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Sith Holocron

Jedi Library Archive Texture

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The blue texture (that I've highlighted in green) . . .

1) What is it's texture name?

2) Has anyone done any work to make that texture look better? I'd like to use something a little better than what's in the game to use for my animated portraits - currently a work in progress.

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You mean like disco lights? that could go with the dancing Kreia ;)


Im not sure what module part that would be but the only two ways i can think of finding that out, is by converting the module with mdlops to see what the texture is. or a whole dump of the texture files and going through them one by one. I would look for that but i cant use Ktool any more to get the files.

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The blue texture (that I've highlighted in green) . . .


1) What is it's texture name?


2) Has anyone done any work to make that texture look better? I'd like to use something a little better than what's in the game to use for my animated portraits - currently a work in progress.

They are DAN_BkC1.tpc and DAN_BkC2.tpc


It looks like 2 is an overlay of 1 for some reason.



A quick cursory search reveals that there are no results for "Jedi Archive Textures" Maybe Xarwarz made his own version, but I cannot find any images of it.


(Aside: Personally I hate the glowing squares as it just looks so lazy to represent holographic books. What I would envision if you wanted to reinvent the look, would be the holoprojectors themselves with a tiny sliver of blue to infer where the actual sensors are... I know I have a strange obsession with tiny visual effects.. :P )

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i always thought of them as either being holodisks, or giant databanks like todays server rooms, and the terminals use either one to access the data. In the prequel trilogy that is pretty much how they represented them if i remember right. of all the times they went to the jedi temple, i dont remember them cracking open a holobook once, and usually it was either a holographic librarian, or a terminal they accessed. I think making them look like bookshelves is more or less for aesthetics, or a throwback to actual libraries with books to make them seem more familiar to the viewer, or possibly to impress the visitor, and give it a sense of nostalgia. it would be kind of cool to make them look more like the visuals in the movies, but to pull it off right there almost needs to be a model update as well.

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i always thought of them as either being holodisks, or giant databanks like todays server rooms, and the terminals use either one to access the data. In the prequel trilogy that is pretty much how they represented them if i remember right. of all the times they went to the jedi temple, i dont remember them cracking open a holobook once, and usually it was either a holographic librarian, or a terminal they accessed. I think making them look like bookshelves is more or less for aesthetics, or a throwback to actual libraries with books to make them seem more familiar to the viewer, or possibly to impress the visitor, and give it a sense of nostalgia. it would be kind of cool to make them look more like the visuals in the movies, but to pull it off right there almost needs to be a model update as well.

Obsidian definitely tried to cope  the prequel look, but in a  very poor way:


In the prequels obviously the holo bookshelves are much  denser and shinier, but seem to contain shiny "text" animations as well:



I could give it a try, but  dont have access to blue ray/DVD Prequels right now,  could some of you guys upload the whole scene in HD by chance?

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I have the Original Trilogy (albeit the Special Edition) and the Prequel Trilogy on Blu-rey. (You see what I did there, right?)


However, I don't believe that I have proper recording software.

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that is a hard nut to crack since it is already out of focus compared to the rest of the shot. But it appears they are glass spines or cylinders and the lights flashing are not really letters or words, but just flashing lights to simulate data moving, or like synapses firing off in the brain. The ones that are dark are either shut off or under routine maintanence. Again using the idea of a server to make the logical leap. Most of the existing jedi library textures are pretty lame. Im looking around for a good example of it that actually pulls it off.

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In case you haven't figured it out, I plan to use the texture in the background for the Disciple portrait.

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Will download later. I have guests over until the weekend. I thought Quanon might have done something with this texture.

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I think he is, but he just kind of went off and started working on it and is probably busy doing that. If he is he will post something fairly soon.

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No, he made a red version of it years ago.



Hmmm, well if he did one years ago was it animated?


I made a texture that looked like it for a Korriban area; a few years ago.

It has an orangy glow to it, but I never got to animate it. I was back in the day looking into it redo it anyway; since I wasn't really happy how it looked thus far.


And I can't seem to find it back on my PC for the moment. Not sure if I still have those areas installed for my Kotor games.

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I didn't bother to animate mine. I put it in the background of my Disciple portrait (see blog #35).  It was a slight upgrade but not enough to release it.

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I found a render back and a zip file with all the stuff for this Korriban Temple thing I started once. The texture is very basic really :o






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I'd love to have it if you wouldn't mind. :D


Here you go! One TGA file with said texture. I double checked, but my PSD file is the same as the TGA; I collapsed the layers.

The quick run down of things I've done, by just seeing the texture: Used the Smoke/clouds render effect, black and white.

Then applied a glass/ ocean ripple effect. 


Using that as a top layer I made a bottom layer, with just a gradient in it. Going from this orange to red.

I then changed the layer mode of the the top layer to multiply, overlay or something. I might have used a copy and another mode.


Last step was to make a clipping mask and apply a bevel&emboss effects by just double clicking on the layer mask. And then setup the options for the bevel stuff.

I can't give any specific numbers and tweaks I did, that's lost to history, lol :D

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It's not bad but the "book" spines are a bit short and i guess some experiments should be done to get proportions closer to the film stills. Animating it with slow blinking or pulsing lights captured behind the glass is kind of what i was thinking would make it stand out.

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