
MOD:PartySwap and Extended Enclave Compatibility Patch

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PartySwap and Extended Enclave Compatibility Patch

=PartySwap and Extended Enclave Compatibility Patch=


AUTHOR: Leilukin
FILE NAME: PartySwap_EEnclave_ComPatch.7z
CONTACT: E-mail to contact@leilukin.com, or message to Leilukin on Deadly Stream



This patch will make DarthTyren’s PartySwap mod compatible with danil-ch and Darth Hayze’s Extended Enclave mod.

If you also want to use N-DReW25's Extended Enclave Tweaks, an add-on to Extended Enclave, I have provided an additional installation option in my patch to make PartySwap compatible with both Extended Enclave and Extended Enclave Tweaks.

You can find and download the mods here:
PartySwap: https://deadlystream.com/files/file/544-partyswap/
Extended Enclave: https://deadlystream.com/files/file/428-extended-enclave-tslrcm-add-on/
Extended Enclave Tweaks: https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1842-extended-enclave-tweaks/



  • This patch may NOT be compatible with non-English localizations of KotOR 2 and The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod (TSLRCM).
  • You do NOT need to install this patch if you want to use my Handmaiden and Female Exile - Disciple and Male Exile Romance mod, because my mod already includes compatibility patches that will allow my mod to work together with both PartySwap and Extended Enclave.



STEP 1: Download and install The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod (TSLRCM), since TSLRCM is REQUIRED for both PartySwap and Extended Enclave to work. I recommend using the installer version of TSLRCM (https://deadlystream.com/files/file/578-tsl-restored-content-mod/) instead of the Steam Workshop version, even if you play KotOR 2 on Steam.

STEP 2: Download and install PartySwap: https://deadlystream.com/files/file/544-partyswap/

STEP 3: Download and install Extended Enclave: https://deadlystream.com/files/file/428-extended-enclave-tslrcm-add-on/

(You must install Extended Enclave AFTER PartySwap)

OPTIONAL STEP: If you want to use it, download and install N-DReW25's Extended Enclave Tweaks: https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1842-extended-enclave-tweaks/STEP 4: Download my compatibility patch for PartySwp and Extended Enclave, extract PartySwap_EEnclave_ComPatch.7z to anywhere you like, as long as it is not within the KoOR 2 directory.


STEP 5: Run the PS EE Comp Patch Installer.exe from my compatibility patch. You will see there are three installation options, and you may only install ONE of these three options:

  • No M4-78EP Installed: Choose this installation option if you do NOT have M4-78 Enhancement Project installed. DO NOT choose this option if you have installed N-DReW25's Extended Enclave Tweaks.
  • M4-78EP Installed: Choose this installation option if you DO have M4-78 Enhancement Project installed. DO NOT choose this option if you have installed N-DReW25's Extended Enclave Tweaks.
  • Extended Enclave Tweaks Installed: Choose this installation option if you have installed N-DReW25's Extended Enclave Tweaks, regardless if you have installed M4-78 Enhancement Project or not.

Once you have selected an installation option, and select your KotOR 2 game folder as your KotOR 2 directory path, click the “Install” button and let the installer do its job.

When you install this mod, two new folders named "backup" and “uninstall” will be created by the installer in the same folder as the installer. Do not delete the folders or any of the files within the folder if you are planning on uninstalling this mod.

The "Source" folder includes the source of the scripts used by this mod for modders' reference. Ignore the "Source" folder if you only want to install and play this mod.



Run PS EE Comp Patch Installer.exe. From the “Tools” dropdown menu, select “Uninstall Mod / Restore Backup”, then confirm to uninstall the patch. You can also choose to delete the backup after uninstalling the patch.

Note that this action only uninstalls my compatibility patch, and not PartySwap, Extended Enclave and Extended Enclave Tweaks.



None currently known. If you find any other bugs or problems, please let me know.



DarthTyren, danil-ch and N-DReW25 for giving me permission to make this compatibility patch for their mods
bead-v for Workbox
Cortisol for Holocron Toolset
Fred Tetra for the KotOR Tool
tk102 for DLG Editor
Cortisol and th3w1zard1 for HoloPatcher




  • Submitter
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  • Category
  • TSLRCM Compatible


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Thanks very much for this, Leilukin! I'll be giving it a whirl in my next build test for sure.

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I believe I might've found an issue here

Aside from the relevant mods (RCM, PS, EE, this compat patch), I only had a somewhat old mod to add Vash to Korriban, but this should certainly not have caused the problem I encountered

Set Revan as LS female and played as DS male killing all the masters

Everything was fine up until the conversation with Visas after leaving Dantooine - when the scene ends, it just drops and I'm left trapped in the cutscene module. Tried telling her to leave, tried having Force sex, tried telling her I wasn't interested, and it dropped all the same

I did a second playthrough as LS female and did NOT run into the same issue after talking with Disciple - and after that, I noticed the next scene was Disciple contacting Carth

My best guess is Disciple failed to spawn when I was a male character or something, since I didn't find him in the stunt module but Atton and Visas were still there, but I dunno

I played the game on Steam with legacypc, if that makes any difference

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2 hours ago, 134340Goat said:

I believe I might've found an issue here

Aside from the relevant mods (RCM, PS, EE, this compat patch), I only had a somewhat old mod to add Vash to Korriban, but this should certainly not have caused the problem I encountered

Set Revan as LS female and played as DS male killing all the masters

Everything was fine up until the conversation with Visas after leaving Dantooine - when the scene ends, it just drops and I'm left trapped in the cutscene module. Tried telling her to leave, tried having Force sex, tried telling her I wasn't interested, and it dropped all the same

I did a second playthrough as LS female and did NOT run into the same issue after talking with Disciple - and after that, I noticed the next scene was Disciple contacting Carth

My best guess is Disciple failed to spawn when I was a male character or something, since I didn't find him in the stunt module but Atton and Visas were still there, but I dunno

I played the game on Steam with legacypc, if that makes any difference

This issue was actually caused by the PartySwap mod itself, not my patch. Neither Extended Enclave nor my patch modifies VIsas/Disciple's dialogue on the Ebon Hawk after the Rebuilt Jedi Enclave sequence.

Your guess about Disciple failing to spawn when you played a male character was correct, however. I actually discovered the problem with making Disciple spawn after Visas's conversation when I was making my Visas Marr and Female Exile Romance mod, and later testing my Handmaiden/Disciple Romance mod with PartySwap as well. In my mods, I had to NOT trigger the cutscene of Disciple contacting Carth/Cede after Visas's conversation to avoid the issue.

I must say, I'm really glad that I'm not the only one who encounter this issue. I had report this issue on the PartySwap's thread long ago, even before releasing my first mod, but there wasn't any solution. I always find it strange that I never saw anyone else reported the same issue.

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2 hours ago, Leilukin said:

This issue was actually caused by the PartySwap mod itself, not my patch. Neither Extended Enclave nor my patch modifies VIsas/Disciple's dialogue on the Ebon Hawk after the Rebuilt Jedi Enclave sequence.

Your guess about Disciple failing to spawn when you played a male character was correct, however. I actually discovered the problem with making Disciple spawn after Visas's conversation when I was making my Visas Marr and Female Exile Romance mod, and later testing my Handmaiden/Disciple Romance mod with PartySwap as well. In my mods, I had to NOT trigger the cutscene of Disciple contacting Carth/Cede after Visas's conversation to avoid the issue.

I must say, I'm really glad that I'm not the only one who encounter this issue. I had report this issue on the PartySwap's thread long ago, even before releasing my first mod, but there wasn't any solution. I always find it strange that I never saw anyone else reported the same issue.

Huh. And I even replied to you there. How time flies

Goes to show how rarely I play male in Kotor 2, heh

Hmm. There must be some way around it. If there's no way to fix Disciple not spawning, then I suppose we'd just have to make do with removing the scene of Disciple contacting Carth/Cede. Though I suppose that's something we'd have to request DarthTyren do. With an issue like that, I fear Partyswap probably wouldn't make it into the Reddit mod build

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A temporary fix, I guess, would be to re-prioritize the nodes at the end of Visas's meditation dialogue, making sure that the Disciple/Carth/Cede scene doesn't fire. I don't have access to my files to find a more permanent solution.

I promise folks, everything worked the last time I played through with just TSLRCM and PartySwap.

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On 12/21/2018 at 10:58 AM, src888 said:

FYI... PartySwap & Extended Enclave were recently updated , might want to take a look

Thanks for the info. I had been incredibly busy recently so I just found out that both mods had been updated.

I have updated my patch. The latest change to PartySwap (Disciple's endgame dialogue with Carth/Cede) does not affect this patch at all, but my patch should now be compatible with version 2.4 of Extended Enclave.

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Alright, I just finished checking up the newest update. I have two bugs I would like to report:

1: When you are playing as a FEMALE character on the enclave, Briana uses the dialogue line: "Did you not go to join HIM?"

2: Once you arrive at the final boss fight and start talking with Kreia, she does not turn around to talk to you. Same thing happens in the middle dialogue (The one she asks you to kill her).

Can you please fix this issues?

