Jorak Uln

Joraks Experiments [WIP]

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This is gorgeous work. I can't say it enough.

Its always good to hear that you guys appreciate it  - and its motivating too!


well then, here are some more screenshots mostly from Manaan, with Taris Slums im still struggling, but what do you guys think?






new Plasteel Cylinders next to Tank:




















air bubbles animation:








now theres a big questionmark on these ones:





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These look really great, what is done with the ones in the undercity if I may ask?

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These look really great, what is done with the ones in the undercity if I may ask?

at the Under City all the exterior texture except the grass were redone...but as i said before the new ones dont really look convincing for me... they should look even more gritty than the lower city...

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Oh I see what you mean now. Yes they do not look as convincing as they should, but still, well done!

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Looking really great! The "starscape"-looking texture on Manaan (the black one with little white bits), however, distracts from the overall gorgeousness, IMHO.

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Looking really great! The "starscape"-looking texture on Manaan (the black one with little white bits), however, distracts from the overall gorgeousness, IMHO.

that was an attempt to replicate this: (unfortunately it looks way more glorious here..)







recently i tried out on various fx effects - you probably all know Trigger Gods Enhanced Lightning as well as the related Sith Edition by Kainzerous Prime, since they use the same free lightning ressource texture from the net  there might be some similarities :D

Please VOTE which one and why:


Enhanced Lightning Original:




V1 decent:




V2 SWTOR vibrant:





Further textures:












Adhesive Grenade Splatter:












Stun Field:





Lightning Opponent:









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that was an attempt to replicate this: (unfortunately it looks way more glorious here..)


Gotcha, I see what you were going for. Maybe just bring up the black to a more uniform gray? If you textured some of the greeble, then we just need to see it better.


That fireball looks cool! Very Smash Bros.

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Gotcha, I see what you were going for. Maybe just bring up the black to a more uniform gray? If you textured some of the greeble, then we just need to see it better.


That fireball looks cool! Very Smash Bros.

Hey, i didnt intend to bring S. Mario to the game! ... actually that might be some cool idea for a fun mod...

anyway, here a little showcase of the new effects, ive reworked previous shown textures from the scratch, so the fireball is different now as well as the animated lightning and some other stuff:


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Those textures actually look so cool! I love them and I want to use them! :D

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Looks nothing short of incredible. I'm usually not one for texture packs but I will give this a download when it's done.

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You like the music? I really think someone should make a music overhaul where the areas with the same music assigned are scripted to use different tracks... its not so cool to have the Tatooine dunes track used at suvams ship as well.




Here a little teaser to my yavin screen animation workflow - it uses ~ 450 nodes and is still unfinished :laughing:







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Good news folks, 


the ENDAR SPIRE Complete Overhaul is closing in very quickly for release but i wont reveal the textures yet  :D

It will be the first part of an ongoing series that overhauls the different planet textures of K1.

In terms of quality its the best i can do right now, ulitlising cubemap shine, animations and world textures in SWTOR style with influences from Mass Effect.


Here you can see the new planet texture of Taris - in the evening when lights are on but suns`still on sky:


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So, you're going to release your SWTOR retexture project planet by planet? That's cool :)


And Taris looks awesome, different and it might take a while to get used to it but it looks great.

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So, you're going to release your SWTOR retexture project planet by planet? That's cool :D


And Taris looks awesome, different and it might take a while to get used to it but it looks great.

Thanks. The main textures of different planets are already covered, but  the important part is the fine-tuning. That takes its time...and i hope the releases go parallel to the Skybox project.


You right about my textures, like the pic shows, my texturing approach on the Endar Spire isnt 1:1 Vanilla Kotor; also because gaming has improved a lot since Kotor - especially graphically.

More and more i feel that Bioware would have changed certain designs if developing the game now - i remember when i did some Telos retextures trying to be 100% exact on the original layout the final product just looks like hi res Textures with outdated, eyesore vanilla designs... not really convicing. 




Edit: have an update for the starfield/galaxy but cant seem to upload it...?

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About that taris, I think you accidently put an old republic screenshot in there. j\k


good job. 

Hah! for a second i really was checking if... but then i saw your jk...

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I really like your treatment of the Taris Planet! :) Very Mass Effect/Arkham Knight-esce. The only part that kind of bugs me is the straight lines in the upper hemisphere. It just looks out of place/artificial.


Otherwise a phenomenal product. You continually keep me on my toes with your graphical detail and clean presentation. =]

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There's only one problem so far that I can see with that Taris image other then some parts of the texture. It's going to look drastically different when you're in the cut scenes that show Taris... Idk if you can edit the cutscene videos, but yeah...

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I really like your treatment of the Taris Planet! :D Very Mass Effect/Arkham Knight-esce. The only part that kind of bugs me is the straight lines in the upper hemisphere. It just looks out of place/artificial.


Otherwise a phenomenal product. You continually keep me on my toes with your graphical detail and clean presentation. =]

Thanks my friend. The lines were a relict from a NASA satellite, where i used an imported image to get the night lights on the planet ;)


There's only one problem so far that I can see with that Taris image other then some parts of the texture. It's going to look drastically different when you're in the cut scenes that show Taris... Idk if you can edit the cutscene videos, but yeah...

Ive thought about videos in HD quality for Kotor, but im no expert. It would require a lot of rendering and video expertise. Btw, all cutscenes are drastically different atm, simply because they are totally pixelated and low quality. To get them at the same quality as the texture packs it would require a complete makeover from scratch, something that some guys here could do if they team up...


What do you mean by some other parts of the texture? Beside the lines in the upper hemisphere? 


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Guys i need your help with the Taris planet texture - even after the release of the Endar Spire i did several changes to Taris. So please VOTE and tell me why:



V1 (Original):





V2: (evening):









V4: (desaturated)




V5: Combination between v3 and 4:




V6: version 3 saturated, refined






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I think my favorite is version 2.

Version 4 is too desaturated for my taste, version 1 is too green. 2 and 3 are pretty similar but I think I prefer the sun coming for the side and not from the top as in version 3, so that's why I'd go with 2.

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I think my favorite is version 2.

Version 4 is too desaturated for my taste, version 1 is too green. 2 and 3 are pretty similar but I think I prefer the sun coming for the side and not from the top as in version 3, so that's why I'd go with 2.

v2 is the most natural one, but due to the ships rotation the sun position is changing ingame.

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