ndix UR

MOD:KotOR High Resolution Menus

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It seems after picking up a clean version of the executable, and re-patching everything, everything is in the right position. There is some minor weirdness, but its serviceable. Do you know of any way to get the Map Screen to scale up?

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For some reason, I'm getting blue boxes around many dialog or hud elements. Any way to fix this?  It's very bothersome.

Star Wars  Knights Of The Old Republic Screenshot 2019.06.17 -

Star Wars  Knights Of The Old Republic Screenshot 2019.06.18 -

Star Wars  Knights Of The Old Republic Screenshot 2019.06.18 -

Edited by Secret Rare
Added more images.

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Is there a way to disable the letterboxing? I don't like how the bottom part of the screen fails to letterbox. This happens a lot. It's distracting.

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I have a peculiar problem that I've been searching the web for days for a fix, but I can't even find anyone who's having the same issues. I'm trying to run the game at 2560x1440 and my GUI when I go into any character menus is completely offset. I've tried most of the fixes found on the internet but no luck. A note worthy mention is the pop-up messages work fine along with the main menu of the game and UI.5vvcstP.png

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Guest Sam Fisher

So I couldn't tell you why, as all I've done so far is follow the instructions to a T- but when I reach the main menu, it's just an empty box in the middle of the screen. Not text whatsoever, what am I missing?


Okay, figured it out- for anyone having the issue I just had, it's because you didn't change your resolution to the desired res (1920/1080) for example, before applying this mod.

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I got a resolution problem using the 1920x1080 files.
Patched the executable using UniWS (GoG version), put the files in the Overide folder, and started the game.

Main menu and settings looked fine, but loading screen and character creation were messed up, like they were centered around the bottom-right corner of the screen.
I can't post a screenshot right now, got some issues with my internet connectin, but I'll post the images here as soon as possible.

Edited by Thercio

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On 1/8/2020 at 12:10 PM, Thercio said:

I got a resolution problem using the 1920x1080 files.
Patched the executable using UniWS (GoG version), put the files in the Overide folder, and started the game.

Main menu and settings looked fine, but loading screen and character creation were messed up, like they were centered around the bottom-right corner of the screen.
I can't post a screenshot right now, got some issues with my internet connectin, but I'll post the images here as soon as possible.

I'm having this exact same problem!

When selecting skills, feats, the boxes are moved to the right and they're not fully visible.

I took have some examples of the errors I'm facing.

Sorry for quality of pictures, I had to take them on my phone as I was having trouble taking proper screenshots.


Imgur link to screenshots


Anyone got an ideas?


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So how do i patch the Steam Version of KOTOR? because both the hex editior and the automatic patcher options dont work for that version

Edited by AxFive

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Greetings, ElMarfacho and Thercio (and anyone else reading this post)!

I'm not going to call myself an expert by any means, but I just got this mod working on my 1600x900 display after running into the same problems you're talking about.  I think I know what you need to do to get this mod to work.

On 1/8/2020 at 7:10 AM, Thercio said:

I got a resolution problem using the 1920x1080 files.
Patched the executable using UniWS (GoG version), put the files in the Overide folder, and started the game.

Main menu and settings looked fine, but loading screen and character creation were messed up, like they were centered around the bottom-right corner of the screen.
I can't post a screenshot right now, got some issues with my internet connectin, but I'll post the images here as soon as possible.

On 1/13/2020 at 3:33 PM, ElMarfacho said:

I'm having this exact same problem!

When selecting skills, feats, the boxes are moved to the right and they're not fully visible.

I took have some examples of the errors I'm facing.

Sorry for quality of pictures, I had to take them on my phone as I was having trouble taking proper screenshots.


Imgur link to screenshots


Anyone got an ideas?


I'd already had UniWS's GOG file working correctly, but that's not the only patch you need for the mod to work correctly.  The ReadMe file assumes you know you need to patch the swkotor.exe file twice, and I'm just going to chalk it up to my own ignorance.

Here's what I did:

First Patch Job -  Widescreen fix with UniWS (if you patched this using 1024x768 interface to your new display size, you can skim past this part):

