Jorak Uln

Joraks Experiments [WIP]

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Not sure which logo you're referring to exactly, but according to Wookiepedia, this is the logo of Revan and Malak's Sith Empire.


The logo I linked in my last post is a general ancient Sith logo AFAIK.

Im referring to the generic logo you posted:


As you see its clearly displaying the Star Forge, take a look at the Symbol of the infinite Empire:,_logos,_and_symbols


its a bit awkward to have the same symbol twice for different allegiances.

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To be honest, I don't see the Starforge in that logo^^

But if it's really supposed to be the Starforge, it would actually make sense in a way, since Revans Sith Empire is built upon the powers of the Starforge.


Anyway, it certainly doesn't look very similar to the symbol of the Infinite Empire, so I don't think there would be a problem with them looking too similar.


And btw: Didn't you use this one somewhere?

I just saw that it's the Exchange logo, so you might want to replace it^^

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Hah, you seem to know my own Overhaul better than me...


wheres that logo?


I don't know actually, couldn't find it...

But I remember seeing the logo somewhere in your textures, thinking "Ah, I know that symbol, but I have no idea what it is". Maybe you replaced it by now or my memory is wrong...


Edit: More suggestions (you'll probably get a list of those at some point ;) ):

You could replace the numbers in LMG_Numbers with Aurebesh numbers (as seen in TCW for example). I don't know where exactly that texture is used and if it makes sense but it came to my mind when browsing the textures looking for the Exchange logo^^

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i might take a look at the LMG Numbers when continuing the Loading Screens Project.


Here an early look at the middle room of Upper Cantina; 


The pillar in the middle now has some futuristic drink advertisement and the other reflective surfaces will get will get stuff like mini-game results etc. soon.



Now the middle pillar actually should be about juma juice, but pics were hard to find, so 1st one ended up as perfume:



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I really like the spinning advertisement, but the picture of the product just feels out of place to me. I'd go with something simpler instead, as all holographic advertisement we know from Star Wars (and especially the advertisement in Cantinas etc) is usually very bright and colorful while using only simple shapes and symbols instead of actual pictures. And I'm also not sure if Juma juice makes the most sense in a Cantina, so I'd maybe use some kind of sport (swoop racing?), a Bith band or maybe Twi'lek dancers instead and make advertisement for them but also with simpler shapes (or silhouettes) and nice neon colors.

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Hmm.. Since Taris is obsessed about their wealth and superiority over the Undercity dwellers, perhaps luxury items like High Priced Tarisian Ale or some other luxury, like swoops??


Juma Juice seems kind of like a commoner's drink, since you can get it on Tatooine.

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And the wine gets mentioned in some of the dialogue with Sith recruits, who throw a party :)

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Ive been working on the Complete Overhaul series for half a year now, and while it was a good learning experience, it was also tedious to think about new designs for every texture additionally to the retexturing process.


Also because i like the atmosphere of TSL much more, i definitely wanted to make an Overhaul for the game. 

I think that time has come - and while K1 was SWTOR themed this new one will be in a totally different style:


Similar to the Xarwarz OTE series i will use only designs from the vanilla game - with one exception: 

some textures like Billboards/display screens are just generic, they will get a modern approach, as i think they are meant to be.


As it is now "vanilla redone", its  also important for me what the "Vanilla addicts"  among you guys think about it:










Secret Academy:



New Telos Corridor:


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I am digging those signs.


I feel like no one has really nailed the aesthetic of the signage in Citadel station.


This looks great though!

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I am digging those signs.


I feel like no one has really nailed the aesthetic of the signage in Citadel station.


This looks great though!

I'm glad you like it!

But about those signs - I'm not sure if I understood correctly - what do you mean by "digging them"?

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im glad you like it!

But about those signs - im not sure if i understood correctly - what do you mean by "digging them"?

American slang for enjoying something.

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Well, I tried to undertake this very same approach, so I think that kind of speaks for my enthusiasm for sticking close to Vanilla TSL. ;)

However... :P If you don't mind a bit of feedback..

The aesthetic of Telos seems a bit too heavily darkened in all of your videos; for instance, the Secret Academy held a sort of "neutral" feel compared to the rest of TSL. Plus it more or less was rather cold, and as such was more of a bluish grey to match a snowy theme.

Secondly, the Citadel Station had some darker colors, but for the most part, used light greys and oranges. (As is the color scheme of the Republic) However, this one just looks too black with some hints of orange, which kind of detracts from the entire feel of a Republic Station.

Lastly, the lights lack detail, but frankly I always hated how pointlessly flat the light fixtures look in all of the games...

However, don't worry about my griping if you want. If I like a theme so blasted much, I can make it myself. :P

That said, I am always impressed with your vision and sheer scope, so I have nothing but support for this new chapter in your module texturing. :thumbup:

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Well, I tried to undertake this very same approach, so I think that kind of speaks for my enthusiasm for sticking close to Vanilla TSL. ;) I am always impressed with your vision and sheer scope, so I have nothing but support for this new chapter in your module texturing. :thumbup:

thanks man ;)

funny, because when start a new take on Telos, i actually  just wanted to get some distance to Kotor - but it turned out much better than expected, so it seems that doing the K1 Overhauls helped me quite a bit to take the next step... 


About your textures - well i really would like to see more of these amazing lightmap overhauls! Not only would they combine excellent with my projects  but also real lighting could be simulated...






Youtube darkens the areas about 10 -15% - i checked it ingame, and Citadel/Polar Academy looks definitely about that amount brighter.


The academy lights are actually intended to be without detail, since there are different types:




And its good that you say what you observe - only that way i can improve - so more please!

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The TSF station looks beautiful, but I agree with Malkior on the academy

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Looks great :)


I wouldn't mind if The Citadel Statio were a bit brighter, but it looks good as it is.


Only issue I see is that most signs are mirrored in one direction, making The text appear upside down or mirrored. If you could fix that, they'd be perfect. The only other improvement I could think of is to make The Twi'lek Look holographic as characters usually are on Star Wars signs.


And one question about your decision to go with The vanilla designs: What about planets that appeared in K1? In my eyes they should keep their designs from your K1 overhauls but since those sometimes differ from vanilla, I was wondering how you'll do that.

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Looks great :D


I wouldn't mind if The Citadel Statio were a bit brighter, but it looks good as it is.


Only issue I see is that most signs are mirrored in one direction, making The text appear upside down or mirrored. If you could fix that, they'd be perfect. The only other improvement I could think of is to make The Twi'lek Look holographic as characters usually are on Star Wars signs.


And one question about your decision to go with The vanilla designs: What about planets that appeared in K1? In my eyes they should keep their designs from your K1 overhauls but since those sometimes differ from vanilla, I was wondering how you'll do that.

As i said before, youtube darkens the videos by approx. 10 -15% ; ingame my textures look that amount brighter and of course higher res.


About using the K1 textures - well, only Dantooine/Korriban are in both games, and both textures are not finished yet for K1. 

Apart from that i intend to use only vanilla designs (and only very few different ones to achieve a next gen look) - that way i spare a lot of time but also preserve the feeling of playing the same game.


Somehow that faster development  seems to pay off already - at least Citadel looks quite a chunk better than current K1 Overhauls.

(it may be the renderer, idk)

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Trust me, it's darker than Vanilla.. Significantly so..    





 I really like what you did with that fixture behind the Bith. The brushed-metal look of the paneling is also a nice touch :D

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Trust me, it's darker than Vanilla.. Significantly so..    





 I really like what you did with that fixture behind the Bith. The brushed-metal look of the paneling is also a nice touch :D

Thanks. I think its not a bad thing if its a little bit darker, Vanilla Telos relies solely on artificial lights and isnt very bright either.




Remember the Jekk Jekk Tar Arena? 




Imho, its meant to be as a classic deathtrap - high voltage floor, armored doors etc.


Even if i focus solely on vanilla textures, i feel at least the windows, and the horribly low res lights  should be fixed.

So  i tried to make the windows  force fields instead, orienting on Omega DLC ones who disintegrate flesh upon contact: 




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Very Nice :D


It definitely speaks of the dangerous and extremely secret nature of Saquesh's "meeting room" 



In regards to your preference for a darker Citadel Station: I'm totally fine with your changes since they are after all flavored to your own tastes. Personally I have a different impression of what the walls should look like, but I certainly don't want it to detract from your own alterations.


What I can possibly do is focus on remaking the Station myself to "Exactly vanilla theme", if you would be okay with me working on effectively the same thing in different ways. Personally I feel I am a bit behind you in terms of sheer detail and texture visualization, but I am confident I could eventually reach your high level of excellence. Food for thought, I guess.. However, in the meantime, I can admire your handiwork and state that I certainly like where your projects are going. :D

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@Malkior: Thanks for your kind words ;) 

and yeah, im absolutely ok if your working on the same thing! In fact, i encourage you and am excited how you will do it...


But note, that a good program also makes a big difference - do you work with Photoshop? 

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