
Quanons many projects.

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Hey all!
I decided to start a WIP thread on these boards as well. Think most folks know me from LF, Holowan labs.
Though since its a lot more quiet on those boards, less modders these days; I'll start a thread here.
To get more feedback and just some general talk and fun on the projects I'm working on.
A list on what's in the pipe:
- Nar Shaddaa: Crazy night project
- Korriban Expanded
- Darth Bandon, reskin + helmet
- Lightsaber pack
- Malachor skybox
Top two are long running affairs; since I want both of these project to use my own modeled areas.
Both are still being worked on, though very slowly. As sometimes problems really kill my enthusiasm.
So I put it on hold and do something else :P
Though today, I'm here to show some first real result for a new Malachor skybox. I've been torturing my PC, by doing
experiments in Terragen 2.0, a over the top, landscape modelling software thing. But it's a hard to learn program, it takes ages
to render stuff. And I never got the results I hoped for.
So I set out to create a Malachor landscape in 3Ds Max instead. Again some experimenting, but not getting what I want.
It all lacked details and my PC is just not powerful enough to do the landscape in one go. Doing some search'n and learn'n from
tutorials across the intrenetz, I ended up with far more pleasing result.
The plan is to render out various mountain peaks of Malachor in Max. Then put those together in Photoshop, where I'll add the clouds and atmosphere
to bind it all together. Anyway, here's a first peak at little chunk of Malachor. 

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Anyway, here's a first peak at little chunk of Malachor.

Glad to see some progress on this. Looking forward to more updates on this in the future!

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Looks good, Q!


Really looking forward to seeing more, as always. And I'm glad to hear the Nar Shaddaa mod is still in progress. It's such a cool idea. :)

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Thanks for the nice replies so far :D


Here's a tiny update on the saber pack I'm working on. Two of the hilts are done, lost time on correctiong the UVWmapping. I'm trying to give each hilt a nice, simple back story.

So now I've got the Lilly of Feluchia and the Rightious Hand of Mercy finished, zany name right? Thought it fits with the lightside Jedi thing :P


Now to start work on the last two hilts; I'll have to learn the TSL patcher thing, so there's no need to open the cheat console, I'll spread the hilts across the planets of the game.
It'll be just a randome backpack or corpse where you'll find them. Perhaps a small datapad with more 'story' content. Think that's always a nice addition.


A preview in gameshot! Dang, I always forget how tiny they look in the game :D



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Had some extra time today, so I was able to finish the third lightsaber hilt. The sceptre of Conthu :P
I was actually able to rush this one; seeing what went wrong with UVWmap on the previous hilts; I could fix this one in less then an hour.

Really enjoyed that feeling of easyeness ^_^


So a quick preview from within the game of said hilt, not very visible in these shots, but the 'bling' effect and my alpha channel works really

well on this hilt. Which made me even more happier :D



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So now I've got the Lilly of Feluchia and the Rightious Hand of Mercy finished, zany name right? Thought it fits with the lightside Jedi thing :P

Small things to point out.


It should probably be spelled "Righteous" instead of what's above.


If you're referring to the flower, it should be spelled "Lily" - with only two L's.


If you're referring to the planet, it should be spelled "Felucia"


Nice to see updates, Q!

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Doh! It's funny though, I spelled Felucia correctly in the uti file of the lightsaber ^_^

Thanks for those corrections ;)

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Are these (minus Darth Bandon) all TSL mods?.. And, could you edit your first post to have links to the Nar Shaddaa and Korriban mods at LF -- or where ever screens may be found, thanks ;).


Trying to find stuff via LF is a real pain, why I tend not to frequent the site.

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The Korriban mod is for K1, I find it fits better with the story that I have in mind, since the Sith are active on Korriban in K1. The Nar Shaddaa is for TSL.

For the smaller item mods, I'll see to it that they get released for both games. Though the hilts and the Darth Bandon reskin will first be released for K1.

It just goes a little easier to mod K1 in my experience than for TSL.



So I've got my hilts working in the game. And I've already setup the placeables where the hilts will be found. I've been peeking at the scripts, but I'm a bit at a loss where I should let my spawning scripts fire. And how I should use the TSL patcher to include my scripts without breaking everybody's game of the folks that will use my mod...


Any tips are welcome. :D

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Another tiny update. The lightsaber hilt pack is almost ready to ship out ^_^

I had to relearn on how to spawn objects into the game via dialogues.


I've picked most dialogues that start automatically, though the hilts won't appear in the inventory magically.

You'll have to look around the area a bit. 


Planets where one of the hilts can be found:






I'll add a small spoiler section to the read-me file - also for compatibility issues - on which NPCs dialogues were edited.

If all goes well, tonight ( my local time ;) ) or tomorrow the mod will be up for download.

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Okay, another tiny update for today. Scripting and testing has finished. Everything works, yahoo! Though to give it a real polished finish, I'll be using the TSL patcher. Perhaps for such a simple mod it's not really required. But it's just that much easier for you guys, the users :D

Plus I've got learn this stuff!


Anyway, here's a peek at those 4 saberhilts:


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Work continues on the helmet. It's in the game. UVWmap isn't screwed up this time. Fixed a minor 'missing' piece of the mesh.

But a last bug remains. The helmet is too dark. It shouldn't look like this in the game.


I know I've encountered this sort of bug before. Stupidly enough, I can't remember how I fixed it in the past >_>

My memory is a loss... Sigh...


Anyway, here's a preview of how things look in game:



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Thanks for those tips!

Indeed the values were below 1.0 for diffuse and ambient. Checking the ObjectProperties in Max also revealed that my wireframe was still bright blue.

Which was the old color of my mesh  when I started to model. I was certain the material settings was OK.


Oh well, 3Ds Max has a bad habbit of exporting out older settings applied to your models.

I got it fixed just a little while ago. I also reapplied my Alpha channel and TXI effect.


Looks nicely now in game:





@VP: I'll get you those lightsaber hilts for TSL. Do you just need the models? Or also an UTI file?

Let me know ;)

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Work continues on the Jedi helmet and armour set.

For the folks that don't how the armour looks, here's a pic of that. Mind these are renders from early on in the project.

More work has been done on the hands and sleeve area of the model.


I've joined forcer with Marius Fett to get this set in the game. Marius will do the honor of setting up the TSLpatcher and the 2DA files.

Instead of replacing an armour, this will work as a disguise. Just like the Sith armour and Tusken Raider thing from K1.


Though to make it work I had to melt my helmet model with a head model. Asian Nr 3, the bald one is exellent for this.

Had to some Hex editing and other dark magics to get it to work in game. No fear, that asian head isn't lost as an option for the player.


Hopefully I'll get an update from Marius soon ^_^


Plus, the helmet will still be a seperate headgear option aswell, so it isn't tied to only this Bandon armour. I like giving options to the

users of my mods.




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While Marius is working on my Jedi Armour pack, I started doing some serious work on the Malachor Skybox.

Here's what I got so far; mind this all very much WIP. It's a big thing 1024x4096 pix.



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