  • Start the game, then exit.  This will generate the swkotor.ini file.  In the .ini file, scroll down to Graphics Options and set the width and height to your desired resolution.  (Note:  they ask width, then height, as in, a 1920x1080 is 1080 width and 1920 height.)
  • Copy your game's original swkotor.exe file and save it somewhere as a backup.
  • Additionally, if you're a Steam user, go find a usable "cracked" swkotor.exe file that you can adjust, since Steam's file won't work.  Just Google/Bing/DuckDuckGo/etc. "Kotor no-CD" and that's how I found mine.  Once you have a usable swkotor.exe file, save it somewhere else as a backup.
  • If playing the Steam or CD version, you need a "cracked" swkotor.exe file.  As @DarthParametric corrected me, a working .exe file is already here on DeadlyStream at https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1320-kotor-editable-executable/
  • In UniWS, patch your swkotor.exe file using the 1024x768 interface instead of the 800x600 interface.  Don't forget to change the "New Resolution" field.  You'll most likely get feedback from UniWS saying the patch was successful.  Furthermore, you can go into your game folder and see files along the lines of "swkotorb.undo1" that have the date/time that you ran the UniWS patcher.  Note that the patched .exe file will have its original modification date/time.
  • In case you haven't, go ahead and run this swkotor.exe and make sure the game is running at the new resolution.  Other posters in this forum have indicated you need the new resolution implemented in the game before installing this mod.  In the game menu, change the display to your widescreen display and you should have the main game running at the new resolution, but with the HUD boxes at the old resolution.  Your menu screens should also have that extra gray filler border.


Second Patch Job - Mod Prep (if your mouse is off and HUD boxes appear on the menu screens, this is probably what you missed):

  • Copy the patched swkotor.exe file to the Hi-Res-Menu Mod folder
  • Referencing the ReadMe file, we are now at "Step 1:  Modified Executable swkotor.exe"
  • Double-click hires_patcher.bat and enter the information.  (Note:  I did NOT have to Run as Administrator, but keep that in mind if you need to troubleshoot.)  For my 1600x900 display, which is in the 16:9 range that ndix UR recommends adjusting the letterbox for, I entered 1600, 900, yes, swkotor.exe [well, I just hit Enter for this last one since my .exe file sitting in there is called "swkotor.exe"]
  • After the patcher program finished, I verified that a swkotor.bak.exe file was created.  That's the easiest way to see that your second patch job was successful.


Installing the Patched .exe and Mod:

  • Copy the new swkotor.exe file from the Second Patch Job (not the backup!) into your game folder
  • Copy all the appropriate .gui files into the game's Override folder (for me, that's the 1600x900 gui files)


Testing the Mod:

  • The main menu screen will always appear at the correct size (as you probably noticed when you were testing the UniWS patch)
  • Start a new game and you'll know it's working if your loading screen is properly sized and not running off the screen like it would if you're using a single-patched instead of a double-patched swkotor.exe file.
  • Go to any other menu and see if your mouse lines up with the buttons
  • Until ndix UR or an impatient modder makes a patch for the map, the map will be small.  I imagine you can remove that specific gui file from the Override (map.gui) and get the old map back, though I don't know if your mouse will line up with the map's buttons correctly.
  • You might notice extra border lines at the top and bottom during dialogue.  I imagine this is ndix UR's way of ensuring all the dialogue text stays on-screen.
  • You might notice some bright blue borders that no longer match the image/descriptions.  I definitely caught this on the Items menu, but it's not a deal-breaker for having a widescreen menu with more items-per-page.  I like using "HD MENUS AND UI Assets" by @JackInTheBox to get a background that doesn't have those borders, found here:  https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1457-hd-menus-and-ui-assets/


May the Force be with you!

On 8/26/2020 at 10:53 AM, AxFive said:

So how do i patch the Steam Version of KOTOR? because both the hex editior and the automatic patcher options dont work for that version

Since the Steam swkotor.exe file doesn't work, you have to go online and look for a "Kotor non-CD" file.  I was able to find one just fine, but I think it's illegal for me to upload it here since it's not really my file. use the file found at https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1320-kotor-editable-executable/


On 4/20/2020 at 8:10 AM, Prince of Pomp said:

Is this compatible with a manually hex-edited .exe?

Not the expert here, but I imagine a manually hex-edited .exe would be fine.  You'll still need to run it through the other patcher that you download with the mod, or your mouse won't line up with your buttons and you'll see HUD buttons in the submenus (as several in this thread have mentioned).


Edited for clarity (and some more detailed steps) because I came back to reference this when getting KOTOR set up on my new computer/display, and I was a little confused by my own wording.

Edited by MasterKriebel
clarified some wording, expanded on some steps, added links to files
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17 hours ago, DarthParametric said:

The cracked exe is already available on DS - https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1320-kotor-editable-executable/


Doh!  That's my tired brain forgetting where I got my swkotor.exe file.  I'm working on getting your Widescreen mod integrated next.  Super excited to play this game in a true 1600x900 format!

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is it possible to fix letterbox scaling for KOTOR2 so that dialogue box can be seen on ultrawide 21:9 res? i know this mod is for KOTOR1, i guess no one tried hex editing swkotor2.exe since the Asypr Steam release fixed widescreen, but few of us still play on legacypc / non Steam versions.

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Would you consider adding native support for THIS particular 21:9 ultrawide resolution:  (3840x1600)


In the meantime, does anyone know how to adjust the 2560x1600 scaling so at least my HUD appears centered instead hanging to the left side?


Much appreciated, thanks!

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On 11/30/2020 at 6:51 AM, MasterKriebel said:

Greetings, ElMarfacho and Thercio (and anyone else reading this post)!

I'm not going to call myself an expert by any means, but I just got this mod working on my 1600x900 display after running into the same problems you're talking about.  I think I know what you need to do to get this mod to work.

I'd already had UniWS's GOG file working correctly, but that's not the only patch you need for the mod to work correctly.  The ReadMe file assumes you know you need to patch the swkotor.exe file twice, and I'm just going to chalk it up to my own ignorance.

Here's what I did:

First Patch Job -  Widescreen fix with UniWS (if you patched this using 1024x768 interface to your new display size, you can skim past this part):

  • Copy your game's original swkotor.exe file and save it somewhere as a backup.
  • Additionally, if you're a Steam user, go find a usable "cracked" swkotor.exe file that you can adjust, since Steam's file won't work.  Just Google/Bing/DuckDuckGo/etc. "Kotor no-CD" and that's how I found mine.  Once you have a usable swkotor.exe file, save it somewhere else as a backup.
  • In UniWS, patch your swkotor.exe file using the 1024x768 interface instead of the 800x600 interface.  I know the file was patched because I got feedback from UniWS saying the patch was successful.
  • In case you haven't, go ahead and run this swkotor.exe and make sure the game is running at the new resolution.  Other posters in this forum have indicated you need the new resolution implemented in the game before installing this mod.


Second Patch Job - Mod Prep (if your mouse is off and HUD boxes appear on the menu screens, this is probably what you missed):

  • Copy the patched swkotor.exe file to the Hi-Res-Menu Mod folder
  • Referencing the ReadMe file, we are now at "Step 1:  Modified Executable swkotor.exe"
  • Double-click hires_patcher.bat and enter the information.  (Note:  I did NOT have to Run as Administrator, but keep that in mind if you need to troubleshoot.)  For my 1600x900 display, which is in the 16:9 range that ndix UR recommends adjusting the letterbox for, I entered 1600, 900, yes, swkotor.exe [well, I just hit Enter for this last one since my .exe file sitting in there is called "swkotor.exe"]
  • After the patcher program finished, I verified that a swkotor.bak.exe file was created.  That's the easiest way to see that your second patch job was successful.


Installing the Patched .exe and Mod:

  • Copy the new swkotor.exe file from the Second Patch Job (not the backup!) into your game folder
  • Copy all the appropriate .gui files into the game's Override folder (for me, that's the 1600x900 gui files)


Testing the Mod:

  • The main menu screen will always work
  • Start a new game and you'll know it's working if your loading screen is properly sized and not running off the screen like it would if you're using a single-patched instead of a double-patched swkotor.exe file.
  • Go to any other menu and see if your mouse lines up with the buttons
  • Until ndix UR or an impatient modder makes a patch for the map, the map will be small.  I imagine you can remove that specific gui file from the Override (map.gui) and get the old map back, though I don't know if your mouse will line up with the map's buttons correctly.
  • You might notice extra border lines at the top and bottom during dialogue.  I imagine this is ndix UR's way of ensuring all the dialogue text stays on-screen.
  • You might notice some bright blue borders that no longer match the image/descriptions.  I definitely caught this on the Items menu, but it's not a deal-breaker for having a widescreen menu with more items-per-page.


May the Force be with you!

Since the Steam swkotor.exe file doesn't work, you have to go online and look for a "Kotor non-CD" file.  I was able to find one just fine, but I think it's illegal for me to upload it here since it's not really my file.

Not the expert here, but I imagine a manually hex-edited .exe would be fine.  You'll still need to run it through the other patcher that you download with the mod, or your mouse won't line up with your buttons and you'll see HUD buttons in the submenus (as several in this thread have mentioned).

Dude i fking love you!!  I just spent an entire day trying too figure out why my shit wasnt working correctly (i had the whole character creation window off screen, everything else worked perfectly) and you saved me!  thank you! ❤️

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I have a small problem. After entering correctly on hires_patcher.bat, the exe launches and then closes right away. Leaving no indication it did anything. I have no swkotor.bak.exe in the same folder. I do not see any output saying it was successful or failed.

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Hi guys. I am trying to get Kotor 1 to run with 2560*1440 resolution. I first patched EXE with UniWS, and then followed the instructions for this mod. Here is what I am seeing when I launch game. I made screen capture with MS Paint, minus the white area of image. Anyone know what is going on, and how to fix? Help greatly appreciated  :)Untitled.png.8fb38822ffbba8f9cf2f1b7884d8a9cb.png

Edited by Skeet1983

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Is there a way to get widescreen to work at something other than monitor resolution? I have a 32:9 monitor but a game like this i want at 21:9 because having the entire UI be spread across the screen is extreme pain


unfortunately if I set everything up as if i'm at 3440X1440 causes buttons to be offset by a large margin making the entire thing even more unplayable

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