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11 hours ago, Guibaesa said:

Alright, I just finished checking up the newest update. I have two bugs I would like to report:

1: When you are playing as a FEMALE character on the enclave, Briana uses the dialogue line: "Did you not go to join HIM?"

2: Once you arrive at the final boss fight and start talking with Kreia, she does not turn around to talk to you. Same thing happens in the middle dialogue (The one she asks you to kill her).

Can you please fix this issues?

1: Thanks for pointing this out. I checked my files again and found out that I didn't add gender check on that line you mentioned. I've re-uploaded the patch.

2: That is strange because I didn't touch Kreia's endgame dialogue in this update at all. I had asked danil-ch about which files had been modified in version 2.4 of Extended Enclave, and according to him, 904kreia.dlg (the DLG file for Kreia's endgame dialogue) wasn't one of them. Have you tried reloading an earlier save to see if this issue still happened? In addition to TSLRCM, PartySwap, Extended Enclave and my patch, are you using any other mods? Do you use M4-78EP?

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Comparing  rcmchanges.ini between Extended Enclave 2.3 & 2.4, 904mal.mod is not altered anymore in 2.4.

Thus 904kreia.dlg not altered anymore, if that helps.

EE 2.3:




EE 2.4:




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15 hours ago, Leilukin said:

1: Thanks for pointing this out. I checked my files again and found out that I didn't add gender check on that line you mentioned. I've re-uploaded the patch.

2: That is strange because I didn't touch Kreia's endgame dialogue in this update at all. I had asked danil-ch about which files had been modified in version 2.4 of Extended Enclave, and according to him, 904kreia.dlg (the DLG file for Kreia's endgame dialogue) wasn't one of them. Have you tried reloading an earlier save to see if this issue still happened? In addition to TSLRCM, PartySwap, Extended Enclave and my patch, are you using any other mods? Do you use M4-78EP?

Well, actually, the Kreia's endgame issue no longer matters. Once I installed the your newest version of your mod, the problem simply vanished. Whatever you did in this update somehow fixed this issue. So... thanks :).

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2 hours ago, Guibaesa said:

Well, actually, the Kreia's endgame issue no longer matters. Once I installed the your newest version of your mod, the problem simply vanished. Whatever you did in this update somehow fixed this issue. So... thanks :).

The only things I did in this update were modifying some of the dialogue of the Rebuilt Jedi Enclave sequence since those dialogue files were updated by version 2.4 of Extended Enclave. As I said, I didn't touch Kreia's endgame dialogue at all in this update, so I believe your issue with Kreia's endgame was most likely caused by some other mods you're using.


17 hours ago, src888 said:

Comparing  rcmchanges.ini between Extended Enclave 2.3 & 2.4, 904mal.mod is not altered anymore in 2.4.

Thus 904kreia.dlg not altered anymore, if that helps.

Thanks for pointing that out. I didn't notice that. I upload my patch again to remove the 904.kreia.dlg from this patch.

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1 minute ago, Leilukin said:

The only things I did in this update were modifying some of the dialogue of the Rebuilt Jedi Enclave sequence since those dialogue files were updated by version 2.4 of Extended Enclave. As I said, I didn't touch Kreia's endgame dialogue at all in this update, so I believe your issue with Kreia's endgame was most likely caused by some other mods you're using.

Well, the only mods I use besides "TSLRCM", "PartySwap" and "Extended Enclave" are "Content Pack Feats and Powers" and "Bao-Dur's Charged Armor". I dont believe they caused this. Regardless, the issue is gone now, somehow your last patch fixed it. So dont worry about it anymore.

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On 12/25/2019 at 4:02 AM, Guibaesa said:

I have a problem with the newest update. On Malachor Kreia doesn't show up on the final battle.

Can you be more specific about the issue? Do you mean Kreia disappears at the Trayus Core after you fight Sion?

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I found that my problem was a compatibility issue was a .dlg file

Dont ask me how dialogue file, that was not even touched in your newest update could do this because I have no idea. 0_o

Anyway, here is the "fixed" dlg file:


This fixed all problems with Kreia on Malachor.

Glad I could help you.

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23 hours ago, Guibaesa said:

I found that my problem was a compatibility issue was a .dlg file

Dont ask me how dialogue file, that was not even touched in your newest update could do this because I have no idea. 0_o

Anyway, here is the "fixed" dlg file:

904kreia.dlg 498.95 kB · 0 downloads

This fixed all problems with Kreia on Malachor.

Glad I could help you.

It seems like you keep having issues with 904kreia.dlg, which shouldn't happen now since the 904kreia.dlg is no longer modified by Extended Enclave and my patch. You might want to reinstall the game and the mods from scratch to ensure you get the latest version of the mods run properly.

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