
Official K1R Progress Thread

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By the way... one thing that is slowly driving me crazy is the fact, that Uthar Wynn talks about "you five" in his welcome-to-Academy-speech. There's Shaardan, Lashowe, Mekel, and Revan, but that makes only 4, not 5. Is the fifth student something cut (that thought made me write the question here, as if it is cut, you may know about it and it might be included in the K1R), does the five include Yuthura also, is this just some random accident from the writer, or am I just unable to count?

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By the way... one thing that is slowly driving me crazy is the fact, that Uthar Wynn talks about "you five" in his welcome-to-Academy-speech. There's Shaardan, Lashowe, Mekel, and Revan, but that makes only 4, not 5. Is the fifth student something cut (that thought made me write the question here, as if it is cut, you may know about it and it might be included in the K1R), does the five include Yuthura also, is this just some random accident from the writer, or am I just unable to count?


Kel Algwin

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Right... of course. Why didn't I think about that? Well... perhaps because Uthar doesn't say anything about him. But then again, perhaps he doesn't need to, as he already knows that Kel is a hopeless case...

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I could swear he already counted as a full sith. Though it's been at least a year since I last got to korriban and there are people here who probably replay the game week after week, so ignore me like the grand galactic inquisitor.

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Are you also fixing bugs in this mod?

There's a dreadful one in STUNT_06. If you look carefully when it tilts down on Saul you can see the party in the background... It has always bugged me.

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Are you also fixing bugs in this mod?


There's a dreadful one in STUNT_06. If you look carefully when it tilts down on Saul you can see the party in the background... It has always bugged me.

That's... not really a bug... More of an opinion.


But we are fixing bugs. For the most part, 1.0 will be integrating restored content and making sure it works as intended. Most of the vanilla bugs won't be fixed until 1.1.

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Could someone give me a run down about the Krayt Dragon's cave and the tunnel that I think was meant for another area but was cut. I'm a bit confused was there going to be a temple and sarlaac or something??

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Hey something very minor I've noticed watching a speedrun of the vanilla game recently - the Yusanis dueling shield ostensibly can absorb 100 points of electric damage, based on its description, but that seems to definitely not be the case. Either this is bugged and the electric resistance doesn't work, or the description is inaccurate. Thoughts here?

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Hey something very minor I've noticed watching a speedrun of the vanilla game recently - the Yusanis dueling shield ostensibly can absorb 100 points of electric damage, based on its description, but that seems to definitely not be the case. Either this is bugged and the electric resistance doesn't work, or the description is inaccurate. Thoughts here?


Sorry for not seeing the post! :S I will definitely have a look at that one, as I never really kept track of when shields failed...


What will be included in 1.0 that isn't in 0.9?


Re-done content with Hurka on the Leviathan, some content for Kashyyyk, and of course the mandatory bug-fixes.


Also, lipsynch for all those pesky little lines... :P


And I'll probably be doing a massive hunt through the dialog.tlk file for typos... :D

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some content for Kashyyyk


What is this content specifically? 


Also, concerning the expansion packs. I had a suggestion on how to implement them with the mod. I think it would be great if they could be implemented into the main K1R mod itself through the installer for convenience sake. After installing the main mod, a prompt could come up saying something like this...


K1R modification has been successfully installed! Would you like to install these optional expansion packs? If so, please tick the box of the ones you  desire.


[ ] Bastilla on Korriban (Brief 1-3 sentence summary of what the mod does.)

[ ] Return to Dantooine 

[ ] Czerka HQ

[ ] Tatooine Temple

[ ] Sand People Messiah

[ ] Sleheyron


[Cancel] [Next]


Then of course, since these all will be compatible with Brotherhood of Shadow: Solomon's Revenge (Right? :D) Another prompt could come up saying...


Are you going to install Brotherhood of Shadow: Solomon's Revenge?


( ) Yes (Both would be radio buttons to avoid both answers. If the user clicks yes, then make necessary changes to conflicting files to ensure compatibility.)

( ) No 


[Cancel] [Next]


Then maybe one final box to confirm everything was installed correctly, as well as potential error messages ("The target folder is read-only. Please disable the read-only properties of the target folder to install the mod").


This could also help to avoid false bug reports, which would save your team headaches of trying to fix non-existent bugs.

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Sadly, the TSLPatcher doesn't support that kind of functionality and I don't particularly feel like coding a custom installer right now.

However, as to the expansions, Sleheyron will be a completely separate mod, Return to Dantooine is more of a concept and in my  opinion should be a separate mod, Bastila on Korriban could be done via TSLPatcher, Sand People Messiah would probably make it's way in as a part of K1R, possibly even 1.2, the Czerka HQ and Tatooine Temple, while neat by themselves, will likely be utilized by the Sleheyron mod.

And the Brotherhood of Shadow Compatibility will just be part of my BoS Multi-patch.

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Sadly, the TSLPatcher doesn't support that kind of functionality and I don't particularly feel like coding a custom installer right now.


However, as to the expansions, Sleheyron will be a completely separate mod, Return to Dantooine is more of a concept and in my  opinion should be a separate mod, Bastila on Korriban could be done via TSLPatcher,




Sand People Messiah would probably make it's way in as a part of K1R, possibly even 1.2


I remember ZM90 saying that it would be included separately because of conflicting too much with the canon story. I presume those plans have changed?


the Czerka HQ and Tatooine Temple, while neat by themselves, will likely be utilized by the Sleheyron mod.


So you will be implementing that cut content into the new planet as sidequests and or part of the main quest to access the Star Map? Sounds fine by me. I did PM ZM90 yesterday about an idea concerning a Tatooine located Star Map temple, but if the plans have changed, then feel free to ignore my PM ZM90 (if you are reading this).


And the Brotherhood of Shadow Compatibility will just be part of my BoS Multi-patch.




Also, what in specific will be added to Kashyyk for 1.0? I know the Shadowlands are not being added and the Wookie Amulet is being added, but is there anything else?

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To be honest, Im more looking forward to the bug fixes more :D


The dueling ring bugs and the calo nord one are the ones that bother me the most lol


Edit: Damn thats my first post ever? I really did lurk way too much

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I don't believe I saw this on the list


Will the redeemed Yuthura showing up on Dantooine be restored in this mod?

It's already in the vanilla game.

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It is? Oh wow that's embarrassing 0_0


Huh. Wow, I always thought it was cut content. I rarely do Korriban before the Leviathan though, so I guess that explains it


Is Sharina Fizark being on Dantooine also in the vanilla game?

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The Wookie Amulet was released with 0.9. :D


And it's just some minor stuff on Kashyyyk, like being able to help Jolee with the four Katarn instead of just watching.

That's Wookiee for you! Two e's! :P


Two minor suggestions for Dantooine, just for immersion's sake:

1) The two Twi'Leks behind Zhar (master and the student) during your tests should face each other again automatically, after you've "rotated" them by speaking to them.

2) The horse-like animals with the horns all just stood still in a group after they killed the Kath Hound. Wouldn't it be better if they roamed around?

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Something during my playthrough. During the scene where the sith thugs try to bully you and kill one of the prospects after you having already been accepted, the battle music starts early and doesn't shut off until you reload the module. Also, the group stands still and says nothing when interacted with, until you talk to the main one.


These were the bullies after my first visit to Dreshdae, not the "welcoming party".

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Well, it's been a while since I posted here; forgot how dusty these threads can get. :)


First, I'd like to reassure anyone who's had doubts that K1R is still going. It IS still going, guys.


And I'm proud (and thankful) to say that LiliArch helped keep it going while I was on my hiatus. She's an avid bug-fixer (-causer, -finder, -maker... :D ) and had asked me about the current bugs that I was aware of.


Due completely to her, the following bugs/issues have been fixed:


1. Re-fixing an improper inclusion and making Juhani actually appear on the Post-Leviathan Ebon Hawk scene.

2. Fixes to the Pazaak Tournament, including the ocean screwing up, the CTD upon trying to leave, and a typo ( Dang, and here I was thinking I was being thorough... :P ).

3. Fixed Insane Selkath soundsets

4. Fixed "hanging" cutscenes in the Taris Lower-City for low-end computers.

5. Fixed appearance/soundset mismatches in Davik's estate.

6. Fixed a CTD in the Unknown World Temple due to the Injured Sith Apprentice. Also adjusted how the scene begins (made it what I had wanted it to be like... ).

7. Texture-fixes to remove a seam on the back of the Scoundrel's default clothes.

8. Hex-edited models to make the soaking pools in Davik's Slave Quarters properly lit on low-end computers.


As you can see, she really did a lot! :D


Compared to that, I did relatively little work, but I did manage to get the Leviathan cutscenes with Major Hurka fixed. Since I don't have screens of LiliArch's work, I'll just show you some of the re-done cutscenes for Hurka:





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Is the Garmorrean Stronghold in the mod/going to be in the mod or is it not being added? Would you be willing to make a compatibility patch with the existing mod that adds it if the K1R team won't add it? Also, how is the animations for the Krayt Dragon looking? Did you see my suggestion on getting a team of animators together to help do the work if it will be difficult for just you alone to do?

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Is the Garmorrean Stronghold in the mod/going to be in the mod or is it not being added? Would you be willing to make a compatibility patch with the existing mod that adds it if the K1R team won't add it? Also, how is the animations for the Krayt Dragon looking? Did you see my suggestion on getting a team of animators together to help do the work if it will be difficult for just you alone to do?


The Gamorrean Stronghold is not being restored by K1R due to a lack of original content (content from the game, not the modders' own content). I could however look into that compatibility patch.


As to the Krayt Dragon animations, I'm still looking into it and will really only need to add a few animations (biting, swiping with each claw, and probably some sort of slam attack).

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