
SKIN:Crixler's New Lightsaber Crystal Pack

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Crixler's New Lightsaber Crystal Pack

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UPDATE: v2.5 released, thanks to Fair Strides! Check out the changelog.


So, a long time ago, on a site called KotOR Files, I had uploaded a lightsaber mod that did some stuff, and it seemed decently popular. Except it was also partially broken, so I made an updated version, but it had never gotten approved for whatever reason, and was only available by people finding my email in the readme and asking for it.
Well, now, I have decided I should probably just upload it here, even though I'm sure there are probably better lightsaber mods out there these days.
Here you go.


This mod will primarily add a few new color crystals for your lightsabers. It adds Cyan, which looks looks similar to Mantle of the Force, but is a little different, as well as non-unique. It also adds orange, viridian, bronze, silver, black, and white. Additionally, it will add a a new color exclusive to Bastila based on her concept art, using a fixed version of Gavroche's mod. The second major feature is replacing all the lightsaber textures with higher quality flickering ones, using Shem's Prequel Sabers 2.0 and Mono_Giganto's flickering blades mod as a base. A few side-features of this mod are making the yellow crystal more yellow, and changing the icons for blue and Heart of the Guardian sabers to better match the blade color.


An expanded TSL version is (slowly) in the works. The "Old Heavily Incomplete Expanded TSL version 'WIP'.rar" file downloadable from this page is an out-of-date WIP build, with some outdated ideas of mine. Pretty much ignore it, probably.

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If you wanted, I could perhaps just edit the random loot stuff to add the new lightsabers or crystals to any random loot after Taris. If I were to do this and modify the installer to add the new scripts, you could perhaps just release as an update (which would avoid any possible permission issues).

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If you wanted, I could perhaps just edit the random loot stuff to add the new lightsabers or crystals to any random loot after Taris. If I were to do this and modify the installer to add the new scripts, you could perhaps just release as an update (which would avoid any possible permission issues).

Oh, that would be rather hot. Thanks!


Welcome back Crixler! Your lightsaber mod is awesome!


BTW, here is your old WIP thread for old time's sake:

What a blast from the past


I still actually have my old WIP for all those extra colors sitting around on my computer, I believe. I'm not planning to actually return to it, but maybe I should compile what I had (mostly just the actual textures) and upload it alongside notes of what I had planned to do for them, in case anyone ever wants to do anything with them.



I went ahead and added a download for my old WIP folder.

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I do believe that your Lightsaber crystals mod is compatible with K1R, as I don't believe that K1R modifies any files related to Lightsaber crystals.

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This will be a perma-override mod once the loot update comes out :D

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I looked through my old WIP folder for the TSL/3.0 version I had been working on way back when, and it looks like I had been planning to adjust the colors a bit for the colors that were already released, too. And the adjusted colors look nicer that what's in 2.1. So if Fair Strides does indeed do the fancy loot stuff, I might include the newer textures, too, and call it 2.5 or something.

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So I probably shouldn't even be posting this, since I have a bad habit of abandoning projects before they ever really go anywhere, but I've been thinking about my old 3.0 plans, and I've come up with some revisions.

There's a slight chance I might actually revisit the mod a little. But I am not making any promises.


I don't have KotOR I installed, and I'm not 100% sure where my discs are, so I would be doing this for TSL first.
If I actually do it at all, of course.
Which I might. I've been doing my first actual TSL playthrough lately, and I would kind of like to use some of the extra colors I had come up with.


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Well from the last time you posted in your old WIP thread in 2011, the community has evolved greatly since then.


If you decide to do some revisiting, then you will have better resources at your disposal to make that 3.0 plan a reality!

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Well from the last time you posted in your old WIP thread in 2011, the community has evolved greatly since then.


If you decide to do some revisiting, then you will have better resources at your disposal to make that 3.0 plan a reality!


Well, 3.0 isn't really anything revolutionary, it's just more of the same sort of stuff I did in 2.0. I'm just lazy.

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I am a bit undecided on what to do with some of the shades of blue. I found a screenshot comparison on all the shades of blue and purple I was working on, but some of them are a little redundant.


The ones with gold stars will for sure be included.


Do you guys prefer the color labeled Cerulean, or the one labeled Mantle of the Force? They're super similar, so I would only be keeping one of the two. I'm leaning toward the Cerulean one, myself. Note that whichever gets picked would be named Cerulean, and Mantle of the Force will share the same texture.


What about Cyan vs Teal? Note that the name will remain cyan, even if it uses the teal texture. I'm leaning toward Teal, as it's more distinct from Cerulean/Mantle.


I'm probably going to include dark purple, as I feel it's distinct enough and looks rather nice, imo.


I'm undecided on dark blue. It's not that different from the regular blue, but it is very similar to how blue sabers tend to look in the prequels. Though really, blue saber shades in the movies are all over the place. I'm even considering using just dark blue, instead of the old blue. But I'm not sure. Any thoughts?


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Thanks for uploading this, I always used your mod so I could have my Revan carry a Viridian saber, which I think is a great "green" and also great for Revan - wisdom, power but the darkness (grey) is present.

And if anyone does continue work on this mod, I'll be watching. If you work with it on TSL, perhaps team up with VP and his mod (haven't checked on its progress in a while. Hope its still coming along!)

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I saw VP's mod, and it looks very cool, but it also sounds like it would be a bit intimidating to mod. I imagine the textures from this mod should be perfectly compatible with it, but making every hilt compatible with every color is more than I am currently willing to do. Assuming his mod works the way I think it does.


But yes, I am slowly starting to work on an expanded TSL version of the mod, and I'll be taking some screenshots of the newly adjusted colors I'm looking at soon.

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All right, so here's a semi-final list of colors the mod will contain.


From left to right:

Red & Puce

Vermilion & Cinnabar

Orange & Topaz

Amber & Bronze

Yellow & Icterine

Chrysoberyl & Olivine

Green & Viridian

Cyan & Aquamarine

Cerulean & Idk what to call this one

Blue & Glaucous

Cobalt & Sapphire (Not super fond of this one's name, doesn't seem very indicative of its actual color imo)

Indigo & Tanzanite

Purple & Amethyst

Violet & Mauve

Magenta & Pink

White & Silver

And then there's Black right in the very center


I'm mostly pretty happy with it all. Though, the silvery Cerulean variant still needs a name, and I might change the name of Sapphire.

Additionally, Glaucous and Sapphire are super similar looking, so I may adjust Glaucous a little to make them more distinct.

I also may make amber slightly more orange. It was supposed to look similar to TOR's orange (from what I've seen of it in screenshots, anyway), but I think it ended up a little too yellow, maybe.


I don't think there are any noticeable gaps in the variety of colors, and apart from the aforementioned issues, I think things are more or less distinct enough.


Anyone have any feedback?


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Are we allowed to triple-post in our own threads?


Anyway, I tweaked the stuff a bit.


Amber and Bronze are now orange-r. And it turns out, when I had originally made Glaucous, I had at the time been planning to use what I now call Cobalt as the standard Blue, and when I switched to the current Blue, I forgot to change Glaucous to match. So Glaucous and Sapphire really were the same thing in the last comparison. I made a new silvery-blue to replace the old Glaucous. Glaucous is now the name of the silvery Cobalt, and Sapphire is now the name of the silvery Blue. So I basically just switched the names there.


The previously untitled silvery Cerulean is now to be called "Celeste", probably.




So now I've got to actually implement it all ingame (those are actual ingame screenshots, but I took them by renaming the textures to temporarily replace the standard colors).


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With the new update, is there a way to get ALL the color crystals? I mean, I've tried going to the crystal cave on dantooine, and apart from the white and black crystals (I know those are on korriban and the unknown world) I just found cyan, orange and viridian crystals, being left the silver and bronze.

Other than that the mod looks awesome!  :D

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I'm not sure, really. Fair Strides handled that aspect of the mod. Perhaps he can shed some light on that.


In the meantime, you can use the console to get the extra colors, if you wish.

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This is great light saber mod for Kotor

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Already commented on the mod page...but thanks for the update! Absolutely love this mod. Now we just need a hilt mod to go along with it haha

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This mod has given me problems, not sure if it's to do with K1 NPC Overhaul or Hilt textures though.

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