Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted February 25, 2021 If a mod is added to this list, it MUST have a link to the place where it can be currently downloaded. If a mod is no longer able to be downloaded, it will not be on this list. In addition, the mods listed below individually work with TSLRCM but may not work with each other. Deadly Stream holds no responsibility for mod's interaction with each other. Keep in mind that some mods in the Compatibility List have extra requirements which are indicated next to the title. For mods hosted on Deadly Stream itself, check the YES/NO to TSRLCM compatibility, listed on each page. They will not appear on this list. To request other mods to be added on this list, contact the TSLRCM team via Private Message. Mods confirmed to work with the TSLRCM Movie-Style Retextures for Kotor and TSL by DarthJacen Ultimate Sound Mod by Shem (will give a blank force power with HK description though, bug with the mod itself!) Realistic Nar Shaddaa Skybox by Sharen Thrawn Coruscant Hiqh Resolution Textures by Exile007 Handmaiden Style Underwear for Female Exile by Shem Movie Style Jedi Master Robes by Darth_DeadMan Fixed Mandalorian Banners by J7 Coruscant Jedi Temple by DeathDisco (However, this mod is NOT compatible with M4-78 EP unless you also use the compatibility patch too.) Better Male Bodies by Trex Imperial Officers by Prime Full Force Mod by Team Hssiss Fixed Kreia's Fall Movie by Jinger Movement Animation Fix for KOTOR & TSL by ZimmMaster Darth Nihilus Animation Fix 2.0 by Khrizby Any Spell Mod by iLike_Speed Droid Enhancement by ElecManEXE Expanded Workbench Revised Revision 2.02 by Vanaheim (AKA Vanir) Realistic Visual Effects (for TSL) by Shem Remote Tells Influence by tk102 Insane Dustil by Princess Artemis TSL Visual Enhancement 2011 by Xarwarz High Level Force Powers by Stoffe (AKA RevanAnt) Bao-Dur's Charged Armor by ChAiNz 2da Peragus - the Republic Mining Station by Jamesolbyo52 Movie Mandalorians (4.2) by Darth_Deadman T.W.O - Heavy Repeater Pack by BryanWee20 Blaster Rifle Pack by BryanWee20 Heavy Blaster Pack by BryanWee20 Sith Assassins - with Lightsabers by Shem Invisible Headgear for TSL by Shem Invisible Reticles for K1 and K2 by Darth Enervus Skip Peragus Turret Game by Goldberry2000 Bao-Dur Wears Jedi Robes by Shem PFHA03 Red-head reskin by Fair Strides Mira Reskin by Fair Strides Dance Armband by Fair Strides Global Boolean Tracker by Fair Strides Warper Armband by Fair Strides Visas' Dancer Outfit and Dance by Fair Strides Onderon Museum Upgrade by Mono_Giganto The mods below this list will either not work with TSLRCM or require special attention to enable it to work with TSLRCM. On 10/23/2010 at 3:47 PM, zbyl2 said: Mods that require attention to get working with TSLRCM Game Balance Mod by Achilles - ONLY use Autobalance.2da, don't use any of the other files with the mod!!! Improved AI by Stoffe (AKA RevanAnt) - While this mod mostly works, it cause some problems with one scene on Nar Shaddaa (you might be unable to select a third teammember during a cutscene so have to do some hard battles with just Bao-Dur and Atton). Enhanced Merchants by Shem - We've modified many of the merchants, for the modified loot drops and other fixes, which will most likely be undone by using this mod. So be aware of that! Floating Lightsabers by Darth333 (The mod itself needs a small fix to work as intended though. First of all, install the mod as usual. Then open Spells.2da from your Override folder and find the lines FORCE_POWER_D3_SABER_1 to _3. Remember their line numbers or simply keep the 2da file open. Next, go to the d3_saber_source folder found in the mod file and copy the d3_saber_force.nss somewhere else to edit. (You can also edit the one in the source folder, but I prefer keeping the mod files intact.) Open it using Kotor Tool's text editor or any other editor of your choice and replace 997 with the row number of FORCE_POWER_D3_SABER_1, the two instances of 998 with the row number of FORCE_POWER_D3_SABER_2 and the two instances of 999 with the row number of FORCE_POWER_D3_SABER_3. Once that's done, compile the script and place it in your Override, replacing the script already there.) Mods requiring compatibility patches Handmaiden Choice for Females by Stoffe (AKA RevanAnt) - Completely replaced by another installation: Handmaiden4Females,Disciple4Males for TSLRCM 1.8.3 Admiralty Mod by Jinger (AKA Kreia) - Use this compatibility mod: TSLRCM Compatibility Patch for jinger's Admiralty Mod Slender Body for Females by Taina - Use this compatibility mod: Slenderbodied Females Comp. Patch Mods that are definitely incompatible with TSLRCM Ultimate Saber Mod - No longer supported. Skip Peragus (by SuperSquall) - New material added to TSLRCM now makes this incompatible. Skip Telos (by obiwan3001) - New material added to TSLRCM now makes this incompatible. TSL Un-Restored Content (TSL:URC) - Final Version - This mod is basically what the TSLRCM evolved from. All the bells and whistles you see in this mod are already in the TSLRCM. Ravager Rewrite 2.0 - There are changes to numerous files modified by TSLRCM as well. Peragus-Harbringer-Prologue Correction Mod by Ulic - This mod will not work with TSLRCM 1.7 onwards, due to our own fixes to Peragus. Battle of Telos mod by Jinger - It has already been included in TSLRCM 1.7 onwards. Mira/Hanharr choice by Tupac Amaru - Too many of the same files are modified. VP's module tweak pack - There is reported incompatibility with our Peragus changes. Trayus Academy Clothing Fix by SithRevan - Incompatible with TSLRCM's Malachor modules. Dark Apprentice Holowan Consortium - Developed by The Source (AKA MacLeodCorp), Jae Onasi, Darth InSidious, T7nowhere, Commas, Darth Moeller, & the LucasForums Community - There are too many conflicting files. Lonna Vash Mod by Sikon - It is incompatible due to TSLRCM 1.8's changes in the Korriban modules. Force Fashion II by jonathan7, Marius Fett and Ender Wiggin - There are conflicting dialog files. Nar Shaddaa Hidden Complex by FrantFire - There are changes to numerous files modified by TSLRCM as well. Get your Lightsaber Back from Atris by Lit Ridl - Atris' dialog modified in TSLRCM as well. Darth Sion vs Master Vash by zbyl2 - Won't work due to changes in 701KOR. Khoonda Lost rooms by Darth_Tartarus - Won't work with our changes to Dantooine. 90SK's SUPER Content Mod - Too many files are modified by this mod that are already modified by TSLRCM. Sion's Arrival to Peragus Fix 2.0 by Zbyl2 - Already included in TSLRCM 1.8 (and all later versions as well) Goto's Window Fix by Darth Insidious - Already included in TSLRCM 1.8 (and all later versions as well) Lightsaber Parts Icon Fix by DrGhent - Already included in TSLRCM 1.8 (and all later versions as well) Weapon Finesse Icon Fix by Mrmarb - Already included in TSLRCM 1.8 (and all later versions as well) Bao-Dur Shader Fix by darth_shan - Already included in TSLRCM 1.8 (and all later versions as well) Telos Shuttle Crash Movie Fix by Zbyl2 & DarthParametric - Would conflict with the in-game crash-cutscenes in between added in TSLRCM 1.8 Telos Polar Sidequest by FrantFire - Modifies too many files that we also modify. HOTOR 1.6 by Qui Don Jorn - From the modder himself "You are overwriting the new stuff that RCM 1.8 restored when you put HotOR 1.6 on top of it? HotOR hasn't been made compatible yet." GenoHaradan 0.9 beta by Exile007 - According to Exile007: "Do not use with TSLCRM, it's not compatible. Frankly, I wouldn't chance it with many content mods" Knights of the Old Republic III : The Jedi Masters 2.0 (beta) by Trex - As TJM 2.0 is a total conversion mod for TSL, it is completely incompatible with TSLRCM. Andrei's Dynamic Jedi Classes (ADJEC) - There are changes to numerous files modified by TSLRCM as well. Cyan Lightsaber Fix by Marius Fett[/url] - Already fixed in TSLRCM 1.8.3. (and all later versions as well) Kreia's Assorted Robe Collection - Not compatible. Trailer Force Crush Sound by Don Kain - Included in TSLRCM 1.8.3 (and all later versions as well) Kolto Tank on Ebon Hawk by Lit Ridl - Puts a very commonly named trigger used in many modules in override, breaking pretty much all of them. Incompatible with TSL itself thus, not merely TSLRCM. Alternate Revan Romances by felixfelicitas - According to Bookman230, this mod has a conflict with a 904Kriea.dlg file. 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Neville 19 Posted April 9, 2021 (edited) I know intention was to have Visas available for Dark Side players and the Disciple for Light Side players. Is there a mod that changes that back to Visas for male and the Disciple for female? Edited April 9, 2021 by Sith Holocron Removed an extensive quote that has nothing to do with the inquiry Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted April 9, 2021 3 hours ago, Neville said: I know intention was to have Visas available for Dark Side players and the Disciple for Light Side players. Is there a mod that changes that back to Visas for male and the Disciple for female? 1. Visas is available for both male and female characters. Are you thinking of Handmaiden? 2. Bump a topic again and I'll have to ding your account. (I have removed the second post.) 3. When replying and you wish to get someone's attention, tag them. Don't quote an extensive portion. (The second post mentioned above had the extensive quote in it.) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Neville 19 Posted April 9, 2021 5 hours ago, Sith Holocron said: 1. Visas is available for both male and female characters. Are you thinking of Handmaiden? 2. Bump a topic again and I'll have to ding your account. (I have removed the second post.) 3. When replying and you wish to get someone's attention, tag them. Don't quote an extensive portion. (The second post mentioned above had the extensive quote in it.) In the game release, the Disciple was a party member if the player was female. The Handmaiden joined if the player was male. In the original game build, the Handmaiden and the Disciple were party members for Light Side characters. Dark Side characters had Visas Marr and the Disciple. I would like to know if there is a way for Visas to, rather than the Disciple, be recruited in the restored content mod based upon player gender rather than upon player alignment. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted April 9, 2021 2 hours ago, Neville said: I would like to know if there is a way for Visas to, rather than the Disciple, be recruited in the restored content mod based upon player gender rather than upon player alignment. In a word, no. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Qui-Gon Glenn Posted April 10, 2021 TSLRCM existed as a "thing" before TSLURC even existed. Just saying. Cool resource though, thanks! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Todd Hellid 16 Posted May 19, 2021 Are Extended Carth Meeting 1.2_2, Extended Korriban Arrival 1.2, and TSL Loot and Immersion Upgrade 3.3b compatible with Restored Content 1.8.6? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
N-DReW25 1,374 Posted May 20, 2021 18 hours ago, Todd Hellid said: Are Extended Carth Meeting 1.2_2, Extended Korriban Arrival 1.2, and TSL Loot and Immersion Upgrade 3.3b compatible with Restored Content 1.8.6? If you are just using those three mods alongside TSLRCM 1.8.6, the answer is yes, but if you are piling a bunch of other mods on top then that is an answer only you can really answer. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Todd Hellid 16 Posted May 21, 2021 I'm Using these Mods and Skins for the GOG version of Kotor 2 - The Sith Lords. It keeps crashing after character creation. TSL Restored Content Mod 1.8.6 KOTOR 2 UNLIMITED WORLD TEXTURE MOD 1.2 Movement Animation Fix for KOTOR & TSL (1.3) SWTOR Series Saber Mod v.2 High Quality Skyboxes II TSL Warp & Cheat Band (1.2) Ultimate Sound Mod Visas Unmasked! HK Droids SWTOR-Style TSL Loot & Immersion Upgrade Version 4.4.0b Rocket Launcher Sounds 1.0 TOR HK Skins Three New Force Crushes (Fixed) Sith Assassins -- With Lightsabers Peragus Medical Monitors and Computer Panel 1.0.0 Peragus Administration Level Room Model Fixes 1.00 Party Members Fast Exp (KotOR and TSL) Party XP Bug Fix NihilusVisas scene VO tweak Power Blast and Sniper Shot Fix Playable_Dopak Dopak Head Darth Sapien's Presents T3M4 HD 2k 1.00 Darth Sapiens Presents HD Darth Nihilus 1.00 DS Effixians_Alternative_Female_Twilek_Dancer_Outfit Darth Sapiens (and Deadman) present HD 2K Darth Sion 1.0 ExtendedEnclave2.5.1 Extendend Enclave Patch 1.0.2 Full Force Mod High Level Force Powers V2 High Level Force Powers V2u1 Lost Force Powers Pack New Force Power Retribution Force Exhaustion Force Annihilation Quansword_Ebon_Hawk AddPowerCrystals_1_2 Additional Power Crystals for TSL Distributed 1.0.0 Fixed_Hologram_Models_and_Admiralty_Redux_for_TSLRCM_v1.61 TOR_Ports_KOTOR_Comic_Republic_Uniforms_Admiralty_Patch_v1.01 Benok's Alternate Lines Restoration Content Pack Feats and Powers (TSL ver) 1.4 Comlink and Sonic Imprint Sensor Icon Swap 1.0 Ebon Hawk Cockpit Fix Droid Enhancement High Poly Grenades K2 Mandalorian Battle Blades 2.0 Maintenance Officer Realistic Reskin 1.1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LoneWanderer 107 Posted May 21, 2021 1 hour ago, Todd Hellid said: I'm Using these Mods and Skins for the GOG version of Kotor 2 - The Sith Lords. It keeps crashing after character creation. Was it working without mods? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Todd Hellid 16 Posted May 21, 2021 Haven't tried it. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LoneWanderer 107 Posted May 21, 2021 2 minutes ago, Todd Hellid said: Haven't tried it. It would be better if you could check that the vanilla version works on your system. You installed many mods and I don't see obvious incompatibilities at first sight (though I have doubts about so many Force Powers mods). There are many topics on the Internet about crashes after character creation. It is important to figure out, whether your crash related to installed mods or not. But, if we assume that your crash is unrelated to mods, you can try the following solutions: 1. Check in Options and in .ini file that Frame Buffer Effects are disabled. 2. Try Windowed mode: Edit swkotor2.ini. Add AllowWindowedMode=1 under [Graphics Options]. Change FullScreen=1 to FullScreen=0. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TamerBill 137 Posted May 22, 2021 17 hours ago, LoneWanderer said: (though I have doubts about so many Force Powers mods). New force power mods actually play nicely with each other, provided the powers are given their own script rather than adding them into k_sp1_generic. The power mods on that list all do, so there shouldn't be any problems on that end. 19 hours ago, Todd Hellid said: Content Pack Feats and Powers (TSL ver) 1.4 Update to 1.67, though. Nobody wants to run tech support for outdated mods. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Todd Hellid 16 Posted May 22, 2021 I just reinstalled with Content Pack Feats and Powers (TSL ver) 1.67 and the same mods and skins listed. I still get the same crash. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vabulletizer 10 Posted May 23, 2021 9 hours ago, Todd Hellid said: I just reinstalled with Content Pack Feats and Powers (TSL ver) 1.67 and the same mods and skins listed. I still get the same crash. Does it crash without mods too? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Todd Hellid 16 Posted May 23, 2021 Nope. I just reinstalled with the playable Dopak head mod and it doesn't crash. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Todd Hellid 16 Posted May 24, 2021 Will somebody please help me out? I don't want to play the game without the skins and mods I use. My video card is a Nvidia GeForce RTX 2060 using Windows 10 64 bit. I have the latest driver. Is it a driver issue? Do I need to roll back to an earlier driver? I never had this problem. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TamerBill 137 Posted May 24, 2021 If it works fine without mods then it's unlikely to be a computer issue. It's tedious, but the best way to troubleshoot would be to install your mods one at a time, and check after each one whether the game works or not. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Todd Hellid 16 Posted May 25, 2021 I did what you said. It came down to Fixed_Hologram_Models_and_Admiralty_Redux_for_TSLRCM_v1.61 and TOR_Ports_KOTOR_Comic_Republic_Uniforms_Admiralty_Patch_v1.01 causing the crash. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Todd Hellid 16 Posted May 25, 2021 Is Dustil-Restoration compatible? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Neville 19 Posted May 25, 2021 Who are the members of the TSLRCM team? I know Fair Strides was one. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Steven(DarthJacen) 0 Posted June 10, 2022 I’m DarthJacen. I, just, wanted to say thank you for including my blade retextures mod with the world this many years later. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites