Our Lord Trudos

A Wild Newcomer Has Appeared!

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Hey all!

As a newcomer to the forums, I felt it only right that I start things off by saying hello. (So when you see me commenting on mods you don't go "Who is this noob?! How dare he post here without an introduction?! BAN HAMMER!!!" :P).


A little about me, I'm Canadian. I've been a gamer for a long time now, ever since my parents bought me a Sega Genesis as a kid. I've been a fan of Kotor since I saw my best friend's brother playing it on the Xbox, and it's my opinion that TSL is the best story to ever be included in the Star Wars saga. I'm also fond of watching anime, and it's a dream of mine to become an indie game developer and something of a semi-prolific modder. I'm just too unmotivated half the time to be a creator and not just a consumer.


What else... I'm 26 and a recent web design grad, I'm happily married (Sorry ladies XD *shot*), I have an unhealthy love for parentheses, and I'm a bit of a dork who likes to think acting pretentious is cool.


I found my way to deadlystream a few days ago when I had my desire to play the Kotor series rekindled, only to find out that the filefront Kotor site had been officially nuked (sad day). Since I refuse to live without mods, I went on a quest to find a new community with more than the paltry fourty five mods found on the nexus. I'd have been happy to lurk and just check out the latest mods, but I decided it was really about time I came out of the shadows to actually express my gratitude properly to the many amazing people who've thus far been far motivated than myself and whose mods I greatly enjoy.


Anyways, it's nice to meet you all! I don't know just how much I'll be on here, but I'll be around!



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a recent web design grad,  and I'm a bit of a dork who likes to think acting pretentious is cool.

so like a majority of programmers then, eh? lol.

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so like a majority of programmers then, eh? lol.

Naw, majority are just trying to write the damn code and go home for the night. Most good programmers learn very quickly that they do not know everything.

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Ah a fellow developer!


Though I have no love for actual web development.


Still, welcome aboard!


Thank you very much!


And I have to say, web development isn't exactly my favorite thing either. It's just that my program in college, while technically giving us a smattering of all design fields (including 3D animation!), it ended up taking an intense lean towards web design. And at least it means decent chances of getting a job to pay the bills.


However, you mention being a fellow dev. I take it you're also a coder of websites?

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Welcome to Deadlystream. Always good to see a new face.


I mean technically we can't see your face....


But you get the general idea.


(I also have an unhealthy love for totally normal relationship with parentheses)

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Welcome to Deadlystream. Always good to see a new face.


I mean technically we can't see your face....


But you get the general idea.


(I also have an unhealthy love for totally normal relationship with parentheses)


You can't see my face? I could swear I put it here somewhere... 

WHAT DEVILRY IS THIS?! I CAN'T FIND MY FACE! (Not that I can normally see it without a mirror to begin with...)


On a more serious note, though, thank you very much!

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Welcome to the insanity!


However, you mention being a fellow dev. I take it you're also a coder of websites?

I'm a "fellow dev" as well, but I'm sort of the wallflower in the corner. No formal experience, and my only area of "expertise" is in desktop modding programs. :) And I'm not sure which side of the fence you're on, but I code with Notepad and Perl.


For laughs (not my invention): http://imgur.com/gallery/2w9IS45 and http://imgur.com/gallery/pR185US

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Lol that first one was beautiful. I especially liked the part about php.


Notepad is a respectable choice if you want the "no frills" experience. I personally prefer Sublime Text for its range of insanely useful features (when you can edit multiple lines at once, there's no going back). And I can proudly say that I know next to nothing about traditional programming languages except what I've heard :P I AM planning on learning either C++ or C# this year though.


Oh, and thank you for the welcome! I look forward to making the insanity worse :P




A fellow dev in a general sense. I do iOS


Oooh. iOS. An app developer. There is much respect deserved. Especially with the more immediate potential for money in your future.

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Lol that last one was beautiful. I especially liked the part about php. 


Notepad is a respectable choice if you want the "no frills" experience. I personally prefer Sublime Text for its range of insanely useful features (when you can edit multiple lines at once, there's no going back). And I can proudly say that I know next to nothing about traditional programming languages except what I've heard :P I AM planning on learning either C++ or C# this year though. 


Oh, and thank you for the welcome! I look forward to making the insanity worse :P


Ah, so what are you proficient in? I may be mis-understanding you, but it's pretty unusual to be a web designer and not know at least something about object oriented programming.


Like, surely you've done some javascript or one of its many derivatives?


Oooh. iOS. An app developer. There is much respect deserved. Especially with the more immediate potential for money in your future.

Yeah, iOS has been my bread and butter for almost 2 years now. But I'm working on modding tools in both C# and Java. Object Oriented programming is basically the same across languages.

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Ah, so what are you proficient in? I may be mis-understanding you, but it's pretty unusual to be a web designer and not know at least something about object oriented programming.


Like, surely you've done some javascript or one of its many derivates?


Lol I'm competent with javascript. I've just always gotten the impression that it's less of a traditional programming language and more relegated to web development thanks to it needing an html page to work inside.


Although... come to think of it, php actually is considered a traditional programming language. I'm probably just selling myself short here ^^;

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Lol I'm competent with javascript. I've just always gotten the impression that it's less of a traditional programming language and more relegated to web development thanks to it needing an html page to work inside.


Although... come to think of it, php actually is considered a traditional programming language. I'm probably just selling myself short here ^^;

Php is a little closer to traditional programming languages. I didn't particularly like php, so this may be a biased opinion, but I'd say if you can figure out php, you can probably figure out Java/C# pretty easily. C is a bit different though.

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Php is a little closer to traditional programming languages. I didn't particularly like php, so this may be a biased opinion, but I'd say if you can figure out php, you can probably figure out Java/C# pretty easily. C is a bit different though.


Yeah, php is... fun. Actually, it's not all that bad *was one of the few to actually know what they were doing with php in the whole class*, I mostly just found it to involve ten times as much typing as javascript.


And that actually sounds very encouraging. The impression I've gotten from researching languages for game development is that everyone has their baby, but c# is far more forgiving for noobs. I'm curious though, how is C different in your experience?

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Yeah, php is... fun. Actually, it's not all that bad *was one of the few to actually know what they were doing with php in the whole class*, I mostly just found it to involve ten times as much typing as javascript.


And that actually sounds very encouraging. The impression I've gotten from researching languages for game development is that everyone has their baby, but c# is far more forgiving for noobs. I'm curious though, how is C different in your experience?

Different compared to what, C#?


Well, C has many of the same fundamentals you would find in other languages. switch cases, if/else, while loops, etc...


However, C is not Object-Oriented. No objects, but you can make structs. Also, in C you can use pointers, which are a bit confusing at first, but pretty powerful once you know how to use them properly.


I would say Java is the most noob-friendly though. C# is basically Microsoft's implementation of C++/Java, but it's implemented a bit poorly in my opinion. It does have a great Form Builder though, and will be suitable for most applications.

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Different compared to what, C#?


Well, C has many of the same fundamentals you would find in other languages. switch cases, if/else, while loops, etc...


However, C is not Object-Oriented. No objects, but you can make structs. Also, in C you can use pointers, which are a bit confusing at first, but pretty powerful once you know how to use them properly.


I would say Java is the most noob-friendly though. C# is basically Microsoft's implementation of C++/Java, but it's implemented a bit poorly in my opinion. It does have a great Form Builder though, and will be suitable for most applications.


Ahhh I see. Mostly I'm just considering debating between c++ and c#, since the answer to that question also solves the question of Unity or Unreal Engine.

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Ahhh I see. Mostly I'm just considering debating between c++ and c#, since the answer to that question also solves the question of Unity or Unreal Engine.

Haven't done anything in Unreal Engine before, but I do know that C++ is typically considered to be pretty powerful, but you can shoot yourself in the foot real easy if you try to get too clever.


As far as Unity goes, I do know that Unity was made more for artists, so that they could easily drop assets into a scene and see the results immediately. You can also use Javascript with Unity, though given past experiences, I wouldn't recommend Javascript with Unity.

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c++ is one of the defacto beginner languages (along with Java), and learning it would lay the foundation for more easily learning other OOP languages. It's also incredibly robust, fast, and can be used for just about anything. On a higher level, it can be incredibly complicated and confusing with pointers, objects, and operating overloading. I'd go for C++ over C# any day. Learning one would lay the foundation to learning the other, anyway.

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Hey all!

As a newcomer to the forums, I felt it only right that I start things off by saying hello. (So when you see me commenting on mods you don't go "Who is this noob?! How dare he post here without an introduction?! BAN HAMMER!!!" :P).


A little about me, I'm Canadian. I've been a gamer for a long time now, ever since my parents bought me a Sega Genesis as a kid. I've been a fan of Kotor since I saw my best friend's brother playing it on the Xbox, and it's my opinion that TSL is the best story to ever be included in the Star Wars saga. I'm also fond of watching anime, and it's a dream of mine to become an indie game developer and something of a semi-prolific modder. I'm just too unmotivated half the time to be a creator and not just a consumer.


What else... I'm 26 and a recent web design grad, I'm happily married (Sorry ladies XD *shot*), I have an unhealthy love for parentheses, and I'm a bit of a dork who likes to think acting pretentious is cool.


I found my way to deadlystream a few days ago when I had my desire to play the Kotor series rekindled, only to find out that the filefront Kotor site had been officially nuked (sad day). Since I refuse to live without mods, I went on a quest to find a new community with more than the paltry fourty five mods found on the nexus. I'd have been happy to lurk and just check out the latest mods, but I decided it was really about time I came out of the shadows to actually express my gratitude properly to the many amazing people who've thus far been far motivated than myself and whose mods I greatly enjoy.


Anyways, it's nice to meet you all! I don't know just how much I'll be on here, but I'll be around!



Haha, I like acting pretentious too xD


TSL is the best Star Wars story ever. Anime is awesome.


Sounds like I found my new best friend :)


Jk xD! Hope you have fun around here!

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Haven't done anything in Unreal Engine before, but I do know that C++ is typically considered to be pretty powerful, but you can shoot yourself in the foot real easy if you try to get too clever.


As far as Unity goes, I do know that Unity was made more for artists, so that they could easily drop assets into a scene and see the results immediately. You can also use Javascript with Unity, though given past experiences, I wouldn't recommend Javascript with Unity.


Yeah, from everything I've seen Unity and UE4 are basically tied for just about everything these days, except that UE4 is still frequently used by major studios and not just indie devs. At this point, I'm really better off running through some tutorials for each rather than continuing to see what other people are saying about it. It continues to look like which one is better comes down solely to personal opinion.

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c++ is one of the defacto beginner languages (along with Java), and learning it would lay the foundation for more easily learning other OOP languages. It's also incredibly robust, fast, and can be used for just about anything. On a higher level, it can be incredibly complicated and confusing with pointers, objects, and operating overloading. I'd go for C++ over C# any day. Learning one would lay the foundation to learning the other, anyway.


Welp, coming from a rudimentary knowledge of Javascript, I have to admit that another object oriented language is better for being slightly more familiar terrain. I have no doubt that C++ is incredibly complicated (scarily so right now :P ), but everything does when you're a noob.

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Though I have no love for actual web development.


And I have to say, web development isn't exactly my favorite thing either.


I can't be the only one here who actually likes web development... can I?

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I can't be the only one here who actually likes web development... can I?

AGH, I hate web development

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I can't be the only one here who actually likes web development... can I?


Welp. I'd like to say it's not that bad, but I have too many painful memories of butting heads with css :P I do like the results I can get with it, but God knows I will never have an excess of love for it.

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