N-DReW25 1,374 Posted November 24, 2017 Did you include the custom pistol you made for the Duro in the update? He didn't attack me with it nor was it on his remains.I think I did, where there any errors in the TSLPatcher? The only three causes of it not working is either "geno_hold.uti" isn't in the override, the Duros' utc file didn't get placed into the 202tel.mod or it's the save game you used. Now I get why people were asking about the GenoHaradan in the Restoration zone. That makes sense now. I'm curious, though- was there any indication that the GenoHaradan assassins supposed to be on Telos according to the game files or voice over notes? Or was that just something added in by the modders? I'm also curious, N-DReW25. Do you want a voice over for the following lines at 6:45 in the first video? “The GenoHaradan will hunt you down Jedi. There is no escape from death. We see the deaths of our enemies in our waking thoughts and as we meditate. There is no higher calling than the GenoHaradan.” I'd be willing to record those lines if you'd like. Or are you going to stick with the alien voice overs for simplicity's sake? - Exile007 had the better boss fight with the two drexels. They both come out of rooms in the background (not out of nowhere) and come from a planet (Dxun) that can be easily accessed, unlike Malachor V. Why TSLRP had a storm beast, I have no idea. - Both mods showed that the disciples and Desiccus had only the basic attack option. Having those enemy NPCs take all the master melee combat feats and combat style feats like Master Two-Weapon fighting and close combat would probably help make this part of the game more challenging. - The Trandoshan double blades was a good idea for the disciples. Maybe add some duel wielding NPCs in the mix for variety's sake? - A random nit-pick- Why the heck was Dessicus using ion pistols??? Disruptor pistols, some type of heavy blaster or your GenoHaradan survival pistol would make more sense for him. And maybe have him switch to a melee weapon if you get too close? The Telos Surface Assassin's I believe are made up by modders just for the sake of restoring those lines. I will actually keep those alien lines for those lines because those alien lines are cut and restoring them in this mod would be a good idea though I can offer you a voice over role for a more important character if you like (It isn't Dessicus) Dessicus will be able to use more than just normal attack though I'm not sure if it would be master ranked due to balancing reasons. In my mod, the GenoHaradan Members will be using more than just a single type of weapon and if they do use weapons they will most likely be GenoHaradan items. As for Dessicus' weapons, I believe those are actually Disruptor's not Ion Pistols, I'd also like to note, the GenoHaradan Blaster from K1 being introduced into TSL will be stronger than the Survival Pistol. If anything the Survival Pistol would be the lowest of the low for the GenoHaradan so their leader wouldn't use it though I guarantee in my mod the weapons he wields will make sense. Also - here are some notes and ideas that I mentioned in my video, might as well throw in my two cents as well :] - I don't know if this will actually happen but hopefully the Dessicus encounter will take place in the Jek Jek Tar where it belongs - Dessicus should be given given a unique look (which I believe is being worked on) - Dessicus and his disciples are given actual GenoHaradan equipment (which N-DRew is restoring for TSL). Maybe give Dessicus his own unique GenoHaradan disruptor pistols or something. - Drexl beasts instead of the great storm beast because it makes more sense. - Dessicus, the GenoHaradan Disciples, and the Duros assassin are given more feats that make their fights more interesting and challenging rather than feel cheap. - Maybe let there be moments where the player encounters GenoHaradan disciples instead of HK-50's - A way to acquire the GenoHaradan's unique gear (which I'm guessing he has in mind) also to expand on my comment of unique gear, here's some ideas: - GenoHaradan double blade (what the disciples could use) - GenoHaradan disruptor pistol or Dessicus' disruptor pistol - I know the GenoHaradan poison blades are returning so the disciples can also be given them as well - GenoHaradan blaster rifles (don't what what type of blaster rifle specifically) - GenoHaradan light, medium, and heavy armor. maybe wear something that resembles what the disciples wear. and yes, I know there was a piece of light armor that hulas gives you in K1 so that one is fine for the light armor one - GenoHaradan headgear. again, I know there was one in K1 but maybe there could be a new one that the disciples use. maybe Dessicus could have his own unique and/or one of a kind headgear piece. It will be in the Jekk Jekk Tarr - and all I'm going to say about it is that it works and doesn't conflict with the plot. Dessicus does have a unique look which is a reskin of a player head which is available on Deadlystream and the Steam Workshop which the people have requested I used, I do have permission to use this skin so when I get it working in game as a separate head I will likely show it off. The GenoHaradan Assassins will have unique weapons and will be different in appearance. I do not think I will use Drexl or any beast in my mod, instead, I have something much cooler in mind. I'll probably give them power blast and power attack just to avoid overpowering them. While they may not replace the HK-50's they may show up in groups of three in kinda "hidden" area's such as the Shyrack Caves on Korriban though they will probably despawn once you complete Nar Shadda. And yes, GenoHaradan gear will be obtainable as well as some other potential items. As for the items. The Double Blade is very likely, Disruptor pistols are a likely, all K1 GenoHaradan items are returning, I wouldn't say Blaster Rifles because I like to use textures that aren't seen in-game (Mostly K1 item textures hidden in TSL files) and I think all the Blaster Rifle textures are seen in-game, I already have a heavy armor made up for Dessicus though I need to figure out what the medium one should be like, I've already previewed the texture and the stats of a GenoHaradan mask before (It uses the same texture the Duros' uses) For similar reasons that N-DREW has expressed about the lack of private messaging, I want to express an idea to him publicly: namely, if we remember the threat given to the Exile in TSLRP, the Genoharadan threatened to blow up several locations on the Smuggler's Moon. In GenoHaradan Legacy, I want Dessicus to back up this threat by blowing up Vogga's chambers.Probably won't be a terrorist act though there will definitely be a reason to stop the GenoHaradan. If by lack of private messaging I bet it's because my PM box is full, I can make a space for your PM's if anyone likes. Well, I am not sure about the beasts at all. You have a beast encounter on Onderon and it turns out far more natural than Dessicus summoning Drexl from places with computers. Also, I'd really love to know how are you going to tie it into what happens in TSLRCM and Visquis. I don't know if two assumed deaths on one planet are a good thing to do, it would make TSL's storyline too repetitive. The scenario that happens in mods would also require re-using the after-Rebuilt Enclave dialogue and a Nihilus-Sion sequence that fits well into the finish of the game and is used that way in the Extended Enclave. And putting Sion makes the game too focused on him, while we have the Excahange, Goto, GenoHaradan, Sion, Nihilus and Kreia. There are too many interesting antagonists to focus just on Sion. I'd like to mention the Sion VS Nihilus scene is staying in Extended Enclave and will not be added to Legacy so the assumed death won't be as big as it would have been otherwise. Though, sadly I must admit even without that scene I feel like Sion may have a bigger role in Legacy than what Obsidian intended for him in Nar Shadda. Though it hopefully will focus on Dessicus, the GenoHaradan and the Force at the same time. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Domino5555 119 Posted November 24, 2017 I think I did, where there any errors in the TSLPatcher? The only three causes of it not working is either "geno_hold.uti" isn't in the override, the duro's utc file didn't get placed into the 202tel.mod or it's the save game you used. The Telos Surface Assassin's I believe are made up by modders just for the sake of restoring those lines. I will actually keep those alien lines for those lines because those alien lines are cut and restoring them in this mod would be a good idea though I can offer you a voice over role for a more important character if you like (It isn't Dessicus) Dessicus will be able to use more than just normal attack though I'm not sure if it would be master ranked due to balancing reasons. In my mod, the GenoHaradan Members will be using more than just a single type of weapon and if they do use weapons they will most likely be GenoHaradan items. As for Dessicus' weapons, I believe those are actually Disruptor's not Ion Pistols, I'd also like to note, the GenoHaradan Blaster from K1 being introduced into TSL will be stronger than the Survival Pistol. If anything the Survival Pistol would be the lowest of the low for the GenoHaradan so their leader wouldn't use it though I guarantee in my mod the weapons he wields will make sense. It will be in the Jekk Jekk Tarr and all I'm going to say about it is that it works and doesn't conflict with the plot. Dessicus does have a unique look which is a reskin of a player head which is available on Deadlystream and the Steam Workshop which the people have requested I used, I do have permission to use this skin so when I get it working in game as a separate head I will likely show it off. The GenoHaradan Assassins will have unique weapons and will be different in appearance. I do not think I will use Drexl or any beast in my mod, instead, I have something much cooler in mind. I'll probably give them power blast and power attack just to avoid overpowering them. While they may not replace the HK-50's they may show up in groups of three in kinda "hidden" area's such as the Shyrack Caves on Korriban though they will probably despawn once you complete Nar Shadda. And yes GenoHaradan gear will be obtainable as well as some other potential items. As for the items. The Double Blade is very likely, Disruptor pistols are a likely, all K1 GenoHaradan items are returning, I wouldn't say Blaster Rifles because I like to use textures that aren't seen in-game (Mostly K1 item textures hidden in TSL files) and I think all the Blaster Rifle textures are seen in-game, I already have a heavy armor made up for Dessicus though I need to figure out what the medium one should be like, I've already previewed the texture and the stats of a GenoHaradan mask before (It uses the same texture the Duro's uses) Probably won't be a terrorist act though there will definitely be a reason to stop the GenoHaradan. If by lack of private messaging I bet it's because my PM box is full, I can make a space for your PM's if anyone likes. I'd like to mention the Sion VS Nihilus scene is staying in Extended Enclave and will not be added to Legacy so the assumed death won't be as big as it would have been otherwise. Though, sadly I must admit even without that scene I feel like Sion may have a bigger role in Legacy than what Obsidian intended for him in Nar Shadda. Though it hopefully will focus on Dessicus, the GenoHaradan and the Force at the same time. I just want the GenoHaradan's threat to be taken seriously, and killing Vogga may insure the lack of fuel for Citadel Station. As for PMing, I am out of space for my PM box. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Todd Hellid 16 Posted November 24, 2017 I'm stuck in he Dock module where I pick up the Czerka droid. The enemies don't appear. I used NPC Overhaul Mod 1.22 Are they compatible? 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Qui-Gon Glenn Posted November 24, 2017 I'm stuck in he Dock module where I pick up the Czerka droid. The enemies don't appear. I used NPC Overhaul Mod 1.22 Are they compatible? Probably not. As fantastic a mod as that one is, it is a compatibility nightmare that I have given up on. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mellowtron11 180 Posted November 24, 2017 The Telos Surface Assassin's I believe are made up by modders just for the sake of restoring those lines. I will actually keep those alien lines for those lines because those alien lines are cut and restoring them in this mod would be a good idea though I can offer you a voice over role for a more important character if you like. (It isn't Dessicus)I figured it wouldn't be Dessicus, as he already has all of his lines recorded. I'd be interested to see what lines you have available for me if that's okay. Would you be able to send me a script if possible? I will admit that I have a fairly low voice, though. For the heck of it, I did record a sample of the GenoHaradan Disciple that speaks to you in the Telos base, based on the dialogue at the 6:40 mark in the first video mrmann posted. genoharaden disciple sample lines.mp3 genoharaden disciple reverb sample.mp3 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Basil Bonehead 101 Posted November 25, 2017 I figured it wouldn't be Desscicus, as he already has all of his lines recorded. I'd be interested to see what lines you have available for me if that's okay. Would you be able to send me a script if possible? I will admit that I have a fairly low voice, though. For the heck of it, I did record a sample of the GenoHaradan Disciple that speaks to you in the Telos base, based on the dialogue at the 6:40 mark in the first video mrmann posted. And which mod are you talking about, Qui-Gon Glenn- the NPC Overhaul Mod? Mind if i edit it so it sound like you're wearing a helmet? 