
Kotor Modding Podcast

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Due to a number of different factors (of which include TSLRCM's anniversary and zybl in a podcast by Eurogamer), we've been toying with the idea of doing a podcast for the community just for the fun of it and just to get some lesser known behind-the-scenes stories out there.


But mostly for the entertainment.


That said, we've never really done a podcast before, so I figure we would cover some general TSLRCM questions as well as some questions the community might have.


Except we don't know what questions the community might have. That's where you all come in!


Post a question related to The Sith Lords or TSLRCM that you might have for the developers and we'll do our best to answer them.

Keep in mind this isn't going to be a "tech help" or "compatibility" help sort of deal and try to at least phrase questions so that they don't end up being "yes" or "no" answers.


The better the better the questions, the better the pocast will be (I assume) and if all goes well, maybe we'll try out another one).

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what has your experience been like working on tslcrm, have you got any future plans and do you think the community will be around in the next 5 years?

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More questions for the podcast would be appreciated.


What was it like when you guys first started the project?


How did you find "cut" content?


Looking back on it all, what are your thoughts on the result?

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Have you ever wondered: "Why the hell I'm doing all this? Is it worth the effort?"

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More questions...


What did Darth Stoney think of the new version of M4-78? What were his thoughts on the later versions of TSLRCM?

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Would the possession of the official source, sdk, and development tools open up many new doors in restoring content?

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How did you manage to get a programmer from Obsidian (Adam Brennecke), to voice a character in M4-78EP?

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Well the podcast is recording right now. It has me, VP, and Zbyl2 involved. I had to bail early due to other engagements but it is currently still ongoing. After edits for time purposes and things covered more than once, I'm sure we'll see it posted relatively soon.

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Hey, no problem. I don't have many questions about it considering I beta tested it, but I've really been wondering about that one, haha.


And sweet. I can't wait to hear it. Maybe there could be more podcasts in the future with modders such as me or Fallen Guardian or whomever else and we could answer questions about our projects. Or maybe even a SOTE podcast with Har, Tyren, and I.

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Well, we pretty much left M4-78 questions to the side because we didn't have Hassat Hunter and Zhaboka with us so that's one subject there that'll be addressed. (Though I did get your question about Adam Brennecke in.)


I don't think we'll have a set schedule but I think there will be future versions on various topics. Keep in mind that this first one might be a little rough. (LOL)

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Well, we pretty much left M4-78 questions to the side because we didn't have Hassat Hunter and Zhaboka with us so that's one subject there that'll be addressed. (Though I did get your question about Adam Brennecke in.)


I don't think we'll have a set schedule but I think there will be future versions on various topics. Keep in mind that this first one might be a little rough. (LOL)

I can't wait! I just finished the other podcast.

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Don't expect anything near that level of quality. A lot of stuff was recorded - some things wildly off-topic - so trims will have to be made for a reasonable listening length.

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You weren't there in the final minutes of a podcast - you might find "wildly off-topic" to be quite an understatement.

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