
star wars rebels season 3 trailer

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WOW... I am literally fan boying right now over this trailer, they actually let Filoni make Thrawn canon (I hope this means that Thrawn will be in EP. 8) !!!! This series has taken a dark turn and I am liking it very much, all we need now is Revan and Ill be happy


I also get the feeling that Vaders destiny and another figure strong in the force (Luke) are going to be mentioned this season which could lead to the rebels demise


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Well I loathed the first two seasons of this show. However, this trailer certainly does look enticing and I remain cautiously optimistic. I am especially looking forward to the Thrawn appearance also!

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YAS!!!! Very excited about Thrawn, from what we were given it seems they got his character down fairly well - love the choice of Lars Mikkelsen as the voice actor. Perfect timing too, I just finished rereading the Thrawn trilogy haha

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I care more about them sticking to the characteristics of Thrawn that Zahn established/will be reestablishing in his new Thrawn book.  As we've seen with the series, characters can get a redesign so it is reasonable to think Thrawn's design could evolve into what we've previously seen.

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The season 2 finale was really really great, except for the lightsaber copters. Otherwise, a great hour of television. Season 3 looks to be nearing clone wars quality, we'll see. I think it's almost certain either Traya or Revan will be canonized.

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I am very interested in how they treat Thrawn, since most of those scenes are pulled right out of Outbound Flight (the ships swarming en masse) and Heir to the Empire series (The artwork in a collection and Ysalimari) Not sure on how I feel about his semi-raspy tone, but then again, Chiss had a rather unique language, so who knows how they'd sound.. He sounds too much like the emperor, still, though..


The story looks unique to say the least. Hoping that they treat Wedge with the appropriate respect and a decent nod to his backstory. The weird heavily personal shift for the main characters is also for me at least a good change of pace, since it seems only natural after what happened before the end (and best parts in my opinion) of Season 1. However, it would be nice if Tarkin or Vader had a more active role, but since they're rewriting the canon (Thrawn was only barely captured and had no significant victories or a command before the Battle of Yavin in the "Legends" canon), it's at least nice to see some scenes from the books come to life. :)

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Hmm, I really don't know how I feel about this.


These are beloved characters they are dealing with and the last thing I want is more of what happened with Ventress and Maul. I don't want legends characters brought in if all they'll do is screw them up. Rebels is currently the last chance for Disney's new canon imo so it'd be nice if they don't mess up.

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They did fine with Ventress and Maul. I actually really like where they took both characters. Maul is getting a bit overplayed, but if they still have good stories to tell with him, I say go for it.


I'm not a huge Rebels fan, but it hasn't done anything really offensive yet. It could this season, though. We'll see.

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