Rece 63 Posted May 30, 2015 Back with another update guys!!! Here are two more robes apart of my elemental robes/armor pack that will be coming out sometime in the future Again, the video is going to degrade the quality, so just imagine these, but better looking in-game Mygeetan Robe: Red Lightning Robe ( Named that because of my friend again ) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ninko 64 Posted May 30, 2015 Back with another update guys!!! Here are two more robes apart of my elemental robes/armor pack that will be coming out sometime in the future Again, the video is going to degrade the quality, so just imagine these, but better looking in-game Mygeetan Robe: Red Lightning Robe ( Named that because of my friend again ) Nice job on those ones! They look very good even with the video quality being degraded Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rece 63 Posted June 10, 2015 Alright guys, a huge update on a mod that I've been working on. This mod will add 51 new lightsaber power crystals into the game. Yes, 51... So, just to show you guys I've been working on it, here's 20 of the crystals that I've made. Tell me what you guys think of them! Also, I'm not good at naming or descriptions, so give me a break on some of them. I have used Wookieepedia and some friends for some descriptions, so there's that Anyways, here are 20 of the crystals! (It's a long list, make sure to leave suggestions as well!) I can't show all 51 because, well that would make this post SUPER long, so I'll post the rest later. I do have all of them complete though, so that's good. Edit: Don't mind the 200+ numbers after each name, they are there for me. Crystal, Ingor200 Strength: +1Monster Damage: 1d4Known for being an aid to a Jedi or Sith's strength, this crystal was developed as a synthetic crystal to improve the user's strength. Crystal, Mondaer201 Damage: Cold 1d3Reduced Saving Throws: Fire -2Cold to the touch, the Mondaer crystal was formed on the icy planet of Hoth. The crystal inflicts a painful freezing effect on it's opponent, although is vulnerable to the heat. Crystal, Dragoon202 Improved Force Resistance: +20Possibly the most Force resistant crystal known in the galaxy, this crystal is a preferred throughout the galaxy for many Jedi's. Crystal, Lignan203 Damage: Fire +3Limitation:Can only be used by Dark Jedi.Lignan crystals were exceptionally powerful lightsaber crystals that were made from Lignan ore—an ore that was very powerful in the dark side of the Force. Lignan crystals enabled a lightsaber blade to burn hotter and last far longer than normal lightsaber crystals. This allowed the Lignan-enhanced lightsabers to cut through objects faster. Crystal, Durinda204 KeenImproved Blaster Deflection: +3Damage Resistance: Energy 15/-Known for being keen, this crystal is a great bolt deflector, as well as being highly resistant to energy damage from blaster bolts. Crystal, Katik205 Dexterity: +2Wisdom: +1Charisma: +1A powerful crystal indeed, the Katik crystal is strong in many senses. Said to increase a users dexterity, wisdom, and charisma, the crystal is one to be used with powerful users of the force. Crystal, Koltore206 Treat Injury: +2Regeneration: +4Named after the highly effective healing agent: Kolto. This crystal is produced using a synthetic process to infuse the Kolto into the crystal, providing a healing ability while in use. Crystal, Life of the Force207 Attack Bonus vs. Dark Side: +2Damage Bonus vs. Dark Side: +2Defense Bonus vs. Dark Side +2Wisdom: +3Limitation:Can only be used by JediPossibly the most powerful crystal constructed by a Jedi, this crystal can only be created in the caves of Ilum. Ilum's caves became a traditional journey point for many Jedi over the centuries. The polar opposite of the Dark Side crystal: Death of the Force, this is only able to be used by a Light Side user. This crystal is deadly towards the Dark Side of the force. Crystal, Death of the Force208 Attack Bonus vs. Light Side: +2Damage Bonus vs. Light Side: +2Defense Bonus vs. Light Side +2Strength: +3Limitation:Can only be used by Dark JediPossibly the most powerful crystal constructed by the Dark Side of the Force, this crystal can only be found in the Shyrack Caves of Korriban. Shyrack caves resided on the desolate planet of Korriban. Large groups of Shyracks lived in these caves.The polar opposite of the Light Side crystal: Life of the Force, this is only able to be used by a Dark Side user. This crystal is deadly towards the Light Side of the Force. Crystal, Impact209 Attack: +3On Hit: Stun 25% 4 RoundsThese crystals allowed for more damage with lightsabers. They were compressed energy crystals, because they pulsed slightly. Along with the increased damage, they also had a chance to stun opponents. Crystal, Hergoth210 On Monster Hit: ParalyzeMonster Damage: 3d4Hergoth crystals are known to be powerful crystals used in the construction of a lightsaber. It produces monster hits on its opponents, which prove to be deadly. If they are lucky though, they can escape these effects, but be paralyzed in the process. Crystal, Keeper's Spirit211 Wisdom: +2Charisma: +2The Keeper's Spirit was created by Master Akko. He guarded an unknown cave on the planet of Kosmao, an Outer Rim planet. Akko was known by some to be one of the most charismatic Jedi in the galaxy. Crystal, Nilar212 Damage Resistance: Electrical 10/-Improved Saving Throws: Electrical +1The Nilar crystal comes from the third planet in the Nilarian System, named Nilar III. The crystal was formed through high electric fission due to the planets electrical atmosphere. When the lightning strikes the mountains on Nilar III, the impact creates a fusion process between the rocks and the lightning, eventually forming the Nilar crystal over time. Crystal, Kreia's Wisdom213 Strength: +3Wisdom: +2Stealth: +2Regenerate Force Points: +2Bonus Feat: Dual StrikeBonus Feat: Improved Dual StrikeBonus Feat: Master Dual StrikeLimitation:Can only be used by Kreia.It has been theorized that Kreia was once a great Jedi Master with nearly limitless wisdom. This crystal itself is imbued with the lessons and struggles she herself had to endure. She has kept this crystal hidden from you to divert your attention to other important matters at hand. Although she would have preferred this crystal not to be brought out, you have talked with her enough to gain her trust. She says she has created this crystal through her struggles throughout her life, or as she puts it: "This is the result of years of effort and contemplation, of pains and triumphs, silence and echoes. This is who I have become, more than what I was and maybe who I will still be..." Crystal, Atton's Freedom214 Strength: +2Intelligence: +3Stealth: +2Improved Saving Throws: Will +3Bonus Feat: Stealth RunLimitation:Can only be used by Atton.Atton is known to be elusive from you. He has finally spilled out all of his secrets, and has freed himself from his own prison. He has kept this crystal as a reminder of the Jedi woman that he killed to protect himself. This crystal was given to him by her as a "token" to remember her sacrifice for him. Atton is known for his elusiveness and stealth, so this crystal naturally enhances that ability. Crystal, Bao-Dur's Relief215 Charisma: +2Dexterity: +3Computer Use: +2Blaster Bolt Delfection: +4Bonus Feat: Finesse: LightsabersLimitation:Can only be used by Bao-Dur.Trapped for years by guilt over the events that ended the Battle of Malachor V, and the Mandalorian Wars along with it, Bao-Dur has traveled the galaxy searching for ways to find peace after the Wars. Once a technician of War, he became a technician of Life. Meeting <FullName> traversing the echoes of war, he once more takes to the battlefield, a Guardian of Peace. Crystal, Brianna's Cherishment216 Wisdom: +2Intelligence: +3Repair: +2Improved Force Resistance: +20Bonus Feat: Two-Weapon FightingBonus Feat: Improved Two-Weapon FightingBonus Feat: Master Two-Weapon FightingLimitation:Can only be used by Handmaiden.The Handmaiden, or Brianna, has kept her secrets of her Force Sensitive background. She hasn't told you much about her life, but she's told you that she is, in fact Force Sensitive in a way. Her father, Echani General Yusanis and mother; Jedi Master Arren Kae, both fought in the Mandalorian Wars. This crystal was placed in her mothers robe before she went off to fight with Revan in the Mandalorian Wars. Crystal, Visas' Absolution217 Strength: +2Intelligence: +3Awareness: +2Immunity: Stun, Fear, HorrorBonus Feat: ToughnessBonus Feat: Improved ToughnessBonus Feat: Master ToughnessLimitation:Can only be used by Visas.Visas has been put through endless pain and suffering through her travels as a slave for Darth Nihilus. Her whole race wiped-out in an instant from Nihilus, although he spared her. She kept this crystal in her lightsaber at all times with her travels with him. When she snuck onto the Ebon Hawk, and attacked you, you split her lightsaber in half which resulted in her crystal being lost somewhere in the shadows. She eventually found it after her travels, staying in the Starboard Dormitory. Crystal, Mical's Revival218 Wisdom: +2Intelligence: +3Treat Injury: +2Regeneration: +3Bonus Feat: Mine ImmunityLimitation:Can only be used by Disciple.The Disciple, otherwise known as Mical, was a Padawan who was abandoned during the Mandalorian Wars. He has a great skill in the medical field, which is very prominent in his travels with you. He kept this crystal as a reminder of how he once could have become a Jedi, although is reluctant now that you're teaching him. Crystal, Mira's Honor219 Dexterity: +2Charisma: +3Demolitions: +2Bonus Feat: Fighting SpiritBonus Feat: Inner Strength IBonus Feat: Inner Strength IIBonus Feat: Inner Strength IIILimitation:Can only be used by Mira.Mira is a fast-talking, no-nonsense woman, with a dry wit and, in the words of <FullName>, "lots of attitude." Despite this, she has sympathy for all life and due to this, never kills unless absolutely necessary. Although she lost her family during the battle on Malachor V, she kept this crystal, which is actually a gemstone from her mother. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fair Strides 512 Posted June 10, 2015 The Handmaiden, or Brianna, has kept her secrets of her Force Sensitive background. She hasn't told you much about her life, but she's told you that she is, in fact Force Sensitive in a way. Her father, Echani General Yusanis and mother; Jedi Master Arren Kae, both fought in the Mandalorian Wars. This crystal was placed in her mothers robe before she went off to fight with Revan in the Mandalorian Wars. "Echani General Yusanis" should probably be "the Echani General Yusanis" and "in her mothers robe" needs and apostrophe before the 's' in "mothers". Besides that, the only thing I'd point out is that the robe was brought back by Yusanis IIRC, so the crystal could have been put in at any time. Also, as a helpful tip: When making a long post like this, you might try the spoiler tags around the Crystal info for each crystal (leave the name out of the spoiler area). To use spoilers, type " " in front of the text/image and then " " after the text/image, BUT the second spoiler piece has to have a / right after the "[" symbol. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest R2-X2 Posted June 10, 2015 What would the effect "Improved saving throws Electrical +1" do? Oh and the Bao-Dur crystal gives "Bonus Feat: Finesse: Lightsabers"... Bao-Dur has 14 or 16 or so strength and 10 dexterity, so it would hardly be of any use. :s Perhaps give weapon focus/specialisation? I forgot whether he was able to take these feats after becoming a Guardian, as before that he cannot specialise in melee weapons. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rece 63 Posted June 10, 2015 What would the effect "Improved saving throws Electrical +1" do? Oh and the Bao-Dur crystal gives "Bonus Feat: Finesse: Lightsabers"... Bao-Dur has 14 or 16 or so strength and 10 dexterity, so it would hardly be of any use. :s Perhaps give weapon focus/specialisation? I forgot whether he was able to take these feats after becoming a Guardian, as before that he cannot specialise in melee weapons. That's the point I knew that he wouldn't, so wanted to give it to him. Edit: nvm Alright alright alright! Anyways, here's the rest of the crystals guys. I hope you enjoy them! Edit: Don't mind the numbers after the crystal names, those are for me. Crystal, Jolee's Instinct220 Treat Injury: +3 Regenerate Force Points: +2 Bonus Feat: Survival Instinct Limitation: Can only be used by Neutral Jedi. Despite the fact that he followed the Jedi way and used the Force, Bindo did not consider himself part of the Order because of his history, or rather due to the fact that the Order had failed him. He never officially progressed beyond the rank of Padawan, although he explained to Revan once that he was to be knighted before he went into exile. His time in the Shadowlands only enhanced his survival skills. He had even learned to craft medicine from simple herbs, without any access to kolto or medical supplies. Crystal, Juhani's Determination221 Strength: +2 Stealth: +5 Bonus Feat: Weapon Focus: Lightsaber Bonus Feat: Weapon Proficiency: Lightsaber Bonus Feat: Weapon Specialization: Lightsaber Bonus Feat: Force Camouflage Juhani was determined to become the ideal Jedi, and her fierce devotion to her goal didn't allow her to accept failure in herself or her peers, yet she always found herself struggling against her Cathar instincts and fierce temper. Juhani's heritage and segregated upbringing had a unique effect on the way her Force powers developed; she instinctively learned how to conceal herself with the power of Force camouflage. As a Jedi Guardian, she preferred lightsaber combat, although she would also use several Force powers while in battle. Crystal, Bastila's Meditation222 Strength: +2 Dexterity: +2 Bonus Feat: Battle Meditation Bonus Feat: Dueling Bonus Feat: Improved Dueling Bonus Feat: Master Dueling Despite her youth, Bastila Shan was exceptionally skilled in the rare power of battle meditation and through the Force, she could affect the outcome of a battle by thought alone. Through this power, one side was granted strength and a boost to their morale, in addition that side would be granted perfect coordination and the ability to respond instantly and perfectly to the enemy's every change in formation and strategy. Additionally, Shan was a skilled lightsaber duelist, and wielded a double-bladed lightsaber in combat. She proved capable of dueling the redeemed Revan, Jolee Bindo, and Juhani atop the Temple of the Ancients and emerging relatively unscathed, albeit defeated. Shan also managed to hold her ground against Darth Malak long enough for Revan and Carth Onasi to escape. It should be noted that Malak was considered to be one of the greatest swordsmen of his time. Crystal, Plara223 Damage Bonus: Electrical, 1d12 Damage Bonus vs. Droid: Electrical, 1d4 Conveniently named after the planet it's found on, this crystal is highly electric. The crystal produces a small shock when it comes in contact with anything. As conflicting as it might seem, this crystal goes well in a lightsaber. Whoever finds a Plara crystal must be careful, and have special equipment to carry it in order to not be shocked. Crystal, Otis224 On Hit: Knockdown, DC 22 Damage Bonus: Unstoppable +3 A powerful crystal indeed, it is not one to be messed with. The Otis crystal came from the same planet as the Hurrikaine crystal; Hurikane. Both crystals have similar properties, and are deadly when used in the construction of a lightsaber. Crystal, Shao225 Attack Bonus: +5 On Hit: Slow, DC 14 Typically used by Jedi Sentinels, the Shao crystal is made for combat. Not only does it increase the users attack strength, but will slow down an opponent due to a "paralyzation" of sense. THE FOLLOWING FEW CRYSTALS REQUIRE A CERTAIN AMOUNT OF POINTS TOWARDS YOUR ATTRIBUTES TO USE (I.E: 20 WISDOM) THEY AREN'T LISTED, BUT EACH CRYSTAL REQUIRES A DIFFERENT ATTRIBUTE. Crystal, Perspicacity226 Awareness: +2 Treat Injury: +2 Improved Saving Throws: Will, +2 Improved Force Resistance: +26 Bonus Feat: Regenerate Force Points Wisdom represents willpower and perception. A high Wisdom adds modifiers to Jedi Force Points and Force Power saving throws. The Force Powers of a Jedi with high Wisdom are also much harder to resist. This crystal was developed for those with Wisdom in mind, and a lot of it. Crystal, Fortitude227 Attack Bonus: +4 Damage Bonus: +5 Extra Lightsaber Damage: Bludgeoning Bonus Feat: Critical Strike Bonus Feat: Improved Critical Strike Bonus Feat: Master Critical Strike Strength measures physical power. A high strength adds modifiers to melee damage and chance to hit, which is important for characters that use close-combat weapons (vibroblades, lightsabers). This crystal was crafted for those with power in mind. A deadly crystal indeed to be used in the construction of a lightsaber. Crystal, Finesse228 Defense Bonus: +2 Strength: +2 Stealth: +2 Keen Improved Saving Throws: Reflex, +2 Dexterity measures agility and reflexes. A high Dexterity adds modifiers to ranged attack rolls (blasters, grenades) and increases a character's Defense rating, making them harder to hit. This crystal is designed in mind for those with a high dexterity, as it increases the abilities of the user. Crystal, Habitus229 Treat Injury: +2 Regeneration: +5 Improved Saving Throws: Fortitude, +2 Bonus Feat: Regenerate Vitality Points Constitution represents health and resiliency. A high Constitution adds modifiers to the vitality points gained at each level up. This is important for everyone, but essential for soldiers and Jedi guardians. This crystal was constructed for those who have health in mind. Crystal, Perception230 Computer Use: +2 Demolitions: +2 Repair: +2 Improved Saving Throws: All, +1 Intelligence represents knowledge and reasoning. A high intelligence adds modifiers to the number of points a character has to spend on essential skills, as well as a bonus to the characters skills. This was designed for those who are intelligent enough. Crystal, Allure231 Persuade: +2 Regenerate Force Points: +5 Improved Saving Throws: Force Powers, +3 Charisma represents personality and the ability to lead. A high Charisma adds modifiers to Force-related feats and powers that are very important to all the Jedi classes. It is also central to any persuasive talker. This was designed for those Jedi in mind. END OF ATTRIBUTE CRYSTALS. Crystal, Guardian of Life232 Constitution: +1 Intelligence: +1 Wisdom: +1 Demolitions: +1 Awareness: +1 Persuade: +1 Treat Injury: +1 Improved Saving Throws: Fortitude, Reflex, +1 Bonus Feat: Finesse: Lightsabers Limitation: Can only be used by Jedi Guardian. The Jedi Guardians skills and talents lay in battle, a light side mirror of the Sith Warrior. Concentrating on martial training and combat, Guardians engaged in combat more than either of the other two classes of Jedi; the Consulars or the Sentinels. Descended from the Order's founders on Tython whose role in the galaxy was to defend the weak and uphold the laws of the Galactic Republic, the Guardians were often seen as representatives of the Order and the classic Jedi weapon: the lightsaber. Crystal, Sentinel of Order233 Constitution: +1 Intelligence: +1 Wisdom: +1 Computer Use: +1 Stealth: +1 Awareness: +1 Persuade: +1 Security: +1 Treat Injury: +1 Improved Saving Throws: Fortitude, Reflex, +1 Limitation: Can only be used by Jedi Sentinel. While Sentinels possessed considerable combat skills and had somewhat extensive knowledge of the Force, Sentinels blended both schools of teaching and amplified them with a series of non-Force skills, such as in the fields of security, computers, stealth techniques, demolitions, repair or medicine. While studying all of the traditional techniques and abilities that made the Jedi who they were, the Sentinels of the Order found their isolation in the Jedi Temple to be a hindrance if they were expected to be able to work with the civilians of the galaxy. While adherents to the Force and all that it could do, Sentinels were not blinded by faith and realized that the mystical energy field did have its limitations. Typically opting for missions requiring them to stay in a single place for long periods of time, the Sentinels would take on assignments not suited to the other Jedi branches. Crystal, Consular of the Galaxy234 Constitution: +1 Intelligence: +1 Wisdom: +1 Awareness: +1 Persuade: +1 Repair: +1 Treat Injury: +1 Improved Saving Throws: Fortitude, Will, +1 Regenerate Force Points: +1 Limitation: Can only be used by Jedi Consular. Led by the Council of Reconciliation, the Consulars sought diplomatic measures in spreading peace and harmony across the Galactic Republic. Refraining from drawing their lightsabers except as a measure of last resort, Consulars spent a great deal of time studying the mysteries of the Force. What Jedi Guardians achieved through combat, Jedi Consulars achieved with words or non-violent use of the Force. Concentrating on mental refinement through study and meditation, Consulars sought to perfect the art of diplomacy and mediation, hoping to calm a tense situation or mend hurt feelings through civil discourse, reasoning, and parley, rather than drawing their lightsabers and cutting down an attacker. While Jedi Consulars would attempt to avoid conflict for as long as possible, the Consulars were sensible and carried a lightsaber, often with a green blade to symbolize their commitment to peace. Jedi Consulars were also able to focus their Force usage against their enemies, which made it harder for opponents to resist a Consular's Force powers. Crystal, Weapon Master of the Galaxy235 Constitution: +2 Intelligence: +2 Wisdom: +2 Demolitions: +2 Awareness: +2 Persuade: +2 Treat Injury: +2 Improved Saving Throws: Fortitude, Will, +2 Bonus Feat: Proficiency All Limitation: Can only be used by Jedi Weapon Master. A Jedi Weapon Master was a title given to those Jedi Masters who pursued the study of physical combat with the Force, especially of exotic weapons (or unusual styles) under the distinct schooling division known as the Jedi Guardian. Setting aside their lightsabers, Weapon Masters would spend years of study, honing their skills in the art of their chosen weapon. Becoming highly skilled in their art, they were well respected within the Order and without. Mastering the use of either a double-bladed lightsaber, lightsaber pike, quarterstaff, San-Ni staff, whips, or flails, was all that needed to be done to be considered a Weapon Master by the Jedi High Council. Additionally, ranged weapons and the use of ones body as a weapon are sufficient to receive this recognition. Crystal, Watchman of the Galaxy236 Constitution: +2 Intelligence: +2 Wisdom: +2 Computer Use: +2 Stealth: +2 Awareness: +2 Persuade: +2 Security: +2 Treat Injury: +2 Improved Saving Throws: All, +2 Limitation: Can only be used by Jedi Watchmen. Jedi Watchman was a specialized role of the Jedi Sentinels who operated throughout the galaxy as guardians of specific planets or star systems. These Jedi Knights opted to stay in one place, operating alongside a sector or system government and ensuring diplomacy was maintained in all matters. These Jedi would also oversee the testing and reporting of any Force-sensitive born in their sector, turning the child over to the Acquisition Division if positive result was returned. Crystal, Master of the Galaxy237 Constitution: +2 Intelligence: +2 Wisdom: +2 Awareness: +2 Persuade: +2 Repair: +2 Treat Injury: +2 Improved Saving Throws: Will, +2 Regenerate Force Points: +2 Limitation: Can only be used by Jedi Master. The title of Jedi Master was the highest formal rank obtainable by a member of the Jedi Order. Reserved for those who had shown exceptional devotion and skill as well as balance in the Force and often combat, only individuals who had been given the rank of Master could sit on the Jedi High Council, with few exceptions, or any of the three other Councils. The rank of Master was a title bestowed upon very few Knights in every generation. As such, Masters made up the smallest percent of the Order's membership. The most common path to this rank was to train several Padawans as a Knight, typically one right after the other, and have them all successfully pass their Jedi Trials. If one did not wish to train several students, a Knight could choose to undergo a modified version of the Trials of Knighthood, or gain attention for their service to the Republic. Each of these feats could gain the High Council's acknowledgment and result in a promotion to the rank of Master. Crystal, Marauder of the Galaxy238 Constitution: +2 Intelligence: +2 Wisdom: +2 Demolitions: +2 Awareness: +2 Persuade: +2 Treat Injury: +2 Improved Saving Throws: Fortitude, Will, +2 Bonus Feat: Proficiency All Limitation: Can only be used by Sith Marauder. Sith Marauders were Sith Warriors who fought for the Sith Empire during the Great Sith War, Great Galactic War and the Cold War that followed it circa 3653 BBY. They specialized in dual lightsabers and dealing high amounts of damage to enemies in melee combat. Crystal, Assassin of the Galaxy239 Constitution: +2 Intelligence: +2 Wisdom: +2 Computer Use: +2 Stealth: +2 Awareness: +2 Persuade: +2 Security: +2 Treat Injury: +2 Improved Saving Throws: All, +2 Limitation: Can only be used by Sith Assassin. The Sith assassins were a sect of covert Force-sensitive killers secretly founded by Darth Revan on Malachor V during the Jedi Civil War. Captured Jedi and Sith soldiers who were found to be Force-sensitive were taken to the Trayus Academy to be trained as Sith assassins. During and after the Jedi Civil War, the assassins' primary purpose was to kill or capture Jedi. Upon successfully incapacitating a Jedi, the captive would be tortured until they fell to the dark side or died by the hands of elite Sith operatives trained in the art of torture and temptation. By this subtle method of capture and conversion, the ranks of the Sith assassins swelled as the number of Jedi decreased. Crystal, Lord of the Galaxy240 Constitution: +2 Intelligence: +2 Wisdom: +2 Awareness: +2 Persuade: +2 Repair: +2 Treat Injury: +2 Improved Saving Throws: Will, +2 Regenerate Force Points: +2 Limitation: Can only be used by Sith Lord. Sith Lord was a title that was conferred on members of various Sith Orders who had both considerable knowledge of and strength in the dark side. Sith Lord was a title conferred upon individuals who followed the Sith tradition. Sith Lords drew upon the dark side of the Force, using it to gain power. Revan's Sith Empire granted this title to its high ranking members, with the Dark Lord of the Sith as the most powerful and their leader,however,the majority of the dark sided users were known as Dark Jedi. Crystal, Environmental241 Damage Resistance: Cold, Electrical, Fire, Sonic, Ion, Energy, 10/- The Environmental crystal was forged on the planet Telos IV. it's an artificial crystal created by Czerka for absorbing elemental effects of working around the environment of the Restoration Zone. Crystal, Ionic242 Blaster Bolt Deflection: +10 A crystal constructed solely for blaster bolt deflection, this crystal is used as a training crystal for young Jedi. The crystal was used for the deflection and practice of deflecting bolts from training droids. Crystal, Claotine243 Dexterity: +1 Wisdom: +3 Improved Saving Throws: All, +1 Limitation: Can only be used by Light Side. The Claotine crystal is formed on the Outer Rim planet of Clao. The crystal is produced from Jedi Masters on the planet, which they infuse their great knowledge into the crystal. Crystal, Athea244 On Hit: Poison, DC 22 The Athea crystal is a poisonous crystal produced on the planet Athea. It produces a slight stinging effect when it comes in contact with flesh, and infuses poison into the flesh without the victims knowledge. The victim is eventually poisoned and slowly begins to die. Crystal, Enope245 Damage Bonus: Slashing, 1d8 The Enope crystal is a rugged crystal produced on Enope. The crystal produces a slashing effect on it's victim, which corrodes them as well. Crystal, Arbilvar246 Constitution: +2 Immunity: Stun, Fear, Horror A simple crystal produced on Arbilvar III. This crystal is created by a race unknown to most of the galaxy who've learned to control their inner emotions, and resist the thought of fear in their minds. Crystal, Phin247 Regeneration: +1 Bonus Feat: Regenerate Vitality Points The Phin crystal comes from an asteroid belt in the Phin Cor system. The region is a medical focused area, bringing healing to all corners of the galaxy. Crystal, Dantine248 Bonus Feat: Critical Strike Bonus Feat: Improved Critical Strike Bonus Feat: Master Critical Strike Bonus Feat: Flurry Bonus Feat: Improved Flurry Bonus Feat: Master Flurry Bonus Feat: Power Attack Bonus Feat: Improved Power Attack Bonus Feat: Master Power Attack A crystal produced for training in the Enclave of Dantooine, this is used for training young Padawans in the early years. Although this crystal tends to be used by Jedi Guardians, it's accepted throughout the Order to be used in an lightsaber. Crystal, Training249 Bonus Feat: Dueling Bonus Feat: Improved Dueling Bonus Feat: Master Dueling A crystal made for Padawans to practice sparring with one another. This crystal is a simple crystal created by Jedi for training. Crystal, Rece's Abomination250 Good luck knowing the stats and all of the restrictions. This crystal was produced by the Dark Lord of the Sith Rece. He's been said to have endless powers a Sith Lord. He produced this crystal to burry with his legacy. Someone raided his tomb, and eventually the crystal was lost. He would have never wanted someone as pathetic as to find his crystal, but unfortunately it has happened. If he were here today, he would surely take back what's his. Unfortunately, he dissapeared after a party with Revan durring Revan's conquest for the galaxy. The two were best friends forever, and Revan could tell you himself, if Revan were around. Hope you all enjoyed them! Be sure to leave feedback as always. 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Ninko 64 Posted June 14, 2015 These are truly excellent!!!!!! Cannot wait for this mod! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rece 63 Posted June 15, 2015 Hey guys! Just wanted to give a quick example of some of the ways you can earn crystals from my mod. There's a couple of different ways like dialogs, placeables, Eric... Here are some. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Xuul 224 Posted June 15, 2015 Hey guys! Just wanted to give a quick example of some of the ways you can earn crystals from my mod. There's a couple of different ways like dialogs, placeables, Eric... Here are some. Looks good so far. I always like mods that fit well into the game. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ninko 64 Posted June 15, 2015 Hey guys! Just wanted to give a quick example of some of the ways you can earn crystals from my mod. There's a couple of different ways like dialogs, placeables, Eric... Here are some. That looks really great! And it really suits kotor 2! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
djnugent 34 Posted June 15, 2015 Wow, really nice job here, Rece! I can't believe you created unique item pics for each crystal - nicely done! I will be putting this in override for SURE!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rece 63 Posted June 15, 2015 Thanks guys for all of the compliments I'm currently making the TSLPatcher so it'll be out soon!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rece 63 Posted July 20, 2015 Long time, no update thanks to a few real life things. Anyways, this is apart of my head reskin mod that I'm working on. I'm touching all parts of the face as you'll see. The next things that I need to work on are lips and touching up on some eyes as well. So in these images, I have worked on: Eyes, Shading of the face as well as reskinning it Up next to work on: Touching on the eyes, lips, maybe eyebrows, and some color changes to hair. First up, PFHA01-05: Next up, PFHB01-05: Finally, PFHC01-05: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Squall Lionhart 82 Posted July 20, 2015 Long time, no update thanks to a few real life things. Anyways, this is apart of my head reskin mod that I'm working on. I'm touching all parts of the face as you'll see. The next things that I need to work on are lips and touching up on some eyes as well. So in these images, I have worked on: Eyes, Shading of the face as well as reskinning it Up next to work on: Touching on the eyes, lips, maybe eyebrows, and some color changes to hair. First up, PFHA01-05: Next up, PFHB01-05: Finally, PFHC01-05: Dang bro, those are awesome Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jorak Uln 458 Posted July 20, 2015 @Rece: Your heads really start to shine now - i like how natural the eyes and the overall skin tone turn out - however, if you want to go a step further - the skin itself would be awesome if you could add little details: like the freckles here: or some "grainy-ness" on the skin like in this pic: 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rece 63 Posted August 8, 2015 Alright guys, back with another update. So I've been working on the dark side transitions. Before you guys say anything, I need to somehow make the ears blend more with the rest of the face. i've been trying a lot of things but nothing seems to work for now. So until then, don't judge the ears badly haha. Also, I need to work on the eyes just a little more... For now, I have one set of faces to show you. I never really liked the DS transitions, so I died them down a bit. Made the veins less noticeable as well as fixed up other things with the faces. This time, there's a before and after set of images! Before: After: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jorak Uln 458 Posted August 8, 2015 Nice one, Rece! I like the natural skintone of the transitions... Regarding texture making, did you got your hands on a windows copy yet? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rece 63 Posted August 9, 2015 Nice one, Rece! I like the natural skintone of the transitions... Regarding texture making, did you got your hands on a windows copy yet? Meaning did I buy the Windows OS? No way I won't be buying it anytime soon honestly unless I get my own personal computer... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Malkior 477 Posted August 9, 2015 Loove the DarkSide transitions on the last pic. However, one thing I noticed on the last two especially. The ears don't match the darks of the skin, and as a result look too bright. That said, your character is so well characterized, it simply makes me want to play as her just to see her conversations as a psycho Sith lord. :] Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rece 63 Posted August 9, 2015 Loove the DarkSide transitions on the last pic. However, one thing I noticed on the last two especially. The ears don't match the darks of the skin, and as a result look too bright. That said, your character is so well characterized, it simply makes me want to play as her just to see her conversations as a psycho Sith lord. :] I'll quote myself here in the post xD "Before you guys say anything, I need to somehow make the ears blend more with the rest of the face. i've been trying a lot of things but nothing seems to work for now. So until then, don't judge the ears badly haha." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarthParametric 3,811 Posted August 9, 2015 What are you doing the textures in? Photoshop, Gimp, etc. If the ears are split off into a separate UV island, you should be able to select it and play with the colour levels/brightness/contrast to more closely match the rest of the face. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VorticalSquid05 0 Posted August 3, 2021 Hey, could you create two simple mods (I think simple). Create a red lightning mod and a yellow lightning mod (Force Judgment)? I would really appreciate it. Also, if there is any dark side points with the use for the lightning in any situation, I would recommend changing the force judgment to light side points, maybe even the ability to the light side if possible. All I want is yellow and red lightning at the least. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites