Hassat Hunter 572 Posted November 11, 2011 Made a little error with the fix in 1.7 (script is there, but the wrong one (non-existant) is called for instead), but it will be present in 1.8! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HarryLongNguyen 2 Posted November 11, 2011 I am having problem at Malachor that after the Exile went in to the Trayus Academy the scene just go black Any idea how to fix this? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted November 11, 2011 That's USM again. Do you have the compatibility patch? Otherwise just use the cheat (no quotes) "warp 903mal" (you'll miss a few scenes though) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HarryLongNguyen 2 Posted November 11, 2011 That's USM again. Do you have the compatibility patch? Otherwise just use the cheat (no quotes) "warp 903mal" (you'll miss a few scenes though) You mean the USM compatibility patch for TSLRCM 1.6+? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SavageSock 0 Posted November 11, 2011 So I'm new to the whole modding thing. Pretty sure I got everything installed correctly, all I have is the 1.7 mod, and the high res videos and sounds. When I started a new game a week ago, everything was working fine, but today when I booted the save up, (still on peragus btw) I've discovered that during combat, while left clicking to queue up actions, that well... my queue simply isn't queuing up actions. It's only overriding the most current one. Obviously this is a pain in the ass, and if it's something silly like I'm not using the right button I'm going to feel like an idiot, but I've tired every button and mouse click combo I can think of, and it doesn't work. Any fixes? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HarryLongNguyen 2 Posted November 12, 2011 I am having problem at Malachor that after the Exile went in to the Trayus Academy the scene just go black Any idea how to fix this? I have downloaded the USM compatibility patch for TSLRCM and it's worked Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HarryLongNguyen 2 Posted November 13, 2011 Does anyone know where to download the Jedi Temple other than knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.com? (I can never download anything from that site.) From Sith Holocron: Check your PMs Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DaSniper168 0 Posted November 13, 2011 I have finished the "story-line" planets (Telos, Peragus) and can now move to the "free" planets (Korriban, Onderon etc.) But I first must encounter Visas before i move onto Korriban It shows the ravenger scene perfectly then the game crashes I am using 1.7 w/ the unofficial fix on a vista system Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
meagermantis 0 Posted November 14, 2011 Hey there, I'm brand-spanking new here to the Deadly Stream, and I'm having some difficulty in getting past a recurring crash of my game: I'm on nar shaddaa for my first planet when Visquis has called. I'm at the point where Atton is warning everyone at the Ebon Hawk, and the Zhug family shows up. That scene plays fine, but the game crashes directly after the next loading screen - with a split-second of sound, then a black screen which I have to alt+tab, or task manager out of with the classic "program has stopped responding" error. Please help? I've implemented every fix i can find on the internet thus far, so far to no avail. This includes: re installing as admin/compatibility, messing with the ini file, setting cpu affinity, changing files to no longer be read only, updating video drivers, changing screen resolution, turning off sound/movies, mss32, etc. I'm running on the official patch, TSLRCM 1.7, USM, USM compatibillity patch, Mira/Hanharr Choice Mod, Skip Telos, Skip Peragus, Droid Enhancement, , Nar Shaddaa fix for TSLRCM 1.6 (the last of which is pretty ironic, no?) I tried attaching analysis, won't let me, and notepad wont open. Again, please help? Edit from Sith Holocron: In the future - for all readers - please include the links for the mods you are using. It's quite a pain to have to look up each and every mod besides TSLRCM. That, and there's no guarantee that HH will want to track down every single mod you've used - as his time is better spent getting 1.8 fixed, you know?. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted November 15, 2011 @ DaSniper; Sure you have no other mods? Sounds like a conflict with mods making DarthNihilus stronger (and putting it just in override). Delete n_darthnihi001.utc from your override. @ Meagermantis; Not sure. Though using a 1.6 fix on a 1.7 installation may sound like it did that. Mira/Hanharr choice seems an option too. Don't think the rest could have caused that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DaSniper168 0 Posted November 15, 2011 I fixed it by moving and replacing a .uti disregard my last post sorry for the stress Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Darth Malignus 0 Posted November 28, 2011 This is the stuff I've noticed in one halfways-through-the-game run. One of the bugs actually messed up my game royally, so I'll have a go at is once more, when I'm done posting here. Naturally I was like "Stuff extra saves!", so I'm on my way back to Peragus, unless anyone can help me mess with some of the variables in the savegame to get me back on course. Anyways, the bug I'm talking about is described at the bottom. Specs: Acer Aspire Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit GeForce GT 220 2.80 GHz AMD Athlon II X2 240 Processor 8 gigs of RAM Mods: TSLRCM ver. 1.7 and the patch. Exile: Light sided Sentinel/Weaponmaster Okay, here we go: General: Off-hand weapons are held wrong. The hilt on swords is sitting on the wrist of the left arm. Blasters are held wrong as well. Not really a bug, just a design quirk. Ebon Hawk: Training with Handmaiden: "Cheating" (putting on clothes, using weapons etc.) in a duel where it's prohibited by her will stop the fight. After she's given you a piece of her mind, she turns hostile again right after the conversation is over. Prologue: Spelling: T3-M4 dialogue with 3C-FD typo: "well who repaired who?" is "Well, who repaired who?" and likewise, "you're useless." is "You're useless." Peragus Mining Facility, Maintenance officers workshop: HK-50 keeps repeating "Greeting: It is a pleasure to see you intact, Master." when you walk past him. Maybe not a bug per se, but annoying. Also, got Dark Side Points somewhere along the conversation with him about the mining facilities' fate, but never picked anything that seemed to be a Dark Side response. Not sure which line triggers it. Tried going through the conversation twice ,picking lines that suggested I wanted to help the miners and they couldn't be hurt, also being outraged about them dying. Never threatened HK-50. Still got Dark Side Points. Sith boarding Ebon Hawk: The door to HK-47's storage room can still be blasted opened even though patchnotes from 1.6 to 1.7 says it's sealed. Sealed to me implies "cannot be opened at any time or by any means". My blaster rifle had no problems, sooo...... Telos Station: Dendis Dobo will argue with Samhan Dobo and Sanham will actually reply AFTER he's been arrested and is not present in the store. This happens the second time you speak to Dendis, if you haven't spoken to him BEFORE Samhan was arrested. The first time he'll thank you for getting Samhan arrested, and the second time he'll argue with the empty spot where Samhan used to be. Furthermore, he takes over Samhan's inventory and gets a lot of new high-level items as well for sale. Not sure if the inventory thing is a bug, but having a conversation with a non-existing Samhan is. Also, you can still trick the Ithorian to collect plants for Samhan in the Ithorian vivarium, even though the quest to acquire the goods for him is long over and he is arrested. Rather pointless. HK-50 squad in Docks after your return to the Citadel Station from Atris' academy will not attack automatically. You have to initiate dialog before they turn hostile, otherwise you can walk right past them without incident. Telos military facility: The Czerka salvage crew member you have to escort to the entrance has horrible pathing. He stops and freezes while walking constantly. You have to go back and walk around him a lots of times for him to pick up the pace again after he suddenly stops. I hate him. Atris' hidden academy: If you initiate dialog with a Handmaiden Sister immediately after a sparring match has begun and before she has turned hostile, you lose automatically. After the dialog has ended she turns hostile, and if you defeat her, extra Handmaiden Sisters spawn in the room beyond the 5 that are present. Nar Shaddaa Docks: When entering Vogga the Hutt's quarters to dance for him, there is some growling and barking in the background from kath hounds and a wookiee, even though the kath hounds aren't doing anything and the wookiee isn't present. Sounds from Hanharr's discussion with Vogga being played, I imagine. Allright, this one is rather lenghty, and I curse myself for not being able to keep it simpler, but I hope you get it: When saving immediately after entering the docks on the way to the meeting with Visquis BEFORE Mira speaks to you at the entrance, a reload will stop her from "kidnapping" me. If you save and reload just before that conversation triggers, she just stands there and you can ask her questions about her life as if she was on the Ebon Hawk, but the conversation that is supposed to trigger Atton's fight with the Twin Suns in the bar doesn't trigger. Stuck horribly. If you run back to the Landing Pad, the sequence with the invitation to the Jekk'Jekk Tarr from Visquis plays again, and immediately after that, the game moves on to the conversation with Goto aboard his yacht. And since the whole deal with Attons fight didn't play out, the game crashes when the party members who are supposed to save the Exile boards his yacht, because Iyou never got the option to pick a rescue crew or play the whole trip through the bar or Visquis' lair. Ergo, no one appears, and the game is dead. That's it for now. I'm on my way to start a new game. If I run into something else, I'll whine some more. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MrPhil 58 Posted November 28, 2011 Peragus Mining Facility, Maintenance officers workshop:Also, got Dark Side Points somewhere along the conversation with him about the mining facilitys fate, but never picked anything that seemed to be a Dark Side response. Not sure which line triggers it. Tried going through the conversation twice ,picking lines that suggested I wanted to help the miners and they couldn't be hurt, also being outraged about them dying. Never threatened HK-50. Still got Dark Side Points. I'm sure it would help a bunch if you could at least write precisely in what order you said what. Atris' hidden academy:If you initiate dialog with a Handmaiden Sister immediately after a sparring match has begun and before she has turned hostile, you lose automatically. After the dialog has ended she turns hostile, and if you defeat her, extra Handmaiden Sisters spawn in the room beyond the 5 that are present. This is an engine related bug. You should avoid speaking to those that are about to attack you, as it tend to mess with the AI, leading to stuff strange happening like Atton dancing for Vogga the Hutt. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pbTNVUYJepY 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Darth Malignus 0 Posted November 28, 2011 I'm sure it would help a bunch if you could at least write precisely in what order you said what. Well, I'm almost there. It's gonna be a pain writing everything down... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted November 28, 2011 Training with Handmaiden: "Cheating" (putting on clothes, using weapons etc.) in a duel where it's prohibited by her will stop the fight. After she's given you a piece of her mind, she turns hostile again right after the conversation is over. Happens if you cheat too fast, before she can turn hostile (and thus does so after combat). Can't really do anything about that. Spelling: T3-M4 dialogue with 3C-FD typo: "well who repaired who?" is "Well, who repaired who?" and likewise, "you're useless." is "You're useless." I'll check them out. Also, got Dark Side Points somewhere along the conversation with him about the mining facilities' fate, but never picked anything that seemed to be a Dark Side response. Not sure which line triggers it. Tried going through the conversation twice ,picking lines that suggested I wanted to help the miners and they couldn't be hurt, also being outraged about them dying. Never threatened HK-50. Still got Dark Side Points. Well, the DS lines are pretty obvious, so I should take a look at what you say again. Don't say stuff like "I don't care for them, I just want to get off this rock" for instance . The door to HK-47's storage room can still be blasted opened even though patchnotes from 1.6 to 1.7 says it's sealed. Sealed to me implies "cannot be opened at any time or by any means". My blaster rifle had no problems, sooo...... 005EBO was accidentally left out of the installer... Dendis Dobo will argue with Samhan Dobo and Samhan will actually reply AFTER he's been arrested and is not present in the store. This happens the second time you speak to Dendis, if you haven't spoken to him BEFORE Samhan was arrested. The first time he'll thank you for getting Samhan arrested, and the second time he'll argue with the empty spot where Sanham used to be. Furthermore, he takes over Samhan's inventory and gets a lot of new high-level items as well for sale. Not sure if the inventory thing is a bug, but having a conversation with a non-existing Samhan is. Well, that's new. Can't say I ever heard of it. I'll check it out. Also, you can still trick the Ithorian to collect plants for Samhan in the Ithorian vivarium, even though the quest to aquire the goods for him is long over and he is arrested. Rather pointless. True, but why block it? Not sure if the fix is easy, I'll see about it. HK-50 squad in Docks after your return to the Citadel Station from Atris' academy will not attack automatically. You have to initiate dialog before they turn hostile, otherwise you can walk right past them without incident. Should already be fixed for 1.8. The Czerka salvage crew member you have to escort to the entrance has horrible pathing. He stops and freezes while walking constantly. You have to go back and walk around him a lots of times for him to pick up the pace again after he suddenly stops. I hate him. Can't fix. But you get more with 1.8 for escorting him, so there's more incentive to put up with his hellish pathfinding. If you initiate dialog with a Handmaiden Sister immediately after a sparring match has begun and before she has turned hostile, you lose automatically. After the dialog has ended she turns hostile, and if you defeat her, extra Handmaiden Sisters spawn in the room beyond the 5 that are present. See: Handmaiden. When entering Vogga the Hutt's quarters to dance for him, there is some growling and barking in the background from kath hounds and a wookiee, even though the kath hounds aren't doing anything and the wookiee isn't present. Sounds from Hanharr's discussion with Vogga being played, I imagine. Yup. Have tried to see why that's the case, but couldn't find any cause... or fix :/ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted November 29, 2011 Well, I'm almost there. It's gonna be a pain writing everything down... Good notes will help the team. Your sacrifice is duly noted. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aerohead 0 Posted November 29, 2011 After the HK-50s shoot down the orbital shuttle at the Telos Polar Region, one of them says: "I have picked up the heat forms of the Jedi and his allies." I am playing as a female exile though. This is the only time I've noticed her being referred to as a male. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Darth Malignus 0 Posted November 29, 2011 Good notes will help the team. Your sacrifice is duly noted. A Jedi's life is sacrifice. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MrPhil 58 Posted November 29, 2011 A Jedi's life is sacrifice. A Sith's life too. The sacrifice of those surrounding him Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Darth Malignus 0 Posted November 29, 2011 A Jedi's life is sacrifice. Oh SNAP! Well, I tried speaking to HK-50 again, and this time I got only Light Side points. Forget I said anything. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted November 29, 2011 After the HK-50s shoot down the orbital shuttle at the Telos Polar Region, one of them says: "I have picked up the heat forms of the Jedi and his allies." I am playing as a female exile though. This is the only time I've noticed her being referred to as a male. 1.8 features a line here saying "her" (It didn't exist, so it had to be spliced together) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Darth Malignus 0 Posted November 29, 2011 Forgot something: In my now broken savegame I got an unusual amount of crashes fighting my way through the Exchange hideout in the Refugee Sector. It happened when killing Exchange Thugs. Sometimes it crashed every time I attacked something new, sometimes I could kill off 5 Exchange Thugs and BOOM! I can't really connect it to any particular place or hostile, it just happened regularly until the battle was over. I had more crashes in killing off the squidhead and the, what, 10 thugs than through the whole game up until that point. I used Flurry exclusively and as far as I recall, I had no crashes when I tried a normal attack, if that helps. Edit: I do suddenly remember another quirk about Sanham. In the original game without the fix, you couldn't expose him to Grenn if you waited to accept the smuggling quest later on in the game. Meaning after you returned from the Hidden Academy, if I remember correctly. You could accept the quest, but you were forced to complete it by stealing the stuff for Sanham, you couldn't play informant for Grenn. Now, I read the patch notes and didn't recall that peculiarity mentioned anywhere. If this has been fixed, though, then just ignore it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted November 29, 2011 Grenn didn't take ANY side-quests (except for escaped criminals) in vanilla TSL. But yeah, I already fixed that in 1.6, so if you want to wait with starting/finishing the sidequests after finishing Telos surface, it's perfectly possible now! (Did prevent getting the Escaped Criminals quest in that case though, if you hadn't received it)... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Darth Malignus 0 Posted November 29, 2011 Grenn didn't take ANY side-quests (except for escaped criminals) in vanilla TSL. But yeah, I already fixed that in 1.6, so if you want to wait with starting/finishing the sidequests after finishing Telos surface, it's perfectly possible now! (Did prevent getting the Escaped Criminals quest in that case though, if you hadn't received it)... Well, I figured the escaped criminals would have been possible to locate on the station, if you hadn't gotten the quest before going to the planet and they weren't encountered in the Restoration Zone. There were some lines by Grenn in the vanilla version that rewarded you for persuing them and killing them in the Docks or some such, if I remember correctly. Could it possible to enable that for the people who didn't get the quest BEFORE travelling to the planet? If the proper conversational threads and voice-overs exist for such a scenario, that is? It would make sense as well. You didn't get the quest, but you also didn't meet them in the Restoration Zones, ergo logically they should still be on the station for you to hunt down, right? The dialog with the Rodian and Devaronian should be pretty straight forward, if something new needed to be written to enable it. Their speech is very open to interpretation. Another thing. The background music on the Citadel Station is somewhat gloomy. When playing covert ops as B-4D4, though, the music seems very cheery compared to the normal music on the space station. Sort of hinting that the droid is about to cause trouble for Czerka. However, when entering Czerkas offices to steal data from the mainframe, the mucis switches back to the standard Citadel Station background music. I figured that the somewhat mischievous music for that mission would continue to play, right up until B-4D4 delivered the data in the Ithorian compound and you switch back to the Exile. Not really a bug, more a mood-thing. I noticed it just now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Darth Malignus 0 Posted December 1, 2011 One of Kreia's lines in the conversation in the hidden academy on Telos with Atris states "I was the one who asked him to be exiled", even though the Exile is a woman. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites