... A second top character, female once more time, emerges and is even more powerful than Kreia. I think that the Exile is much stronger than Revan. I think Revan would return to the dark side (his redemption is artificial), the Exile, in accordance with what is happening in her vision of the future caused by Kreia (in the hidden Ludo Kressh tomb), will switch, a time, to the dark side to side Revan and then will recover and kill Revan (no matter what happens later in this space of 300 years between Kotor 2 and TOR - that Revan is the son of the Emperor or not, his mind leaps into the body of the Emperor or not etc ....). The Exile, directly or by those she has trained, will rebuild the Jedi Order through which TOR exists (but her unified teachings will fail). I think Kotor 2 is at least as important in the Old Republic as the Treaty of Coruscant that Bioware is trying to give so much. There is a before and an after Kreia (Arren Kae - Darth Traya). But the Kotor 2 reading is complex. It is a sealed book of secrets unrevealed. After winning enough influence on all the characters and doing all what have to be done, you have only half-open doors on speculations for a Kotor 3 that has just been swept by TOR. I think that Kotor 3 will come within 4 or 5 years, when TOR starts to falter and that it will be necessary to revive the financial mechanics of this money pump. And we will learn a little more with the book "Revan" (Drew Karpyshyn, head writer at BioWare, October 18, 2011), which covers the period known as the "Dark Wars" - Civil War of the Sith - Jedi Purge (from 3956 BBY to 3951 BBY (and a little later, perhaps, but not too much, I hope). I think Kotor 2 has been misjudged, mistreated, especially because of the cut scenes that led to gaps and bugs, but it's a stroke of genius of the genius Chris Avellone. TTLan Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted July 3, 2011 As I just got home, I'm just going to nitpick one of ttlan's thing and I'll slowly work my way through in the next few days . . . Point 23. The four bugs in the three cinematic files TelMov01.bik TelMov02.bik and TelMov03.bik You point out the following on the other end of the link that I snipped. . . TelMov02.bikDock 2 instead of 1 The problem - for anyone wanting to recreate the Ebon Hawk landing in the correct hangar - is the following . . . Do the textures highlighted in green exist in the game? If not, they would have to be remade from scratch. I did request something along these lines at LucasForums - for that (and other textures) - but I can't link to that request right now because LF is experiencing issues. Stoney mentioned to me in an e-mail that's he's having lots of fun creating space scenes and the like so perhaps he might even be convinced to sredo this. (That's a big maybe.) Feel free to PM him with your request - after you find that texture. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ttlan 18 Posted July 3, 2011 And I think logically too. Just because they have no hyperdrive, doesn't mean someone was on board. You can loose hyperdrive functionality due to remote fire. But that didn't get damaged until they were hit while entering hyperspace. That's how they got to Peragus II. If you noticed, the Harbinger made it's way to Peragus II via hyperspace. No offense, but there are some holes in your logic that should be considered. You're right. It is not possible to know exactly what is happening. So I make a shortcut. The first question to ask is: what is the path of the EH when leaving Malachor? Because, at that moment, the EH hyperdrive still works. Then why the Ebon Hawk goes out of hyperspace near Peragus / Telos / Malachor, which is about 15,000 light-years from Malachor V? Because that's where it gets shot and attack by Sion. We cannot attack while traveling in hyperspace. It may be noted that Ziost and Dromund Kaas, so Revan, are roughly between Malachor V and Peragus. But if they were trying to reach Dantoine, which is at about 25,000 light-years further, in straight line (which would be logical since Arren Kae, aka Kreia (but she is, for now, Darth Traya), knows well the academy), why go out of hyperspace too early to get shot? This is all very strange and remains unanswered. I do not think Kreia will directly try to help Revan. She probably asks T3 to go somewhere to hire help (at about Telos / Peragus?) But they will never get there. Unless she is informed of the betrayal of Atris and she simply asks T3 to cross the road to the Harbinger because the help is the Exile. She can read the future through the Nexus of Trayus made by Revan. And, before helping Revan, the Exile will help her to satisfy her vengeance and hatred of the two Orders and of the two divergent teachings in the Force. TTLan Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted July 3, 2011 Stoney mentioned to me in an e-mail that's he's having lots of fun creating space scenes and the like so perhaps he might even be convinced to sredo this. (That's a big maybe.) Feel free to PM him with your request - after you find that texture. I've piled enough work on him already... I rather have that finished first (since by far that's pretty much the only thing holding 1.8 up). Then why the Ebon Hawk goes out of hyperspace near Peragus / Telos / Malachor, which is about 15,000 light-years from Malachor V? Because that's where it gets shot and attack by Sion. We cannot attack while traveling in hyperspace. Because that's where the exile is??? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ttlan 18 Posted July 3, 2011 Because that's where the exile is??? I think so. She simply asks T3 to cross the road to the Harbinger because the help is the Exile and the Exile is in the Harbinger. How is she aware of that is another story. The Nexus ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ttlan 18 Posted July 4, 2011 I think so. She simply asks T3 to cross the road to the Harbinger because the help is the Exile and the Exile is in the Harbinger. How is she aware of that is another story. The Nexus ? To be a little more complete on the idea that I have of one of the keys leading to the beginning of Kotor 2 and how occurs the meeting of the Exile and Kreia: All this is only speculation, but as Kreia studied the Exile for 9 years, since the end of the Mandalorian Wars and the Battle of Malachor V, there is long ago that she must have an exact idea of what the Exile is. As she taught a new form of attack (aspirate the contents of the links to the Force) to the Sith that now she leads (as the Darth Lord of the Sith, since 4 years - since the departure of Revan) and that Nihilus has push this form of attack at a level that is beyond Kreia now, she seeks for a new tool, stronger than Nihilus and her, to stop Nihilus. The problem of Kreia is not to save Revan, from now on she don’t care anymore of her former pupil, that she probably loved as a child (she did not raise her own child, Brianna), but who has turned his back. Her problem is now to wreak vengeance of the Sith, due to the attempted to murder her. The eradication of the Sith probably should be long-planned in the spirit of Kreia, but it has just taken shape with her escape from Malachor. And her problem, her concern, is to stop the Sith because of what she taught them (the Sith and her also, the master) : Kreia : "And that is why they - and their techniques - must be wiped out. No one again must experience and learn what her master did." She needs the Exile because, if Nihilus is continuing his work, that is the life, in general, that will disappear. I think she has, a moment, a touch of pride that make that she want to leave a trace of her and be remembered as someone who was right when she was Arren Kae and had a unified teaching. She does not seek at all to "kill" the Force, which means kill all life, as the Force is a fluid created by life. The Exile is not at risk with Nihilus because she has developed spontaneously another form of connection to the Force (we do not know what it is. This is something extremely interesting in the Extended Universe and not debated at all, as far as I know). I think that Kreia has "sold" to T3, the idea to find the Exile, saying that the Exile is exactly what he needs to save Revan. Remember that T3 does not know the Exile. He has joined Revan 5 years ago while the Exile has gone in wandering 9 years ago. So what expressed T3, when the Exile repeat his words for us ("133903: You needed someone strong enough to fight the danger that was coming. Someone who knew war - and battle, and could make the hard choices that had to be made." is the profile of the Exile that Kreia sells and boasts to T3. Kreia will manipulate everyone, starting with T3, and run this little world in search of the potential last Jedi (She is not sure he left a few and she thinks that her Sith had killed all of them). Then she will send this entire little world against the Sith and against Nihilus. She is loving and overprotective of the Exile, till the end, till her pupil surpass the master and surpasses herself because "You are more precious than you know; what you have taught yourself cannot be allowed to die." TTLan Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted July 4, 2011 Kreia working together with T3? You do realise that she HATES droids, and can't manipulate them like others since she cannot read them at all. Unlike, say, Revan, Bao-Dur and the Exile. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ttlan 18 Posted July 4, 2011 As I just got home, I'm just going to nitpick one of ttlan's thing and I'll slowly work my way through in the next few days . . . Point 23. The four bugs in the three cinematic files TelMov01.bik TelMov02.bik and TelMov03.bik You point out the following on the other end of the link that I snipped. . . The problem - for anyone wanting to recreate the Ebon Hawk landing in the correct hangar - is the following . . . Do the textures highlighted in green exist in the game? If not, they would have to be remade from scratch. I did request something along these lines at LucasForums - for that (and other textures) - but I can't link to that request right now because LF is experiencing issues. Stoney mentioned to me in an e-mail that's he's having lots of fun creating space scenes and the like so perhaps he might even be convinced to sredo this. (That's a big maybe.) Feel free to PM him with your request - after you find that texture. Well, i'm going to try something : pass the magcon field to look at the decor. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ttlan 18 Posted July 4, 2011 (edited) Kreia working together with T3? You do realise that she HATES droids, and can't manipulate them like others since she cannot read them at all. Unlike, say, Revan, Bao-Dur and the Exile. Yes ! I know that. And she looks unable to understand the droïd language. T3, as every droïd in the Galaxy, must be able to translate his language in basic or in other languages. It is the purpose of their vocabulators. A utility droïd must be able to communicate with human. One do not ask human to understand droïd language. Those who directly understands the droïd language are exeptions, as remarked by Aton. And, her will and aims are certainly most important for her than her hate. She is enough intelligent to keep control when her interests are in the balance. And no, she cannot read Bao-Dur. For her, he is like a droïd. And yes, I think she worked with T3, in the beginning. It's the only reason that drive her, suddenly, to scream at betrayal and to attack T3. Because otherwise, this scene falls like a fly in the ointment. I would have to plunged back into that detail but I do not see now, what would be the reason for her cry "betrayal". Kreia is an immensely subtle character. It is, above all, important not to take her for a primary. TTLan Edited July 4, 2011 by ttlan Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted July 4, 2011 And, her will and aims are certainly most important for her than her hate. She is enough intelligent to keep control when her interests are in the balance. Her lightning storming T3 for showing the Hologram shows otherwise. ("{Disgusted at player, speaking to herself}") Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ttlan 18 Posted July 4, 2011 Her lightning storming T3 for showing the Hologram shows otherwise. ("{Disgusted at player, speaking to herself}") No, quite the contrary. She has a deal with T3 and he starts to put the Exile on another way. The growing influence of the Exile on T3 escapes her. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ttlan 18 Posted July 4, 2011 As I just got home, I'm just going to nitpick one of ttlan's thing and I'll slowly work my way through in the next few days . . . Point 23. The four bugs in the three cinematic files TelMov01.bik TelMov02.bik and TelMov03.bik You point out the following on the other end of the link that I snipped. . . The problem - for anyone wanting to recreate the Ebon Hawk landing in the correct hangar - is the following . . . Do the textures highlighted in green exist in the game? If not, they would have to be remade from scratch. I did request something along these lines at LucasForums - for that (and other textures) - but I can't link to that request right now because LF is experiencing issues. Stoney mentioned to me in an e-mail that's he's having lots of fun creating space scenes and the like so perhaps he might even be convinced to sredo this. (That's a big maybe.) Feel free to PM him with your request - after you find that texture. Done : looks like a skybox - don't exist. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest staticjoe66 Posted July 5, 2011 TTLAN...almost ALL of the problems with the game you point out are issues with the ORIGINAL GAME--they are NOT part of the RESTORED CONTENT PROJECT/MOD. Team Gizka and now Zybl, Stoney, HH, VP, SH and the rest of the crew (I didn't intentionally skip anyone so I apologize in advance for not mentioning someone) are restoring the content which was left out of the game because it was rushed to store shelves...that's it...they have NOTHING to do with any errors in the original game when it was originally released...on many occasions HH has tried to explain this to you but for some reason you simply do not get my question still stands--if there's so much wrong with the game, why do you bother to play it? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ttlan 18 Posted July 8, 2011 TTLAN...almost ALL of the problems with the game you point out are issues with the ORIGINAL GAME--they are NOT part of the RESTORED CONTENT PROJECT/MOD. Team Gizka and now Zybl, Stoney, HH, VP, SH and the rest of the crew (I didn't intentionally skip anyone so I apologize in advance for not mentioning someone) are restoring the content which was left out of the game because it was rushed to store shelves...that's it...they have NOTHING to do with any errors in the original game when it was originally released...on many occasions HH has tried to explain this to you but for some reason you simply do not get my question still stands--if there's so much wrong with the game, why do you bother to play it? Proof, once again, that you do not know what you are talking about! If, in amount of work, the restoration of deleted scenes is the background of TSLRCM, fixing bugs is, by number of interventions, by far the largest number of interventions made by the team. I had noticed a few (very few), in addition to the What's Restored list. If you do not care about things that, in my opinion, are going wrong, and if you only want to be insubstantial, superficial, remain silent and let us work. If you think that all is well, what are you doing here? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted July 8, 2011 TTLAN...almost ALL of the problems with the game you point out are issues with the ORIGINAL GAME--they are NOT part of the RESTORED CONTENT PROJECT/MOD. Team Gizka and now Zybl, Stoney, HH, VP, SH and the rest of the crew (I didn't intentionally skip anyone so I apologize in advance for not mentioning someone) are restoring the content which was left out of the game because it was rushed to store shelves...that's it...they have NOTHING to do with any errors in the original game when it was originally released...on many occasions HH has tried to explain this to you but for some reason you simply do not get my question still stands--if there's so much wrong with the game, why do you bother to play it? I'm having someone try to repair the French version of the opening game scroll (ttlan's item 1.) Staticjoe66, I counter your question to ttlan with this one: If you're not going to assist with possible corrections, why are you standing in the way? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ttlan 18 Posted July 8, 2011 Added points 35 to 42 - first post Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted July 8, 2011 42. He does... so what's the issue? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Rtas Vadum Posted July 8, 2011 The only bug I've been experiencing(at least on my last two play-throughs with 1.7), is the crash upon leaving the Korriban Academy. It seems to be random though, since it is possible to get through it. Has that been fixed? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pra_Viilon 1 Posted July 8, 2011 SOme issues posted are fixed in some mods and small fixes, like Ulic's peragus mod. Not sure if it's needed to do what's already has been done. Other than that, the whole progress of this mod impresses me as much as the amount of bugs TSL has... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites