Guest The Yeti Posted April 18, 2011 Any chance that we'll see a Mission Vao cameo? By now she'd look a lot different so not having the original KOTOR model wouldn't be a problem. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Darth Hayze Posted April 29, 2011 Now that Drew Karpyshyn has announced the Revan novel, will you hold off development of the game until you've read the book, so as to avoid contradicting information revealed therein? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Mablus25 Posted April 29, 2011 Hey VP it;s Mablus25 again a question for your Mod will it be like an expansion of Kotor 2 TSL also will it be Compatiable with other mods including Korriban Expansion Mod? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MrPhil 58 Posted April 30, 2011 Hello Mablus25, the developer of revenge of revan is Logan23, not VP. His mod is to TSL what TSL is to KotOR: a new sequel. So nope, not gonna be compatible. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Mablus25 Posted May 1, 2011 Hello Mablus25, the developer of revenge of revan is Logan23, not VP. His mod is to TSL what TSL is to KotOR: a new sequel. So nope, not gonna be compatible. Ok thx for letting me know Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Logan23 205 Posted May 5, 2011 Hey, its time for some more answers to your questions =) I know the big question here is the one related to the Revan book coming out later this year,…I have an answer but will first answer the other questions then the Revan book one… Will your mod be utilizing the following: 1) The various animation fixes for droids that Khrizby has developed? 2) The new saber animations currently being discussed on Hunters Run's thread over at LF? I do not know if I will be using them. I will have to reach out to the modders to see where they are in the mod and wither it fits the game. Will mods and restorations for K1 and TSL, like the Tatooine Job office for K1 and the Telos polar sidequest mod for TSL for example, have an impact on RoR? I would love to but I do not know if it’s possible since there is no reading of save games which would come in handy. Since this would be done manually then the question is how I would know if the player played using these mods. Again if there was a save game reader that could read files or a way to setup something. This might have to be left for other modders to build in the content to represent their mod’s story in TSL but it would not be consider RoR canon. Again this will be something we can visit once the game is completed. Will Kaevee be one of those Lost Jedis in Revenge of Revan? Not decided yet but if Kaevee shows up it would be a cameo, subject to change. 1. In TSL the player has the choice to train certain party members to be Jedi. For the purpose of your mod are you assuming that the exile trained all her party members (those that she could at least) as Jedi? I ask because Bao Dur doesn't appear to be a Jedi in your recent video. Yes, I assume that Exile trained all the party members to some extent. With Bao-dur this one is left up in the air wither the Exile or another Force user gave him some training but you will discover he took the teaching of the Exile and uses the Force to guide him in his shield research and restoration of planets. You will not find him with a light saber. 2. My favorite planets in the Star Wars universe are the huge city planets. Due to this I am really excited about visiting Coruscant in your mod. Other than the Jedi Temple, what are the other areas of the great planetary metropolis that we will be visiting? Will we be seeing both rich and poor areas of the city like with Taris? I can not comment on the areas you will visit on Coruscant. 3. How do you go about reusing areas from the original game while at the same time remaking them into their new identities? Originally these modules are selected since they are close to what I need for the module in RoR but as production keeps moving on the module keeps getting changes from skin to NPC and PLC placement. It is an on going process to mold the module into a new identity. 4. Of KOTOR 1 and 2 which is your favorite? I don’t have a favorite; both are great games with different personalities and strengths. Do you plan to add markers for the quest givers since I know that ROR is ever changing, meaning that either the NPC will be moving or after a quest or a certain period of time the NPC will move to a different location? There will be changing of positions of NPC as the story evolves but it will not happen as if you jump in and out of the module. It is more as the story progresses or visit a planet a second time there will be movement in events and time. Any chance that we'll see a Mission Vao cameo? By now she'd look a lot different so not having the original KOTOR model wouldn't be a problem. We do plan to have Mission Vao and Big Z return in some manner unless you killed them in kotor1. We even have a person who can do her voice spot on. Will this party members (koto1/2) be feature on this Revenge of Revan Mod? Now that Drew Karpyshyn has announced the Revan novel, will you hold off development of the game until you've read the book, so as to avoid contradicting information revealed therein? This will NOT delay the Revenge of Revan mod/game. Ever since the Revan book was announced I have been working on the possible issue the book could cause and built/ list of tweaks to RoR to allow it to still work with the book. I have an idea what the book will cover plus RoR takes place years after the book’s story is over. I am very confident that this will only lead to me tweaking section of the game’s plot but the over all will be the same. This goes into another question about the kotor1/2 characters and wither they show up and will it be a mention or cameo will come down now to the Revan book. One thing I would like to remind everyone that the Revan book is the canon male Revan light side ending which means the Dark side male/female Revan do not have to match the book so heavily so this will allow me to define different events based on this Book creating a canon version of Revan’s events. In turn this will lead to more personalization and replay value to the mod. As for content in the Demo which will be released before the Book, I will make what changes I can to the canon choice version while I can keep the rest the same for the non canon book version. RoR’s goal is to be a bridge between the kotor2 and TOR while allowing the player to continue their kotor story as they defined it in kotor1 and kotor2. I hope this helps. Keep the questions coming! Logan Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ToXiN 10 Posted May 6, 2011 Well it certainly seems you have this mod very planned out, and it is a very ambitious endeavor indeed. I wish you luck with this project, hopefully it will be done by the next time I get around to KotoR II (which maybe a few years, for all I know). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ShinDangaioh 12 Posted May 9, 2011 Will Zayne Carrick, Jael, and Marm Heirogryph(Gryph) be in RoR? Whatever Jael is makes another species to add in the character species choice list. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Mablus25 Posted May 12, 2011 What is the most challenging quest you ever put on your mod? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ShinDangaioh 12 Posted May 29, 2011 Over on Lucasforums, Quanon tossed out a lot of his 3D renders for anyone to use. Will you be using those? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Dark_Ansem Posted May 29, 2011 did you manage to add new feats? or to implement some racial-specific bonuses, not unlike a template system? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
attonmentos 0 Posted June 11, 2011 The Revan book and the upcoming MMORPG sound as though they're completely leaving out our Exile and many of her [canonically female] chums...maybe because KOTOR II was not a Bioware product or maybe because Lucas Arts/Bioware is full of sexist jerks. Is "Revenge of Revan" (as the title would indicate) Revan-centric? Or, will Exile's post-Malachor adventures be addressed equally? This is closely related also...ppeterok11 asked above about surviving characters returning, but you kind of dodged the question. You've mentioned Bastilla and Carth making notable appearances which is great for big KOTOR I buffs (both not my shot of juma). Everyone has their favorites I'm sure. I hope Sith Lords characters get some attention too. Please comment. Also, glad to hear about Mission! The only characters I liked from KOTOR I were her and Bindo Thanks for all your hard work. I wish we could all make our own custom KOTOR sequels, but not everyone is blessed with beaucoup computer skill points Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Darth Hayze Posted June 12, 2011 The Revan book and the upcoming MMORPG sound as though they're completely leaving out our Exile and many of her [canonically female] chums...maybe because KOTOR II was not a Bioware product or maybe because Lucas Arts/Bioware is full of sexist jerks. Is "Revenge of Revan" (as the title would indicate) Revan-centric? Or, will Exile's post-Malachor adventures be addressed equally? This is closely related also...ppeterok11 asked above about surviving characters returning, but you kind of dodged the question. You've mentioned Bastilla and Carth making notable appearances which is great for big KOTOR I buffs (both not my shot of juma). Everyone has their favorites I'm sure. I hope Sith Lords characters get some attention too. Please comment. Also, glad to hear about Mission! The only characters I liked from KOTOR I were her and Bindo Thanks for all your hard work. I wish we could all make our own custom KOTOR sequels, but not everyone is blessed with beaucoup computer skill points I'd like to quote this from the offcial reveal of The Old Republic: Revan Q: What other characters from Knights of the Old Republic and Knights of the Old Republic II might we expect to see? A: You can't tell a story about Revan without also exploring his companions; they were such a key element of the KOTOR experience that it wouldn't feel right without bringing some of them back. Of course it would be impossible to include all of them in a novel in a way that would make a cohesive and fulfilling story, so I focused on those who felt most directly relevant to what happened to Revan after the KOTOR games. I don't want to give too much away, but Canderous, T3-M4, the Exile and Bastila Shan all have significant roles to play in the novel (along with some significant characters who appear in Star Wars: The Old Republic). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Mical cloned Posted August 30, 2011 Hi there: The whole story of Revenge of Revan is awesome but I found the beginning of Revenge of Revan a little boring. I will give you an idea to fix the beginning of the Revenge of Revan with more action and mystery. 1. Make the Lost Jedi as a Republic Soldier with no Force connection escaping alone in a pod from the Terrena Space Station over Corellia, which is bombarded by unknown attackers. 2. Inside the Terrana Space Station, the Lost Jedi should use weapons like melee, metal swords and laser guns only. No light sabers. 3. The Lost Jedi escape the station in an escape pod before the space station gets destroyed by the enemy laser blasts. 4. In the cold planet of Corellia, the Lost Jedi meets the Jedi Master with the beard, who is another Lost Jedi who keeps his identity in secret. 5. The Lost Jedi befriends the Jedi Master. As both fight in the planet against the monsters on Corellia (could be Wampas) to escape the snow planet of Corellia, the Lost Jedi begin to gain connection with the Force. After the Jedi Master discovers the force in the Lost Jedi, the Jedi Master reveal himself his secret identity and decide to carry the Lost Jedi over to Coruscant to train him as a Jedi. 6. The Lost Jedi and the Jedi Mater both needs a space ship. The Jedi Master knows about the Ebon Hawk. Both the Lost Jedi (your playable character) and the Jedi Master needs a contact to get to the Ebon Hawk. That contact could be Atton, the Handmaiden, Mical, or the HK-47. 7. The Lost Jedi and the Jedi Master with the help of the contact get in touch with the Ebon Hawk in Corellia. 8. The Lost Jedi and the Jedi Master escape from Corellia in the Ebon Hawk. 9. The Ebon Hawk jump to hyperspace in order to reach Coruscant. Well the Jedi Master with the beard is Quan Drayen who will train the Lost Jedi. You need to involve the Lost Jedi in action at the beginning of Revenge of Revan. I am just giving here an idea to make this Revenge of Revan mod with more action at the beginning of the game. As they reach Coruscant you can continue with the rest of your whole story. I hope you consider my advice to you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted August 30, 2011 Ahem . . . Spoilers, Mical Cloned! Fixed. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tyvokka 199 Posted September 1, 2011 Ahem . . . Spoilers, Mical Cloned! Fixed. lol I thought Mical Cloned was a spoiler of RoR for a minute.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest hkmandalore47 Posted September 1, 2011 ugh, like one mical wasnt enough. it is painful to see how he doesnt make a move on teh (sexy) girl exile. anyway, i know i asked logan already but i never got a response, so: are you gonna put something that indicates the species on the character selection screen? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gua543 4 Posted January 19, 2012 Now that both The Old Republic and the Revan novel are out, is there something you must undo in the storyline of the mod so that it doesn't change the SW canon lore? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Plasticcaz 1 Posted April 5, 2012 Hey Logan, I understand that things rarely work out as planned with small mod teams, but last I heard, you were planning on releasing another patch fall/winter of last year right? (I'm assuming you live in the Northern Hemisphere.) Obviously somethings happened, and I understand, but is there a new ETO for the next patch? Thanks... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Logan23 205 Posted April 5, 2012 I understand that things rarely work out as planned with small mod teams, but last I heard, you were planning on releasing another patch fall/winter of last year right? (I'm assuming you live in the Northern Hemisphere.) Obviously somethings happened, and I understand, but is there a new ETO for the next patch? You are correct that the original plan was to get it out earlier but due to my job grabbing up a good deal of my time that got pushed back. I also came across some possible issues that could hurt the pipe line for the mod's production. I didn't want to get into a bind so I took some time to work on re-structuring the work pipe line for the project. The reason is- I plan to expand the team. I have already talked to some people with joining the team with writing/quest/ dialogue creating but also notice the Design Document for the mod needed to be updated to allow new team members an easy time to adjust. I have already fixed many issues in the Demo (Beta) and I still have a few more tweaks to make. VOs will be coming but right now I need to get everything lined up so it will make things easier for the writers and actors. I will have a better idea on ETA for the Patch once I see the new system is working. This is a new system for building a large mod like this without becoming over whelmed for the team and myself. This is a very big mod and the ACT1(first half of the game is going to be about around 8 or more hours of game play. Thanks for the support! Logan Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Plasticcaz 1 Posted April 6, 2012 Yeah, I figured something like that happened. Keep it up Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Duskye 0 Posted August 12, 2012 So, is there any updates you can give us? I'm really excited about this mod, I've played KOTOR 1 and 2 to death, infact I'm on my 3rd playthrough of KOTOR 2 :P/ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Logan23 205 Posted August 12, 2012 Right now I have been building more detailed documentation of the Story Bible for RoR to allow new writers to come on board. This is actually a long process and needs a good deal of detail since the individuals who will be working on the dialogue to quest writing will be not in the same room as me, plus I want to make sure all the background details are there so they feel comfortable and confident with the writing process. Once this the Story bible and rest of the Docs are all looked and and approved to give all the info that the writers need then you will see a increase in content updates and development. Thanks for the Support! =) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Yobo 0 Posted February 7, 2013 Couple of questions: 1) Are you recruiting any more writers? 2) I noticed that you have more recruitable characters than the available 10 character party member slots. Have you managed to increase this number above 10? Or will players have to be selective as to who they recruit? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted February 7, 2013 I noticed that you have more recruitable characters than the available 10 character party member slots. Have you managed to increase this number above 10? Or will players have to be selective as to who they recruit? Without spoiling anything, it leans more towards "be selective as to you can recruit" option. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites