
Sith Lords LP Beginning In Two Weeks

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Hey there everyone, GMArcturus here letting you all know that my foray into the KotOR universe will be starting in two weeks with my KotOR 2 LP. I will be using the Restored Content Patch and the M4-78 Enhancement patch as well as a couple other mods as well. I have a thread for the LP going on in the Something Awful LP subforums and if you want to see it you can PM me and I will provide you with a link since Sith Holocron will raise a stink if I leave the link here. I am also taking votes for the character creation as well so if you want to vote on how the character is created just go ahead and respond in this thread like this:


Name Suggestion

Gender Vote

Portrait Vote

Character Class Vote


Thanks for checking this out and once the LP start you will find it on my Youtube channel at


Edit: Hey, I just realized that you need an account to view the subforums and since some of you might not be interested in getting one over there I figured I would post the the portraits in this thread so you can vote easily here.




Females Edited by Sith Holocron

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I look forward to your play-through. It is always interesting to see another take on the story how they see light and dark, Kreia's teaching's. You get the the idea. 

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Did you want to post a vote, Kay? The more votes  and name suggestions I get for character creation from the audience the more fun the LP will be for me to create.

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Ah, I vote for Male, Option 2, Jedi Consular, Galloran Walker.


Also, can I make a separate vote for a female character?

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Female - Option 29 - Jedi Guardian -> Jedi Master (I don't think I've seen that combination before)


Even though I probably won't end up watching this...

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I just thought I would pop in and post the current results of the poll that is going on both here and at the SA LP subforum where the LP will mostly be hosted.


Name Suggestions:
Helaena Castillo
Guy Manly
Meila Verus
Galloran Walker
Orzo Khan
Meetra Surik - 2 Votes
Jedi Jesus - 2 Votes
Gender Votes:
Male - 4 Votes
Female - 7 Votes
Portrait Votes (Male):
Portrait 5 - 1 Vote
Portrait 11 - 1 Vote
Portrait 2 - 1 Vote
Portrait 15 - 1 Vote
Portrait Votes (Female):
Portrait 3 - 1 Vote
Portrait 12 - 1 Vote
Portrait 13 - 1 Vote
Portrait 6 - 1 Vote
Portrait 14 - 1 Vote
Portrait 8 - 2 Votes
Character Class Votes:
Guardian - 4 Votes
Sentinel - 3 Votes
Consular - 4 Votes

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Jerallo, Male, Portrait 15, Sentinel, Two Weapon Fighting.


[Please don't double-post. There is a little link called "edit" in the lower-right of each of your posts if you need to add something.]


Hoping to see people vote for portrait 15 as it is uncommonly ever used!

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Option 24 head

Aylan Quor (last name pronounced like the "Cor" in "Coruscant")

Jedi Sentinel->Jedi Weaponmaster


Edit: In regards to head 24, perhaps also with my Red-head mod included?

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Alright I figure I should update the poll with the most up-to-date results, so let's take a look shall we?


Name Suggestions:


Helaena Castillo

Guy Manly

Meila Verus

Galloran Walker

Aylan Quor

Orzo Khan - 2 Votes

Meetra Surik - 3 Votes

Jedi Jesus - 5 Votes


Gender Votes:

Male - 7 Votes

Female - 11 Votes


Portrait Votes (Male):

Portrait 5 - 1 Vote

Portrait 11 - 1 Vote

Portrait 14 - 1 Vote

Portrait 15 - 2 Votes

Portrait 2 - 2 Votes


Portrait Votes (Female):

Portrait 3 - 1 Vote

Portrait 12 - 1 Vote

Portrait 16 - 1 Vote

Portrait 6 - 1 Vote

Portrait 14 - 1 Vote

Portrait 13 - 2 Votes

Portrait 8 - 3 Votes


Character Class Votes:

Guardian - 4 Votes

Sentinel - 7 Votes

Consular - 6 Votes


Now remember this a current total of all the votes from this thread and the thread over on the LP subforums over on SA, so that is why the totals may seem a little off. I assure you that they are not. Welp, the poll is running for another 3 days and then we will find out what our player character really looks like.

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Alright, taking into account the votes that were cast today here are the current results:


Name Suggestions:


Helaena Castillo

Guy Manly

Meila Verus

Galloran Walker

Aylan Quor


Orzo Khan - 2 Votes

Meetra Surik - 4 Votes

Jedi Jesus - 5 Votes


Gender Votes:

Male - 8 Votes

Female - 12 Votes


Portrait Votes (Male):

Portrait 5 - 1 Vote

Portrait 11 - 1 Vote

Portrait 14 - 1 Vote

Portrait 6 - 1 Vote

Portrait 15 - 2 Votes

Portrait 2 - 2 Votes


Portrait Votes (Female):

Portrait 3 - 1 Vote

Portrait 12 - 1 Vote

Portrait 16 - 1 Vote

Portrait 14 - 1 Vote

Portrait 6 - 1 Votes

Portrait 13 - 2 Votes

Portrait 8 - 4 Votes


Character Class Votes:

Guardian - 6 Votes

Sentinel - 7 Votes

Consular - 7 Votes

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I vote for Galloran Walker to keep things interesting. ;)



Personally, I'm not sure how it would go, but I think a female playthrough could be more out of the ordinary, since a few notable things change, like Atton's reactions and Sion's dialogue.


For the face, I vote 8

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Well I appreciate your support Malkior but could you throw a vote down for the other categories as well?


Edit: Alright, it doesn't look like we have gotten any new votes on either this version of the thread or the one on the Deadly Stream site, so I will let this go for one more day before I close it out. As of right now, it looks like we will be using a female player character named Jedi Jesus with portrait 8. If things don't change by the end of today then I will use my executive powers to choose Sentinel as the character class as we were a Consular during KotOR 1.

Edited by GrandmasterArcturus

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Female, "Meetra Surik", Female portrait 8, any class that makes it easier to choose the "Sith Assassin" prestige class. (Oh so sick of watching LS playthroughs.)

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Well after tallying up everything from both threads I think have what the consensus will be. For the name "Meetra Surik" (the canon name by the way) won that category very handily at the end. This was thanks to several people voting for it on both forums right at the end. For the gender vote "Female" was far and away the winner there. For the portrait vote it looks female choice 8 won that one at 7 - 3 versus the runner up of female choice 13. Finally, for the character class it looks like there is still a tie of 9 votes for Consular and 9 votes for Sentinel. This means I will need to use my executive powers to give the win to Sentinel only because we played as a Consular during Revan's journey. I just think it would be more fun to experience a different class this time. Given that the only class I typically play as in these two games is the melee class that means this will be another new adventure for me and the thread as a whole.


Your Protagonist for Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords



Meetra Surik


Jedi Sentinel


Now just so everyone knows I will be starting a new thread here once the LP actually starts and that will be where you can find links to each episode as they go up.

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Jedi Sentinel is fun if you do it right :D. GrandMaster Arcturus, have you decide dark or light, maybe grey? And which prestige? 


Or are you roleplaying, not choosing a side yet to get a feel for you character?


Maybe in the end picking a prestige based on how you come as a character, instead of what prestige suits your fancy lol :D



Waiting for reply,

Small Chicken :D

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The way I will be playing is allowing the threads to decide which direction I am going in. It won't matter for the first episode because that will just be the T3 tutorial section, but I will ask pretty soon how we are playing this one. So to put it in plain english, the threads will decide which of the two choosable partymembers joins us between Brianna, Mical, Mira and Hanhar. They will also choose before the game gets going all that heavily whether we are taking the lightside or the darkside path through the game. Once we get close to level 15 and have the influence needed with Kreia I will ask the thread to choose our prestige class.


Edit: Alright, all you Jedis and Sith in the making now that we have our protagonist created it is time to decide her fate. Will she join the Sith like Revan or will she stay true to the light and help the Republic become a better place? Vote on the strawpoll located at this address and we will find out exactly what will happen to plucky little protagonist.

Edited by GrandmasterArcturus

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What other mods are you using?


If you aren't using it already, you might want to consider the tiny "Choose Mira or Hanharr" mod that lets you do just that, to add another angle of customization to the experience...

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What other mods are you using?


If you aren't using it already, you might want to consider the tiny "Choose Mira or Hanharr" mod that lets you do just that, to add another angle of customization to the experience...

Already using that one. 

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The way I will be playing is allowing the threads to decide which direction I am going in. It won't matter for the first episode because that will just be the T3 tutorial section, but I will ask pretty soon how we are playing this one. So to put it in plain english, the threads will decide which of the two choosable partymembers joins us between Brianna, Mical, Mira and Hanhar. They will also choose before the game gets going all that heavily whether we are taking the lightside or the darkside path through the game. Once we get close to level 15 and have the influence needed with Kreia I will ask the thread to choose our prestige class.


Edit: Alright, all you Jedis and Sith in the making now that we have our protagonist created it is time to decide her fate. Will she join the Sith like Revan or will she stay true to the light and help the Republic become a better place? Vote on the strawpoll located at this address and we will find out exactly what will happen to plucky little protagonist.

No Grey side lol?

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