
K1 Taris Escape Sequence Adjustments

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I've been fiddling with the two in-engine cutscenes that play after you enter the Ebon Hawk to escape Taris.


The first cutscene is aboard the Leviathan where Malak instructs Admiral Karath to continue the bombardment. While I have been testing other mods, I have frequently encountered the bug that occurs during this sequence where the party appears at the back of the bridge:




I thought a script edit would be required, but a simple edit of the module's IFO was proposed by Fair Strides and that solves the problem. While running through that sequence repeatedly to test, I discovered another minor annoyance with some background characters:




These two seem incorrectly positioned, one air typing into the other's back. It's one of those "once you see it, you can't unsee it" type things, so now I need to fix that.


After that cutscene, there are a couple of pre-rendered videos, after which you get an in-engine cutscene in the Ebon Hawk's cockpit where Bastila says to head to Dantooine and Carth warns of incoming fighters. In the vanilla sequence, only Carth and Bastila have formal roles. Whatever other two party members you had (assuming they weren't Carth and Bastila) just spawn in the corridor, often blocking the camera in the opening shot (especially Zaalbar):


K1_Taris_Escape_Sequence_Adjustments_WIP K1_Taris_Escape_Sequence_Adjustments_WIP


I decided to change that and have the whole party in the cockpit, which seems appropriate given you are trying to escape a planetary bombardment. Seems to me you'd want a front row seat for that. Here's the current version:



Although unfortunately I failed to account for the camera positions, so while T3 is there working away on one of the computer panels, he ends up completely obscured. I wanted him working on the galaxy map panel, but he is too short to reach. I'll have to think about where he might be best repositioned. I am open to suggestions. I'd prefer not to modify the cockpit model if necessary, although I was considering the idea of adding in some control panels closer to the front seats so Bastila and Carth aren't just air typing, so if I went that route I could add an astromech access panel on the wall under the galaxy map.


If anyone wants to pitch in with better animations, feel free. What I have for Mission and Canderous is kinda blegh, and Zaalbar is just using the vanilla Pause1.

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There is a sitting animation in Kotor 1? If that animation exists why doesn't someone put actual NPC's in chairs instead of those placeables?



It's called a Massage.

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There is a sitting animation on the male supermodel. All the cutscene uses of it require stunt models (which are unique supermodels for a given scene). I created new stunt models with sitting animations for Mission and Canderous.

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The Leviathan bridge crew should already have sitting cutscene animations from other scenes, although I recall in at least one case it deforms the head. Still, there should be some usable ones already.

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Yeah the stunt models should be m40ab_c03_char01 to char09. This cutscene only uses two of them that are sitting, so there should be a few more (although two of them are Malak and Karath, so maybe there aren't that many).

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Great alteration, DP! Kind of thing I would definitely use when I tackle K1 as a machinima if this ever gets released publicly. As for T3’s placement, what about just to Canderous’s right/left? That way, he’d be visible in the wide of the cockpit from behind if he were on the Canderous’ right, or visible on his left in the shot of Carth with Canderous sat behind him.

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Excellent idea! I always got sick of seeing my party on the leviathan. Ruined the immersion.


There's also another similar screw up on the Star Forge. On the first cutscene, where the Sith Master informs Malak about the Jedi infilitrating the Star Forge, you can see the 3 Dark Jedi and the 3 Jedi having a stare down. It's pretty funny but annoying. It's only visible on a 1080P resolution.

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My suggestion for the placement of T3, would be after the cockpit scene when the PC is running down to the turrent.


Specifically, right underneath the panel on the right at 0:17.


Also, looks like the PC runs past the turret ladder! ;P

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Yeah I did think about putting T3 out in the "living room", but I figured if you are going to steal a spaceship your probably want your astromech doing its primary job during the getaway.


Revised version:



Still need to add in some eye blinks, for Mission especially. I'll see if the PC's trajectory can be tweaked. I guess I could make him stop and turn to the left (fortunately the ladder is off-screen, so no worries about climbing). Or maybe he needs a thought bubble "wait, where the hell is the turret?".


Edit: OK, added the revised turret dash animation:



I had some fun with my old friend bezier keys along the way.




Edit 2: Now released - http://deadlystream.com/forum/topic/5979-downloadtaris-escape-sequence-adjustments/

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