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mellowtron11 180 Posted November 25, 2017 mind if i edit it so it sound like you're wearing a helmet? Wait, you'd edit the sound files into the video??? How is that possible?!?!?! But in all seriousness, I won't mind as long as you credit me for doing the Voice over and you tell me how you got my voice to sound like I'm wearing a helmet. I tried to get that sort of effect today with reverb effects, but most of them sounded like overly echo-y concert halls and bathrooms. The reverb effect type I ended up picking for the alternate sample above had only a slight overall effect. Thanks! Probably not. As fantastic a mod as that one is, it is a compatibility nightmare that I have given up on. Which mod are you talking about- the NPC overhaul mod? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Basil Bonehead 101 Posted November 25, 2017 After a while I came up with a good sounding helmet voice for the GenoHaradan. I took some inspiration from the defilers from forces of corruption with a similar flange-esk effect. I hope you guys like, editing Mellowtron11's voice was fun As a reminder for what they sound like: Here's my interpretation: genovoice.mp3 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mellowtron11 180 Posted November 25, 2017 After a while I came up with a good sounding helmet voice for the GenoHaradan. I took some inspiration from the defilers from forces of corruption with a similar flange-esk effect. I hope you guys like, editing Mellowtron11's voice was fun As a reminder for what they sound like: here's my interpretation: genovoice.mp3 Sounds good! The effect also sounds like there's a bit of phasing involved too. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
N-DReW25 1,374 Posted November 25, 2017 I just want the GenoHaradan's threat to be taken seriously, and killing Vogga may insure the lack of fuel for Citadel Station.Unlike TSLRP I will probably do what Exile007 wanted to do and use the knock out gas. Though I guarantee the GenoHaradan are still a threat that needs to be stopped. I'm stuck in he Dock module where I pick up the Czerka droid. The enemies don't appear. I used NPC Overhaul Mod 1.22 Are they compatible?I did not modify that scene so GenoHaradan Legacy likely isn't the culprit here. Do you have the Loot and immersions mod installed? I think those two may be the problem. I figured it wouldn't be Dessicus, as he already has all of his lines recorded. I'd be interested to see what lines you have available for me if that's okay. Would you be able to send me a script if possible? I will admit that I have a fairly low voice, though. For the heck of it, I did record a sample of the GenoHaradan Disciple that speaks to you in the Telos base, based on the dialogue at the 6:40 mark in the first video mrmann posted. Dessicus will use most of his old lines as well as new lines for the new plot all voiced by a different actor. I apologize but those guys will keep the alien VO's mainly because the actual alien VO is a cut one thus would be a Restoration which is something I am willing to do for a mod like this. I will say that you're performance in that VO though was pretty good and I think I might have a character you may want to play in the mod. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted November 25, 2017 I apologize but those guys will keep the alien VO's mainly because the actual alien VO is a cut one thus would be a Restoration which is something I am willing to do for a mod like this. I will say that you're performance in that VO though was pretty good and I think I might have a character you may want to play in the mod. 1) Mellowtron11: I guess you will not need those filters after all. Let me know via PM if you need them for the other part that N-DreW25 has in mind. 2) N-DreW25: "ill" and "you're" used incorrectly. (The hits keep on coming!) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mellowtron11 180 Posted November 25, 2017 Unlike TSLRP I will probably do what Exile007 wanted to do and use the knock out gas. Though I guarantee the GenoHaradan are still a threat that needs to be stopped. I did not modify that scene so GenoHaradan Legacy likely isn't the culprit here. Do you have the Loot and immersions mod installed? I think those two may be the problem. Dessicus will use most of his old lines as well as new lines for the new plot all voiced by a different actor. I apologize but those guys will keep the alien VO's mainly because the actual alien VO is a cut one thus would be a Restoration which is something I am willing to do for a mod like this. I will say that you're performance in that VO though was pretty good and I think I might have a character you may want to play in the mod. Sure, I'd be interested in seeing what you have available. 1) Mellowtron11: I guess you will not need those filters after all. Let me know via PM if you need them for the other part that N-DreW25 has in mind. Ah, don't worry about it. It's his modding project after all. Thanks for adjusting the sound files anyway! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Basil Bonehead 101 Posted November 25, 2017 There's always hope for Dessicus to use the filter I made. and if people want the unaltered dialogue, there could be an add-on or something to have a choice between dialogue with or without the helmet filter. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Todd Hellid 16 Posted November 25, 2017 Unlike TSLRP I will probably do what Exile007 wanted to do and use the knock out gas. Though I guarantee the GenoHaradan are still a threat that needs to be stopped. I did not modify that scene so GenoHaradan Legacy likely isn't the culprit here. Do you have the Loot and immersions mod installed? I think those two may be the problem. Dessicus will use most of his old lines as well as new lines for the new plot all voiced by a different actor. I apologize but those guys will keep the alien VO's mainly because the actual alien VO is a cut one thus would be a Restoration which is something I am willing to do for a mod like this. I will say that you're performance in that VO though was pretty good and I think I might have a character you may want to play in the mod. Could it be the Benok's Alternate Lines Restoration mod that's the culprit? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
narshaddaarocks 67 Posted November 25, 2017 I think I did, where there any errors in the TSLPatcher? The only three causes of it not working is either "geno_hold.uti" isn't in the override, the duro's utc file didn't get placed into the 202tel.mod or it's the save game you used. Thanks. The problem for me was the "geno_hold.uti" wasn't in the override. Now that it is, the Duro has the pistol now. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
N-DReW25 1,374 Posted November 26, 2017 Thanks. The problem for me was the "geno_hold.uti" wasn't in the override. Now that it is, the Duro has the pistol now. Now that I've looked closer that is a result of a TSLPatcher error not copying the uti into the override, will be fixed soon. Could it be the Benok's Alternate Lines Restoration mod that's the culprit? No, it would be a mod that edits the Protocol Droid cutscene in some way. Do you have Loot and Immersions installed because if you do that is most likely the reason why there is a crash. 1) Mellowtron11: I guess you will not need those filters after all. Let me know via PM if you need them for the other part that N-DreW25 has in mind. 2) N-DreW25: "ill" and "you're" used incorrectly. (The hits keep on coming!) 1) If you are talking about filtering Mellowtron11's lines I can say for now it is very likely they will have to be filtered. 2) Thanks for correcting those mistakes. Sure, I'd be interested in seeing what you have available. Ah, don't worry about it. It's his modding project after all. Thanks for adjusting the sound files anyway! If you want I can do the PMing for you as long as I get the lines to give. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
superSzym 155 Posted November 26, 2017 So, what I've read is that Dessicus will have restored lines and new ones made by the other voice actor. If the voices aren't very similar and your new voice actor is quite professional (by "professional" I mean that he can provide VOs of good sound quality and he has a nice voice for Dessicus), I suggest that he records the restored lines, too. These lines weren't good, after all, and for a little bit less of restoration you have a better (and also consistent through the whole game) voice of the GenoHaradan leader. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Qui-Gon Glenn Posted November 26, 2017 So, what I've read is that Dessicus will have restored lines and new ones made by the other voice actor. If the voices aren't very similar and your new voice actor is quite professional (by "professional" I mean that he can provide VOs of good sound quality and he has a nice voice for Dessicus), I suggest that he records the restored lines, too. These lines weren't good, after all, and for a little bit less of restoration you have a better (and also consistent through the whole game) voice of the GenoHaradan leader.Yes, and you won't have to make any new lips for the dialog, assuming your new actor can read those lines at a similar pace. This is the best solution, IMO. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Todd Hellid 16 Posted November 26, 2017 Now that I've looked closer that is a result of a TSLPatcher error not copying the uti into the override, will be fixed soon. No, it would be a mod that edits the Protocol Droid cutscene in some way. Do you have Loot and Immersions installed because if you do that is most likely the reason why there is a crash. 1) If you are talking about filtering Mellowtron11's lines I can say for now it is very likely they will have to be filtered. 2) Thanks for correcting those mistakes. If you want I can do the PMing for you as long as I get the lines to give. I have NPC Overhal Mod 1.22 and Loot and Immersion mod installed. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
N-DReW25 1,374 Posted November 27, 2017 So, what I've read is that Dessicus will have restored lines and new ones made by the other voice actor. If the voices aren't very similar and your new voice actor is quite professional (by "professional" I mean that he can provide VOs of good sound quality and he has a nice voice for Dessicus), I suggest that he records the restored lines, too. These lines weren't good, after all, and for a little bit less of restoration you have a better (and also consistent through the whole game) voice of the GenoHaradan leader. Actually, the voice actor will revoice the cut lines like you suggested so Dessicus doesn't have two actors. I am sorry if I did not make this clear. I have NPC Overhal Mod 1.22 and Loot and Immersion mod installed. Your best bet would be to reinstall TSL or use a backup of the game files and just use either NPC Overhaul or the loot and immersions mod, not both at once. I think 90SK the guy who made the loot mod is making a patch for the overhaul soon. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Basil Bonehead 101 Posted November 27, 2017 Actually, the voice actor will revoice the cut lines like you suggested so Dessicus doesn't have two actors. I am sorry if I did not make this clear. Your best bet would be to reinstall TSL or use a backup of the game files and just use either NPC Overhaul or the loot and immersions mod, not both at once. I think 90SK the guy who made the loot mod is making a patch for the overhaul soon. does the new VO sound like the guy who did the cut quotes? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Todd Hellid 16 Posted November 28, 2017 Actually, the voice actor will revoice the cut lines like you suggested so Dessicus doesn't have two actors. I am sorry if I did not make this clear. Your best bet would be to reinstall TSL or use a backup of the game files and just use either NPC Overhaul or the loot and immersions mod, not both at once. I think 90SK the guy who made the loot mod is making a patch for the overhaul soon. Well I don't know what the problem is? I installed it without NPC Overhaul and Loot and Immersion mods. I did install the Heavy Armor 2.0 mod. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
N-DReW25 1,374 Posted November 28, 2017 Well I don't know what the problem is? I installed it without NPC Overhaul and Loot and Immersion mods. I did install the Heavy Armor 2.0 mod.I may look into both Loot and Immersions and NPC Overhaul to see if they work with GenoHaradan Legacy but if one of them don't I will look into it to see if I can release a patch. If they both work then my mod isn't what's causing your crash. Does the new VO sound like the guy who did the cut quotes?As I'm not up to recruiting Voice Actors, I cannot answer that at this point. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Todd Hellid 16 Posted November 28, 2017 I may look into both Loot and Immersions and NPC Overhaul to see if they work with GenoHaradan Legacy but if one of them don't I will look into it to see if I can release a patch. If they both work then my mod isn't what's causing your crash. As I'm not up to recruiting Voice Actors, I cannot answer that at this point. Ok thanks Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Todd Hellid 16 Posted December 2, 2017 I may look into both Loot and Immersions and NPC Overhaul to see if they work with GenoHaradan Legacy but if one of them don't I will look into it to see if I can release a patch. If they both work then my mod isn't what's causing your crash. As I'm not up to recruiting Voice Actors, I cannot answer that at this point. I don't think it's the NPC Overhaul and Loot and Immersions mods causing the problem. I installed them together with restored content mod without your mod and got no crash. I think you need to release a patch to make it compatible with Restored Content Mod. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites