
Mandalore the Preserver: the Overhaul.

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so guys I'm making another character overhaul, (and a skin for those who don't want the other stuff)

basically to make Mandalore look more like his predecessors, and giving him something to make him strategically worth while

to have in-party. (don't get me wrong, Mandalore is one of my favourite chars in tsl.)The mod started out for me as a way to explore 3d modeling and use some new-found photoshop techniques. the screens will give you a hint on how he will be more  interesting, the texture and model aren't final. but just to get you all excited...


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Mandalore looks a way more badass :D


However, I don't think those blades are necesarry. There will be too much clipping with the weapons.

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Lol, it might grow on you :) the reason I chose to have it was to increase the similarity between  the previous mandalores and this one, without adding too much to him, I guess I could always give him a cape but this felt more in line with Mandalore to me.

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I have a feeling it'll grow on me, too. Also foreshadows future Clone uniforms.

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I can't say I'm in love with the butt skirt.

I believe in the Star Wars universe at least, they identify this as a kama.

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You know, I like the design, but I have a few reservations about "jazzing up" Mandalore. My chief concern is that in most game dialog, people only sort of notice he's wearing a unique mask and nothing else out of the ordinary. In the game setting, if Mandalore was wearing anything as royally conspicuous as a full-fledged kama and full regalia, he would be singled out as either a warlord or royal entourage.

While personally I like the color scheme and how it perfectly matches his persona as the "Preserver", I just think his travelling attire would more likely reflect a mercenary sergeant or someone to that effect; if only to preserve the nature of how other Mandalorians approach him in his conversations with them. ...perhaps alternate options for his look?...

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Looking forward to it - I've known Canderous to wear a kama during the Wars when he was feeling particularly self-centred, so I think it suits him.

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working on HD-ing the base mandalore skin, head is almost done, a bit more tweaking i think 



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my skin does look like his, but mine, when it is done, will hopefully 99% completely replace the vanilla texture.

it seems like drewton was enhancing the base texture rather than recreating it.



new screen for today:





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I definitely like your retextures! Is there any chance you could make a tutorial on the technique you use to get that realistic metal effect?


Otherwise, it looks great!

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once I get the right set up, I hope to do a series of tutorials. basically I use the emboss and dodge/burn tool in Photoshop. the hardest part is knowing your way around Photoshop. of course having the model right in Photoshop makes it easy to experiment.

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